Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. The Alliance Herald Gives all the news of Box EfattG County and City of Alliance VOLUME XVII! ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBASKA s THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, IHI1 NUMBER 46 A Rich Business Man Says "The American people are prodigal, and our ex travagance will have to be paid for some day. People are taking advantage of prosperity, such as has never been excelled in this country, to be wasteful and ex travagant. We are not saving up for the time of need." Save Your Money Now even at a sacrifice, if necessary, than to be needy in your old age. Invest your money in certificates of deposit with The First National LOOP CITY FLOUR WHITE SATIN BEST GRADE OF GROCERIES Men's Clothing Hood Rubbers Shoes Hats Come in and you will be pleased with what you buy We Deliver TOM STALOS 1st door north of Dismer Restaurant Phone 210 The Best Advice On Lumber Costs The Least Money and when we say to prospect ive homebuilders that "now's the time to build" we are offer ing you really sound advice. No matter what you have heard about cheaper lumber, take it from us that you're on the safe side if you build right now. We haven't been in the lumber business for these many years for nothing we know a thing or two and we're willing to admit you do too, but in the face of all this talk nowadays about timber conser vation we believe you'll agree that lumber has a fixed value and that by delaying the build ing of your new home you will gain nothing but incon venience. We believe we can convince you the above is good advice let's talk it over. Forest LumberCo. A. P. LEE, Mgr. EnjoyYourEvenings AT THE Alliance Roller Rink SKATE TO THE MUSIC OF OUR GRAND MILITARY BAND ORGAN GOOD MUSIC HEALTHFUL EXERCISE GOOD ORDER Every skate ticket entitles you to ten votes in the DIAMOND RING CONILS1 E . E . HISLOP . MGR. Latest Models Spiral Wire Boned Corsets, fitted to your figure by un experienced fitter before you buy. New York lial Shop, l'hone ML HOLSTEN Sells the REAL KODAf There is an added zest in every autumn sport for those who KODAK Come in and let us talk Kodak with you. Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentitt OVER BR EN NAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evening by Appointment PHONE 525 RED DR. L. W. BOWHAN Office Upstairs, First National Bank Building Phone, Office 362 Phone, Residence 16 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA A. J. KENNEDY DENTIST j-, ' " " c LOCALSanPERSONALS Rev. Wnro was n Mullen visitor the fore part of the week. C. A. Newberry whs n harness visitor at H rid Report t li latter part of last week. A number of Alllanceitos attended B. K. Johnson's bis sale at MeiiilnK ford Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kd. O'Donnetl are enjoying a visit from their nephew of Wymore, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duncan arrived in Alliance Sunday morning. The past few months were spent by them at Boise City, Idaho. Miss Alva Hillls of Pacific Junc tion, Iowa. Is expected in Alliance in the very near future to make her sister. Miss Pearl llillis, and many friends a few weeks' visit. A general meeting of the Woman's! flub Mill be held at the home of Mrs. Wilson, Kriday afternoon, () tobor 27th . Herman Krause wa.s in from his innch in the north end of the coun ty the firs! c !h week attending to business matters in this city. Rev. and Mrs. Brown departed on'1 the noon train Monday for Lincoln and I last inn. They expect to be gone a week. Mr. and Mrs. Hert Dunrun return ed o Alliance the first part of the reek, lien) iiieiids will lie (jlad to learn that they will make their home in this city in the future. Ingford department two mistakes oc curred which we wish to correct. The name was spelled. Hartley instead of Beutler and his home was In llox Unite county instead of Sioux county Mr. Bentlef was one of the highly respected citizens of the western part of this county and he Is greatly missed by his neighbors as well as by the family A proposition 0 bond for a city sewer system will be submitted to Die voters of Scotisbluff, but so much opposition has been developed to the proposition that it will proba bly not carry. Mack in Ohio they are applying the bee-sting cure for rheumatism. .One man has been stung seventeen times and claims he is much bettef. That, fellow ought to have come to Nebraska years ago. A little thing like being stulig would be second na ture to him now Kxchange. Ora Snavely ha been transferred from Alliance to pilot one of the en uines on the Burlington Hill run. Mr. Suavely formerly lived In Crawford and his many friends are glad to have him back. Crawford Courier SPECIAL SALE Friday and Saturday only, very Hat in the utorc will hv plftOBd on sale at 2!" discount on the two days mentioned. Anyone who lias as yet failed to be suited cannot allot d to miss this bargain. Our complete line of Cor sets, including American Hcnuty, P. N. and Madam Grace will he sold til, dis count. All Petticoats, both Heatlterbloom and Taffeta, will bo sold al 11 25 discount. I still have a line ot N EC PIECE DliKSSRS that will go at a great sacrilice. Conic in mid sec for yourself if these ntv not real Bargains. Mrs. R. Simmons DEDICATORY SERVICES The new Catholic church Is to be dedicate! Wednesday, Nov. 15, at 9 a. m. Kveryone, regardless of creed, is invited to both mornini; and even Inn services. The ladles of the par rlsh will serve dinner from 11 to 1 and supper from 5 to 7, in the base men! of the church. Printed Invlta lions for out of town nuests may be had upon application to Hie pastor. 1 Mease remember that the citizens of M ,. I I .. I, t..tV I ........ .i i . nil u ,iiin. li' iiui niu u u T-II I i ,,, . , - . ... , . . , Mllance are all invited la. A I ... I .... . ...,( U ... .. ...I.. I'..- .. . . .. IU ... I III! I HI li'l niiMinmj nil- with his two sisters. Mrs. H. Dicken son of Minatare and Mrs. Kd. Croft of Geneseo, 111. Mrs. John Beutler and daugbter, Mabel, and Henry Wlnton came over from the Canton neighborhood last Kriday, returning the next day. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Burke returned to Alliance Monday morning after having spent a month in the east. They report a very enjoyable time. Their many friends are glad to have them home again. In the announcement of a new ar rival at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hal l'ardey last week, The Herald was in error in saying that these hap py parents now have two boys. Both their children are girls. But then, girls cause their parents to be just as happy as boys, we suppose, so ilia; it wasn't so much of a mistake after all. Rev. Dr. W. P. McNary of Torrlng ton, Wyo., preached at the 17. P church in Alliance last Sunday morn ing and evening, two sermons Hiat were highly appreciated by his hear ers. He also gave an interesting ad dresB before the Sunday afternoon men's meeting, at the same place. Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Brown left on 44 Monday to be gone till next week Mr. Brown went to Lincoln to attend the Christian Kndeavor state conven tion, and Mrs. Brown is islting rel atives at Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Perry have had their household uood.t shipped bac kto Alliance from Denver, ex pecting to make this city their home, but on account of Mrs. Perry's xor health they have had their goods IsOfed and will not h:gin housekeep ing here for a while. She went to (ilendive, Mont . last Saturday for an extended visit with her sinter, Mrs. W. S Mclntyre Her many friends in ft IHen r will Join The Herald in the hope that she will soon be en- 1 joying good health again. fottice 10 Alliance National Bank Blk t T Over Postoffice. 'Phoue 391. T Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. ti Mil I 1 Vance and Miss Mabel You tin left yesterday to attend the National W. 0, T. IJ. convention which is to be held this year In Mil waukee, a very appropriate city for such a gathering Last week in the notice of the death of John Beuller In our Hem SEWING WANTED. -Wanted, all kinds of sewing. Prices reasonable. Phone 486 or 105. 39tf656 Dr. Boland, phone 65. I X 315 Box Butte Avenue I j i Electrical Supplies of all Kinds Wiring and Installation a Specialty ' HI MI m Satisfactory Work Guaranteed PHONE 682 j JAMES H. KENNEDY Dentist New office First National Bank Building PHONE 2.1 S2 Corsets FOR SALE AT BOGUE'S BEAUTIFUL NEW SUITS AND COATS AT W. W. NORTON'S STORE A NOTABLE EVENT Come and look them over. We want to hurry these Suits out right at the time when you want them. Commencing Friday, October 27, and lasting 8 days we will give all a little treat in low prices. Ml 'W. 7 V UW'7 Tailored Cloth Suits in plain styles in Q cheviots, serges and mixtures, all wanted fe: shades, twentv-rive different stvles, worth I in . in n '.it s i up to 93V.W an si:es, oiii uum e, special Ladies' Coats in novelty goods, grey, tan and brown, none sold for less than $25.00, V ery special Ladies' Chiffon Broadcloth Coats, worth up to $25.00 Special $19.50 $21.00 $18.75 100 Misses' and Children's Coats in plain and novelty goods at the follow ing special low prices: $1.98, $3.00, $3.79, $4.49, $5.98 to $8.00 The new mannish cloth Ladies' Skirts from $5.00 up This sale will mean a saving to all Box Butte county women Yours very trill) , VA7. W. INORTOIN