The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 02, 1911, Image 8

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The ninn lllane
Thonm J, Timl 'Wr
MRlcti:it apprised. I
weddlnn on Monday,
rriends of
plwued, and
learn of hi
Oct oho r .10,
Mian BaU-Hn Holm, formerly book
keeper at Newberry' hardware store,
helnn the brid The wedding took
plate at the heme Of 'he hrldo In
York. Nebr She. too, has many
friends 'n this city who will welcome
rr return and Join The Herald In
at wishes and congratulations to
both ftrooni and bride. They are
now In Omaha and will be "at
home" within a few weeka at Mra.
Reunion's, HIO I n ramie Ave.
One of the worat flr"B that Alll
anre haa had for some time occurred
about four o'l liv k T Dead ay morning.
Dr. Hand's residence, the two-atory
frame house north or the Htundplpe,
caught fire fnmi the furnace. When
the fire was dlacovered It had made
audi headway that nothing could be
done to save the contents of the
house, alt hough the A. V. V. 1). aav
ed the building from being burned
down. Dr. Hand, who waa the only
person In the house at the time, ea
caped throuRh a aecond story window.
E. P. Reed & Co 's
Suede, Velooze,
Gun Metal, Patents
Complete fall stock on
the shelves and the only
up-to-date stock in the
The new Catholic church la to be
dedicated Wednesday, Nov. 16, nt 9
a. m. Everyone, regardleaa or creed,
is Invited to both morning and even
ing aervlcea. The Indlea of the par
rlah will serve, dinner from 11 to 1
and supper from 6 to 7, in the base
ment of the church. Printed Invita
tion for out of town guests may be
had upon application to the paator.
I'leaae remember that the cttliens of
Alliance are all Invited.
After you eat smoke Marguerite.
47 8-77l
This Shop Keeps
Adding the New
EACH time you call
we shall try to have
so m e thing ne w and
cleVSr to show you. The
aim of our Shop is to
show the things most
attractive and to price
everything so reasonably
that its good value will
he at once apparent.
We have more new
E popular roll brims, quaint
knnetS, Shetland veils,
Mra. J. O. Beck, who waa sent aa
a delegate from Alliance Rebekah
liodge No. 104 to attend the Rebek
ah state assembly that convened In
Lincoln this year, returned recently.
During the nasembly one day waa
devoted to the dedication of tin- ii"W
I. O. O. F. home at York, Nebr. She
spent a few days In Omaha attending
the land show, also the golden wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. F.
Beirkhlnier, old time friends of the
family in Omaha. Mr. Berc.khlmer
makes his runs regularly na postal
clerk on the Rock Island. He is
past seventy years of age and has
been employed in that capacity for
nearly thirty-five years. Returning
home she visited her daughter at
Le xington, Nebr. In all a pleasant
trip is reported.
A skating club will be organized
Wednesday night, Nov. 8, at the Al
llance Roller Rink. As planned by
those who have charge of the pre
liminary arrangements, invitations
will be sent out for the first meet
ing, after which cards will be issued.
The skating club will have the use
of the rink every Wednesday night.
Further information may be obtained
by Interested parties by applying to
K. K. Hyslop, manager of the rink
Mrs, Bowles, M ;
York Hat Shop
Holdtedge Bldg.
Phone 52 1
Special Sale in Willow and French Plumes
The annual meeting or the congre-
galion or the First Presbyterian
church will be held tomorrow (Frl
day) evening at 7 : 30 o'clock at the
Church. The elders request all inem
bers and rriends to attend this meet
Schafer Electric Co. I
Th article on second page of thi
Issue on the "School Bond Preposl
lion" was written for la.xt week's
Herald hUl wan crowded out, heme
the statement that it would be Voted
on at "the election one week from
next Tuesday." As this article rai
not printed until this week it should
road "the election next Tuesday."
We make this explanation so that no
one will make a mistake as to the
time the school bond proposition will
be voted upon.
315 Box Butte Avenue
Electrical Supplies of all Kinds
Wiring and Installation a Specialty
A big ranch deal has been con
summated by Alliance parties within,
the last few dayB, R. M. Hampton
selling his ranch near Bonner to
Hall & Graham. Right dollars per
acre was paid for the 10,360 acres of
land and approximately $:!, 000 for
about 975 head of cattle, making in
the neighborhood of 1190,901 for
land and cattle.
Mrs. George Davis and children
nre visiting with her parents, .Mr.
and Mrs. John Adams of Havelock.
They are expected home Sunday
Fireman Trenkle of the east end
spent Saturday and Sunday lp Alli
ance. Mr Trenkle s numerous rriends
are alwaya glad to see him.
Fireman Thurman re: anted to Alli
ance last Saturday morning. Mr.
Thurman waa tor long time con
Bned to the hospital here with a
very severe caee or typhoid rever.
Hater he went to the home of his
parents near Broken Bow.
Ki reman McCarty has rented a
neat cottage on West Third street.
His wire and little daughter arrived
rrom Colorado Monday noon.
Conductor nnd Mrs. R. J. Burke
have rented the McDermott cottage
ind are very busy this week getting
settled. Owing to the dangerous ill
ness or his mother, Dick has not yet
reported ror work.
Mrs. Houston, wife of brakeman
Houston, arrived in Alliance last S it
urday. They have rented rooms on
Toluca Ave. for the winter.
Conductor and Mrs. J. A. Armou
have been spending the past ten
days In Denver. Conductor O'Con-
ner has Armour's run. Conductor
Shields has O'Conner's car and crew.
After being in the service here
about five years Conductor Simonson
has resigned. He will devote his
time in the future to his farm near
Broken Bow.
Owing to sickness in his family.
Conductor Cramer has been off for
some time. Conductor Leidtka Wa
nts car and crew. They are now on
u work train west.
Switchman Brush, Fireman Rich
ardson and Operator Wright of Dun
ning were among the railroad men
who were lucky enough to draw
claims in the South Dnkota land
drawing. .
Messrs. R. Hagenjos nnd C. Jng
gef arc among the new employees
in the train service.
i, T. Hughs, of Tipton, Indiana,
has accepted a position as brakeman.
Mr. Hugh! is an experienced man
from the Uike Erie and Western,
and comes very highly recommend
ed. He is an old acquaintance of
Brakeman Tragasser. who came
from the same place. So far Mr.
Hughs is very much pleased with
the west and expects to make this
his home. He is comfortably located
in the Newberry Block.
the winter In Alliance with her
daughters, Mrs Allen and Mrs. D.
B Wagner.
.Passenger Brukemntn Rny Mark
has reported for duty after a short
vacation spent In Colorado.
Brakeman Bob M on fort or the
ast end was a Sunda) isitor in
Mechanical Engineer Hamilton and
Mrs. Hamilton spent last week in
Mrs. Wilcott and ramily rrom
ance. Mr. Trenkle's numerour friends
Alliance the last of this week. Mr.
Wilcott has been employed here as
brakeman and will make this his
Conductor Kubanks of the south
line, and family, are, making arrange
ments to move to Sterling.
Engineer George Hicks of Raven
na was in Alliance Sunday.
Passenger Brakeman Jack Burke
is taking a ten days' vacation. Brake
man Weidenhamer will take Burke's
Mrs. A. K. Nelson entertained at
a Kensington at her home last Fri
day afternoon. Mrs. R. E. McKenzie
and Mrs. Roy Beck with were guests
of honor. Twenty-five ladies were
present. At five-thirty a four course
dinner was served.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Sermon by Rev. A. R. J-ulian, Dis
trict Superintendent, at 11 A. M.
Communion service after sermon.
Epworth League at 6:;i0 P. M.
Sermon by Pastor at 7:30 P. M.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday at
7.30 P. M.
All ure welcome.
Rev. A. R. Julian, District Super
intendent, will preach next Sunday
morning and hold Communion ser
vice at the M"tliodist church at the
usual hour, eleven o'clock. The pas
tor, Rev. O. S. Baker, will preach in
the evening ai 7:."ai o'clock. Quarter
ly Conference Monday evening, Nov.
Oth, at the Church, nt 7:30 o'clock.
Official members please be present
with reports for this our first quar
ter. O. S. BAK.BR, Pastor.
Let us figure on that
bill of
Q roceries
that you need. We
can save you money
on anything we carry.
Don't send away and
get stung again. We
meet all competition.
Especial discounts for
Yours for fair dealing,
i D.Rodgers
Satisfactory Work Guaranteed
See McCorkle before selling your
potatoes. 44tf7 1 5
Best stock of apples in the city at
Henry Hopkins', 119 Box Butte av
nue. Phone 691. Good apples at i
dollar per bushel. 47-1 -772
After you eat smoke Marguerite.
Market Changes Hands
Monday morning, Oct. 23, E. C. Whet
stone bought the W. R. Drake market
located in the Co-Operative Store and
has employed Joe Skala, a butcher
of twelve years' experience, to man
age it and will try to please all
Joe does not need any introduction to the meat buying
public as he has cut meat In this town for six years
Mrs. R. K. McKenzie on Joyed an
over Sunday visit from her rriend.
Miss Bess Lyman or Lincoln. Mis-
Lyman's rather is the oldest In
point or service or any passenger
conductor in Lincoln.
Brakeman Walthers or the east
emd stopped off here between t ratal
last Friday on his way home from
the Black Hills. Young Walthers is
next in line for promotion and may
be sent for any time.
Fireman I'owler, who has been off
with ;i broken finger, has report ed
tor work.
There was some excitement in the
yards early Monday morning when
No. 41's engine ran into three emp
ty coaches. One. a combination mail
and baggage car, was completely de-
molishod. No one was hurt.
Last Saturday about 10:80 P m.
oceurrtd what might have been a
very serious accident near Sutton.
Nebr. A youi'g man driving four
! mules ran head-on Into a westtiound
freight. Three of the mules were
killed. TlM driver was only slightly
Mrs. Ilalv erstadl, w ire of Conduc
tor Halverstiidt, is at home after un
dergoing a very dangerous operation
in the Presbyterian hospital at O
maha. Mrs llalwrstadt is slowly
regaining her strength and reels
very much encouraged.
A company or ladies, enough ror
two tables, played 500 at the home
'of Mr P. N lloskins last Friday
evening A hand painted plate was
given to Mr. M. K. Johnson for high
Mrs Guy Allen, who has been vis
iting at Kewanua. lud , is expected
heme the last of tilts Week. She
j will be accompanied by her mother.
! Mrs. Belle Ayers, who will spend
The ladies of the Presbyterian Aid
Society will be entertained at a so
cial meeting at the home of Mrs. W.
E. Spencer, 1004 Cheyenne Ave., by
Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Reddish,
Wednesday afternoon, November 8th.
The subject or the sermon in the
morning will be "What Do You
Think or the Church?" Evening,
one or the series of sermons to
young people, "Cards and Wine."
Services at the Kpiscopal church
Sunday morning at 10:30, und at
7:30 In the evening. A most cordial
invitation is extended to all.
There will be regular services in
the First Presbyterian church on
Nov. 5th. The ev-'ning service will
be for the young people espeiiall
and the theme will bi "Effickncy".
Alliance, Nebr.
In Front of the Checkered Front Stable
you can nearly always see a rig getting
ready to start out. We will send one any
distance, for any purpose, at any time.
Meetings in Marks' hall, north. 'ast
corner larainie avenue and Third
street. Sunday school at 1:30 a. ni.
Preaching at II a. m. und 7:30 p. m.
All are welcome.
PhoiK' Of for good bulk apples at
$1.00 per bushel. 47-1-772
C.L. Hashman
Republican Candidate tor
Commissioner, 2nd Dis
trict. Twenty-six years
a resident of Box Butte
county. Your support
will be appreciated.
We answer all calls promptly
and will be glad to serve you in any way
in which a rig is requited.
M. P. COURSEY. Prop.
Are as (rood us gold, and
we have the new and latest
styles at your command.
Call and see them and Kt
your older in before the
holiday rush.
Alliance Art Studio