MMMMMMM U. N. Hosklns returned last Saturday mornins;. Mr. HosklnB' tejlrlirt are slowly improving. If We to walk he will return to Alii Moe about January tat. Mrs. Short, wife of BraJienian goon, ha gone to Hebron, Nebr, to spend Christmas with home folks. Mr. Shoop, who has been firing here, haa gone to Hastings. Messrs. Horn and Jenson, who were firemen here during the rush, Jkftv resigned and gone to Chadron. Fireman Ross went to Crawford Monday to be gone until after Christ - IM B. F. Streeter and W. M. Unruh, who until business fell off were era aloyel as brakemen, had planned to tart to Denver at midnight last Friday. To pass the evening they went to a dance. During the even lag one of their overcoats aud a cap were stolen. In the inside pocket of the overcoat were their passes and about fifteen dollars In money. They stayed over until Monday but were usable to get any trace of their property. Miss Inez Deck is again on duty 4n the post office, after a two weoks' cation spent with relatives In Io wa Sho was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. Q. Beck. Mrs. A. E. Nelson is planning to entertain quite a family party during the Holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Bern ard Basaett and MIh Valeda will arrive on No. 42 next Friday. Mr. Bassett is a Northern Pacific engin eer out of Livingston, Mont. Mr. sod Mrs. John Keneer of New Cas tle, Wyo., will arrive Sunday. Mr. Keneer is proprietor of the Klordan Hotel at New Castle. The three la die are sisters. Que Hillebrand, yard master at Crawford, left on No. 42 Tuesday sight tor a month's vacation in Chi cago. He was at compunicd by Mrs. Hlldebrand ami their little son. ON TELEPHONE DUTY Conductor John Leidtkn, local chairman of the Grievance committee of the B. of It. T., is making prepar ations to go to Chicago about Janu ary 1st. There will be a meeting of the Grievance committees of the O. R. C. and B. of R. T. and general managers of the western roadB, at that place. Conductor Zollinger 'will represent the O. R. C. of Alliance. Brakeman Sexton left Sunday morning for McCook to upend Christ mas with his family. He will return January 1st. Brakeman Fred Vaughn has asked for a lay-off, and will spend Christ mas with relatives In Broken Bow. e Mr. ano Mrs. Smith left Saturday for Denver to make their future home. Mr. Smith was a C. B. Q fireman. Machinist R. Hagenjos left Tues day night for Chicago, where he will upend the Holidays witli relatives. iHe will return to lite duties In Alli ance January 17, 1912. C. Jagger left last. Sunday for a two weeks' vacation in Denver with his parents. Brakemen McCarty and Weidenha- mer left Monday noon for a two days' visit at Denver. They expect to attend some good shows and do mmm Christmas shopping. Switchman Lucas has resigned and gone to Denver. Before going he neglected to pay his room rent. (Such work as this makes it hard for a man to get credit. Dr. Hershman. the 0. B. & Q. medical examiner. Is planning to spend his vacation in Hastings, Nebr. Dr. Kun., also in the company's ser vice, will go to Boulder, Colo., to be gone until after the new year Mrs. W. 8. Mtz and Master Sid ney returned to their home in Mys tic S. I)., Saturday, after a week's Til it with friends in Alliance. The NebraskR Telephone Com pany has Issued from the general of fice at Omaha a little booklet en titled, "On Telephone Duty; True Stories of the Intelligence and Hero ism of the Girl at the Switchboard.' The booklet contains a number of nhort thrilling stories, interest in which I greatly increased by know ing that they are all true stories. We suppose that anyone interested suf ficiently to send for the booklet can obtain It by sending stamps to cover postage, and addressing Frank Vull- ta, Publicity Manager, Nebraska Tel ephone Co. Omaha, Nebraska . HEMINGFORD ooooooooooooooo 0 APION occoooooocooooo December 15. Mrs. Nellie Iamon, Miss Vella Marsh and Miss Josie Donlvan spent the day Friday at the home of Geo. Hagaman. All report a good time. see O. G. Clark and family and Miss Nellie Brown were guests at the home of W. B. Coker, Sunday. Mies Shirley Hagaman is spending a week in town, visiting her sister. Miss Bonnie, who is staying in town and attending High School. e John Wright and wife visited Tuesday at the home of J. C. Haw kins. The children of R. M. Worley arc reported quite sick nt this writing W. S. Coker and brother, John were callers at the lester ranch on Wednesday night. i Miss Ethel Hagaman is visiting her brother's family, in the sand hills, at present. Aunt Sallle Underwood and Mrs Oeo. Hagaman were visiting Thurs day with Mrs. W. S. Coker. They report a good time. F. W. Iester, wife and grandson were seen on our streets Thursday of this week. Geo. Clark helped W. S. Coker get started to bail hay. A FE8TIVE OCCASION In response to artistic, poetic In vitations to "come and enjoy Christ mas cheer", sent out by Mrs. W. M. Weidenhamer, iHfi Bog Butte avenue, thirty-six of her lady friends gather ed at her home Saturday afternoon and were entertained in an unusually elaborate nod beautiful manner. The curtains of the home were drawn and the rooms illuminated with electric lights nir.ny colors, and profusely decorated with cut flowers. The eight course luncheon, served at 1:30, displayed the taste of an epi cure. "Ami the glad circle round did yield ihetr souls to festive mirth and wit.'' The table decora tions were also suggestive of Christ mas, a tri" containing a present for each guest being the center of at traction. After luncheon a guessing contest furnished interesting and a musing entertainment in which Mia Marcus Frankle was awarded first prise, an elegant brass fern dish. Mrs. Hamilton received second prize, while Mrs. Cant, the consolation prize. The event was thoroughly en Joyed by all present. prosperity there, and will continue to keep them posted on Alliance hap peg tags. ii EXPERT BOILERMAKER P. Douel, who left Alliance NUTTY BECOMES NUTTY A man by the name of John Nutty became mad with Jealousy over u young wtuniun at Butte, Montana, and last Saturday shot and killed the girl's mother and probably fatally wounded her father, and seriously wounded Joseph Williams, a pros pet tor, aged fifty years, in a saloon at that place. Nutty shot at the girl twice but failed to hit her. Jealousy of Williams is said tti ha. caused Nutty's act, and his ' nutty" ton' MlH II was also probably due to oei indulgence in liquor. AMONG OUR EXCHANGES Quite a number of The Herald's exchanges issued special holiday e dition last week, including the fol lowing: The lleiuingforu Journal is sued a nobby twenty 5-column pages and colore'! cover. The Lingle, Wy oming, Herald, publishd at The Her aid office in Alliance had eight ti colunui pages and trover and was oiie of the neatest papers we have seen this year. If w do say it. The Mitchell Index gave its readers ooooooooooooooo o BINGHAM ooooooooooooooo eight t column iiaiic; and , oii.i . i Tuesday night with his wife and lit-1 l1)Wr . uillo ,,,.,., Ma ukt, tie boy for lencr. where they will reside, may be properly termed aii expert boilerinaker. He haa worked as boilertnuker and as hoilermukcr inspector for sixteen years. Ills father and grandfather before him were boilermskers so that it is not surprising that he took naturally to 4Ae bollermaker'a trade. He worked at the shops in AUlaace for some time, but a few weeks ago was sent to Sheridan, Wyoming, where hi services were nettled tor a while The a mpany has had some trouble in kecuring workmen that could prop erly handle the repairing of oil burn 4ng locotiK:ti e-s; .-nine of the officials learning that Mr Deuel wee an ex pert in that line of work wired for hi in to go to Denver, where they have that class of work to be done He went from Sheridan to Denver little more than two w.eka ago Af ter working there a while he was furnished transportation to move there. Mi came to Alliau e the ftitit of the wick, arriving lu re Sun day morning, and after loading his household goods left as above slated tor the Colorado nu t ropol..-. Tin Herald wisht Hum health and wise The Kushville Recorder, and also the Crawford Courier The Craw ford Tribune giving iu readers ten ,; column pages ami colored cover Diali Howell returned from Ansley the first of the w'cek, where he has been the past month. William Gosha, well known here ftai sold out and leaves for Texas, where he will make his future home. Frank Anderson sold his ranch, near Bingham, and bought a farm in Missouri, where he will farm to his heart's content. John Skipper and Pearl Coteon are to be married in Alliance Thursday, December 21, and Karnest I'ollis and Fay Kdiuohdsen on Wednesday, De cember 27. We wish them all the happiness of a long and prosperous life. Miss Ka Mason returned Tuesday from the east, where she has been for the past month. There was an invitation party at the home of Mrs. Anna Welch ou last Tuesday evening. All present enjoyed themselves Immensely, anil the music was great. see William Emerson is going to sell out his ranch, northwest of Bingham. He will go to Minnesota, where he is Interested in real estate. Mrs. Oeo. Carroll went down to Alliance Thursday on the local, and had some dental work done. She returned on 4:: Saturday, accompan ied by Mr. Carroll. Mrs. Luke Phillips and Mrs. C. C. Hucke visited with Mrs. Geo. Hedge- cock on Thursday. B. E. Johnson was attending to some business matters In Alliance, between trains Wednesday. Mrs. Bert Mart, who has been vis iting with her parents and other rel atives In Iowa for the past two months, returned home Thursday on 4.1. Chas. Moravek came in from Sioux county Wednesday, Miss Agnes re turning home with him for a few weeks' vlBlt with home folks. Mrs. B. E. Johnson left on 44 Thursday for an extended visit with her sleter and other relatives in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. M. HuHon are visit ing relatives and friends in Iowa and other eastern points. They expect to be gone until after the Holidays. MrB. Lena Britton, who lias been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Potmesil, and having sonu dental work done, returned home from Alliance on 4:! Thursday. Emil Rockey and Rev. Cox were passengers to Alliance Saturday on 44. B. L. l'enner went over to Chad ron on 4:: Saturday, to be at the bedside of his mother, who is critic ally ill. Mr. and Mrs. Shumaker were in from Pine Ridge Saturday. Ora Phillips autoed up from Alli ance Friday. A. Uhrig had the misfortune of losing a valuable horse Friday night. Clarence Rosenberger left for Kansas City the latter part of the week, looking after some business matters. A. H. Mabin, Kd. Mabin and Bud Kinsley went up to New Castle, Wy oming, Saturday, for a few days' visit with their brother, John Mabin. THE BEE HIVE CHANGES HANDS OYSTER SUPPER AT FAIRVIEW There will be an oyster supper ai the Fain iew church New Year's night. A programme will be render ed and an enjoyable time is ant hi puled. An admission of 25 cents will I" charged, the proceeds to be used fee the support of the chut. Ii 0rk, POST OFFICE DIRECTORY Mails close at the Alliance post Office as follows, Mountain time: East Bound ll:-'n am for tram .o. 44. U;t)0 p.m. for train No. 42. West Bound 11:10 p.m. for train No. 43. 11U0 p.m. tor train No. 41. aouth Bound L8;M p in for train No. :;u;t. 11:00 for tralu No. 301. On Sundays und holidays all night mails close at ti.oo p.m. lnsteud of 11:00 p.m. IRA K TASH, P. M. Dr. Bolund, phone 6. W. S. Kewer of Chicago litis pur chased tlhe Bee Hive store, and will take possession January 1st. He ex pects his wife to arrive next week, and they will make their home in this city. Mr. Kewer has been in h men untile business before, and alii i Ionium around for a mutable location, decided that this was the best opening he had found. A I will ! be seen by the Bee Hive advertise ment this week, it Is the intention to vacate the room now occupied by the Bee Hive at 210 Box Butte ave nue and remove to the corner of 4th street and Box Butte. While welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Kewer to our city. The Herald re gnus to see W. B. Parker ami bis wn'i leave. They have been in no: I Ii w i stern Nebraska aud W wini ins many years and have decided to seek a warmer climate. They are goin firwt to Springfield, Missouri, aud may possibly go still farther south before locating permanentl. A baby boy came to gladden the bono el F.iuory Corou and wife last Sunday evening This is the first A. M. Miller, Fred Abley and Geo. Hedgecock autoed to Alliance Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Shlply, Sr., which was held Tuesday, at 10 u. in., from the M. E. church. Mrs. John Armstrong, who lias been visiting with Mrs. Benj. Kuhler tit Gordon, returned home on 44 on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Shepard, who has been visiting with Mr. Shepard's niece at Johnstown, Nebr., for the pi st two weeks, returned home on 44 Tuesday. James Evans came up from Alli ance on 47 Monday. Ceo. Wlltsey was an incoming pas senger on 44 Sunday. Kmii Rockey paeeeager on 13 was an Monday. incoming B. E. Johnson shipped a car of bogs Monday night. Ed. Wildy was a passenger to Al liance on 44 Monday, returning on 4:; Tuesday, Miss Dells Peltz was on Incoming passenger on 4.'t Tuesday. Mrs. Win. Curry's niece and little daughter left on 43 for their home. H. E Part ridge and Geo. Baker were Alliance visitors between trains Monday Cliff liuhble went down to Alliance on the local Tuesday evening. Xmas Hardware A suitable present for every member of the family Coaster Wagons, Sleds, Skates, Air Gun' Pocket Knives, Rifles, Shot duns, Tool Sets Community Silver Knives and Forks, Spoons, ft Child's Sets. Carving Sets, Chafing Dishes, j Casseroles, Coffee Percolators,Serving Dishes, j Safety Razors, Electric Washing Machines r and Carpet Sweepers NEWBERRY'S HARDWARE CO. December Travel Bulletin TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Inquire about the personally conducted through tourist sleeper excursions to Los Angeles, via Denver-Santa Fe Route a route of sunshine and mild climate. WINTER TOURIST TICKETS. The attractive south land is claiming its own in Winter tourist patronage. The Winter excursion fares to southern resorts are extremely favorable and involve but a modest outlay for a tour of the south. INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION, Chicago, December 2nd to 9rth, 1911. NATIONAL IRRIGATION CONGRESS, Chicago, December 5th to 9th, 1911. AMERICAN LIVE STOCK .MEETING, Denver, December 12th and 13th, 1911. NATIONAL SHEEP SHOW AND WOOL GROWERS' CONVENTION, O niaha, December 14th to 16th, 1911. J. KRIDELBAIO, Agent Alliance L W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha G. M. Wood N. S. Cook WOOD & COOK Painting, aper Han glrg, Ct mt rg Carriage Work a Specialty All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. PHONES 434 and 679 ltc. 1). W. Montgomery returned from the eastern part of the state, lure he has been for the past two weeks While gone he visited his aged parents at Pawnee City. He attended the Pore tat hers' Day eele brat ii ii at the First Congregational church of Omaha Sunday night, where he delivered an Illustrated ad dress m "Our Pilgrim Fathers in England. Holland ami America." He also was iirmriii at the Neglect e. I Field Surveys meeting Monday, spok tn of elsewhere in this issue. Mis. J ti. Heck and Miss Inez Beck returned Friday morning from a visit to several cities in which Lhey formerly resided, among them being Minneapolis, St. Paul. Chicago, Rock ford. Des Moines and Omaha, in- boy Id the Coruu family, and the dudiug a isit to Mrs. Iteck moth first grandson of Mrs. Abigail Cornu. Jer. who lives south of lies Moines. gl-. & i Christmas Greeting i 1 m w 4 Yt: wish to extend the season's greetings to H the people of Alliance and vicinity and call at- tention to our fine line of goods suitable for p jj holiday presents, including: S I China Cut Glass gj Cutlery Silverware I Chafing Dishes H and many other articles to be found In a j first-class hardware store i I L. ACHESON PHELAN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK I Office st Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1 JOHN GARRETT Successor to Frank Wallace Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Res. phone 583