The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 28, 1911, Image 1

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    Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
The Alliance Herald
Gives all the news
of Box Butte County
and City of Alliance
This year is rapidly drawing to a close
In what shape is it leaving yon?
Have you money in the Bank?
Can you pick up any snap which
happens to come your way?
YOU NEED an account with
The First National
h.t- . -1- -T- -- -1. -T-
office in Alliance National Bank Blk f
Over Fostomce.
'Phoue 391,
All Electrical Equipment
Evenings by Appointment
Office Upstairs, First National Bank
Phone. Office 362
Phone, Residence 16
q&B Corsets
Services next Sunday: Sunday
School at 10:00 A. M. Preaching at
11:00 A. M. Young People's ser
vice 6:30 at evening. Preaching at
7:30. A. L. GODFREY, Pastor.
New office
First National Bank Building
Best Grade White Satin, and all
kinds of American and Greek grocer
ies. Imported Oriental products. A
specialty of oliveoil. Olives, figs
and all kinds of American and Greek
Men's clothing hats, gloves, wants
and shoes. t
Come in. A special pri e for ev
erything. TOM STALOS
We deliver any place in the city.
The Nebraska Farmers' Congress,
the Farmers' Co-Operative Live
Stock and Grain Shipping Associa
tion, and the Rural Life Commission
will hold a Joint session in Omaha
on Jan. 10 to 13. While the meet
ing is a delegate one, the presidents
of the three associations have an
nounced that all fanners in Uie
state are urged to be present ami
participate in the proceedings. They
will be entitled to vote on all mat
ters. A program of the convention may
be obtained by addressing K. V. Par
nsh care Omaha t'ommercial Club.
Services 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays
of each month at 11:00 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. First Sunday In each
month at 11:00 a. m. Sunday School
every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Junior
Auxiliary, Chapter A, meets every
Tuesday at 7:S0 p. m. Junior Auxil
iary, Chapter B, meets at 2:30 every
Sunday afternoon.
GEO. G. WARE, Missionary.
Drake Building, 519 Sweetwater Ave.
Services every Sunday morning, at
Sunday School every Sunday morn
ing at 9:30.
Everybody is cordially invited.
Parochial German-English Lutheran
school every day except Saturday an
Sunday, from I a. m. to 4 p. m.
523 Cheyenne Ave., phone 359.
10 a. m., Sunday School.
11 a. m., Public Worship.
6:30 p. m., Christian Endeavor.
7:30 p. m., Public Worship.
Mid-week Service, Thursday, 7:30
p. m.
The sermon topic Sunday morniiiK
will be "Universal Brotherhood", and
at the evening service, "A New
Year resolution."
Christian Endeavor topic, "Better
Next Year."
All are invited.
J. B. BROWN, Pastor.
Malls close at the Alliance post
office as follows. Mountain time:
East Bound
11:20 a.m. for train No. 44.
11. nu p.m. for train No. 42.
West Bound
12:30 p.m. for train No. 43.
11:00 p.m. for train No. 41.
South Bound
U:tf P-m. for train No. 303.
11:00 p.m. for train No. 301.
On Sundays and holidays all night
mails close at 6:00 p.m. instead of
11:00 pni. IRA E. TA8H. P. M.
Dr. Boland, phone 65.
The following item by one who
Was there was handed The Herald
a little too late for last week's is
sue: "Sunday, the 17th of Decem
ber, was a very warm and beautiful
day. There was a happy crowd of
twenty or more persons gathered at
Mrs. Daisy Kauffold's farm aboue e
levtn miles northwest of town. Mr.
Kuuffold happened to be at the ranch
on this day bat Mrs. Kauffold prov
ed herself equal ta entertaining the
crowd. The day was given over to
Jollity, every one enjoying hlniwelf
hugtl, end no one more htan Mrs.
Kauffold. It has never been my
pleasure to eat ut a table more boun
tifully supplied htan that .- it by .Mrs.
Kauffold. Any one wanting a good
time, visit the Kauffold's at their
large new home, where you will bt
' hapily rex- vied and entertaJnod. The
j following are the guests that were
, present: Mr. and Mrs. Burkholdcr.
; Miss Penrie-h. Mr. Phillip and
'friend from town, Joa. Merrick, Mr.
Woods, a sister of Mrs. Rurkbolder,
from Omaha, Mr. and Mrs KohrUo k
and three daughters."
nr7 f
II. iii combings made Into beautiful
witches, $1.6). M: 11 order.. psXpw
ly filled. NEW YORK HAT SHOP.
Miss Anna Nerud went to Mlna
tnre Monday to spend the holiday
vacation with her parents.
A. T. Limn of Alliance was trans
acting business in this city Monday.
Crawford Tribune, Dec. It,
Marry Zarnowski. the genial fruit
man, has Just returned from a Christ
mas trip to his home in Denver.
J. M. Evans, the plasterer, return
ed last Thursday from Hemingford,
where he had been doing some work.
Loe Sturgeon sniped his supply of
oil to Hemingford las Thursday In
stead of driving the oil wagon, on
account of the snow storm.
A very pretty and useful holiday
souvenir given out by E. W. Ray,
the plumber, is a non-corroding tooth
brush holder for four brushes.
L. Lowry of Alliance KBtOtid ever
to Kuahvllle in a neat looking runa
bout Ford oar Monday, and stayed
over n mln in the city. Roshvllle
Standard, Dec. 22.
L. A. Baschky has been given the
position of fireman on Crawford hill.
He will remove his family to Craw
ford the first of next week.
Verne Reeves returned to his
home at Hot Springs laist Friday
night, having been called to Alliance
by the serious illness of his mother.
Norman McCorkle expects to leave
for Omaha the last of the week to
begin a business course at Royles
College at the opening of the new
year -
J. M. 1 limes assisted E. W. Ray in
the plumbing work on the Keith
Pierce residence at Hemingford, re
turning to Alliance on Thursday of
last week.
J. C. Birdsell and family left this
morning for the east and will spend
the holidays at Omaha, Chicago and
other eastern points. Edge.mont En
terprise, Dec. 22.
Mrs. Laura B. Hule of Sioux City,
la., arrived last Friday morning for
a visit of two or three weeks wth
her son, Melvnii, and wife. Mrs.
Hale is one of the W. C. T. U. state
organizers in Iowa.
Mrs. Frank Dunning returned to
her home at Hysham, Montana, last
Sunday. Mr. Dunning could not
leave business affairs at home at
present, so she returned to spend
Christmas with him.
A. H. Mclaughlin of Marslund and
brother and daughter from Wyoming
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tash las
Friday. They were en route to Des
Moines, la., to visit relatives during
S. M. Donovan returned last Friday
from Chadron, where he Is running
a restaurant. He will divide his
i in:,' belwetn Alliani e and C hud .on
until he disposes of his interests in
one of the two places.
The rush of Christmas shopping
being over, a number of The Her
ald's advertisers have dropped out
of the paper for this week but th-ise
tint we have are of special Interest
and dejerve to be read.
Miss Hernice Krittlebaugh was
laid off from duty at Holsten'o drug
stare the fore part of lust week on
account of illness but recovered In
tliiij to i'-.-!st in waiting cn custom
urs in the windup of the holiday
ruh of shoptng.
tine of the prettiest calendars that
we have seen for the coming ywir Is
"Swift's Premium Calendar." Deal
ers in Swift ft Company's goods will
tell you haw to get one of these
free of charge.
T. .1. Beal u n Saturday noon to
spend Christmas with Mrs BaJ at
HM home of her parent in York.
She left Alliance for York the pre
ceding Sunday. They will be gone
until after New Year. From York
they will go to Red Cloud and visit
with Mr. Hen Is parents. Before re
larnlng to Alliance Tom will make a
trip farther east, going to Chicago
and other points.
I It
Misses Glen Mounts and Eva Dun
can, and Mr. Ora Phillips were throe
of the thirty-eight guests present at
a Christmas dinner at the Ben Price
home in Hemingford, the young la
dies remaining to visit friends in
that city until Wednesday.
The lunch counter and restaurant
at 109 Box Butte avenue, formerly
known as "Sunny Jim's place, has
again changed hands. Mr. Cook, wh
bought it a few weeks ago, has sold
to D. P. and G. C. HowelL who own
a ranch four miles northwest of
Bingham. Howell Bros, took posses
sion last Thursday and start out
with a nice patron. -me
Harper's Toggery la one of the
first mercantile establishments of
the city in the field this season with
a big clearance sale, as will be seen
,by their ad in tills issue of The Her
ald. Mr. Harper has had a fine
trade since opening up his establish
ment opposite the post office, and
is pursuing the proper course to
(hold and Increase it.
E. W. Ray returned last Thunsdny
from Hemingford, where he had
been doing the plumbing in Keith" L.
Pierce's new 12-room house and in
stalling a hot water heating plant
Mr. Pierce's new house Is one of
the finest residences in this part cf
the state and will be a model of 7 on
.V Frohnapfel i nursing a sore
In his heart over the death of
a pet coon, whlcih he has had for
some time. The coon got out of its
cage and strayed to the fields and
was killed by one of the neighbors
who thought it was a badger. The
animal was quite a pet and wMI be
missed very much around the Froh
napfel home. Hemingford Journal.
Earl Simmons, who has been hold
ing a chair in C. . S 'pinions' bnrber
shop, left hurt Saturday night for
Council lilnflls, wh mc he will visit
with n brother . ,i a sister, and
from there go to his home at Stand
berry, Mo. Joe Moore has accepted
the position made vacant In the Sim
mons' barber shop by Earl's depart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kittleinun
and Mrs. Kittleman's son, Paul Gah
ler, came over from Scottsblurf last
Friday to remain over Christmas.
Mr. Kittleman has bought a section
of land ten miles northeast of Mitch
ell and thinks of moving on to it
Mrs. D. S. Cromwell of KftJkCi
City is visiting her daughter. Mrs
Claude Vnughan. Mrs. Vaughan'.
father, Mr. Cromwell, will arrive the
latter part of the week to spend
New Year.
Murla Holdridge returned l;,ot I in
day from Kansas City to spead hol
idays wiht his mohter. Mrs. 8. J.
Holdridge. and to visit friends in
Alliance. He will remain here a
few weeks until his mother has clos
ed up some business she. now has on
i hand when they will both return to
Kansas City, Murle to resume his
busbies college course, in which he
Is gteting along nicely, and Mr
Holdridge to keep house for him.
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Johnson, ol
' Pueblo, Colorado, will arrive in Alli
I a nee tomorrow on 41 for a few days
j visit with Mr. Johnson's brother.
i Mark and W. W. Mr. Johnson, or
4'earl as he is commonly called, was
formerly a railroad boy out of Alli
ance, and has many friends who will
be glad to great him again during
his few days' stay In the city.
The fact that Alliance Is the home
of hustlers has again beeu evid.-iu-id
recently by oue of our townsmen, G.
J. Rousseuu. who obtained over L'tiu
bubscriptloue to Curtis publications.
The Ladic Home Journal and The
jBaturduy Evening Post, by personal
solicitation sine tbe first of this
j month, which entitles htm to h
I handsome cash bonus from that com
pany. In view of hit- limited t
tory and the fad thai he hits b
nble to devote only oight full wnv"
Ing days to this work, we considi
that, he has done remarkably well.
There will be a Christmas s ij
given at Ifo Presbyterian ch h
this evenli k After the dinner i r,
will be a si,', Mean lecture, show
ing views of Pah 'tine. All are cor
dially Invited to com?.
The ljadles' Aid Ktviety of the
First Presbyterian church will meet
with Mns. W. D. Butler. We;' ieaday
afternoon, January 3rd. Each lady La
requested to bring work which will
be donated to the spring sale.
Did the hair you are wearing grow
on the head of a sickly "Chink"?
Real American hair, grown In Box
Butte county, made Into switches at
the New York Hat Shop.
W. P. and G. M. Peterson, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Peterson, who
reside in Garden county, twenty-two
miles southeast of Alliance, take the
train today at this place for Mount
Pleasant, Iowa, where they go to at
tend the Iowa State UnlvemKy. They
have been at lending school at that
place and graduate this year. Be
fore leaving Alliance today they
dropped in at The Herald office and
ordered the paper sent t othem to
keep them posted on occurranoes in
northwestern Nebraska.
Happy Hearts and Lives Unite in
Closing Month of Year
At 7:30 o'clock Inst evening Rev.
O. S. Baker, pastor of the First M.
E. churoh, pronounced the words that
united in the holy bonds of wedlock
two of Alliance's most popular young
people, Mr. J. ('. Berry and Miss
Mae 8hrewsberry,. The wedding
took plaev at the home of the bride's
parents at 508 Ing Horn avenue. The
wedding was a quiet affair, only a
few friends of the contracting parties
being present.
J. C. Berry, manager of the Co
operative store, and his bride, who
has for some time past been sales
lady at Mollring's dry goods store,
are too well known to need an In
troduction to the Alliance readers,
that they are both highly est seined
and popular goes without saying
they took the train last night for
Kansao City and other points, ex
pecting to be gone a couple of weeks
They have the congratulations and
all the good wishes The Herald can
think of for their future haplness
and prosperity.
Now that Christmas is past you
still want the very best of candies.
We have them. Heme made can
dies, delicious, healthful, and the
price is teasonable. We also carry
the best grade of factory candies
which sell at prices lower than Is
usually charged for the same grade
of goods. H-H1
We are compelled, by elrcumstano.
es which we need not explain, to
leave out some very Interesting new.s
Items this week, including a write-up
of the Chi. :mas entertainments and
several weddln l,
1 wish to express my thanks to
the doctors and Sisters who so k'nd
ly cared for me while In the St
Joseph Hospital.
Souvenir hunters and patriotic or
ganlzuttona have hecu pouring ro
quests Into the iiavy department :oi
relics from the ill fated hatth shi
Maine. As the departnu nt has no au
thotitv tor d!soslng of any part ol
the vessel, of course nil requests have
leen turmd down
In trying to All a lighted oil lami
Mrs. Jennie Calcno caused an explo
hIou. whic h s I her dress on lire, at
he - home In BtooKlyn. Her six year-old
son. Philip, trh-d lo L-eat out the nsin i
with his baby hands, but his clothing
uiso took flic and mother ami child
were fatally huiT' d.
Policeman Ch tries K. Hcwstou was
-hoi and seriously wounded at Port
'und, Ore., in a revolver battle with i
highway mn. The bandit, who gavt
nls name us the "Tacoma Kid," and
contested to robberies in that city,
as found lying fatally wounded ucai
the scene of the shooting.
Leaves Alliance After Years of
Splendid Work
With deep regret tho many friends
of Mother Agatha will learn ot her
departure from All'vicr for the east occurred last night. For a-
bout four years she was Mother Su
perior of St Akhch Academy, where
she Md excellent work. The growth
and success of that Institution waa
due very largely to her efforts. Hav
ing done so much to place St. Aftnes
Academy on a successful basis her
uperior qualifications were recognis
ed and her services being needed at
St. Joseph's Hospital she wtas trans
ferred 'of that Institution about the
first of last October, where she
served as Mother Superior until re
ceiving notice yesterday of her trans
fer to another position in the east.
Mother Agatha has literally a host
of friends in Alliance and northwest
ern Nenraska who will greatly re
gret to see her leave this city. She
was an earnest worker and possess
es executive ability which, coupled
with her hard work, has given her
a wonderful degree of success. She
will be greatly missed, especially by
those in connection with the 8t. Ag
nes Academy and St.- Joseph Hospital.
The following named Alliance
young people who are attending tue
Statu University are horn for the
holiday vacation: Hazel Bowman,
Pay Hubbell, Bruce Mallery, Pearly
Bench, Roy Spacht, James Hewett,
1-a a Ross, lee Basye and Frances
Inst. week Harve West bought
George Younkln's half interest in
the Crystal Theatre and the lease on
the rooming house, and afterwards
sold the same to Oscar Braman. The
theatre and rooming house are now
run under the name of West ft Bra
man. Both of these gentlemen are
well known In and around Alliance.
With the Improvements that they
are n w making as w ill be seen by
their advertisement they will, no
doubt. Iiave a good patronage. Carl
Hockey, who has a reputation in Al
liance as an expert electrician, will
.ntlnue as operator at the Crystal.
There will be an oyster supper at
the Falrvlew church New Year's
night. A programme will be render
ed and an enjoyable time Is antici
pated. An admission of 25 cents will
be charged, the proceeds to be used
for the support of the churjaj;rrk.
o o
o We have seen a lot of people o
o In this grand old world at ours o
o Who imagine that their graves o
o will be completely swamped with o
o flowers; o
o They're a set who think that o
0 they would fill the presidential o
o chair o
o In a manner that would make o
o our ninety million sit and stare; o
o They would can all otfkv lold- o
o cm and appoint new ones In- o
o stead. o
o And would siv that all -fpub- o
o Means and demo ruts were fed; o
o They would make a constitu- o
o tlcn that would pleise the hearts o
o of all o
o From the man wfio'e short and o
o stubby to the one who's lank und o
o tall; o
o They would see that Philadel- o
phi a never won the rag again; o
o They would let the women o
o have a right to vote Just like o
o the men. o
o They would hunt the dynamiter c
o and they'd chase him to his lair; o
o Oh. they surely would do won- o
o deis in the presidential chair! o
!o But whenever they are asked o
o to pay a little grocery bill, o
o They will moan and rave and
o tear their hair and say that o
o they've been ill. o
o Now, whene'er you meet a o
o person who s bestowed w ith o
o naught but gab o
o You had better catch the com- o
o ing car or call a taxlcab; o
O For if once they ever catch o
o you, you will find them hard to o
o shake, o
O And you should shun them as o
o you would a copperhead or rat- o
o tlesnake. o