The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 21, 1911, Image 1

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Two Sections
12 Pages
The Alliance Herald
Section One
Pages 1 to 8
Christmas Greetings
Deposits over a half million dollars
We thank each of customers for their loyalty and friendship
To those who are not yet our customers, we extend a hearty
invitation to drop in and see us
We are conducting a safe and conservative bank and we
will care for your business in a thoroughly business
like manner
0" urches of Alliance and Others Ob
serve the Day With Public
As this is a season of iin aup
poso you Rive a book to tho Public
Library, as a CIirMmns gift.
T O Boon,
This week The Herald is in re
reipt of a friendly letter from one of
Its Canada subscribers
Battle Creek, Bask.
a .
Mrs. E. C. EastRiite leaves this
evening for the cast, expecting to
visit w4 h relatives and friends in
Chicago and New York the remain
der of the winter.
Philo Sturgeon, of Halsey, Nebr.,
has spent the past three or four
weeks very enjoyably, visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. .1. Sturgeon.
It ir expected that Christmas week
will terminate his visit at this place,
when he will again begin ranch life
at Halsey.
J. F. .Jeffords of Hridseport has
been employed by the Haines Jewel
ry Co. to assist during the rush sea
son. Mr. Jeffords is an optition and
engraver and is an expert in his line
This company is to be congratulated
on securing the service of such an
efficient workman.
Kev. and Mrs. (ieorge A. Witte are
now snugly ensconced in the
parsonage, on I .a ramie avenue, first
door south of the Haptlst church,
Mrs. Witte having arrived last Fri
day, from Liberty, Mo.
F. L. Hartman of Norfolk, district
deputy for tlw M. W. A., was in the
city last week until Saturday. He
will return in time to be present at
the Woodman rally the -'L'nd of the
Frank Papas, boilermaker helper,
left for Alliance laat Saturday in re
sponse to a telegram stating that
his brother, Ixniis Papas, had been
injured in the shops at that placa. -Edgemont
Mrs. K. A. Hall and Miss .losic
Hampton returned Sunday from a
soiourn of several weeks at Haven
port, la., where they had gone for
the benefit of Miss .losie's health.
Her friends will be pleased to learn
that she has returned much profiled
by the trip.
Charlie Hard of Dickens. Nebras
ka was in Alliance one day la-st
week for the purpose of filing on a
claim near Ellsworth. He was uc
companied by his father-in-law. U.
W. Blocker, who will probably file on
a claim in the southern part of
Sheridan lounty a little later
Mrs. E. J Howe and little daugh
ter left Tuesday to spend Christina
at her mot Iter's, in ItU hardaon coun
f. Mr. Howe has been in Canada
hie pajJt two or three weeks, and.
we undeibtaud, contemplates re-
that he and his family will decide to
continue making this city (heir home.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Williford, of Cor
don, 'ebr.. arrived in Alliance yes
terday with a view of locating here.
Mr.' Williford was formerly landlord
of. the Smead hotel, lad, S. I).
Bdna BenefllcJj who lias
had charge of the Registry and Mon
ey Order department at the post of-
I ft.A Hi, finer Vllv I rw Mci U's .'ill
IIW UUI " " . . - " " " ' -
sence, will continue in that depart
ment during the Holiday rush, as an
There ure many unique devices
used as- advertising souvenirs at
this time of year. One of the most
useful and handiest for a man that
we have seen is the vest pocket pen
cil holder given out by A. P. lee.
Alliance manager of the Forest Lum
her Company.
Mrs. Thos. Struper and Mrs. R. T.
Watson, mother and daughter, had a
very pleas;mt visit last vc:k with
Mrs. J. L. B. Jones and children at
Hemingford. Dr. Jones is away
from home a large part of the time,
engaged in his work as conference
evangelist of the Northwest Nebras
ka conference of the M. E. church.
Although he and his family were
very cordially received by the good
ueoule of Hemingford they are al
ways glad to receive visits from
their Alliance friend6, their resi
dence of more than a veer in this
city makes this place seem a good
deal like home to them
L. R. Showalter, traveling sales
man for Armour & Co., will spend
the Holidays with friends at Red
Oak, Iowa.
Chase Feagins has arrived in the
city since the last issue of The Her
ald, and has accepted a position ns
salesman at Norton's, commencing
there on Monday of this week, tak
ing the place of Monte Margraves.
who will soon assume the duties of
county clerk. Chase has the ability
to perform the duties of a clothing
and dry goods salesman acceptably,
and having a large acquaintance in
Alliance and surrounding com, try, ice
consider the Norton store fortunate
in securing his services.
Mrs. Ray Hoag and Mrs. Char
loiie, recently from Oklahoma, are
assisting at the McCleur dry goods
Flore as special salesladies through
the Holiday season.
I need the assistance of every
citizen of this state to save life and
property. Will you assist me? You
CM do so by placing these pledgee
in a conspicuous place and observing
them. ('. A. RANDALL,
Chief Deputy Fire Commissioner
Little Harold Pullman came up
from Ellsworth where he has been
w ith his father on the ranch, to spend
the holidays with his mother, sisters
and brotheiis In Alliance
Mrs. E. Reeves who was very low
with pneumonia the ft rat of the w. ,k
is improving. Her daughter, Mrs
Vogle, and son Verne who lives at
Hot Springs. S. D., came to bet bed
r-;ide and rejoice now to know there
is hope of her recovery.
County Stipt. Miss Delia M. Reed
left Monday night for Weiser, Ida
ho, to spend the Holidays at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Reed. She received notice of
the state apportionment of school
moneys, on Monday morning, and as
It devolved upon her to divide the
amount allotted to Uox Butte county
among the school districts of the
county this work, together with the
making of preparations fur her de-
parture. gave her an unusually busy I
(I. iy Monday but it was a very pleas
ant one in anticipation of Iter home
visit She will return about Janu
I ary 4th.
. .
We are pleased to place the name
i of A. S. Mote, the ctiriMnter. on our
I subscription list this week, marking
Uhe same paid to January 1, It 14,
and delivering one of the premium
wall charts to him. lit- has been
j working on a large bun ft r W. I.
Ixrance, niiK nor'heasi of
Alliance which will be fiuish d
within a few days if the wcaMier
P Of PI ha. Mr I trance la one of
I mix itutie county's most successful
t.nmeib and this new building like
the other improvements on his place
is a credit to him and the neighbor
hood In which he resides. The barn
is :tt by Ho feet, with a commodious
cr.v. , ;..m ,11 be equipped with ha)
moving to that north land, but tfcelr Barrier, litter carrier and other con
many friends in Alliance will hope veuieuceu.
What would you consider more
acceptable gift than a Lunch Cloth,
Muffet Scarf or Lunch Set in defter 1
Nothing, unless it Mould be the MM!
pieces u drawn work.
Renumber, we have an elegant liu
j i in, that can't be compared "i'Ji
any other in the cWy.
"Of all the Holidays the year
'round, Christmas is the great Christ
ian holiday, and of all the Holidays
the one that is exclusively a Holiday
of Christians, although it is observed
end celebrated generally by all the
lieople of a Christian country, wheth
er believers in the Christian faith or
not. The celebration of the day in
Alliance this year '111, we expect.
compare favorably with the celebra
tion s of any previous yenr.
U. P. Church
t the United Presbyterian church
the Sunday School scholars will ren
r a program on tomorrow, Friday,
evening. After the program, a treat
will be given the scholars from a
beautifully decorated Christmas tree.
and a supper served them.
M. E. Church
At the Methodist, church the day
will be celebrated on Sunday, the
nth. The primary department will
have a Christmas tree in the base
it.. ' of the church and an appro
priate program will be rendered dur
tftg the Sunday school hour, com
ifi nclng at 10 o'clock in the morn
iflg. The balance of the Sunday
school will have tho usual lwson
studios in the auditorium of the
church. Soiis appropriate for the
o ( asion will be selected and perhaps
tUere will be a short Chilstmas ad
d'ess. Each member of the school
la requested to bring a present to
sist Santa Clans In his effort to re-
ember every child in Alliance.
the close of Sunday school
a treat will be given the members
2oi 0k lie s chool. P illowing Sunday
-c in oi ne pastor win pr at n aa sf
proprlate Christmas sermon. Sunday
evening the choir will give a sacred
Baptist Church
The Haptlst Sunday school, under
the superintendency of Prof. E. L
Meyer, will give an entertainment on
Friday evening, commencing at 7
o'clock. The program will (onsist of
literary and musical selections. There
will be a beautiful rverreen tree
and other uppr . :-!a. 3 lecorations.
Following the program the Sunday
school scholars $ I be given a
real .
St. Matthews Episcopal Church
On Sunday there will be Christmas
services at li o'clock, with special
music and a full vested choir. There
will be a Christinas sermon. At
7: in in the evening the children will
sing their Christ ma service around
the Christmas tree. The vested choir
and congregation will also take part
in this service.
First Presbyterian Church
The Sunday school will observe
the "White Christmas" at the even
ing service. The idea is based on
the old legend of Caphay, in which
the king, on his birthday, received
white gifts from his people. This
idea will be carried out in the ser
vhes Sunday evening. White gifts
from each da, pupil, offlc.-r and
teat Ik r v ill t offered i our King,
Christ Jesus. This will I:? an inter
esting and impressive service. All
are iuviied to come.
German Ev. Lutheran Church
At the German Lutheran Hall, It
Sweetwater Ave., there will be a
German Christmas eve service, b.- ,
ginning at 6::tu, in which the Christ-j
mas story will be told, preluded and
mterluded with Christinas carols
Theru will be a tree for the children
and a Christmas offering will be tak
en for poor orphans On Christina,
morning there will be services at
;M with Christmas sermon.
J. M Maiarity, a fireman for the
C, H & 0 , is moving into theShep
ards house, SOti West 2nd street.
Grandpa Ti be Real Santa Claus
J. B. Gray leaves today on 44 for
Carroll, leve, to spend Christmas
and Ne Year ith his mother
Also, a
no elties.
large line
Call at
of other Xuias
Simmons' Store.
Frank Shipley, an old time residen
ol Alliance tiui who now resides near
Kansas City, was in the city this
week attending the funeral of his
father. Mr. Shipley's home has
beeiii blessed with two childrefi staos
leaving heie, and be is doing nicely
in buslucMS.
I OR KENT One furnished room,
light and heat. 504 Hov ilutte ave
Phone M. MMI
A Great Convenience
At a Small Cost
A Hell Telephone in the home promotes com
companionship and a feeling of security, permitting
you at all times to communicate with neighbors ami
friends, and with members of the family who are away.
It should banish loneliness and bring a sense of comfort.
You need a telephone for shopping and
social purposes, as well as for emergency
calls in case of fire, sic kness or burglary.
It mav not cost as much as vou think.
T. H. BEESON, Local Manager
Bell Telephone Lines Reach
Nearly Everywhere
f Boards
pMr " A of ail descriptions
Jv- wt -or any Part f a
3 1 house or barn.
Oierlis Lumber iS Goal Co.
Phone 22 0. Waters, Mgr.
EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING II, raid and Christinas, and those two
I days will be especially busy for
It is too late now to giv,- our read ml ichauts. particularly Friday and
ere the ofi repeated ad viae "to do Saiurday afternoon and oveniug.
chcir shopping earl in the season." We advise cur roadein fur aa many
tiut not too late to advise tue to s can poaaibl) do so to do thotr
hhop early it. the day. There will b. li"i'liS in the forenoon or tboao
only two full shoping days b.-te nj o days and gel to the stores aa
the publication of this htsue of The! early as possible In the morning.