The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 14, 1911, Image 1

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Ut.tortcal Society
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
The Alliance Herald
Gives all the news
of Box Butte County
and City of Alliance
The Winning Spirit
ERSEVER ANCE and doggedness often
est bring results. One of our deposit
ors started a savings account four
different times. Three times he was forced
to withdraw his savings to pay for life ne
cessities, but he is still with us and now he
haa a wall of dollars between himself and
possible sickness and want. He has the
spirit that wins against all odds. And his
savings account with us helps.
The First National
Take your produce to the Co
operative Store.
Wall Paper
is now on
Everybody Knows
Something About
Lumber Values
these days, but the home
builder who listens to the cry
of "wait until lumber is
cheaper" is not apt to be any
nearer his goal on his death
bed than he is today. The
Government recommends
alone is proof that lumber has
a fixed value.
Our years of experience in
buying and selling lumber lead
us to advise our friends that
There's but one crop of timber
for most of us. If you con
template a new home we want
to talk with you we have all
grades of lumber. The lowest
quality starts at good and
goes up- (iive us a call and
learn the facts about these
lumber values.
Forest LumberCo.
A. P. LEE, Mgr.
Graduate Missouri Auction School
I Mtos may be left at Herald of
fice, Alliance, or write me at
Xc, iti Jiitjilistiiti if! ii ii il -a- J-.i-.t.jJ. j.
J "rT ."TTTTTt WW T W'i'T I T 'I' F'l "f
Office in Alliance National Bank Blk t
T Over Postoffice. X.
'Phone 391.
c Corsets
Rare Treat for People of Alliance and Northwest
Mrs. Mary Harris Armor of Georgia, who Is called "The Greatest Wo
man Orator In America," Trill speak at the Phelan opera house In Al
liance, Thursday evening, Sept. II, So greitt Is the demand for her lec
tures that we consider the Alliance W. C. T. V., under whose auspices
she comes, fortunate in being able to secure her Rt thta time. As the
demand for her lectures is nation wide, it Is doubtful whether she will
again speak in this part of Nebraska.
Not merely because of the cause Mrs. Armor represent-, but nlso be
cause to hear her eloquence will be a real treat, The Herald urges all
its readers who can possibly hear her next Thursday night to do so.
The address will be fiee to all who attend, and will be worth coming
many miles to hear. We hope many from the country and neighboring
towns will be present.
In behalf of those who have the arrangements for this address in
charge, The Herald extends to everybody a most cordial invitation to at
tend. Come out and hear the speech. It will interest you, whether
you believe as the speaker does on everything she speaks about or not.
We would like to see the throng that will no doubt fill the opera house
include every saloon keeper and bartender, the hard drinkers and the
moderate drinkers, as well as the total abstainers.
From the many newspaper quotations that might be reprinted we
give the following two:
Impetuous and Irresistible Eloquence
Mrs Armor is a woman of intense earnestness, with a bright
mind that works like lightning, a command of language that la
as remarkable as It is unusual, and an impetuous eloquence that
seems to come from the very depths of her soul. 8he is a wo
man of rare convictions and of rare mentality, and with the fac
ulty of forcible expression developed to a wonderful extent.
The Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer-Sun. Nov. 19th, 190S.
Wildest Yells of Applause
Mrs. Mary Harris Armor awoke the wildest enthusiasm,
brought the immense audience to its feet again and again, with
hat or handkerchief in hand, giving vent to the wildest yells of
applause and approval The ovation which Mrs. Armor re
ceived at the close of her speech lasted for two or three minutes.-Dally
Journal and Tribune, Knoxville (Tenn.l Jan. 18th,
Latest Style Millinery
Ladies who wish hats made in lat
est style by expert milliners are re
quested to call at the Simmons Mil
linery Store. White felt hats In
all fall styles and shapes.
Coal office at Rowan's feed store.
ROWAN & WRIGHT, phone 71. tf
Dr. Roland, phone BB.
Buy your coal of Rowan & Wright.
Phone 71. tf
Dt. Boland. phone 65.
G. M. Barnes, the eye specialist,
of Omaha, will be at Alliance, at the
Drake hotel, Thursday, Sept. 21. Re
member the date, and that regular
trips are made about every 90 days.
39-2t 25G
! have severed my connection with
the firm of Babbitt, Deuel & Co.,
and all business and liabilities, of
the firm will be assumed by Babbitt
& Co.
Save money. Let the Co Operative
supply your table.
To people owing taxes on real es
tate: All real estate on which taxes are
unpaid will be advertised the first
week in October and sold the first
Monday in November.
39 4t-662
Office Upstairs, First National Bank
Phone, Office 362
Phone, Residence 16
New office
First National Bank Building
Schafer Electric Cleaning and Pressing Works
(BttOOfStora t . S. Nelson)
Cleaning and Pressing Neatly Done.
Qoods Called For and Delivered Promptly
Phone 682
I have a new piano to sell at a
bargain or trade for a good team of
horses. Call at C. F. Black's, 607
Box Butte avenue, or at the Singer
Store, 405 Box Butte.
All Electrical Equipment
Evenings by Appointment
Miss Agnes Knlest began teaching
Monday, fourteen miles west of Alli
ance. M. O. New, the jolly traveling
salesman, well known in Alliance,
was in the city last Friday.
F. B. I m in. i has had a lot of bus
iness cards neatly printed advertising
his popular restaurant and cafe.
D. T. Martin, of Greenleaf, Kan
sas, who has been In Alliance the
pat few weeks, will begin work in
the shops soon.
J. D. Steuteville.of Bridgeport, the
popular county judge of Morrill coun
ty, had business in Alliance between
trains last Thursday.
L. H. Ball of Northport was in Al
liance the latter part of last week.
He attended junior normal this year,
and will probably teach school the
coming winter.
Dr. Geo. Hand, who has been on
a ten days' business and pleasure
trip to Portland, Oregon, and other
western points, returned to Alliance
yesterday morning.
G. W. Wirt and daughter, Miss
Lulu, went to Alliance Saturday,
where MIsb Wirt will take up her
duties as teacher in the High school.
Thomas County Clipper. Sept. 8.
The Herald is In receipt of a card
I from Mrs. G. Smith of Lisco, highly
complimenting Frances Danos, the
I Red Cross nurse, who sucessfully
'nursed Mrs. Smith through a siege
'of appendicitis.
Mr and Mrs. C. A. Drazellou re
lumed from Beatrice and Lincoln
Monday noon. Tiiey were uccompan
led by Mrs. MiH.ellon's sister. Miss
, Maynie Awtry of Beatrice, who will
visit her.- for a week or ten days
J. E Smith, whose closing out Bale
of Itarnos Mas advertised in the
last two issues of The Herald, in
forms us that the sale is progressing
nicely. It will continue a few days
longer, when Mr. S-'tnith will pack tip
and return to Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDonald are
now very pleasantly located in the
house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. D. J.
Nelson, who have moved into the
residence formerly occupied by J. M.
McNainara and family.
Miss Sadie Dunn, daughter of Geo
Dunn, went to Alliance Sunday to
place her two younger sisters in St.
Agnes Academy, of which excellent
school she is a graduate. On Mon
day she began teaching in her home
district -Crawford Courier, Sept. 9.
W. E. Patton. who is employed at
! the U. S. land office and whose no-
j tice in regard to a school in short
hand has been running in The Her
' aid, is taking his annual leave of ab
sence and enjoying himself in Chica
go, for which city he left last Friday
Sheridan county will have a bump
er corn crop this year. The most,
and best In the history of the county.
There is a very large acreage out,
and although some of the stalks are
not big, each one has two or three
fine ears. Already most of it is
out of the way of frost - Hay Springs
Mrs. C. E. Mathews and daughter,
Mildred, returned Thursday from Al
liance where they have been visiting
friends. Mrs C. M. l.otspei h
, and daughter, of Hemingford, spent
the latter part of last week visiting
at the Furtnan home Mrs.
T. Waddell. of Alliance, spent Wed
nesday and Thursday of this week
uniting at (he Furman home in this
city. Marsland Tribune, Sept. X.
Mrs. B. Mewhirter and son, l.yle,
left Saturday for Peru, and Clare
followed Wednesday, where the boys
went to attend the state normal
school dining the coming year, and
iheir mother to keep house for them,
l.yle wiil take the teachers' proles-
.j I . ... u 1 ...... ... . . .1 , I..-.. .. ....... ......... 4 .. I
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course. Mr. Mewhirter will remain
as mannger of the Wehn Telephone
Company but. will divide bis time be
tween this place and the other
towns on the line wherever his pres
ence may be required. We are glad
to say that the Mewhlrters' removal
Is only temporary, and that they will
come bac k to Lewellen at the end of
the school year. Lewellen Gaaette.
Sept. 9.
Mrs. K. Tiffany and little son, Ken
neth, of Cleveland, Ohio, who have
been visiting In Alliance the past
few weeks, started on their return
Journey Monday. Mrs. Tiffany Is a
sister of Mother Agatha of St. Agnes
Miss Amelia Walsmith of Dead
wood, who has been visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Ralph V. Cox, for the past
three weeks, returned to her home
Sunday morning on 41. Miss Wal
smith made many friends during her
visit here who w III . welcome her
whenever she returns to thlft city.
To'' "
Prof. G. H. Williams' nddress Is
now 1513 V St., Lincoln, Nehr. We
mention this for information of his
many friends who are readers of The
Herald, as he has changed his ad
dress since going to Lincoln to at
tend the law school of the state
The amount of Mr. Newberry's con
tract for installing Bridgeport's wat
er plant was Incorrectly given In
these columns last week It should
have read $12,770 62. The amount
of O. i. Life's contract is $1,786, and
Unit of the llridgeport Lumber Co.,
IS?!, making a total of $14, id .62.
Bridgeport News-Blade.
Mr. and Mrs C. H. Pollard and
Mr. and Mrs. O. U. Lenlngton and
two children formed an automobile
party that passed through Alliance
Tuesday on their return home from
a trip to Denver. Mr. Pollard la
foreman in the t'hadron Journal of
fice, and favored The Herald witli
a fraternal call while in the city
E. Reeves returned Monday morn
ing from a three weeks' visit in the
eastern part of Nebraska, having
taken In the state fair. Mrs. Reeves
went from Lincoln to Merriman for
a visit of a week or ten days before
returning home. Mr. Reeves says
that it was well worth the trip to
the state fair to see the bird men,
two of whoa made flights each day
during the state fair.
Mrs. Maud Engstrom, a state dan-
uty of the Woodmen Circle, was In
town the first of the week In con
ference with the local officers. Mrs.
M. Wilson. Mra. B. Mewhirter and
Mrs. T. J. Love. The local lodge
was never fully Instituted and It was
the mission of the state deputy's vis
it to mend the defect. - Lewellen Ga
C. E. Marka, of the Marks Harness
Co., has a place of business of which
he may well be proud, his store be
ing the largest exclusive harness
store In northwestern Nebraska. He
has just had a halftone cut of the
same made which he 1b using on
stationery to show the people What
the front of his place of business
looks like
Mrs. G. Wr-Raxan of Angora cams .
to Alliance, Saturday, Sent ember 2,
with her children, Ruth and Arthur.
They are residing at 710 Missouri
Ave., to which address she orders
The Herald sent. They came to Al
liance for the purpose of securing the
benefit of our excellent public
schools. Mr. Ragan will remain on
the ranch near Angora.
Who says the news in the local pa
per is not read away from home?
Two weeks ago The Herald mention
ed as an item of local news that
Beal Brothers were about to begin
shipping potatoes, and gave some
further Information about spuds of
their growing, etc. The item was
quoted by an exchange in Illinois in
a way that would put this country to
the good In the estimation of its
The Herald does uot wish to ask
people to do a thing that would be
regretted afterwards, but we prefer
urging them to do what they will af
terwards be pleased for having done.
We doubt not that there will be
some who will not attend the lecture
to be given nt the Phelan opera
; ftMIM next Thursday by ' America's
1 Hi-latest Woman Orator, "Mrs. Mary
I Harris Armor, and who will after
wards regret they did not take ad
vantage of Hi opportunity to hear
her. For this reason we wish to
ask all who can possibly hear this
address to do so.
IRew .fall Date
now on display at
our store. All the latest
styles. Ladies are invited
to call and inspect