COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Alliance. Nebr.. October I, 1911 Board of County Commissioners met, pursuant to law. Member pre ent. J. p. Jensen Chairman. Rang C. Reck and J. M. Wanek The following proceedings were had and done, to-wlt : Upon petition being presented, it la the order of the Hoard that the voting place for Box Butte precinct be at Mr. Frazler's place on NEV of See. 2-26-48. I'pon request of the County Clerk, the Hoard selects a list of fit) names, from which a Jury I to be drawn for November Term of Diet riot Court, and same Is duty filed. Balance of day was spent in exam ining claims and the Board now ad journ until tomorrow morning at 9 A. M. W. C. MOUNTS. Co. Clerk. Alliance, Nebr. October 4, 1911. Board of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, same officer present as yesterday. The following proceedings were bad. to-wit: It is the order of the board thut the county treaaurer transfer $525. remaining in Bridge fund of 1910. to General fund of 1911. It is moved, seconded and carried that the Board now Inspect the poor farm and some bridges in Iake precinct. Bids for coal and wood were nak ed for and received and after exam ining aame. It I the order of the Board that Vaughn & Son be award ed contract for furnishing the county with 25 tons of Sheridan egg coal at $4.95 per ton, local weights, de livered. 25 tons to be furnished dur ing the present month, the remain ing 10 ton to be delivered on 10 day notice. The following claims were then ex amined and nllowed and clerk order ed to draw warrant on their re spective funds. GENERAL FUND Party For What Amt. Klopp & Bartlett Co.. supplies $99.48 Klopp & Bartlett Co., supplies 12.00 Kictt Cook, lively 6.00 City of Alliance. Unlit L1J0 K. B, McCool. judge 4.00 T. 8. Melding, clerk 4.00 Gregory Zurn, Judge 4.00 AarOB Pool, clerk 4.00 John O'Mara, clerk 4.00 . Davlg, judge 4.00 Fred Hadley, clerk 4.00 V. F. Patterson, judge 4.00 P. H. Zoble, primary 7.00 K 3, Stern. Judge 4.00 Chris Hansen, Judge I on Emery Abley. clerk 4.00 Walter Lang ford, judge 4.00 Fred Abley, Judge 4.00 A. H. Mabln. clerk 8.00 Barney lialbur, primary 4.00 M. Q. Wambaugh, primary 7.00 K M McCoy, Judge 7.00 Clark Olds. Judge 4.00 C 11. Burleigh, judge 4.00 O. T. Fosket, Judge 4.00 Ira Roland, clerk 4.0(1 C H. Burlew, clerk 8.00 A.lolph Nlkout, clerk 9.40 L. P. Sweeney, witness 12.00 O. R. Hale, Judge 4.00 J. J. Wlnten, judge 7.00 Carl Ha8hman, clerk 4.00 George H. Hagarman, judge 4.00 J. W. Guthrie, clerk 4.00 ill lant A. Hood, Judge 4.00 School Diet. 33, primary 4.00 John Caha, clerk 5.00 Barney Halbur, primary 4.00 Charles Prochaska. primary 4.00 . J. O. Bowser, primary 4.00 John Jelinek, primary 4.00 T. L. Hopkins, primary 5.00 L. E. Pilkington, primary 4.00 J. B. Wilson, primary 4.00 John 1'ilkington, priuiury 4.10 Jai.ies Dickey, Primary 4.00 L. rf. Ellis, publication 2.00 John Thomas, publication 2.00 l i i versify Pub. Co., supplies iv IS CeWli Sterkle, pauper 52."55 tt Bernard Hospital, pauper 45 00 Klopp & Harriett, supplies 17.50 Klopp & B; rtlttt, supplies 15.00 C A. Newberry, : implies Zi pf, F. I'onovan. witness S.10 Gregory Zurn, Just'tc of peace 70.35 h. J. EUIb, printing 136 Cal Cox, fees 322.90 Hfcuinmn & Stephens Co., sup. 4.6C Ht:ulusford Jour. Co., prluting 15.00 Clark Olds tc Co.. labor 10 M P. L. Potmesil, steuog. work 10. 0(' Nebr. Land & Auto Co. .auto hire 6.00 Jeaper J pa person , road 68.50 K. J. NerCh listen sen, road 30 00 Knud Jensen, road 29.60 C. A Shindler, road 1 1 40 F II Pierce, road 404 86 Tax. 13.02 Irs Scrl bner. road 42.00 Central Lumber Co.. road 103.70 Total 925 90 Whereupon the hoard adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock A. M W a MOUNT!, Co. Clerk. Alliance, Nebr., October 6, 1911. Hoard of County Comnilsloner met pursuant to adjournment, same officers present a yesterday. The following proceedings were had and done to-wlt : The following claims were examin ed, allowed and clerk ordered to dia warrants on their respective fund. GENERAL FUND Party For What Amt. W (. Zedeker, prlniarv 7.60 terry Mailey. primary 4.00 RobOrt 0 ROtMttB, primary 4.00 Smith P. Tuttle, primary 4.00 T. Schlupp. primary 4.00 John O'Koefe, primary 4.00 Theodore Roes, primary 4.00 Cltas. Moravek, primary 4.00 E P. Sweeney, primary 4.00 Ceo. W. Duncan, groceries for pauper, amt. 34.25, allowed, 32.76 Hammond & Stephens, supplies 34.30 Forest Lbr. Co., lumber 101.65 KttMnoOd & Stephens, supplies 4.70 A Ii Rodger, groc. for pauper ll.M Chas. E. Slagle. coroner 6.00 L. A. Berry, witness 2.10 Nebr. Tel. Co., phone 27.85 City of Alliance, light 15.45 Hammond & Stephens Co., sup. 6.10 John Garrett, primary 1.00 Omaha Printing Co., supplies 46.00 Clarence Tompkins, road 12.15 W. F. Rosenkranz, hlksmithing 18.90 James Bartos, labor Herald Pub'g Co., printing S. C. Reck, Comm. salary J. .P Jensen, Comm. fees J. M. Wanek, Comm. fees L. C. Mason, labor Total ROAD FUND Joe Wlnten, road F McCoy, road i. E. Mills, road F. Seldler, road F. Seldler. road Geo. Simpson, road (' W. Shores, road COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Regular Meeting of City Council Oct. 3, 1911. Officer present Mayor Harris, Councllmen Newberry, Sny der, Martin. Councilman Vaughan absen' Minute of the previous meeting rend and approved. Re port from the City Officer were re ceived and read a follows. Police Judge for Sept em tier 1911. Fine $101.00; Marshal Fees. $23.10. To tal, $124.10. City Treasurer for Aug ust and September 1911. Receipts. Bal. Aug. I at. County Treas. Marshal Fees Mlscel. License Miscel. Collection Water Light Sewer Park Bonds Total $23865.96 2506.13 46.20 115.00 76.50 2439.30 6764.74 1986.46 6000.00 $42800.28 Disbursements. QOMnl $ 677.40 Water 2462.70 LlKht 6764.74 Street and Alley 2073.42 Officers' Salaries 363.34 Street and City Hall Lighting, 398.50 Sewer Bal. Oct. Total ird. H. Rhodes, road L. Harris, road 'red J. Barnes, road Fred Struble, roa G. G. Clarke, road Jack McRae, road F. C. Robbln, road Henry Roe, road John W. Simpson, road Felix Lester, road Forest Lbr. Co., road Geo. II. Simpson, road K W. Stelner, road Geo. Simpson, road It. W. Steiner. road Geo. Simpson, road O. L. Harris, road Total Whereupon the Board to November 21, 1911. W 0. MOUNTS, Co. Clerk 63.75 39.30 30.85 14.40 19.20 44.70 573.60 it.oe 35.00 3.00 22.50 86.25 42.25 2.25 10.50 13. 0 33.60 32.50 6.00 6.00 20.00 9.20 15.00 10.00 35.75 33.30 2.50 18.00 40.25 75.60 24.30 613.25 adjourned Bond Fund. Park Bonds Water Bonds Lighting Bonds Light Sinking Fund Sewer Fund General Fund Total 154.16 30026.03 $42800.28 $ 5000.00 11222.83 8972.38 1372.05 1441.18 2017.59 $30026.03 Sewer Warrant No. 22, Amt. $1014.45 out standing. City Water and Light Department. Water Revenues for the Month End ing Sept. 15th. Water Rent $203,20 Taps 14.00 Total $217.20 Operating Expenditures. Material and Supplies $342.40 Cost of Pumping 411.20 Salaries 111.00 Office Supplies and Expense, .26 Pumps and Wells 1.55 Malnt. of Meters 88.10 Total Gross Deficit Number of Consumers $954.51 $737.31 Sept. 15, 663 Light Revenues for the Month End ing Sept. 15th. Light Earning $1339.76 Power Earnings 197.65 Lamp Sales 65.60 Merchandles 179.80 Street and City Hall Lighting, 146.75 Pumping Water for City 411.20 A. F. Allen, well known in Alliance through having formerly resided In this city but for some time past hold Ing a claim west of Bridgeport, BhippMl a car load of cabbage from the North Platte valley to eastern points last week, passing through Al liance and stopping over Thursday. H. E. Boon spent most of the sum mer at the ranch in Morrill county but came to Alliance last week to be at home a few days. He brings a good report ol ranch conditions Wlille hay was a little short In som. places, It was better than usual on the low ground and averages up pretty well. Stock is in good condi tion to go Into the whiter. Word from the German hospital at Kansas City, Mo., Is to the effect that Charlie T eater is improving gradually, being able now to get out doors two or throe tlin.-s a day. His physician states that he will recover from the disease for which he is now being treat d, although not rapidly, as it VPI deep-seated. Grant Coun ty Tribune. Oct. 5. " I'n.le Wilton called at The Herald o'fU '.a t Saturday morning Total 2340.76 Light Operating Expenditures. Merchandise $278.98 Power Plant l.alw.r 261.55 Fuel 609.14 Lubricants 28.68 Miscel. Power Plant Supplies and Expense 4.00 Malnt. of Dlstr. s i'.". Lamp Supplies 91.38 Customers Premises Expenses 76.50 Salaries 164.00 Office Supplies and Expenses, 31.65 Malnt. of Meters 35.00 PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL Total Gross Income Number of Consumers $1589.13 $751.6;! Sept. 16, 400 An Whitney, labt r State Journal Co , i applies J. H. Vaughn & Sou, coal Fred Mcllring, salary etc. Will Carrey, bhuksmlthing etc W. C. Mount, livery Total ROAD FUND C W Coker, road Batrrn. roud C. M. Lotspelch, road Geo. Slmpscn, road H. V. Lucas, read Leo Prohnapfel, road Chas. E. Younkin. road L. If. Kennedy, road A. A. Wright, road W. J. Hughes, road V. Sakol. road James Bartos, road Hi A 11,(4 15.77 861 91 . 4.60 5 00 1 tta is 15.00 33.00 28.00 27.00 9.60 21.00 27 60.00 12.00 12.00 32.50 The following claims were received and allowed J. H. Carlson, Salary St. Com., $75.00 J. D. Emerick. Salary Clerk, 25.00 Hen Jordon. Killing Dogs. Loo F. E. llamblin, City Eng'r, Ser vices, 13.50 K M. Nussbaum, St. Sprinkler, Salary, 85.0O Geo. E. Leldy, Carpenter W'k, 12.35 W. F. Rosenkranz, Blacksmith Work. 56.20 Brmuum &. iieekweii. Heating Plant for City Hall. 960.50 I Heal Bros.. Cement Work, 192.85 John Garret, Hauliug, 1.1ft Rice Bros.. Hauling Hose Carts, 3.011 E. W. Ray. Plumbin ,. 2::. 10 with umplM or potatoes grown b 1 Henry Combs. Labor on Streets, 46.15 How Heat My House? This is the question you must answer now, and on it depend HEALTH and PROSPERITY. I I HIGH GRADE STANDARD FURNACES give you not only warm air to breathe, but pure, fres-h air. STANDARD FURNACES cannot be compared with others because they are DIFFERENT from ail others. The FOUR DOME RADIATOR is what gives EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY and DURABILITY. They AN INVkS l MINI All T M A.f A ITAVJi 1 i earning ior you larger profits than almost anything else you can buy. r te lot our BOOKLET on FURNACE HEA T .AG, it 1 j worth many dollars because of infor mation given, but it tree for the asking. GIBLIN & CO., Utica, N. Y. Ins son, diaries S. Wilson, cu the WiUon ram Ii, tweli milts north of Allian-o He It ft us four of thj BPOil tali of which Volgkod over a pound, MM weighing a pound and ;: oaiu- s He informed us that t'.u-y hav. twenty-three aires of po ur, -s ih... ..i-. rifteou o. wihch are yieldius a!., it a hundr.d bush -Is por acre, ou tii.' other eight acres the tanJ was poor so that they are not yielding as well When it is ion l red lhat tle.-s,- poiatue were i,ro'.vu w:tliout irriMation or o;Ujt :.a Myoato, ou land that would sell for only about $20 per acre, It must be conceded that growing pot a I ioe.- 111 uvx uuiie county u a W. 8. Parks. " 6.30 Dr. H. A. fopsey. Services, Jfl Tom Tuck, Hoard Prisoners. 16.00 J ii iiunsaKer. Salary and L l"'ises. Iftt.N M F. Honoxan, Spl. Police, VIM F. R. Uonovun. Night Marshal and Janitor, M CUy of Alliance Water & Light Hepartment, Strei t I'laims Paid. M t. Water furnished public schaols, St. Agnes Academy, Mercy llos pltal and" Public Library from Apr. 1st to Oct. 1st, Hill, 147.20 St. and t ity Hall Lighting, 162.45 F. W. Harris, Salary Mayor, 16.67 Oeo. J. Burke, Salary Treas. for August and September, 50.00 Moved by Councilman Martin, sec onded by Councilman Newberry, thai siuce the Park Bonds have been sold, the Finance committe;- should arrange the details for pi'.rcli:ui -.. the land for a public park, which res olution was carried by the following vote: Newberry, aye; Snyder, aye; Martin, aye. J D, EMERU'K. Clerk. ANOTHER RECORD BROKEN South Omaha Live Stock Receipts Records Broken I Kit. . 1 ,.i,!,.i mm f 1 ' I WMIIBIIIIlft, .-.-..I ll II I'v V. .. 4 I... I " u. ... i ju- k 11., iitana. 1 u 1 lit 2.t0 propowltlon. ing stand Pipe, lut.Jti Tlie following from th. South O uiahH Proven Journal-Sto kman of Mouday, October -second, i In teretrtiug to the stockmen of the northwest and the part relating to the record breaking shipments o 1 the Burliugtou will be of special In terest to those who ship over that roiid, showing as it does the class of service given shippers. The Her ald has information, in addition to that given in the Item below, that the :-f 7 cars of stock shipped into South Omaha by the Burlington on Sunday and Sunday night, Oct. 1. were ull unloaded before 7 o'clock Monday morning: "Just a week after the record for cattle r.'celpts was broken comes an other record breaker. Today 61 S cars, approximately 16.55:1 head or : sixteen cars and loO head more than ever arrived on this market in any one day. "The total number of enra of all kinds of stock, 874 cu,rs, Is also a roccrd breaker, being thirty cars more than were here on last Monday. They were divided as follows; catll,-, fit; hogs, t9: sheep, 217; horsas. 10. "Another record was bioken today when the Hurlington road rolled in a total of o97 cars of slock. This not only breaks the Burlington rec ord at this point but is a larger num ber of cars cf stock than any road ever brought to South Omaha in any one day. "One of the most remarkable fea tures about these big runs of stock is the ease with which they are han dled. This is due largely to the In creased spat e and lniproed facilities in the yards, but a great share of the credit is undoubtedly due to the new system of weighing the stock. Track weighing has baen abolished and as a consequence the entire S74 cars were unloaded and yarded in good inn and at notini'-was ihcre any semblance of congestion." We learn from the Hyannis Tri bune of last Thin-m!. that Mrs. C. E Halilberg, niothtr of Mrs. Dr. Barr, went to ML Pleasant, Iowa, a few weeks ago to visit a brother, and was taken seriously sick at that place the latter part of September, but was improving last week altho still confined to her bed.