The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 07, 1911, Image 5

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    I. -
Classified Advertisements
The following ' Want Ads" art
clattified under approoriate heading
for the convenience of readers.
CASH RATES One cent per
word each Insertion. No ad receive j
for less than ten cents per inser
tion. Black face double rate.
CREDIT RATES One cent per
word each insertion, but no advertis
ing account opened for less than
twenty-five cents and no ad charged
for less than fifteen cents per week.
Black face double rate.
In answering Herald want ads
please mention that you saw it In
this paper.
A classified advertisement will In
troduce to each other the next buy
r and the next siller of property
In this town.
Fnuv table. bOsvAMa warned, gen
tlemen preferred. Mrs Hill. &U K
3rd St. Phon- 657. :t!-lt-65fi
a bargain and on easy terms. Phone
Hi Red :!Gtftl17.
l,OST A lady's coat . from buggy
at Checkered Front Barn. Please re
tern to Mall ff Btdra,
NICK FRONT ROOM to rent, fur
nished. Call nt Simmons' Millinery
Furnish' I room for rent In modern
house Mrs. Hill, 31L' K. .'!rd St.
Phono 57. IMt44Q
FOR RENT -Two sets light house
keeping rooms; part payment in
wrrk. Knojiire at Herald office.
RENT Hath and heat. Suitable for
two gentlemen. Apply Mrs. Black,
607 Box Butte. Phone 760.
Modern furnished rooms, first floor.
oldM in, to rent as follows:
2 for light housekeeping.
I for one or two persons who wish
to Take their meals out.
3 for light housekeeping.
M. BAYER, 210 Yellowstone.
Phone 52?. ..2-tf-845
I will take a few maternity cases
at my home on West 2nd street.
Phone 766. FUANCFS DANOS. Red
Cross Nurse. ll-tf-829
- .
Base burner lor Bale). Has been
UMd only one winter Will sell for
27, worth double the mon.-y. In
quirt n1 Herald offic :'.t-650
BRWINd ANTED. Wanted, all
kinds of sewing. Prices reasonable
I hone IS6 or 105. 3Mf65ti
Dr. Jam. IV Maxfield. dentist,
has a modern dental office with e
lectrlcal eiuipment over Brennan's
drug store. Read his card on first
page of The Herald.
Hood pictures of the eye lone can
be secured from Harvey Meyers, Al
liance, or by calling nt Hoist en's
Drug Store.
Notice Is hereby given that, bids
will be received by the Alliance
school hoard on coal in car load lots,
dolivered to the various school build
ings (about 2ou tons, more or less).
Lignite, nut and egg. Board reserves
the right to reject any and all bids.
Bids must be In by Sept. II, 1011.
1) W. iimincs.
:tS 2t ! !:: Secretary
Furnished Rooms for rent, modern.
809 Box Butte, upstairs. Telephone
Bonded Abstracter.
I have the only set of abstract
hoiks in Box Butte county Office
In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570
fNG For nil kinds of team work.
hauling and garden plowing phone
667 green. C. E. SIMPSON.
W. E Pattoti, who holds a position
at the I'. S. land office, will organ
be a class In shorthand, October 1st.
using the Pitman system. tfo is
having rooms fitted up in the Times
building for that purpose, and will
give lessons in the evenings, prob
ably two nights a weak. He has
written and taught shorthand for
twenty FCBM, and will give thorough
instructions to the students of his
class. Persons wishing to take
shorthand lessons will pleas notify
Mr. Patton imni 'diatoly. :;0-1t-K51
Farmers, rnnchmen and everybody
eUe find E. I. Gregg fc Son's the
boat place to buy flour, feed, poultry-
food aud stock salt. 49tf294
S. Glidden has returned to Alliance
and is ready to do all kinds of odd
Jobs of work. Phone 260 Red. 39tf
B . iORT TIME LOANS. Call 644
marred the call of a neighbor in
Mrs. W. P. Spungh. of Manville,
Wyo . who nifd! "She told me Dr.
King s New Ufa Pills had cursd her
of obstinate kidney troubles ami made
her fe?l like a n w woman." Easy,
but sure remedy for stoma: h, liver
and kidney troubles. Only 25c at
F. J. Brennan's.
WANTED. Two furnished rooms
for housekeeping. Steam heat. Tel
ephone Rod 426.
Money to loan on real estate. F.
E. Reddish. 3tf
Flour, hay, feed, Stock Bait, poul
try food. Best goods. Prices right.
tjf deliveries made promptly. E. I.
Gregg & sou. Phone 155 40tf294
McMillan. Piano Tuner at Threl
keld's, Mrs. Ross's, or Darling's.
741 -5t-2::-tf
Dr. L. W. Bowman has secured an
office in First National Bank build
ing, upstairs, at end of hall to the
right, east front rooms. Offlco phone
362. residence plione 16.
Phone 191 and we will send out a
man and vacuem cleaner cleaner to
do your work without removing car
pets from your floor.
j5tf047 GEO. D. DARLING.
If you want first class painting or
paper hanging, call E. C. Whlsman,
phone 709. 818-tf-28
In best part of Alliance, for sale. 2
lot-, house and barn. Call at E. I.
Gregg & Son's feed store.
The Herald Publishing company
will handle a beautiful line of calen
dars for the year 1012. Tin- main
line will be the products of the Bui
ler Paper company of Chicago Im
ported calendurs will also be printed.
On account of the fact that it will
not be necessary to pay commissions
to traveling salesmen the prices are
much lower than ordinary.
Inquire at Colburn's store.
8A i Jft. Singer and other makes,
ttem six dollars up. Apply at Singer
Store, 405 Box Butte
In County Court of Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of Wil
Ham Wallace Gray, Deceased:
To all persons interested in the
estate of William Wallace Gray, de
ceased :
You will take notice that on the
23r4 day of August, 1011, Peter Ru
bendull. administrator with will an
nexed of the estate or William Wal
lace Gray, filed in said court his fi
nal account as administrator with will
annexed of said estate, and that said
account will bo for hearing on the
10th day of September, 1011, at 10
o'clock A. M., at the County Court
Room iu the City or Alliance, in
said County; and you are required
to appear at the time and place u
bove named and show cause, if nn
there be, why said account should
not be allowed.
It is ordered that said Peter Ru
bendall j:ive notice of the lime ;
place of said hearing, to all p r B0M
interested in said estate by causing
this order to be published in The
Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed
and circulating in said county, for
three consecutive week.-, prior to said
Dated August 23, 1011.
U A. BERRY, County Judge.
SealJ M st-127
to Hi J Bariium. of Freeville. N Y .
was the fever sore that hud plagued
his life for years, in spite of many
remedies he had tried. At last he
used Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, and
wrote: "It ha entirely healed with
scarc ely a scar left " Heals Burns.
Boils, Eczema. Cuts, Bruises, Swell
ings, Corns and Piles like magic
Ouly He at P. J Brennan's.
Death of Bartlett Richards
Untimely Demise of Well Known and
Popular Capitalist and Stockman
A gli-iam of a.dn.v.s was thrown ov--i
no'-iiwvsi m N.'braska the first
iins weak by ike Ram tiiat Bart
Rlcbarae. had died at Hastings at
i: t., Monday iiornlag. He was one
beat known financiers and
ttttkmi n in the slate of Nebraska.
Op .luii' Ittfc ka underwent a sur
i operation for gallstones and
uthel complicai ions at the Mayo
Brie, koaBital in Ko. lister, Minn, tffc
: turned to ftaBtl&gjB August llth,
much Improved In hekltk, and it was
Ihotu'i.t Hull h.' . mild soon fully re-
Cfitraf. I.a.-t l',h!: morning he com
plaint d of feel tag worse and finally
his i i million was such that a physi
cian, Dr. ileghtol, was cnlled. DefWe
Siii unlay evening he was taker) to
the Nebraska Sanitarium al Hast
ings. BRd another operation was per
formed with hopes or saving his
Hie. hut ell to no avail.
Tin. Herald v decs the sentiment
-l north western Nebraska in saving
that Mr. Richnrds was one of the
most highly honored men who ever
eittaged in business in this country.
Most of our readers knew something
of his difficulties in connection with
M'V ri .in. -nt land He and three oth
er prominent cattlemen were tech
nically cottvicted of violating the
federal alw, although tkej were act
ing within their rights according to
MMB4) of tha best legal talant of the
nition That the case against them
was strained is Indicated by the
fact that the circuit court of
appeals were divided in their
opinion In this case, the dissenting
opinion indicating how nearly the
came to being cleared or the charges
that were brought against them, i n
der this conviction he and the other
thr.e men were sentenced to serve
lime in Jail at Hustings, Nebraska,
which place he entered last October,
and would have completed his- time
there on ilie 21th or this month had
he lived.
Alter an appeal to the supreme
court had railed to secure a rever
sal of the verdict of the lower court,
an effort was mnde to secure a par
don from the president of the I'nlted
.-' ales. In the opinion of this paper
the pardon for Mr. Richards and the
other Ihree men ought to have been
granted and we believe that with the
overwhelming demand there was for
such action from this part of tka
west, it would have been grunted
had not political exigencies at that
particular time made It soem Im
politic to grant the pardon. Newspa
pers of the yellow Journal variety
found in their conviction material for
sensational stories. Also papers
knowing little or nothing about tin
particulars in the matter made oap
ital of their conviction iu such a way
that to have granted them executive
clemency might possibly have been
i. political detrinieut to the one ex
ercising his uuthority iu their be
half. Notwithstanding all this. The Her
ald wishes to reiterate what we haio
said in one or more previous papers
thut these men descried a better
xate than what they rv eived. Me
c:u nut know of an eajUaJJ number of
men who have done more for ihe
development of northwestern Ne
braska. Uurin hearted and irue to
their Mead, liberal, straightforward
an. l jusl in their dealings with all,
Including the homesteaders whom
kkaj frequently befriended and as
sisted, alt hough large cattlemen were
supptstd to not usually be friendly
to Homesteaders, they were univer
sally honored by those who were ac
quainted with them.
liartlett Richards was a brother of
Ex-Uovernor Richards ot Wyoming
unu an uncle of .1. DeForrest Rich
arus, vice president of the Omaha
..National bank His wife who was iu
t'aiifornia wa telegraphed when his
I condition became serious, and in. in
The Boy Scout returned Insl
Thursday evening after a most in
ftqmbte outing on the Niobrara. The
outdoor life developed prodigious ap
patttei In all the cainpers The fob
bwnlg list will proe this This Is
what waa consumed on that 4 days'
0 loaves of bread
1 hatch of biscuit.
About one-half bushel of potatoes.
1 peck of apples.
; daaen cookies.
F dOWa eggs.
6 cans condensed milk.
2 pounds butter,
t pound sugar.
pound coffee.
0 quarts sweet milk.
Preserves, etc.
And still the Scouts wire hungry.
I asked one boy If he had gotten e
BOUh to cat yet. He said that he
i't BO thai he couldn't try on
a new suit of clothes that his par
ents bad purchased for him. Every
one had a good time. Wo are look
ing forward to a longer trip next
euiiini jr.
('. lOTge Darling Iibr purchased the
I". Harris residence, till Laramie
Ae. where he and Mrs. Darling will
begin houseekeping soon. hla is a
very pretty place and conveniently
located, ami will make them a com
fan able home.
A social event of unusual Interest
and enjoyment to those present oc
CUred at the home of Mrs. F. E. Hol
sten last Friday afternoon, when she
entertained a large number of her
rric mis mt Mm.
Mr. and lira. 0. C. Joy or Ikerldan
county bare the sympathy of their
many friends in western Nebraska in
their berea . inent caused by the
h uh of their infant daughter, Zona
Gale, which occureel last Sunday The
funeral was held Monday afternoon.
Conducted by the Rev. Washburn of
Lakeside, interment being in Green
need c elitetefy.
Why Not Get the Best?
Home-Made Candy
At The
W e carry tlio i hue line of the best factory candy at
prices low er than the lamt Can he puach.ised elsewhere
Regular services next sabbath as
follow s:
Sunday School, It) a. in.
Preaching Service, 11 a. in.
Christian Kndenvor, 7:lf p. in.
Preaching Service. S p. m.
There will be no mid-week service
this week.
MrYicoa every Sunday morning at
Sunday nchool ut 11;M a. in
Junior Auxiliary. Chapter "A",
meets Wednesday, at 7:M0 p. in.
Junior Auxiliary, Chapter "B",
meets at II o'clock, Sunday after
noon. Ladies' Cuild nieels Wednesday
afternoon al o'clock.
Women's Auxiliary, first W '.lues
day in erer) month.
Choir practice. Piiday evening, at
Sunday evening service, at K o'clock.
(Untely started for Nebraska, but
too late to reach Mr. Richards be-
jfore lie died. A telegram intercept
c.c: h.r 'jn the way, and overwhelmed
; v. ' h m iei aha returned to Coronado,
i i , j await tha arrival of the re
main MJH that far interment. On
the same train with the honored dead
v . re Mr. and -Mi.- Jarvis Richards
Of Denver, he u broiher of the de
c asecl; Mrs. W. G. Comstock; J. Dm
Porrtsst Richards of Omaha and Mr.-.
jSiock.s Millar of Denver, brothe r an I
To the bereaved widow, the ten
eai old gnngktT, the twelve and
rourtecn year old sons, and to all
Otkrr sorrowing relatives. The Her
aid a i.-.lies to carry a message of slu
eaeaj condolence, not only (or itself,
but Iu behalf or all ihe people or this
.iiiir Their loved one who has was universally honored
urn regpOOted wherever known II
will be greatly luisaed. not only by
his business associates, hut by all
itb whom he was accjuainted, who
will always remember him with
-iatc.-l honor and lebpect.
are read by the people
berauie if gives th n
I. jrt of absorbing in
terest. People no longer
go looking abc ut for
things they uant they
go to their newspaper
for information ts to
where such things may
be found. This method
saves time and trouble.
If you want to bring
your wares to the atten
tion of this community,
our advertising columns
Contain Your
State Will Get Much Favorable
Notice During Fall Months.
Metropolis Will Entertain More Thar
100.000 Visitors Conventions Will
Bring Men ot National Prominence
to Commonwealth.
The nation's eyes will be turned to
waul Nebraska during the fall wont hi
and tin-' state will come In for nioie
ft) voi a hie notice dillini; October. No
f ember and December than ever in
rote For no less than lour national
conventions will hold their annual
in. i ini;n in Omaha, the metropolis ol
the west.
MM or national reputation will at
tend then.. conVentlOBS and the citl
tens of the state will be privileged tu
hear the words of wisdom which will
roll frogfl the Hps of the men who dl
red ho destinies of the United
Chief anions Hie conventions Is ths
Nehra.uUa State Teachots' association,
which will hi nK. accordiiiK to .on
reivailvo ";iim;iteRi not less than
000 teachers into Omaha for time
days on the St h. 9ih and Kith or No
vernier M. IMIth lithrop of tiajr
Center, president or ihe associat Ion,
is arianHliiK a program, which In Itself
will be of such BUgntttttfe that every
teacher wi'.l wan! to attend the sea
Men Per the convenience nnd enter
taianeBl of the teachers, Ike commer
cial Huh of Omaha, n rh its puh
iicity burean, i rranflBg for visit
to the Smith Omaha BtOtV Yards anil
the Union Paclflc shops A bureau ol
reset vat Ion for rooms hns also bucu
opened hv the Young Men's Christian
association where tenchera can sec-urV
jicconimiidatlons prcMoun to Ihe con
vent Ion
When the taaekajfi visit nm.ilin. the
city will have on its best blh and
tucker. Im Omaha would rather makr
pood wilh Nelnaskans than with anv
other people Ml Ihe world
'ihe tlralM DealerB1 National an soil a
tinn will hold its annual meeting on
Oct 9, 10 and 11 More than six hin
died grain men from all over the
I'nlted Hlntes will get together Ne
braska. Iowa Kansas and South Da
kola will he represented lo the limit
forfeits ate being mad" to get Covein
or Harmon of Ohio to deliver the an
Altai addr-sx The Omaha Ciain ex
"hange is arransdac tot iug baa quel
nnd a theitei party as Ihe entertain
ment features
The Amartcag Prison 'on
will hiing men- than MQQ visitor?
west for Ihelr first trip us an assocla
tion Thev will come on Ihe 5th cl
October and reiuain for Pve days. On
Tueeday night. Oci 17. C.eoige W
Wickersham. altoiney general of tha
I'nlted Slates will deliver an eMrei
On M011 lav night. Itistmp Ceorgi
Paotker of Kearney aril) speak on
"Prism eftrm in Noknteka," while
on Sundjv Dr K S I oviancl of To
peka Kan. will pi each the
In D comber the National
fjrow is : -. ill ion will hold
nual weal lag In rOBBectloe wiih the
convention It Is pioposed to hcjld a
sheep show which will l-rlng all tht
breed.'is from the east lo Nehrasl a.
More than 2 00 ikeepggaB will partic-
m. n ii ! I li.k Itlnol ilil
ifiuiv 111 in' ai 'bm
All told, more thui ( -I'.'iO 1 people,
will visit Omrha In Ihe next three
months The land show, 'he Ak Sar j and the eOBVeMtOB if hc mag- .
eels which an tinning all people to
Nebraska and Omaha
(ieorae Thomas went to Alliance
Siindn.v, roi inning Monday.
Charley Hell relumed from Alli
ance Sunday.
J. T. Netiton shipped a ear of
rattle to k K. Roberts Saturday
John Cameron shipped two loads of
sheep one dny last week and report
i d a good mnrket.
A. It. Stucky and hay crew return
ed to the home valley. About ten
days" work here will end their hay
season. They have put up the hay
In the Thwart valley northeast of
Course Howell returned to Blng--ham
looking us frisky as ever. We
hope ho will stay for the winter.
Kellx Becker, from north of Hyan
nls, spent Sunday with rrlends at
Merrll Hnghy, ot Mt. Vernon, fa.,
vwil known to the Bingham people,
pnssed through on 4,'l Saturday on
his way to Calirornia. He stopped
o nt Alliance to visit friends for a
few days.
There was a friendly gathering at
the home of Grandma Kentfro last
Sunday. Among those present wera
Miss Case, Misses Ida, I.ulu and
Pearl Coleson, Mr. Case, .lohn Skip
pp, Charley Hllhougli und Al Rent-fro.
The party
Win. Welch
'loll enjoyed
given at
by lho3
the home of
evening waa
present. 39
Mrs. Win. Iireikner will return to
the ranch rrom Alliance on Friday.
Mrs. J. Donelly will accompany her
unci visit ror a rcw days.
Joe Selloy Is sowing his rail wheat,
the flret ever triad In this locality.
We hope It will ba , success.
Ira Hart, Hie Bingham umpir
teach thv Fareil school.
The Bingham ball team has b.n
inactive throughout hay s?asou, but
will play Saturdny the nth.
Clinton Guy is lu
of work, which ha
Omak 1 iii . it-ch
r iporte s nrje.
Win. Breckmr had a to'l cut aa
1 Hery Inst Monday, and S)v?rul
; hi 4 v t- nec ji sary to f. .i the
;ejw of biisij. Hid son. Geo.!;.' did
Ihe scrgical work. He has done
wcrlc of thl.; nature beforo.
The Co Operative wants z your
nnual pfO.UCe.
t 1 an I
lie Butte
The Purpose of an
is to serve your need.
It will help sell your
goods talk to the
people you want to
reach. An advertise
ment in this paper
U a reference guide
to those whose wants
are worth supplying.
' The State
1 Where;, on tlis Mtk day of Aug
ust, I!HI. Robert Kltteimann, father
; or Pauline Klitelmann and Clara Klt-
lolmaiin, made aud riled in this office
his sworn statement, duly attested,
and stated that he desired to rjlln
ciuish ull right to the custody of, and
pemef and control over Pauline Klt
teimann und Clara Kiitelmann, his
minor c hildren, and all ciuiui and li
terebt in and to their services and
wages; aud aUo caiuo Ira C Muzuey
und Sarah K Muzzey, and uiade and
filed In my office a statement under
oath, duly attested, that they de
sired to adopt said Paulino Klttei
mann and Clara Kiti.iiitann as their
owii children; I have therefore ap
pointed the ::oth day of September,
Bill, at three o'clock P. M. at my
office in Alliance, said county, as the
time and place where a hearing will
be had in said matter, at which time
and place all persons Interested may
It is ordered that a copy ot this
order be published In the Alliance
Herald, a newspaper published in
Alliance, said county, for four suc
cess! e weeks prior to the time set
for hearing.
I.. A. 1 ; 1 : 1; 1 ; 1 . County Judge.
ISKAI.J US-6l-l2i