UlttXjfeRMD Pabltafcari nvery Thursday by 71w HtriW Publishing Company. Incorporated JOHN W. THOMAS, Editor and Mgr. Entered At the postoffica at AlH-an.-o, Nebraska, for transmission t hi uh the malls as second -class MM tar. Subscription. $1.60 per year vi oe. lu ad- The circulation of this nawspaper I guaranteed to.be the largest In wostern Nebraska. Advertising rates will be furnished on application. Sample copies free for the asking. AOVtllT.inJ i.Y 7. K aaa i jwwi jv n Ma CENTRAL OrFICCO :W YORK AND CHICA . BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITiffJ THURSDAY, JANUARY U, 1!U' That's a cold wind that came out of the northwest wince merry Christ mas, but Id's what might be expected at this time of far. It Is no uncommon thing for lo men to become frlgnteneel about this thue of year on account of pros pective shortage of the i e crop, biH wn haven't heard any of them express any euch fears yet this win- A RARE MUSICAL TREAT Nebraska Wesleyan Qlee Club De lighted Large Audience Last Friday Night at Alliance HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT In closing; hie address lo a fore noon audience of more than fifteen Hundred people at Cambridge, Nebr., one day last fall, W. J. Bryan aakl: "I shall never be president, but I would rather go lo my grave with the consciousness that I base done right, i hiii I have done nil in my power to give my country the bast UQSjsitill form of government than to be president." The press of the country recently announced that Reed Smoot, the Mormon senator from Utah, was pleased with the tariff board's re peat. He said: "I am pleaaed with the tariff board's report on Schedule i,., n K and hope that the findings of the board will be accepted by the Amer ican people." People who are famil iar with Senator Smoot 'a- record and know what he stands for will not think any better of the tariff board's report bemuse of the ondorawm n It receiver from tflie Mormon' sena iter. i Doctors Hershman and OtlBI en- j tertalned twelve of their friends at a dinner party Saturday evening. The dinner was served by Mrs, llrooinc at llit Hroome home. All ! present thoroughly enjoyed t'he oc casion The M. E. iJidies' Aid Society will be entertained at Mrs. R, M. Hamp ton's home next Wednesday after noon at 1!:30 o'clock. MmbaffS and .friends are cordially Invited to be present. Mrs. Flora Roberts Morrison, who has been head trimmer in the mill inery department at the Dojua store for several years, left Tuesday morning to Join her husband in Jmtte. Montana. Mrs. Geo. A. Wltte visited with her old friends, Mr. asd Mm. J. G. Ccnley of Scotl&bluff, from Tuesday of last week to the same day of this week. Mns. Coo ley has been very 111. which was the occasion of .Mrs. Wltte'B gclng to see her at thu- time. City clerk J. L). Kmerick has re ceived a letter from Otto Kahlfs, who with his tamUy left Alliance secant ly for Happv, Texas. The letter t-lls erf weather conditions there and i. .- some other inform it ion Will B we are sure will interest many Her- al.l readers. We will publish the letter in our next Issue The ladbes' Guild of the Kpiscopal church met with Mrs. William Mfc.h ell Wednesday afternoon The Knights Tejnplir of Alliance will attend evening preaching s-r vices in a body at the Methodic Kpitcopal church neitt Simdi.y The Denver train was on time last Friday which brought to us the Ne braska Wesleyan Glee Club. Not- itliftaiidhig the inclemency of the weather, there hitc many of our young people at the station to wel come these young men to our town and into our homes. Tliey were ush ered Into the east room of the sta tion where our young people awaited them. They were presented to Mrs. Warrick, who had charge of locating tliem and she in turn presented t,.ein to the young people who were to be their hosts and hostesses. They were Quickly conveyed to their home in automobiles, thanks to the our tes of Mr. McCorkle. Hccause of the interest in the in stitution which (they represent and became of the egtA in which the members of I he vl.e club arc hoi ! by friends f that Institution, a u niiiue entertainment was planned for them during ihetr .slay in this city. Instead i f sending them to the ho tels they were entertained in the hornet of the to. owing well known PS pie. M. and Mrs. I. L. Acheson, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Acheson, Rev. and Mrs. O. S Daker, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. E. T Kibble, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mallery, Mr and Mrs. J. C. McCorkle. Prof, and Mrs. W. R Pate, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Spencer, JMr. and Mrs I. E. Tash, Mr and Mrs. W. W. Norton, Mr and Mrs 8. K. Warrick. The Nebraska Wesleyan Glee Club delighted the large audience that assembled in the l'helan opera house that evening. A high class entertainment was expected, end those? who heard It were not disap pointed. As so many Herald readers St- ' ntortainment. it is hard- we hare heard of In a long time. Their daughter, Mlsa AnfSela, is at tending school at Sioux Falls. They had not expected to aee her durkng the holidays Just paet, but Mr. and Mrs Grunile provided a groat sur prise for them. Without Intimating to them their intentions they sent for Miss Angela, and when Rev. and Mrs. Ware arrived st Mullen whom should they meet but their daughter that they supjxmed to be several hundred miles distant. A GENERAL DEPOSITORY Another Feather In Cap of Post master Tash, Whose Ability Is Recognized by Department WELL DESERVED RECOGNITION TEE OTlLISlr PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUG-ALL TRANSIT COMPANY BO DIRELCTQ THE PROPERLY MANAGED COMPILATION MISSES NO OPPORTUNITIES ! Fc LLowDiRtc-.oas.Tru: Public mas akrancd TO MANO ANlCKtt. TOEVEUr EMPLOYEE oJf ROA(3 uF INO- VHE CtLtBWlON WKK. I HAVf. V l-UWI lOMtLT THIS fUBLk KJH If rHC v ( Right avis;iT- .- ly necessary for us to taly space here to give the program, or to comment tit kngth upon It. The ap preciation of the audience as the various numbers were rendered was shown by repeated encores. The Slagttlg by the club was fine, Mr. Greenslk's eornet ( .o was w ell re colvKl, "The Bottleiet s" by Messrs. Munter, Fulmer, New kirk, Tuttle, brought down the house, the reading by Mr. Scott was especially good, the whistling solo by Mr. Tuttle was as entertaining as It was rare, and the quartet, "Crossing the Bar ", by MscaatS. Humelhart, Johnson, Grs - i slit, Tuttle, is deserving of special msni ion. After this Interesting program the ,;!ei eluli Wan Invited by Mr. War rick to the Alliance Hotel, where That Postmaster L E. Tash does his part In helping to maintain AJU ance'a preatlge oe the leading city of northwestern Nebraska is shown by .lie recognition given him in con nection with the Postal Savings Hank. The Alliance Postal Savings Depository has been made & general depository for all of thte smaller de positories In nort h west Nebraska Port masters at Bridgeport, Crawford, Wtchell, Morrill and Harrison have bean litstruoted to make daily remit itaaees of their deposits to Postmas tei Tash, at this place, who will re deposit the money with the Alliance National Hank. This Is a recogni tion on the part of the officers of the postal savings system of Alii Mice's beting the important financial and business center of western Ne braska. The postal sowings system has now been in operation for one year in forty-eight offices, and for a shorter period in others. It is proving a suc cess. The deposits aggregate $11, 00,000.00 in the United States. .n eional and sta'.e bankers have found that these lnstitutlcna are not a menace to their business as they at first fei.nd, and are withdrawing their opposition to their operation. It has been f'lund that no deposits have been withdrawn from local banks, but that practieally all of the deposits made in the government de posltorleia li.ive been of money Ithat ha-' been hoarded and hidden by Its owners who have been afraid to trust It with commercial banks. The deposits at the Alliance de pository have been gradually imrns ing siiue Its establishment on May 1st, 1011, until they have reached the sum of $2,261. While this a mount Is not phenomenal, it is ex plained by the f ict that It baa beeu so long since Alliaiue had a bank failure that Boost people have forgot ten it ever had one, and by the con BdeEC all of the older residents have in the soundness of our local banks, which have always been safe ly and conservatively managed, prac tically by the same men now active- V ass r?xx I JilCKfLTiTl C TRicN00P3ACK.oDK.l i Yi ALL 1 lll THEY METTHE PUr I -- ' 1 S. O. A. SABBATH SCHOOL they found awaiting them the follow- , ly in chargo. They have; safely A COMING EVENT At a Ifrmilaghjf wrtw v tb hon e of her parents, Jff. acui Vl J. G. touch , Tuesday erasing b Miss lac btak to a nuxub r of her friends, auuouu(eaan tras made of her ootuing wed4Jqa jm t ' Keestr. formerly of IBClii but nou MMcretary of the Y M V. A. at Spokane. The Herald La ho fat failed to te nure tb date a! the com ing nappy eveut. ing young ladies: Miss, s Kibble, EllCS, Spaeht, Tash, Nolle ACneSOQ, .lUnk, Paiiiharul. ESdargrda, Bldradi Qraham, Hawkins, Ranawold, smith, BkraWabsnT, Spencer. Mable Wor- ley, Watdenhamer. Both boys ami girls were i;ien a card tied with the Wesleyan colors, yellow and bn i bearing their name and a pin with which 1: Uib.l themselves. A. being formally presented to imiIi other they chose by numbers their partners aiul proceeded In coupler to the dining rooun, where covers were laid for fifty. When the young peo ple were gerted It made a most gratifying picture, for It was oue of happy facets of great possibilities, vhicli wtus enjoyed b the young la dle" e-haperons and their husband-'. Mesdames and Maaars. Tsatk, Pat9, UcCorkle and Warri-.k. After par aktf.g of a t HDAtinS oyster feed they were entertained by plaiim M:li, at which they pri)grtsed ev- ry JVe mtBUtea until midnight. The boy mutated thiit the girls remem her it lh leaj) y.-ar and a. t accord !r.i"l. so the ycung ladies soon ap peared in their wraps, each an-noun;-"d to Mrs Warrick the yount; I Hentas whom she wished to take her heme, he at once came for ward and the started on tlu ir v. ay rejoicing, the bcya votlna the Alli ance girls to li the most royal en eitair.ers they have uat on their lour at tits state. eeathered every financial storm and panic, (i id as the uiterest they pay on deposits , is twice that paid by the- govei iK.iL dapositories, they are naturally MM generally patron ized. As evidence of this, the gov ernment nosltory at Billings, Mont, fehara was a recent bad bank failure, new has $12,000 en deposit. BETTER FIRE PROTECTION Chemical Epgine for Alliance Volun teer Fire Department Por some time pa-.' there has been a strong sentiment in favor of bnttST equipment for the Alliance Yedun te i Fire Department. The Herald is pleased to note t h it this sentiment s taking tangible form. At a spec bil met ;!ng e)f the city council Tues day enenina, oaUad for the purpOM of OOQSMeSlBf bids for a (hemical fire engine, bitie from seven firms were opened, the prices ranging from ISJIM ta $5.5i)(i. A commit tea, SjMISllI 'ill Of Coun cllnmn Snyder and Plie Chief Keel- er. .v is unpointed to investigate the relative merits of th various makes of fire sagitsea and report ai a fu I tare wasting win; :he believe to be tli" best for tlu- i r .-e aaked. A Sabbath school of the Seventh Day Ad vent 1st church has been re organized in Alliance with the fol lowing named officers and teachers: superintendent, Mrs. John Pilking- ton: secretary- reasurer, Miss May belle Pllkington; Bible class teacher. Prof. G. M. Burns; teacher Junior di vision. Miss Maybelle Pllkington; re view lessons conducted! by Mrs. G. M Burns. Iessons this quarter will be on the topics of the Adventist faith. Kev. Geo. A. Wltte, who 1ms been supplying for the First Baptist church of this place, has been called as permanent jwistor by the church. Kov. Wltte conies from Liberty, Mo., where he has been attending William Jewel College. Idaho Jonathon Apples, $2 00 a box. Alliance Grocery Co. Candy is Healthful If It's Good Quality WE SELL THE BEST Delicious Home Made Candies Also, best grade factory made goods Model Candy Kitchen Phone 750 406 Box Butte Ave. 4 Old papers at The Herald office Bj 5 cents per bunch. ONLY PARTLY TOLD Ijisi week The Herald had au item aliout a house party ;.t the ivsiden e il Mr and Mrs. Grunig at Mullen, the banker and his which was atUudtd by a Jolly party of Alii aueeiues, but not nav;tm inn inform aiicn in regerd to the affair we faileel to mention the moat Interest ing part of U. The hel and host f, who are particular friend at Ke. and lira. Ware, planned an un usual surprise for them which va one of the most pleasant surpris-s Through the courtesy of the C. B. Jl- Q. offi i. i of tM n'aaS, The Her ald lias copy of rcjo;s frOBI a gepts northwest cf here iu regard to conditions of s'.o.k, showinn the eendition to bt iUical at Neweastle, Upton, Moorcroft. Worland ajul rilu-i jdan. Fee-d is .short and weather c:.'iditieu bad. We r.-grel tlial this reoil was not renelveel l us until today, hence It is impossible to publish 't in full In this Issue Fresh Ranch Eggs, 35c a dozen. Alliance Grocery Co. The ie-il cf weather e have b-en having the last three weeks put in water nagon owl of -ouiuiisaion Removal Sale We are going to occupy the Adler building about the 1st ot February. Before moving into our new store we are going to Sacrifice Our $5,000 Stock BELOW COST PRICE Sale now on; come and see for yourself; we will save you money R SIMMONS 4