The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 28, 1911, Image 2

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Enthusiastic Reception Given Candi
dacy of Richard L. Metcalfe by
Democratic, Populist and Republi
can Press of the 8tafe.
would ay. wiy a democrat at
Thp Hornld makes tk rule, with
very fpw ox'. ppUans, w hero there
nn- a number of cnndldnlen for the
nomination for any office, to not
five one candidate the preference ov
or the other before the primaries
In fact, we make thta a ruk with no
exceptions union there are very
fipecial and mrong miaons for de
clarinK our preference for one of
the candidates for nomination.
In the came of 4ie candidates for
the democratic nomination for gov
ernor at the primaries to be held
next year, there are very special and
wrong reaeone why Richard L, Met
calfe should be the nominee. We
amy this without casting the flllghtest
reflection on the Integrity or ability
of any of the other candidates for
the nomination. Next year is the
year that Metcalfe ought to he ad the
democratic state ticket. We are bo
thoroughly em v hi red of thta fact and
so strongly of the opinion, that, with
out waiting for the primaries to
give him the nomination, whl h we
believe he wHl receive by a large
plurality vote, and probably by a
large majority over all other candi
dates, we wish to begin a campaign
lor his election. It i evident, from
the reception given his candidacy by
democratic, republican and Independ
ent nowtepapers, that If he receives
the nomination he i alonwt sure of
Following are a few extract from
Nebraska papers published since Mr.
Metcalfe's candidacy was announced.
We hope that every Nebraska read
er of The Herald will read these
( R i ) Metnlfe will tiiwloub' m1v
have a large nnd enthusin -titc f dlow
Ing and if he should he stiecennful
the lemocrM party would not nod
to he aahamed of IU standard hear
er. He is clean, proKrePHive and
couragcou. with convictions that
make him a natural leader.
Mr. Met -aire Is one of the bin demo
cirals in Nebraska, ;ind oi.; of the
cleanest and nhl"; tti'n In the slate.
NM only Is Mr. Metcalfe a true blue
detnotrat, but lie combines thos?
principles which would make of him
a most able and conscientious e 'u
tlve, and of v. bom the state could
well feel proud We believe. If Mr.
Minfi" is nominated, lie could be
elected by a good strong majority.
(Rep.) In the opinion of the writer
there Is no belter man in Nebraska
than Metcalfe, nor one more capa
ble, no matter to what position he
may aspire. If the democrats nomi
nate him they will do well do them
selves honor. He is straight, hon
est, honorable and capable. The
writer speaks from a personal ac
quaintance dating back to 1888. Per
sonally the writer would much have
preferred to see "Met" aspiring a
gain to senatorial honors. Rut it he
should get the democratic nomination
and be elected Nebraska would al
ways be proud of the admin latrti! irn
he would give.
ENT (Dem.) If you can name a
stronger man for the office of gov
ernor than the Hon. Richard L. Met
calfe trot him out. You can't do It.
Mr. Metcalfe is an excellent gentle
man and would undoubtedly make
the best governor Nebraska ever
(Dem.) We have earnestly desired
to see Dick Metcalfe chosen for
senator, but maybe it would be a
good plan to elect him governor-
Mr. Metcalfe is a man with a nation-
I WILL SEE that lamps and lamp
burners are kept clean, and that
lamps are filled by daylight only
I WILL SEE thRl kerosene oil is
kept in a clcscd metal can In a
safe place.
I WILL NOT permit gasoline to In
kept In the house
I WILL NOT permit gasoline to be
kept in .mythlng but an airtight
metal can. painted red.
I WILL NOT allow anyone to fill a
gasoline etove while it is lighted,
or by artificial light.
I WILL NOT allow anyone to wash
clothe or other articles In gasc
line In a house. If they are wash
ed out of doors, I will ot permit
them In the house until the gaso
line has entirely evaporated.
I WILL HAVE the chimneys, stove
pipes and stoves inspected at least
twice a year. I will never permit
a stove to be set up without a
metal protection underneath.
I WILL SEE that all ashes are plac
ed in a tightly closed metal re
ceptacle. I WILL NOT permit cotton or other
flimsy decorations to be used on
or around Christmas trees.
I WILL NOT celebrate the Fourth of
July by endangering life or property.
'Plie principal objection o Metcal
that he Is not "practical," whli h is reputation as a writer and think
to eay that he cannot lx counted tn er; buck ths stream; strikes
to deal for his own or the SOCCASH ouf without having his opinions O.
of the ticket. We still have faith K l D' onietody hardly half as ln
taough in Nebraska to believe that telllgent as himself; a warm, sin
this is the wrong tip and that Mr. (,?re Wend of organized labor nnd
Metcalfe could be elected by a aub ,he n w"h the shovel, filed for
HtaafBAl majority -over most any re governor cf Nebraska in the d mo
publican of the strong partisan type. rratlc primaries. Bo far he is the
MINDEN COURIER (Dem.) Met- bes1 known man in Omaha m the
mlfe for governor. That sounds f'eld. He had a nice bunch of boost
good! It la a mighty small offering, ers P"88 resolutions In Omaha asking
but he has the influence of this of- him n,n- ,f they are on the
flee without asking. square Douglas county will go to
OAKLAND INDEPENDENT (Rep ) Metcalfe in the primary.
Mr. Metcalfe enters the race at tlx STROMSBURG HEADLIGHT
instance of a number of Douglas (Own.) There Is a strong movement
county democrats who are looking ,n Omaha to place one of the broad
ror a strong, clean man or progress- and bravest democrats In the
ive Ideas. The best element in the tatf of Nebraska in oflfec. Mr.
party can easily support Richard L.
Metcalfe's Idea of office is one of
work, of service to the whole people
NEBRASKA NEWS ( Ind.) A re- instead of to special interests, and
publican in speaking of the matter, 1 he cares not tor what may be in the
said: "If ther? Is a demo-rat In Ne wav rh Public weal. Doing good
braska who can defeat Aldrlch it Is 18 hLl religion and he practices his
Metcalfe." And then added that in fai,h ,h enthusiasm of a cru-
,case of his nomii "itioii lie would not sauei. is a praitical states
I need the assistance of every
citizen of this state to save life and
property. Will you assist me? You
can do so by placing these pledgee
Jn a conspicuous place and observing
them C. A. RANDALL,
Chief Deputy Fire Commissioner.
:are much who was elected.
"overnor of Nebraska R. L. Met"
calfe would be the right man In the
right place.
c) aner, brighter or nnre progress
ive democrat ever buivd his breast
in t'.ie cause of democratic principles
than he. No democrat ever fought
a cleaner, above-borad fight than has
Metcalfe ft.ugli! for twenty oim$ la
Nebraska. He Is a man whose heart
is always with the peop!?, and his
conscience la his tnly maser. His
knowledge of ttate conditions, needs
and requirements have b?en gained
by a acore of years of clOattQt scruti
ny and clwerva ion .
Tribune would be pleased to see the
democrats of Nebraska get together
and hand the gubernatoi .il ik iuiuh
Urn to Rlcharl L. Metcalfe on a
silver plate, because such an a--tuii
would force the republicans to put
up one of their cleanest and stroas
est men.
ALBION ARGUS ( Dem. -This re
quest for Metcalfe oomlnj Irani f
maha means that there is a dt lira to
bury the paet different and un'...
the reform forces of democracy and
populism and progressive republi
cans unier one banner. Htisten the
day that this is done.
AURORA SUN (Dem I With Met
calfe as the nominee for governor the
democratic party will be In good
fighting form for the battle of 1912.
make an officer of whom all Nebras
ka would (eel rroud.
Thcf.' Douglas count) democrat
have conceived pretty gojd idea
wherj they asked Dick Metralfe to
run for governor uexi apr! ig TfcaN
isn't a better man among th ? d -dj
crats of the state than the Uncoln
man. and if we must have a demo
cratic governor, we know of no bet
ter map than Metcalfe. But, aa Blx-
man and appreciates the fact that
B01 -eminent cannct and should not go
in advance of the people.
The Alliance W. C. T. U. met
Mrs. l-aing, Dec. 11, and an interejt
Ing meeting was held. The new
president. Mrs. Zehrung, took charge.
opening the session with the regular
devotional exercises of songs, scrip
ture reading and prayer.
Special work was discussed con
cerning Departments of Scientific
Temperance Instruction and Sunday
'School Temperance Rallies. The
yearly calendar for 1012 was repori
ed by the Executive Committee and
adopted with alight changes. It was
nnmunecd that Mrs. Strong had
been mude a Life M amber of the
sta a W C. T. U. with the balance
cf luiuN sent to ths state treasurer.
Flower Mitlon work was discussed.
after which Mrs. Idling rendered an
Instrumental piece, "The Battle." A
couple cf selections were read and
;he hostets served dainty refresh
ments, after whl?h the meeting adjourned.
Pledges for the Protection of the
Hca C. A. Randall, chief deputy
fire commissioner cf Nebraska, hub
issued cards to be huug up in con
sp ious places and urges th? people
of !he aiate to observe them These
rules are in form of pledges and ara
s follows:
I Vll.l. NOT permit rubbish, greasy
ras, paper, and useless waste to
ac unulaAe In or around buildings.
I WU.l. SEE that matches are kept
in inetal and out of the
reach uf children.
I WILL NOT permit children under
ten year of age to use matches.
Reported by F. E. Reddish,
Bonded Abstracter
Alliance, Nebr.
Lovia F. Hoist to Ida F. Sweeney:
Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in Block
40, of Duncans Second Add. to
Duncans North Side Residence
Tracts, $1.00
Perry S. Maley to Charlotte Maley:
An undivided Interest in NW
of Section 26. Townhsip 24, Ranpce
50, $1.00
United States to Magdalen a Dufek:
E xt Section 12, Township 27,
Range 53. and NE V4 Section 7,
in Township 27, Range 52, $1.00
Samuel A. Foster to S. A. Foster
Lumber Co.: Lots 5, 6, 13, 14 and
16, in Block 20, Alliance, Nebr,
W Frost to Lewis Peterson:
NEVi Sec. 6, Twp. 15, Range 49.
Mollie S Waddell nnd Omar Scrib
ner to the Farmers' Co-Operative
Ass'n: Lot 21, Block 20, Heming
ford, Nebr., $125
Clarence E. Marks to Annie E. Grif
fiths: NE V4 Sec. 5, Twp. 26,
Rang. 49, $2400
George D. Ieach to Edith L. Dar
dorf: SE Vi Sec. 1, Twp. 28,
Range 48. $100
United :'t ites to William Watterman:
Lota I and 2 and MM NE 14 Sec.
1, and Lots 1 and 2 of Se: 2. in
Twp. 2S, Range 47. Patent.
Bernhardt Tegel, et. al, to Charles
Bauer: NE V4 Sec 11, Twp. 25.
Range 47, $3,000
A. Carpenter to Allen S. Calkins:
lxt 6. in Block 8. First Add. to
Alliance, $1.00
CalviQ .1 Wilc'y 'o Central Lumber
Co.: TWO feet on the north side
of Lc : 15, Block 11, Hemingford.
V- br.. $40
T. J. O'Kcafn to John O Keere:
N Vj NE M, N Vt NW of Sec.
3. Twp. 24. Range 50; N 14, SB
and N H of SE of Sec. 1, In
Twp. 25. Range 50, $1.0u
Charles Sampson to Lillle Bullock:
SE 4 Sec. 18. Twp. 28, Range 49,
County Treasurer to F. E. Reddish:
Lots 8 and 9, Blo.k I, Simonsons
Add. to Alliance.
Allen Barker to Harold R. Olds.
I. (.is 14 and 15. Block 21, Heming
fcrd, Nebr.. $1500.
Phillip Pullman to Edwin G. Kirk:
lots 5 and 6, Block 4. County Add.
to Alliance, $1.00
Geo. E. Youhktn to William W. Nor
ton: Lets 3. 4. 6, Block 28. Alli
ance, " $19000
Nebraska Implement and Seed Co. to
Robertson Furniture Co.: NE
Sec. 1. Twp. 28. Range 48, $1 00
George W. Zoble to George W.
Rathburn: Let II. Block 4. South
Alliance, $t50
Henry T. Csrey j J. A. Hunter:
Lot 2, Blcck . Wy mlng Add. to
Alliance, $2000
Charles I. Guy to . ti.- Garfield Ex
change Bark: SW k Sec. 32. Twp.
26, Range 49, $1.00
Oscar O'Bannon to Archie J. Cole:
l ot 6, Block 3, Wyoming Add. to
Alliance, W
The most up-to-date
$100 Reward, $100.
Thf readrn t Iba paprr vriH br i4i-itid tu irnnf
hu bartt M- tu ctirr In alt IU Mmi-h. uid thai u
t.-rh. Hall's c trrh ( ur- U llv mily i.Niur
care now kDnwit to the tut-vllrut frMtrntll'. Cilurth
Uid, a KantKutloual ilurj. require a cotMiitu-
ilidial ir-i in-ut. Mall s I .urrli ( ure I laam m-
Irmallv. srtlna 'in-tl upi tur Mutxi and tuut-cua
aunaraa Of tar ayatrm. i ui aiin.) u.g ii
r ,u ,il it uf f dUi-aM j " liiMiin tin aaUaaS
stri-us! It by bu.l Ima wt tlx- cuuntauiloii and aaa
tag oaluK In dulnc Ha work. The proprte-tora bava
. niurb lalth Ui IU ruratlvr poam th.ii tlu-y . n. r
Our Hundred l.4lr lor any raae that It lalla to
cure Send lor lit tatimiMLiaia
Addreaa i J. CHENKV CX . Toleao. O.
- (! bv aH OrucalMa. " V
laaa Uail a r'auul) fllta lot ronstlpsiUaav
We have 'em, New Stock,
the latest in
"American" Electric Irons the Beauty Brand
as a present is highly appreciated
"American" Upright Electric Toaster
You can't imagine how handy until tried
"American" Electric Warming Pad
A Hot Water Bottle that is not a Bottle
Electric Percolators
Handiest thing ever invented for a hasty cup of deliciously made coffee
Electric Chafing Dishes
Elegant, stylish, handy, a model Xmas present
Electric Heaters
No smell of burning oil, no danger
Electric Toys, Flash Lights, etc, etc
Fine Line of Electric Lights, Fixtures and Shades
Best Quality Goods
Prices Right
Schafer Electric
315 Box Butte Ave.
Phone 682
The Car you ought have
at the price you ought to pay
Takes the lead in
Simplicity of
ft lt Case of Operation
and Economy
"Repair men never build houses on money
made out of Mitchell Cars." Repair Man.
We have the agency for this popular machine; and
also for the celebrated low-priced Brush Runabout,
popularly known as 44 Everyman's Car"
A. P. LEE, Mgr.