aaaaaaawsWWMSBBatJWW HEMINGFORD Mn. Robm Wright and father visited friend at rdmori 8. D., the lant of the M"k. Mr'- Rolls Johnson visited at the borne of W. A. t'olemnn In Alliance, from Wednesday to Thursday Miss Grace Coleman came up with her and visited till Monday. Miae Mamie (lasslleme spent the pact two week visit Inn at the home at Mrs. Harry (Ireen. Miss Rather Neeland Is assist Inn Pollie Tierce at the bank while Mr. fierce ia away. Mrs. Lena Hrltton came in on 43 from Alliance, where she lias been pending the past two weeks with fcer daughter, Mrs. Frank 1'otinesil. s' j Mrs. ArmtsrotiR's brother from O 81 ah a has been visiting her the past fw days. A. 8. Enyeart came in Wednesduy from Kansas City, where he has been taking treatments for the past month. Mr. Bert Mart and Mrs. Aaron Maul left Thursday on 44 for a visit with home folks in Iowa. They ex pect to be gone some time. Miss Kiizabcth Dice, who has been visiting friends in Tierce, Colorado, returned Thursday, her sister, Mrs. Em 11 Hockey, Klng to Alliance to meet her. Mr. Trey, who has been visitiiiK bis daughters and other friends here for the past tWO weeks, left Friday for Kansas to VflM I lirotiier, be fore his return to his home in Tenn. Mrs. Hi K. Anderson, who has been In the hospital at Alliance came borne Sat unlay and Is reported as getting along fine. Fred Mellck came in Saturday morning from the eastern part of (be state where he has been looking after business mutters for the past few days. Mr. McCluskey's daughter arrived Saturday from Iowa for a visit with her parents and brothers. Miss Evelyn McKurney came up from Alliance Friday to spend Sun day with home folks. Ira Thlllips was u liemingrord vis itor between trains Saturday. Several parties have h -en in our Mr. Scheney came down from ; neighborhood looking Tor land lately Crawford Saturday to visit for a ! Two of these sera looking over the ting 65 or 70 bushels on their wagon. Arthur Hass hauled a load of pota toiw over to 8cottsbluff last week, as did also L M. Wh lit alter, getting one dollar per bushel for them. Speaking of potatoes, we have nev er seen a fine a lot in northwestern Nebraska as Mrs. Johnson has tn her collar this fall. Fred llahn and Mr WnM have gone to Colorado with a team and wagon, expecting to return with a load of apples. tee Jim ljovell. of Curly, Is doing the carpenter work on J. W. Scott's barn. Mrs. Bassctt and Mrs. Weir spent the day with Mrs. Powell, Monday last. These ladles also were callers on Mrs. Mickey lrst week. It Is said that the Adventlsts In the neighborhood north of ub are ar ranging to open a school especially for their own children soon. ' The famllle of E. F. Tmyer and George Jones spent the day with QsfflsM Hall and family last Monday. More railroad talk The Hurling ton will build from (Hrard west, croMslng the Niobrara river at the old O. 'V . ranch, where a town will !r located, then north to Crawford, tints cutlng out "Death Curve" near Marslnnd, the long hill and tunnel nt Hclmont, and wiping Marslnnd and Betel (MM off the map. Marslnnd mer chants are trying to sell out and land norund the O. If, Is on the rise. This Is as the reports in this section have It Hut if a man be lieved all the reports he hearts a round here, op were to try to locate their origin, he'd he as crazy as n bed bug. Word from Mr. and Mrs. Thorp i.-iis of their location at Francktaa, Texaa, with the Nebraska colony, lo cated there by the irrepressible John Mahr, ex county clerk, World- Herald reporter, court reporter, Cu ban no Idler, etc , from Dawes county and the village of Chadron. Mrs. S. C. Itassett has been spend ing a couple of weeks in our vicinity ye iscribe taking her to her home at ua.te a few days since. Aaron lloyer met with it very pain ful accident a few days ago. Meing thrown from a horse his left ami was broken In two places at the el bow. while with his dftttghtor, Roland. Mrs. Wm. Thorp Motion with it. a view of buying Hoes hnyeart left Saturday for; Mrs Hobt Lincoln, where he will attend school her old horn the coming winter. Jack Kennedy had the misfortune Spoon w ill leave for in M'usouri, this week to get his leg broken by being ,la, published In that town thrown fr ;u his gasoline car Sumliiv evening. Dr. McKueu w as railed and set the broken BMOsMf and Mr. Ken nedy was taken to the St. Joseph hospital in Alliance, Tuesday. . Miss Klla Brown came in from Al liance Saturday for a visit with her Isters here Last Sunday being Al.x Olds' birthday, his mother surprised him by Inviting a few of his .voting friend for dtiim? Mrs. C ft Sheparil, fr.m the i idge. pent Monday tit the home of II. I'. Bhepiit d Rev Mr. i'o came in Sa: urday from Uncoln, where he ht's i. ti tor the past week at l ending I lie i m -n-tlou. a George Carroll was an Allianc Itor from Monday until Tama tar, looking alter Ihimii -s affairs. Miss Sarah Iverson re. civ. d n .. Friday that h step father ra sick. She left for Deliver Saturday, An drew few i Iverson going v. i-it her for Speaking of Chadron. once In a while we run amuck of one of the and are filled with disgust as wo read the spunked-hithy cries of one of the publishers there against the other (there's mighty little difference be tween the two). So bent on venting their personal spleen on each other are these men that they don't hesi tate to deinorulinze or jeopardize their own town's Welfare and to drae. their slimy personal cotitrovcrsiin in to their papers and have the audac it y to ask their patrons to pay for the rags thus saturated each week with their own petty personal gtic ances. With a wldeawnke, progress iva, commercial club to boost the town, a fine new state normal and fed ral court reielitly hunted there. BOOM of the fiti(it people, living in i the finest houses in the land, and other tea' arcs ihut make an attract Ive future before that town, these two so-called newspapers which 'ought to lie th - greatest of all fac tors in promoting their city's beat interests are dcing far more dai i In retarding the progress of ChaJron than tliey are good in BTlHtHni U tip Mi.n l.ulu Wirt . teacher In ne Al short latter home oooooooooooooooo o STRASBURGER o oooooooooooooooo (Received last press dny too late for publication.) The latest doings In the Strasburg er schoolhouse was an entertainment musical and humorous. Among the humorous were reasons given why the homesteaders In this part of the county left their palaces In other parts of the United States to dwell In sod houses and frame Bhacks In the hills. Reasons were assigned by Mrs. Samuel H. Speer, Mlsa Lucy Tinkham and Messrs. Moore, Starr, Squires and Strasburger. Some of the reaaons given made Goode Old Boy think that Solomon wife right when he said, "All men are liars," and it may be possible ( perhaps i that that "wisest of men" had some ot these ho steaders in mind when he said, "All men are liars." The entertainment was well attended and WOll enjoyed. Rev. Torter, minister nt Strasburg er, and Klder Ntiirr attended me I'rcisbyterian Synod at North 1'lattc They had the pleasure of listening to Hon. Mr. Hryan In religious as well as political talks. There have been several newcom er who have bought the improve ments on claims near Strasburger John 0. Kessler, a soldier in the Union army, a brother-in-law of John H. and Edward Strasburger, bought the improvements of the Drnry'is, and l'hilpott buying the Improvements of I'hilpott, buying th cimpoerv incuts of Curtis Wilson. Success to those who come, and good luck to those who go away May all have good health, happiness, prosperity and continu ance, is the sincere wish of the writer. Messtls. Verner, Moore, Hlaser, I'hilpott and Haralson BTiB doing con siderable freighting. In the election of officers of the Cnion Tresbyterian Sunday School at Strasburger, Mrs. Snuel II. Speer was unanimously re-elected Superin tendent. Sheridan county potatoes are noted the world over, so says the Omaha Bee. Verily, we believe there are none better From the heaps of hiu potatoes, turnips, squash and good corn that has been raised around Btraabttrger, it is hard to believe that we had a drought. Sam H. Speer brought us a turnip weighing over nine pounds. Like Longfellow's beet. "It grew and it grew." Rev I) W. Montgomery of Alliance and Rev. (!. ft Torter will hold re vival meetings in the Strasburger school house, beginning Tuesday, Oct. II, at 7:110 p. DL, and continuing through the week. We will be de lighted to hear these man of God, be lieving they are about their Master's business. We wish them the great est degree of success in bringing many into the fold of Him who said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." On Friday night, Oct. 27. there will be a dance at the ffhaslwrgaf school house. Rev (!. ft Porter preach'-s every other Sabbath afternoon in the Straet burger school house. If you hear htm lie will do you good. Everybody here is either making fences, digging potatoes, hauling lum ber, coal or provisions, proving up home.-K aiis, building houses, gatji er ing turnips and squash, i . "To do nothing is as fatal ;h to commit evil. and it ll more cowardly." QOODE OLDH BOY, o o o o ooo o o oouooooo HOMESTEAD 30OOOOO0 llauce High school, made it j business trip to Seneca the wrl of the week, reUirilillu Monday .cum 0 0 0 Ileal estate wanted for sate, Hoelus, Ncbr Hex Building ems to be the order of the da in our neighborhood )sl now. Charlie liner is building a fine SOd house, J. W. Scott and LOUle Walters new barns ami A D. Weir a table at -I calf slices. Neighbor tHattsrsQs, tiring of bach elor life, (lulled out for a visit down the road last Saturday. Mrs Fatter tun i visiting her relatives iu the eastern part of the state. a Parties from Mitchell with four burses drove over to Mrs. Johnson's or a load of potatoes last week, put- 0 K MITCH 47-it-7t52. w rit a Eugene Davis, ot Indianapolis, lud ., presMenJ of the North Ptatte Owuti A. Coloniation Co, nrsg in our city hi u trains Saturt'.n o o o o o o o o o The n flurries. loy of Iti gollig to si hool wants work after school and Saturday Thone ti lircen. 47-if' Till Mr and Mrs. H. O Fleming had a very pleasant visit hut week from Mr. aud Mrs. C D. Tugh of los An geltii. Mra. Fleming and Mrs. Hugh are iuumuii, and this added lo the enjoyment ot meetiug and vlsitiug as old acquaintances. oooooooooooQ JESS ITEMS o oooooooooooo October ..v Mther is fine after the snow Hen Doyle is visiting his brother, Kd. Doyle, and will return to his heme at Virginia, N'ebr., in a f-w days. E H. Sly -,at- a dance at the I'at morc seine house. whi h was . njoy ed by all. Theie was a good crowd end file- lillisje. Clyde Helling will depart the first of the week for Steele City, Ncbr.. o n tip his brother move out to his elanii i ear the Spade ranch, in the spriii!- "Tai; is money." We waste much time and money and horse flesh do ing cur duty on election day. Bach true Am rteani Qaj$bJ to vote accord ing to bia convict toaui. Wag Katheriue O'Doiinell left Mon day to takv up her duties as teacher some nine miles west of Alliance. 1TKE tfiFOaEiT PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL r iik ir i a s s a va- TI . M I Q . I i ne miavummcr stmimer styles for c lassy horse circles are snow InTriese. pldtes . The J inky little lid with 41 I. I Ine ears prolrudinc conspicuously ucJind conspi I. I hy the I l nas Deen superseded by inese modern denfdns more in keeping with torrid weather . Certain effects hdveheen adapted from the lines of human millinery which have heen found to he more hecoming to horses than to the women . SWELL LINE OF EQUINE MILLINERY AND FINE LINGERIE AT HAWS BROS. I . IW.. I IK IN GIVE YOU both rrTTi , AOP ' - fc Rough Dry Washing Having installed a rough dry de partmenc we will save you the worry of wash day this winter. We will get your soiled linen, wash and starch it, iron the flat pieces, and return it to you for 35c per dozen. Stop the Wagon or Call Phone 160 i Alliance Steam Laundry