The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 05, 1911, Image 5

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    Classified Advertisements
The following "Want Ads" are
classified under appropriate headings
for the convenience of readers.
CASH RATES One cent per
word each Insertion. No ad received
for less than ten cents per Inser
tion. Black face double rate.
CREDIT RATES One cent per
word each insertion, but no advertis
ing account opened for less than
twenty-five cents and no ad charged
for less than fifteen cents per week.
Black face double rate.
In answering Herald want ads
please mention that you saw it in
this paper.
A classified advertisement will In
troduce to each other the next buy
er and the next seller of property
In this town.
NICE FRONT ROOM to rent, fur
nished. Call at Simmons' Millinery
FOR RENT. Two sets light house
keeping rooms; part payment In
wcrk. Enquire at Herald office.
RENT. Bath and heat. Suitable for
two gentlemen. Apply Mrs. Black,
418 Sweetwater Ave. Phone 760.
Furnished Rooms for rent, modern.
809 Box Butte, upstairs. Telephone
I'hone No. f for roal and wood.
80 acres fine Irrigated land I miles
from town, 250 tons hay. 7 horses, 11
head cattle. 2ii head swine. 200 chick
ens, 500 bu. wheat, all kinds tools.
Price $l,000.
Large and small tracts, fine homes.
The A. L. Mrpuhy Company , leading
Dealers. Caldwell, Idaho.
We are sending out a few sample
copies of this issue of The Herald
to persons whom we think might
wish to subscribe. To such persons
we wish to say that while the price
of The Herald Is $1.60 per year we
are making a special offer to new
subscribers of $1.00 per year. This
special offer will close In October, so
if you wish to take advantage of It
you will do well to send in your sub
script Ion.
Splendid location, ground floor, Box
Butte avenue; best location in Al
liance for real estate or similar bus
iness. Would do for small retail
business. If interested inquire at
once at Herald office. Phone 340.
S room house for rent. $16.00. En
quire of Wm. M. Hill, Office North
Mt Nebr. Ind Co. 43-tf-711
Bonded Abstracter.
I have the only set of abstract
books In Box Butte county. Office
In McCorkle Building. lO-tf-570
S Glldden has returned to Alliance
and is ready to do all kinds of odd
Jobs of work. Phone 266 Red. 39tf
WORK WANTED Washing, iron
lng 'r housework, by day or week.
Call 724.
43-1t-708 MAMIE KEKNK.
WANTED Two furnished rooms
for housekeeping. Steam heat. Tel
ephone Red 426.
Money to loan on real estate.
B. Reddish.
McMillan, Piano Tuner at Threl
held', Mrs. Ross's, or Darling's.
741 -5t-23-tf
Dr. L. W. Bowman has secured an
office In First National Bank build
ing, upstairs, at end of hall to the
right, east front rooms. Office phone
3C2, residence phone 16.
The Herald has made arrangements
whereby we give our subscribers the
Nebraska Farm Journal, an interest
ing monthly paper, the price of
which is 50 cents per year, at the
very low price of 25 cents. This
special offer Is made only for a few
weeks. If you wish to try this paper
for a year at that price. In paying
your subscription to The Herald just
add 25 cents to cover subscription,
and we will put your name on our
list for the Nebraska Farm Journal.
will take notice that on the 2nd day
of August, 1911. W. S. Rldgell, a
Justice of the Peace of Box Uutte
county, Nebraska, Issuer! an order
of attachment for the sum of $195.00
in an action' pending before him,
wherein Clarence Cook is plaintiff,
and American Motor Cycle Company,
defendant, that property of the de
fendant consisting of money, has
been attached by garnishment of
one Arthur Faust, who has delivered
to the court the fund due defendant
from him, in the sum of about $160,
and said money is now held by the
court to await the final decision in
this cause, which waiil money was at
tached in this action under and by
virtue of the order of attachment Is
sued herein. That said cause lias
been continued till October 26th,
1911, at one o'clock I. M.. at which
time you are required to attend and
defend against said action.
L A BBBRY, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dated Sept. 22. Il l 1 . 42-3t
Every Household in Alliance Should
Know How to Resist It
The back aches becnuse the kid
neys are blockaded.
Help the kidneys with their work.
The back will ache no more.
Lots of proof that Dunn's Kidney
rills do this.
It's the best proof, for It comes
from this vicinitv
John J. Lingle, Wayside, near
Chadron, Nebr., says: "I first used
Doan's Kidney Pills while living in
Iowa several years ago. At that
time I was having a great deal of
trouble from backache and an al
most constant soreness across my
kidneys. If I caught cold, the com
plaint was aggravated and I was un
able to work. I took several NMttfl
dies but was not benefitted until a
friend advised me to try Doan's Kid
ney Pills. They cured me and I
had no trouble until I came here a
bout a year ago. Doan's Kidney
Pills also benefitted me then."
For sale by all dealers. Price 5
cents. Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the Unit
ed States.
Remember the name Doan'B and
take no other.
President Speaks at Auditorium
on World Peace.
I will take a few maternity cases
at my home on West 2nd street.
Phone 766. FRANCES DANOS. Red
Cross Nurse. 31-tf-829
Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and
posts. Phone 71. tt
If you want first class painting or
paper hanging, call E. C. Whlsman,
phone 709. 813-tf-28
FOR SALE. Good paying business.
Reason for selling, other business de
mands time. Will sell cheap to
right party. Will give lease on
building. Inquire at Herald office.
40 4t-665
a bargain and on easy terms. Phone
601 Red. 36tf617.
You do not have to leave home to
get a college education. The I. C.
S. will train you In your own home.
Address I. C. S., Scranton, Pa., for
particulars. 40-4t-666
I have a well matched driving team
for sale, with or without har
nefcs. Phone 450 red. A. F. BUNDY
STRAYED. One bay horse, both
bird feet white, foretop clipped,
eight U00 lbs., age 12 years. One
seal brown horse, weight 1100 lbs.,
age 12 years, foretop clipped, no
brands. Finder please notify Frank
H. Palmer and receive reward. Phone
687 Blue. 41-tf684
Dr. James P. Maxfleld, dentist,
has a modern dental office with e
lectrlcal equipment over Brennan a
drug store. Read bis card on first
pafee of The Herald.
28 tf-806
In answering Herald want
please mention that you eaw it
this paper.
If your skin is kept comfortable,
you will be comfortable yourself. If
you or one of your children are being
made miserable by hives, prickly
heat, rashes or eczema, or if you
are worried by pimples, black heads,
sun burn or skin trouble of any kind,
we want you to try ZEMO and ZE
We are so anxious to have you use
ZEMO and ZKMO Soap that we of
fer you a generous sample of each
and our 32 page booklet, "How to
Preserve the Skin," If you will send
five 2c stamps to E. W. Rose Medi
cine Company, 3032 Olive street, St.
Louis, Mo., to pay postage, or get
them today from Ho'.sten's Drug
Store, who will indorse and recom
mend ZKMO and ZEMO Soap for all
skin troubles whether It be on In
fant or grown person.
We know you will be pleased with
results from the use of ZEMO and
ZKMO Soap, at Holsten's Drug
State of Nebraska )
) ss.
Box Butte County )
At a County Court, held at the
County Court Room, in and for said
County, Sept. 23 A. D. 1911.
Present, L. A. Berry, County
In the matter of the estate of
Helen L. Grove deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Theodore Grove praying that the
Instrument purporting to be a duly
authenticated copy of the last Will
and Testament of said deceased, and
of the probate thereof by the Probate
Court of the County of Cook, State
of Illinois, and this day filed In this
Court, may be allowed, filed, pro
bated and recorded as the last Will
and Testament of said deceased in
and for the State of Nebraska. Said
Will relates to Real and Personal
property. Petition asks for appoint
ment of Alvin T. Grove and Arthur
H. Grove Administrators with Will
ORDERED, That October 23, A. D.
1911, at 10 o'clock A. M., is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter
muy appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said County, nnd
show cause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted; and
t hat notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof, be
given to all persons interested in
said matter, by publishing a copy of
this order in the Alliance Herald, a
weekly newspaper printed in said
County, for three successive weeks,
prior to said day of hearing.
(A true copy.) L. A. BERRY .
SEAL County Judge.
Many things go to prove that It Is
The way thousands are trying to
help others is proof. Among them
Is Mrs. W. W. Gould of Pittsfleld,
N. H. Finding good health by taking
Electric Bitters she now advises oth
er sufferers everywhere to take
them. "For years I suffered with
stomach and kidney trouble," she
writes. "Every medicine I used
failed till 1 took Electric Bitters.
But this great remedy helped me
wonderfully." They'll help any wo
man. They're the best tonic and
finest liver and kidney remedy that
Is made. Try them. You'll see. 50c
at F. J. Brennan's.
Introduced by W. J. Bryan at Lunch,
eon in Capital City Executive Con.
tinues Trip Through State of Ne
Lincoln, Oct 3. William Howard
Taft was tbe UI of the capital city
and thousands of Nebraskans flocked
here to pay him honor In the warm
non-partisan reception which wan ac
corded him. Though the sky was
cloud) the weather man was kind and
did not cause rain to fall upon the
crowds who poured upon the streets
to witness th" pared which took the
(resident ia' party from the depot to
the hotel and after luncheon to the
At the Lincoln hotel luncheon the
president was Introduced hy William
Jennings Brynn, who said, as he pro
posed a health :
"Lincoln Is honored by the pn
ence of the highest official ot th
world The president's position Is
Tenter than a king's. His authority
is mote a:-t than any civilized people
wutild trust to a hereditary ruler, and
he BOldj the place not hy nccident or
birth, luil by Ihc suffrages of his coun
trymen Though in campaigns he Is
the leader of a party, he Is nfter eteo
Hon the chief executive of a nullum
and his arm wields the strength of
90.0it0.000 of, people. Lifted by voters
to this position of supreme command,
he become IB most exalted of our
public servants. It Is fitting that we,
a group of sovereigns whom he serves,
should pay our respects to him and to
the office which he holds. I ask you
to rise, fill your classes with the bev
erage, upon which the Almighty has
set his seai of approval, and drink to
the health of President Taft, and may
Cri give him wisdom to discharge
aright th" enormous duties Imposed
upon hint."
Twelve places were reserved nt the
presidential tnble. The president sat
near the center. On Ills left was form
er Senator E. J. Bnrkett, who acted as
host. To his right sat W. .T, Rryan
On Mr. Burkett'l left was Governor
AldrlCtl iul next to htm were Senator
Norrls Brown. C W. P.iyan. Major A
W Bntl md F. M. Hall. To the right
of W. 1 Brynn sat Manor Armstrong
rnd next to him were Postmaster E.
R. Size;-. S-cretary Hilles and Judge
A. W. Field.
At tlo auditorium, Into which fully
1,000 peopl were crowded, Governor
Aldrlcil Introduced President Taft,
who "poke on the subject of "World
A course of Instruction In the In
ternational Correspondence School
will put a man at the head of his
trade or business. Write to tbe 1.
C. 8., 8cranton, Pa., for particulars.
40 41-666
In the matter of )
James F. Hannigan ) In Bankruptcy
Bankrupt )
At Broken Bow, In said District,
this 2nd day of October, 1911, before
J. A. Armour, Referee in Bankrupt
cy WHEREAS, upon September 22nd,
1911. the undersigned filed a Petit
ion for Discharge signed by James
E. Hanntgna as petitioner in said
thai a hearing be had upon said pe
tit ion for discharge at Broken Bow,
in said District, upon the )5th day
of November, 1911 at II o'clock A.
M., at the office of the undersigned
Referee and that a notice thereof be
published In the Alliance Herald, a
newspaper in said district, and all
known creditors and other persons
In Interest may appear at said time
and place and show cause. If any
there be. why the prayer of said pe
titioner should not be granted, and
also attend the examination of the
J. A. ARMOl K,
Referee iu Bankrupt! .
Named by Republicans of Third Dls-
trlct for Congress.
Fremont Neb., Oct. 3. Colonel
Jam I Elliott of West Point was nom
Inated by the Republicans for con
gressmnn from the Third district nt
th con't:tlon held at Walls theater.
The first ballot was Informal and re
suited: Elliott. 91; Young, 48; John
Speaker Champ Clark has nald:
"let a young man keep away from
the saloons if he In ambit lous to
live a clenn. successful life. If
he wishes to eveell In erime. rob
his mental and physical powers, con
sort with thugs, black-legs, prosti
tutes and thieves, be a disgrace to
his falnlly and a steneh to his own
nostrils, why I'd advise him to fre
quent the saloons He can learn
and he any of these things In any
llquor saloon. In fact, he can take
his post-graduate course without
leaving Its premises. The saloon
Is bad, mainly for what It sells, but
It Is also Iwd because liquor selling
nlways somehow creates In I he
premises where It Is sold n most
unliealtliv at mospliere."
At the state W. C. T. if conven
tion, held In McCook. Sept. 26-29.
Miss Mahle Young of Alliance was
elected one uf the nine delegates
frntn Nebraska tn attend (he na
tional W. C. T. U. cunventlon nt
Milwaukee the latter part of Octo
ber. The state officers, editor of
I lie state W. C. T. U. paper, and
state secretaries of th Young Peo
ple's Branch and the Loyal Temper
ance legion are members of the
national convention by virtue of
their offices.
The United States Steel Corpora
tion has prohibited the use of to
bacco during working hours In its
Pittsburgh mills, claiming that. "It
is Injurious to the health of the
forking man."
The W. C. T. U. and other tem
perance forces of Fort Wayne, Indi
ana, became convinced that liquor
was being sold Illegally nt the State
Fair at Fort Wayne. The husband
of the president of the Union appli
ed for a search warrant, and, armed
with this, the sheriff raided the
place under suspicion, loaded up the
stock of wet goods upon trucks and
hauled it away.
California Is to vote on the suf
frage question Oct. 10. One of
their mottoes much In evidence In,
"We could not possibly make things
worse.-r give us a square deal and
we may help to make them better "
At a recent meeting held In I is
Angeles, Judge Cyrus McNutt de
clared that, "Eer.v crook In Cali
fornia is against woman's suffrage.
1 do not mean only those crooks
who are in Jail either. The keeper
of every evil den and gambling
house In the country will vote a
gnlnst the enfranchisement of wo
baking nmm
Made from pure, grape
Cream ol Tartar
Best for good food and
good health
No alum
the drinking classes; to aeek the
transforming power of divine grace
for ourselves and all for whom we
work, that they and we may wilfully
transcend no law of pure and whole
some living; and finally we pledge
ourselves to laltor and to pray that
all of these principles, founded upon
the Gospel of Christ, may be work
ed out Into the customs of society
and the laws of the land."
$100 Reward, $100.
The fm(lT of thla paper "HI St cb .. to Iran
that thrrr t at Iraat otic itrradnl dlaraar that ariettas
ha to-rn utile to rurr In all It- alagi and that M
Catarrh. Malt a Catarrh Cur la the only poiltlv
run now knourii to the mwlloal fraternity. Catarrh
hrlng a ronmltutlonal riiaraia-. require a conatlW
tlonal treatment. Hall a Catarrh cure la taken in
ternally, acting ('Irectly upon the Mood end murouf
aurfuori o( the ayatem. thereby destroying tilt
Foundation ol the dlaeaae. and giving the patient
atrength hy building up the cmmtltutlim and aaaltt
Ing nature In doing Ita work. Th proprietor hay
ao much faith In tta curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Ixillnra for any raae that tt fain 10
rare. Send for llt of teatlmonlala.
Addreas V. t. CHENKV CO., Tnttdo, O.
S'llrt hy all lirurglata. 7 He.
Take lull Family fills for runaupatlon.
The Wheeling, West Virginia, W
C. T. U. had planned to establish
headquarters at the state fair, but
were refused admittance because
the grounds were owned by a brewer.
Thereupon th White Ribbon rs
rented a lot in front of the main
gate, and put up a large tent. A-
Buy your bulk pickles at the Cooperative.
Martin 01 t ent. a. v uy. i, u.m bove tnls tney pu,.e, H banner pro
lanu or ivinnieon, 12
Ja. a .-if... ,l, Vnn,.' '""'.
KJll 1:11 st-t iiiiii uanuii . , m -
was ranched on the roll call, all coun
ties having vote! solidly for Elliott,
further calling of the roll was dis
pensed with and the West Point man
was declared the unanimous nominee
of the convention.
Mr. Elliott, In a three minute speech,
declared himself in favor of genuine
tariff revision nnd in full accord with
the president and the administration.
He declared himself opposed to the In
terests and combines.
The report of the committee on res
olutiona submitted by the chairman,
Ross I Hammond, was adopted with
out debate. It fully indorsed the ad
ministration of President Taft. his
ttand on the tariff and the records of
the departments.
A resolution of tribute to the ser
vices of General Manderson to the na
tlon and the party was also adopted.
"For Prohibition", and
the letters "W. C. T. U." VYai
was furnished free, and candy sold,
and much temperance literature distributed.
the W. C. T.
Principles of
In tbe matter of the estate of Frank
Wlltaon, Deceased.
State of Nebraska )
) 88.
Box Butte County )
You are hereby notified that on
the 9th day of September, 1911, Mia
Enieretta Soules and S. C. Soules, ex
e tiiors of the estate of Nelson
El either, deceased, filed In said
court a final account of said Nel
son Fletcher, an executor of the es
tate of Frank Wlltaon, deceased,
and that said final account will be
heard on tbe 10th day of October,
1911, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M ,
nt the county court room In the city
of Alliance, in said county; and you
are hereby cited to appear at the
time and plat e above designated and
show cause, If such exist, why Bald
acount should nut be allowed, it Is
hereby ordered that said Miss Enier
etta Soules and S. C. Soules, execu
tors, give not li e to all persons inter
ested in said estate by causing a
copy of this order to bu published in
The Alliance Herald, a newspaper
printed and published in said county,
for thre3 successive weeks, prior to
the date set for said hearing.
Daled this 9th day of September,
We believe iu the coming of Hi- 191 1.
Heinzi is selling pickles at the
Co Operative
Total of 874 Cars Arrive at South
Omaha Stock Yards.
Omaha, Oct. 3 South Omaha broke
two more records when the total num
ber of cars of live stock received was
larger than ever before.
The total number of cars was 874,
again-t 844 i week ago, which was the
record up to that time.
Cattle to the number of 16,553 ar
rived at the Union Stock yards, as
compared with 10.4ti6 a week ago.
whi'ii then established a record
While the record was not broken in
tbe matter of the number of sheep re
celved then were 58,953.
Eight. Inch Rain at Stella.
Stella. Neb., Oct. 3. The rainfall
hero var about eight inches. The en
gine room of the electric light plant
held so much water that It filled tbe
big trough that the large flywheel
turns In, thu putting tbe lights out of
commission nnd leaving tbe town in
dark net's
Interurban Service to PapiMion.
Omaha, Oct 3 Tho Ralston Inter
urban electric line, which was In
stalled a few years ago from South
Omaha tu Ralston, has b en continued
aa far is Pauillion
Kingdom whose service Is perfect
freedom, because Ills laws, written
in our members as well as In na
ture and In grace, are perfect, con
vert big the soul.
"We believe in the gospel of the
Golden Rule, and that each man's
habits of life should be an example
safe and beneficent for every oili
er man to follow.
"We believe thai God created
both man and woman In His own im
age, and therefore we believe In
one standard of purity for both men
and women, and In the equal right
of all to hold opinions and to ex
press the same right with equal
"We believe in a living wage; In
an eight-hour day; In courts of arbi
tration and com illation; in Justice as
opposed to greed of gain; In "peace
on earth and good-will to men."
"We therefore formulate, and for
ourselves adopt the following pledge
askin our sisters and brothers of
a common danger and a common
hope, to make common cause with
us, in working its reasonable and
helpful precepts into the practice of
everyday life:
"I hereby solemnly promise, God
helping me, to abstain from all dia
tilled, fermented and malt liquor,
including wine, beer and cider and to
employ all proper means to discount
age the use of and traffic in the
"To conform and enforce the ra
tional of thi pledge, we declare
our purpose to educate the young;
to form a better public sentiment;
to reform so far as possible by re
ligious ethical and scientific means.
L. A KERRY, County Judge.
SEAL 40-"i
The Siat.- of Nebraska, Box Butte
Whereas, on this 20th day of Aug
ust, 1911, Kjb..t Klttelmann. father
of Pauline Klttelmann and Clara Klt
telmann, -made and filed In this office
bis sworn statement, duly attested,
and stated that he desired to relin
quish all right to the custody of, and
power and control over Pauline Klt
telmann and Clara Klttelmann, bla
minor children, and all claim and In
terest in and to their services and
wages; and also came Ira C. Muzzey
and Sarah E. Muzzey, and made and
filed in my office a statement under
oath, duly attested, that they de
sired to adopt said Pauline Klttel
mann and Clara Klttelmann as their
own children; 1 have therefore ap
pointed the 30th day of September,
1911, at three o'clock P. M. at my
office in Alliance, said county, as th
time and place where a hearing will
be had in said matter, at which time
and place all persons interested may
It is ordered that a copy of thin
order be published In the Alliance
Herald, a newspaper published In
Alliance, said county, for four suc
cessive weeks prior to the time set
for hearing.
L. A. BERRY, Couuty Judge.
SEAL 8-5t-m
Heinze pickles are tho best ft
the market Leave your orders at
tho O-0perati