The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 09, 1911, Image 2

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Plurality of Democratic Gover
nor is Reduced.
Anunm .1. Hrowning iKcp.l, lti me
First New Jcrscv district, and Daniel
V Stephens Dem . of the Third No
breaks district.
Majority of Fifty in 8tste Assembly
Opposes Governor Dlx's Policies, i
Socialist Vote Increases at Various
Points. Notably in Ohio.
Election hold in ninny state and
cities throughout the country resulted
In the election of Democratic gov
mora In Massachusetts. Kentucky
and Mississippi, a H publican govern
r In Rhode Island, a Republican as
embly In New York, which will chal
Icnte the continuance of Governor
DUs policies and a New Jersey legis
lature with majmltles prohably not In
New York.
New TtJfl?, Nov. S With hut 72
'election district out of f1 2 to hear
j from. Tammany now lends In the otc
I for sii n ronrt Just lie in New York
count v 1 about in.uoo.
Reports- received from fi assembly
districts outside Greater New York
show tin election of 11 Republicans
and 23 Democrats, a net gain of 13
for the Repuhllcnna.
Republicans recaptured the four
legislative scats from Otsego, Cayuga,
Tmta iind Pi'tntoca, counties now
held by Democrat
Rochester. Nov - Mayor Ed (tort on
'Rep.) was reelected by ti.OOO.
The city 'if I'tlca elected a Repub
lican minor hv a majority of SOO.
Edward Rehncnoch (Rep.) was elect
ed mayor of Syracuse over Dudlneton
(Dom.1 by H.7'"i votes to 10,578, a plu
rallty of 4,212.
. f.f ?saaajp..aa .aaissrs
TiBiaPiaSsist wmw
Supreme Court Listens to State
ments of Opponents.
1 1 I ;
www w w V W rrrr "
Chief Jintiee White Demands Procf of
Assertions Made by Attorney Guar
anty to States Involved Legality of
Taxes Questioned.
Accord with Governor Woodrow Wll
jaon of that state, with results of the
'State elections in Maryland and New
Mexico still In doubt.
) In Mn9sncliuHetts, Governor Foss
j (Pern i was te elected by a reduc ed
plurality of about 8.000 over limits
iFrothlngham (Hep). The Republican
candidate for lieutenant governor was
elected by 7,000 majority and othet
Republican state candidates probably
re elected.
Governor Eosa carried the city ot
Boston The total vote of the city
bi: Fobs (Pern.), 49,861; Frothing
bam (Rep ,), 2M99.
In Rhode Island, Governor Pothler
(Rep) la reelected over Ijuts A.
Water man (Dem.) by a greatly In
created plurality. The state senate It
Mildly and the assembly largely Re
publican. Surprise in New York State.
i New York state furnished one of
the chief surprises of the election, re
versing the present Pemocratlc ma
pority of twenty-four In the state as
f.embly anil electing a Republican ma
Jorlty of fifty or upward. The change
lemoves the united support which
both branches of the legislature here
tofore have given Governor Dlx's pol
ley. In New York city Tammany's
control was shaken, but not overcome
Tammany candidates In Manhattan
and the Hronx being elected, while
those in Rrooklvn and Queens county
were defeated by fusion candidates.
New .lersey similarly furnished a
surprise by the probable reversal of
control of the legislature, the returns
Indicating Republican majorities In
the senate and assembly.
In Kentucky James R. McCreay
(Dem ) was elected governor by a ma
Jorltv estimated at 20,000 to 40,000.
A Democratic legislature also was
elected, which ensures the choice of
Ollle .lames as Halted States senator
from Kentucky
Mississippi elected a Democratic
storernor and representatives by a de
rlslve majority.
, Returns from Mainland were Im on
elusive. Claims were made of the
election of Goldsborough. Republican
candidate for governor, by K.OOo ma
Jority oe, Arihitr P Gorman (Dem),
while counter claims of !"emocrat!e
euccess wi re made. The constitional
amendment designed to disenfranchise
negro voters was probably defeated.
The Ohio municipal elections result
ed In the election of Democratic may
'ore In Cincinnati. Cleveland and Co
lumbus President Taft cast his vote
at Cincinnati.
New Senators Republican.
Chlcngo. Nov R Returns from hair
of the 149 precincts In the Cook coun
ty Judicial election Indicate that the
Rf publicans and Democrats divided
evenly the ten superior court Judge
Ships nnd thr.t the Democrats elected
the one circuit Judge. Higher pay for
Judges was defeated.
The state local Option headquarters
announced that it" returns Indicated
that eleven of eighteen Illinois cities
voting on local option had gone dry.
Most of the towns were already with
out saloons.
The following cities voted dry, ac
cording to the local option figures:
Mcndosa, Naples. Jacksonville, Tal
lula, Chandlersvllle, Hardin, Hamburg,
Hi Carmel, Golconda, Countervllle.
Johnsonbo rough.
The wet cities are given aa follows:
Athens. Peterhurg, Kempsvllle. Plnck
neyvllle, Mound City. Ullln, Baldwin.
Rhode Island.
Providence. Nov. 8 Returns from
13 voting districts In country towns
out of 184 give. Pothler, 1,597; Wat
ermnn, 1,042. Same districts In 1910:
Pqthler. MM; Waterman, 857. The
biennial election amendment probably
Providence. Nov. 8 Returns from
more thnn half of the state Indicated
a general Republican victory In the
election. Governor Pothler being re
turned to offUo, apparently by a great
1y Increased plurality. With 108 out
of 184 voting precincts heard from
the vote was: Pothler, 21.119: Water
man (Dem), lt.SSO. The same dla
trlcts last year gave I Pothler, 18.850;
Waterman. 1S.119 The legislature
will be laru ly Republican.
Sheridan, Wyo.. Nov. 8 The first
election in the state of Wyoming tin
der the commission form of govern
ment took j lace in this city, resulting
In the election of Chailes A. Kntchei
for mayor nnd Sherman D. Canfleld
and Georg' G. Carroll for commis
sloners. A large vote was polled. A
no'nble feature was the large nuinbei
of woman voters, who seemed to take
as much Interest as the men. Pollt
leal lin were entirely eliminated.
The newly elected mayor Is a atand
pat Republican and both of the com
mlsstoners are Democratic.
New Jersey.
Trenton, Nov. 8. Deturns Indlctf
that the Republicans will control both
branches of the legislature next win
ter. The election Is significant In the
defeat of a number of men whose elec
tion was specifically advocated by Gov
ernor Woodrow Wilson In the tour he
made of the state during the last few
weeks. The senate will stand eleven
Republicans to ten Democrats. The
assembly will be mad" of approximate
ly thirty eight Republicans and twen
ty-two Democrats.
Cleveland Nov. 8. Rasing the esti
mate on returns from 21 precincts,
Democratic leaders are claiming the
election of Newton L Raker, political
heir of the late Tom I.. Johnson, by
from 2(i.oon to 25.000 for mayor. Re
publican leaders concede the defeat of
Frank G. Hogen.
The critical manner in which tlx led
eral supreme fourt IISlSMd to argu
monts that the Initiative and refer I
dum method of legislation In th's coun
try is unconstitutional brought cn
coutageinent to the friends oi tbi
tern. Oral arguments on both sit! i of
the question were completed before
the court adjourned for the day.
B. 8. Plllsbury of San Finnc'sco and
R. R Punway of Portland, Or ., m
heard in opposition to the method in
two Oregon cases. When Mr. pills
bury remarked that there could not,
with due regard for the federal consti
tution, be two legislative powers in a
Etate, nnmely, the legislature and the
BeOjUti Justice Burton interrupted
"What Is a ?tate ((institution but nn
organized act of legislation by the
people?" Inquired tho justice
"That is expressly what I under
stand it to be," responded Mr. Pills
"Then there Is legislative power In
the people."
"To make a constitution; yea."
Mr. Plllsbury suggested that the peo
ple mittbt put Into their state consti
tution anything not In conflict with
the restrictions of the federal constl
White Asks for Proof.
"What are the restrictions which
you claim are violated In this partic
ular case?" inquired Chief Juatlce
"The provision for a legislature."
The chief Justice asked him to read
"I cannot read It; It Is implied in a
dozen place." said the attorney. "And,
also, the constitution has been con
strued by this court to imply that
there must be a legislature."
The chief lustlce asked for the
ensos in which the point bad been in
Issue, but the attorney did not give
It wn further argued thai Inxr; Im
posed under the Initiative method
were not bv "due process of law" and
Violated "the equal protection of Un
laws" so lone as some persons were
taxed under initiative laws and others
under legislative enactments.
Attorney General Crawford of Ore
gen declared ttjnt the question of
nether the method violated the guar
anty of the United States in the fed
eral constitution of a 'republican form
of government to every state" was a
political question for congress to de
clde and not a Judicial one for the
courts to pass upon. He Inquired how
the court would enforce Its decision
if congress and Oregon were opposed
to it.
Frank S. Grant and William C Ren
bow of Portland! Ore., spoke In the In
terest of "home rule."
States Alone Interested.
Oeorge Ered Williams of Boston ar
gued that on'v a party to the "guar
anty" to states could ask the I'nlted
States to make good its promise that
every state should have a republican
form of government. A corporation,
he said, could not do so, because the
guaranty was to the states.
"I have heard no state Objecting to
the Oregon form of government." said
Mr. Wllllsms.
Chief Justice White suggested that
the word "form" in the constitution
lent support to Mr. Williams' Interpre
tation of the word "guaranty "
Jackson II Ralston of this city con
tended that the opponents of the meth
od were wrong in arguing that the
word "republican" was used In the
constitution as , synonym for "repre- i
tentative." lie argued it was used 'n
contrast to "monarchlal."
Justice Holmes suggested this in
terpretition would be in conformity
lady Colin Campbell, authoress nnd
I Journalist, died after a long Illness In
I Iondon.
A lone robber robbed the bank of
Hedges. Mont , of nearly $1,000 nnd
e-i aped.
fife in the b trainees section of i.on
inn, C : 1 1 . . rStlMd a loss of 75,0011 nnd
di price i &00 persons of employment.
The v. ho!ejie grocery house of
C napbcU, Hortoa ft- Co. at r.lootning
t6a 111., w ilr: troyed by Are, with
A 1 04 of I ' enn.
Mistrial v. . recorded hi the case of
Mrs 7 B Range McKee. aci EtSI d of the
murder of Alttn Qgrlnad, the young
Tntatte r.tiK' nf at Opelousr.s. l.n.
Gove: nor St.tlibs called an election
for .Ion. !, 1912. to chooRe a MCOOtSOT
to the 'ate Congressman E. H. Madi
son of the Seventh Kansas district.
John Qulnn, a Chicago motorman,
was found shot to death in his bed In
circumstances that caused tho police
to hold Jane Quinn, his widow, for
an Investigation.
Fort the first time In ten years Col
orado is importing potatoes from Wis
consin, Minnesota and Illinois. This
(otidltion Is due to pnrtial failure of
tho Greeley crop.
A dispute over t'i cents by a taxicab
owner of tb wages of a driver was
the direct enm-e of a walkout of 6,
( 00 drivers and the paralyzing of Lon
don's taxicab service.
Four parkcrn, three bankers and
three of the most prominent mer
chants In Chicago form the Jury which
began a Week's. WOrfi in the Insane
court of Cook CO-tntjr,
Rev. Ctartraco V T. Rlcheson, who
was Indic ted on the charge of murder
ing Miss Avis Dlnnell, has resigned
na pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist
church, Cambridge. Mass.
lawyers for Henry C. Beattie, Jr.,
under death sentence for the murder
of his wife, filed with the supreme
court of appeals at Richmond a pe
tltion for a writ of error.
"Just stattlng out to see the world'
is the only reason given for his dis
appearance by Julius Frederick, the
missing mayor of Coal Valley, 111., who
disappeared three weeks after his elec
France, as compensation for Ger
man recognition of its protectotate in
Morocco, eedM to Germany about
150,000 square kilometers in northern
French Cnnsro, touching the German
Frank II. Nicolai, former Auburn
(Ind.) hanker, left the federal prison
at Leavenworth a free man. He served
two years of a five year sentence fot
the embezzlement of 5.000, when his
parole came.
A registered package containing
20,000, a remittance rrom a Bluefleld
(W. Va.) bank to a correspondent, It
said to have disappeared from the
mails between Bluefleld and Char
lottesville, Va.
The so called "list of immortals'
of the Dnited States biological survey
a roster kept by that bureau of al!
hunting fatalities in this country
already this year has had added to 11
forty seven names.
Three men were killed outright and
a fourth so severely Injured that he
mav die when an Illinois
$ 100 Reward, $100.
T1 r(1T it tM Sdiw-r oil) ) plrniwt Co lonrtl
that tbrrr I At trapt ofir flrfndrfl ei- thM w-lenre
' h"'" "We 1" tat l nil I" MMM Mill that la
catarrh Mill a Catarrh cur" la tra (nl HMHtV
cure tmw known to the mnllrnl rralrroltv. Catarrh
hftnf ft ronatioitlonaj diaraar, rxpilmi a (Hmatltti
tl'ai t rent men I. Mall'i ( itarrh (lire la taken In
ternally, artlna- cMrr, tty uin thr hlmal and mtiroita
tirfjiepa of the tyem. ther-hv deatmunf the
foundation of the di-, and rtrrnc the patient
atrertoih by budding up the eotiMltullo" and aaalal
ln nature In dolnu lla work. The propr'eti r have
an mueh faith In Ita euratlve power ttv.t thry oflrT
Hi' llindreil Otiliir" for :n raar that It talla to
mr. Send for Hat of teNtlmonbtr. F I. r tll.M A Co . Toledo. O.
Sold hr all ftnielat. T'.e.
Take Hull a Family I'llla (or ronatlpntlon.
The fifteenth annual convention
of the American National hive Stock
Association will be held in Denver,
December 12th and V'Ah. Thia will
be convotii. nt for stockmen of the
middle west to attend, especially
stockmen of Colorado, Wyoming,
western Nebraska and western Kan
sas. Matters of great importance to
the live stock industry will be con
sidered, and all stockmen who can
attend should do so. Further infor
mation regarding the convention may
be obtained by addressing the chair
man of the executive committee in
charge of the convention, Mr. A. E.
de Rlcqles, Denver, Colo.
Let us figure on that
bill of
Q roceries
that you need. We
can save you money
on anything we carry.
Don't send away and
get stung again. We
meet all competition.
I -special discounts for
Yours for fair dealing.
Alliance, Nekr.
State of Nebraska )
) 88.
Box Butte County )
Whereas, Ma rftaret Beutler, of said
county, has filed in my office an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of John Beutler,
late of said county, deceased, and
said Margaret Beutler has filed her
petition herein praying to have the
same admitted to probate, and for
the issuing of letters testamentary,
which will relates to both real and
personal estate:
I have therefore appointed Satur
day, the 8th day of November,
1911, at !t o'clock in the forenoon, at
the county court room in said coun
ty, as the time and place for hearing
naid will, at which time and place
you and all concerned may appear
and contest the allowing of the same.
It i.s further ordered thnt said pe
titioner give notice to all persons In
terested in said estate of the pend
ency of this peiition, and the time
and place set for the hearing of the
same, by causing a copy of this order you can nearly always see a rig getting
to be published in the Alliance Her- ready to start out. We will send one any
In Front of the Checkered Front Stable
aid, a newspaper printed and pub
lished In tnld county, for three suc
cessive weeks previous to the day
set lor the hearing.
In witness whereof I have hereun
to set my hand and official seal this
2ust day of October, lilt,
L A. BERRY, County Judge.
(Seal) 47-t-i:!4
distance, for any purpose, at any time.
Here is ;i special offer that will
interest old subscribers to The Her-
Centrnll WtL as well as new. Persons who
freight engine broke through a hridg j subscribe for The Herald before
under course of construction over . January 1st, 1912, and pay a yearta
Salt creek, near Clinton, 111.
Exiles from their homes for nearly a
subscription, will receive the paper
until January 1st, 1113, thus getting
quarter of a century, the remnant oi lt from ,ne ,,nie payment is made
We answer all calls promptly
and will be glad to serve you in any way
Oeronimos hand oi Apaep. wnc ,...,. f Ilov, i in which a rig is required.
.IST::" " OUT subscribers who'll. P. COURSEY. PrOP.
.AA hnmln. . rounds in v,-.v Mexico m arrears, ana wno pay ueiore
.v ....... ..a
Iess than an hour after the cape
January 1st, 1912, and also one year
had been civen to li e Jury r.t
a verdiit of acQHittnl wr.s
in the case of Mrs. Eleanor C
tine, charged with the murder o: hei
huaband harry c. Valentine on
March IS lat.
Interests connected with the Na
tlonal City rani; of New York art
proceeding to d'spese of their hoM
Intl of ;.) :. In ether fluent Ml unti
Cations throifrtinrl the mnatrv.
va'tie of tb t-f ..hates runs into nil
lions of dotlfra.
Denver I advance will be credited to Janu-
rne(l;ary 1st, 191.1, thus they will be prac
Valtn tieally getting the paper from the
date of their payment on subscrip
tion until the first of the year free
of charge. We prefer having sub
scriptions end on January 1st, go
that in making this offer we are not
losing anything by it, but it will
-1P make a saving worth taking advan
tage of for those subscribers who
pay a year in advance immediately.
Turn Over
a New Leaf
In New Mexico the Democratic state! had approximately 13,000 votes
Kansas Cltv ov 8 - Returns from
tbe congressional election in the See
or,d Kansas district for the seat seeds
vacant by tho death of A. C. Mitchell
'Pro Rep.) Indicate the election of Jo
sept) A Tnctprl (Dew.) by a small ma
jorlty A light vote was cast.
Philadelphia. Nov. 8 - The indlca
tlons are that the election for mayor
will hf close In 12." election districts
tut of 1.197 In the city, Karly (Rep.)
Blandenberg (reformer!, 10.000.
By subscribing
committee . laims the election of Mac
Donald as governor hy 1,(40 in the
flrt election, which the new state has Virginia,
fceld. His election is not conceded ! Rlchmord. N'ov. 8. With almost
and the result is in doubt. The elec-' no opposition to the regular Democrat-
tion of a Republican legislature Is in- ic ticket, the election was merely a
dlcated, arhloh will mean the election
Of two Republican I'nlted States sena
Marked Socialist strength has devel-'
oped at various points, notably In sev- .
eral municipal eontets in Ohio, where
eight titles electei! Socialist mayors,
also In Schenectady V. Y.. whete a
Socialist snayof tnd i iallst metnber j
of the state assembly were eleeted.
and in Mississippi, where the Socialist
candidate for lieutenant governor
polled a lonsideiuble vote.
Four congressmen were elected to
fill vaiancies. namely: Joseph A. Tag
gart (Dem ) in the Second Kansas dis
trtrt: W. D. Balney (Rep.), in the
Fourticnth Pennsylvania district;
ratification of the primarv The Dem
ocrats will nave 120 votes in Joint as
sembly out of 110 members.
Louisville Nov. S Returns lndliats
the all ( tion of McCreary iMem l as
governor bv a majority of about 20,
000 over O Rear Shelby county.
hlcli save Hryan .Ylt three years ago
has geiio 1.023 for McCreary.
Baltimore, Sow i. Owing to the
length of the ballot and extensivii
switching, the ballots are still be'ng
counted. The indications are that ill
tote for governor will be close.
Strong on Range Cattle