EIGHT ARRESTED Sequel to Hanging of Judge in Effigy at Seattle. FI6HT IS OVER CAR TRANSFERS JUD6E WATSON. I Who Presides at Trial Of Henry C. Beanie, Jr., On Wife Murder Charge. I Prominent Persona Alleged In Con piracy to Incite People to Dleobey Injunction of Court Secured by Rail wy Company. Charged with conspirlngto obatruot justice in a United Btatea court Oliver L Krlckaon. member of the Sv attle council; lproy Bandera, editor or the Seattle Star; B. C. Canfleld, publisher or the 8tar; John H. Perry, attorney for Canfleld and Bandera; IXputy Sheriff Hiiro Kelly. Paul K. Mohr. a labor leader; 'ihonms Horner, an attorney, and Will Atkinmin. a real estate dealer, were arretted on war lants awcirn to by District Attorney Todd. Erli I "ii, Mohr and Kelly refused bail and were sent to the county Jail Atkinson wan released on Sl.Onu bail nnd the other on $5,00 Preliminary hearing was net for Wednesday. The warrants were Ismied bh the re tilt of the hanging of an effigy ot United Statra Diatrict Judge Cor nellus HanKird and lli utterance at mass meeting of Inflammatory peech.es denouncing the court foi having Issued an injunction restrain Ing the people or the Hauler valley from Interfering with the Seattle. Ben ton and Southern railway, which Is in volved In a dispute with Its patrons ever fares aud transfe r The Inrormation charges all the leaders or the mass meeting with con aplracy to retard Justice by arousing people to disobedience or the lnjunc tlon and refers to th' incendiary re marks at the mass meeting. It also charges Canfleld. Sanders and Perry with responsibility for the hanging in efllgy of Judge Hanford TRIMBLE NAMED COMMANDER Illinois Man Will Direct Affairs of Grand Army for Next Year. Judge Harvey M. Trimble of Prince ton. 111., was elected commander in chief of the Grand Army or the Re public. Mrs. Cora M. Davis of Union, Ore., was elected president or the National Women s Keleif corps. The Sons of Veterans voted to with draw support they hav'i given the Ma mortal university at Mason City, la. Tne national organization has voted an appropriation annually, but thla yeer a suggestion came that a per capita tax be levied on the member hip for the aupport of the univer alty. This idea was rejected and a majority report withdrawing support approved. MORE RIOTS IN SOUTH WALES Shops of Jewa Looted and Wrecked. Police Charge Mob With Bayoneta. The antt-Semetlc rioting con tnuea in South Wales, England, and bevera) more shops have been looted and wrecked. The police called upon tbe military to assist them In sup pressing an outbreak In Otlfac. but they were compelled to muke rauny charges with bayonets and batons be fore the mob dispersed Many per aon- were injured by the police clubs. Man Who Refused to Join Army Dead. W. H. Simmons, pioneer of Doniphan who in civil war days w;i imprisoned because he refused to join the federal atmy, died here, aged ighty-three. Mr. Simmons several tlnu g was drivi-u out of Kansas because or his avowed southern sympathies. Once a rope wus Cut to hang nlm. He escaped, fled to St. Joseph and thero was commit :ed to prison for refusal to Join the I'nbm army. Later he aerved two years In the Confederate army, leturiiln o Kansas niter the war. penniless and friendless. He owned 1,109 BCrOa ot 'and ;:t the time ol his death Puts Ban on Mixed Egg. The St. I.ouis Butter and Kgg ex change was notified of a fori hi om mi; order by Dr. W. P. Carter, state rood end drug commissioner, which will put a ban on the "current receipts" or "shippers' count" BjratMl of buy tng eggs in tbe wholesale market. Dr. Cutler haa ruled tbat tbe practice 01 buying good and bad eggs mixed in consignment from the couutry aud tben weeding out tin bud eggs by the candling process la in violation or the Missouri food law. Photo by Aninrlmn Praaa Annoclatlon. BEATTIE JURY SEES AUTO Panel Examinee Closely Machine In . Which Woman Was Shot to Death. Considerable progress was made by the prosecution In the case or Henry Clay cattle, Jr., on trial at Chester field, Va., f.ic murder of bis young wife, who was slain with a shotgun while motoring with her husband on the Midlothian turnpike Inst month. 'i be prOMCtltlOB by ito witnesses sought to prove that the blood near the machine marked the spot where the minder woman fell from the auto mobile and t tin t the blood could not trickled through the botom or the car, as the derense claimed. The Jury, at the request of Prosecu tor Wendenbiirg, examined the auto mobile r aref ully as It stood on the lawn outside or the court room. Sev eral of the Jurymen Inspected the por tion of the car underneath the seat, win re the prosecution claims a grease pan would catch the dripping blood. BRADSTREET'S REVIEW At Many of Jobbing Centers Are Nu merous Buyers. Bradstreet's says: House trade at large centers ha been improved 10 a considerable extent by the? presence of numerous visiting buyers. Staple comnioditii s, such as dry goods, wool, print cloths and clothing, show the ef tact! or the better buying movement. Withal there is no disposition to lead tip or to spei nlate as to th- gutter, In fact, the tendency is to buy sparingly and to await developments. In the circumstances trade may be termed disappointing, but there Is a tendency to look for better thlng.i now that con gross has adjourned and that one dis turbing feature- tariff legislation e i "legated to the more or less distant future. Cooler weather has Improved retail trad" to a moderate degree, bui developments in this as in other lines are not satisfactory, and eurn nt clearance sales with marked reduc tions In prices evidently leave little room ror profits. Crop reports show little significant change, while com modity prices to not display any mat" rial differences, the undertone of the latter on the whole being firm. TWENTY-SIX DEAD Auto Tank Explodes. William U Barron, a march eat, was killed and Hairy Clark was seriously injured when th automobile in which thev v ere tiding went over an embankment near Cleufield, Pa. Both weer pinned under the car, but Clark succeeded In freeing himself. Before he could Minimon help the gasoline tank exploded :ind Barrou was burned to death. THE MARKETS Aeroplane Gun Near Success. A lpounder gun. designed by Rear Admiral Twining, chief or the naval bureau of ordnance, to destroy aero plane in battle waa tested at the proving grounds of the navy at Indian Head. Md. (ta preliminary perform ance as satisfactory to the ordnance 1 1 pert a. Herr Wlna Illinois Cup. Donald Heir, driving a National car, won the Illinois cup at tbe Elgin road races. Charles Men was a lose second, finishing nine seconds behind the winner. Hugh Hughes, averaging t' miles yn hour for 169 miles, nvjn .-ue K;:ne county cup. i Chicago, Aug. 28 Closing prices: Whec.t Sep: . yii.,( ; Dec . 95i,c. Corn Sept., i;5!,c; Dec, ISC Oas Itopt . 42',c; Dec. 4.V..C. Pork Sept . tlC.4. I.ard Se;it , $9.42'...; Jan., $9 12'... Ribs Sej-t . $9 ooji 2 .j : Jan.. 18.40 Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Aug. 28. Cattle Receipts. 24.00u; shad lower; beeves, $r lnj 8.00; western steer-, $4 -Vii . ; atockers and fivdcr-c. $J.IDA5.5il; cows and belters $.'.!.' (3 i. 40, calves. 18.009) 8 73. Hogs Re. elpts, 34.000: ; steady t 5c lower, light. $7.5 fi 7 8': ' mixed. $7.iii7.75; heavy, $ii.9ujt 7.j; j roujh. $ii 90437. 10; pigs, $4.85fi 7.t); ' bulk. f7 2'i7.50. Sheep Receipts JO.OOu weak to 10c lower; natives, 2.15(rt3 Vi; westerns. ". i'n ::;; ; yearl tigs. $2.o0jtt; lambs, $4. '00 8 75. Lehigh Passenger Carrying Vet erans Goes Into Ditch. 'THE MONK LirA." Wonderful Painting by Da Vinci Which Has Strangely Vanished. SIXTY PERSONS ARE INJURED. Two Cara Roll Down Embankment Sixty Feet In Height Two Engines Pulling Coachea in Effort to Make Speed Defective Rails the Cauae. Twenty six persons were killed and al'Ottt sixty hurt when passenger trail No. t on th lyhigh Vrlley rallroaTi jumped the track at Manchester, N. Y. The cara rolled down an embank ment sixty reet In height and It was In these cars that the greatest mor Inilty occurred. The wreck was due to defective falls. Tbe engines and two forward conches passed over th" bad spot, which was about J no feet east of the nation, witnout accident, but when Ike diner struck the defective rails tney spread and the lust iwo coaches wore thrown from the track and rolled down the embankment. Sevral pet sons In the dining car were killed. hut the largest nttmbt r or dead were r. the Inst two coaches. Following is a partial list of the lend Harry Pucker, brftkeSeAft; Ed gar Pnimbtitn. BtUa Island. N. Y.; Char!! Htcka, Newark, x. J.j Mrs. H Zudek. Ph tadclphitt; Mra. C. C. Johnston Philadelphia; detune S. Gc.ncle. gmith title, X. J.; E. Power. Thomas Muitii., firennn: Colonel D. If, Hi !ch, I. OS 'ng(des. Veterans on Train. A number or veterans returning from the Ctanrf Army encampment at Rochester were on tie train. Most of the victims are old men and women. The train was loitv minutes late and ivi8 running fast, hauled by two powerful engines, in an effort to make up lost time. It does not stop in Man cheater. The third and rourth cars plunged over the !! or the bridge to the out let below. The third ,-ar struck flat on Its side in the water, while the fourth landed on Its front end. The remaining five cars left the tails, but did not go off the bridge The con 'fission thr-!W every pasrenger rrom the seats and scores rerelved slight Injuries. The cars In the creek were crowded and t was In these the cas ualties occurred. Twenty-six Killed in Panic. Twenty-six perf-ons were killed and more than Blxty Injured In a panic which followed the explosion of a mov ing picture film in the Cannonsburg (Pa I opera house. Immediately after the flash of the film, some one shott ed "Eire.1' There was a rush for the exit and In a moment a writhing, screaming mass of humanity was piled ten reef high In the narrow stairway leading to the entrance of the theater. Most of the dead were smothered. STRIKE RESTS WITH MEN Vice President Kruttachnitt Viaita Omaha and Discusses Situation. En route to San Francisco, Julius Kruttschnitt. vice president and di rector of maintenance and operation or the Harrlmau railway system, ar rived in Omaha and an hour and a hair later left ror the west. Asked It a strike on the Harriman svsfm wts expected, Mr. Kruttschnitt replied: 'That la something that is up to the men Vo are not seeking, neith er are we bringing on a strike We have tr- ited with our men. and they, or a large portion of them, are fa miliar with the conditions as they ex is at the present time." Asked ir the Harriman system would recognize the proposed demands or the rederated labor organizations. Mr Kruttschnitt answered that he had nothing to suy upon this subject. Girl Bandit Arrested. Led by a twenty year old girl, rour men at Chicago held un Cast met- Kranz and robbed him or a gold metes nd $: then severely beat him and threw him. over a rente Into a yard. Dete.tives who witnessed the holdup captured Kitty Kilnskl. the leader of the hand, and Paul Mtwrot, eighteen vears old, alter a revolver fight, in whirli half a dozen shota were fired Mew Cer-sua of Chicago CkSeage'a populat on is now 2 2';4, iM, according to the new eitj dine torv These figures show an increase of 7,yu! o.,.r the federal ceuoiis made a year ago South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha. Aug. 28 -Cattle Re ceipts, 8,0mi; steady; beer steets, $5.40 9T40: cows and heifers. 82.OOtj4.25; 0Ctl rs and feeders, $3.0065.65: hulls, $2.8564 90; calves, $3 0096.75. Hogs Ke elpts. 2,300; steady; bulk of ksalneaa was done at a narrow spread of $7 MfrT 15. anything bring ing les ; than $7.10 tavmg plenty of weight : beat bacon anlmala on sale made a top or $7 40. Sheep Receipts 4,000; 10c lower; lambs. $5.0066 25: wethers. $3 1563 40; ewes, $ uo Triple Murderer Confesses. William Lee. aged twenty-two, con fessed that he murdered hla father, Richard l-e, his mother and younger brother, riarence, nnd then set Are to the family home at fioonvllle. hid . in the hope or concealing the crime Iee said that his motive was anger be cause hla parents would not consent to his marriage with Mlna Taylor. Child Killed by Tombstone Margaret McAnnlff, the little daugh Or of Charles McAnnlff, died in the Mercy hospital, where she had been taken following an Injury received from a tombstone which fell upon hei while she was playing in the Wood land remeiety. De Moines where her grandfather Is sexton. - : flkV AflaWaaaW NEW "MONA LISA" CLEW Police Hear of Man Bearing Package Jumping Train Near Louvre. M. Drieux, the examining magistrate who is conducting the inquiry into the disappearance of Ieonardo Da Vinci's groat painting. -'Mona Lisa," from the Louvre in Paris, is at last in posses sion of a clew which he hopes will prove the starting point of profitable investigation. A Parisian official has come forward with tl e information that on last Mon day morning no saw a tall, stout In dividual, who appeared greatly agi tated, currying a large panel covered with a horse blanket. The man Jump ed on the 7.47 express for Bordeaux as It was pulling out of the Qual i'Orsay station. As the station is a few minutes' valk from the Intvre, the tlnlfe cor responds with the hour the picture Is believed Jo ktva disappeared. 14 1 4- ' I 41 4 -eev CONDENSED NEWS Brooks' Comet Will Soon Be Visible. The com -t discovered by Dr W R. Brooks, direi tor oi observatory and j'rote.sor or astronomy Hobart col lege and named b; him the Brooks com. t. has ktaMtat) so btlght as to be Keep la1 will soon be visiM to the Bake l eya. A negro who attacked a white wom an was burned to death by a mob at Purcell, Okla. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will quit politics forever If defeated In the present elec tion in Canda. Merritt Young, a farmer near Beres ford, S. I)., shot his brother, Ross Young, and then killed himself by fir ing a bullet Into his temple. Kansas City will get the 1912 meet ing of the lxyal Order of Moose, ac cording to the vote taken at the na tional convention of the order at De troit. President Taft. It Is said, has deter mined upon a cleanup in the agricul tural department. Secretary Wilson, Dr. Wiley or Solicitor McCabe are slated for removal. Because Andrew Edwards of Wash ington. Ind., a bridegroom, failed to treat a charivari crowd, he was thrown downstairs, receiving a gash on the head and a blackened eye. Mancel de Arriaga, a lawyer, was elected the first president of the re public of Portugal. Arriaga was chos en by the c.inst'tuent assembly, which was elected by the people last .May. There is on exhibition at Ixing Whan one of the strangest sea mon sters ever seen in Boston. In appear ance it is a cross between a seal and a turtle Its weight is more than a thousand pounds. Dr. Theophilus Steele, a Confeder ate veteran, who succeeded to the command of General Morgan, the raid er, alter that gallant fighter was cap tured, is dead at his home in Belmore, X. Y. He was seventy seven years old. 'thrown frOta a hayrake by runaway BQ41 . Miss Rose Sykora. daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Erank Sykora. who re side on a farm in Bon Homme coun ty. South Dakota, had most of her hair torn out by the roots. A race of people who l.ad never be fore beheld a white man or i.n Indian Vas be. ii dis'overed in the Arctic re gions oi Brttesk Columbia by Vilhjmar Stefansson, leader of the American museum's :rieatlfic expedition, A collar button saved the lire or Thomas Icnta ot Xew York when he was fired upon in an cast side fight The bul'.ct struck the collar button full and tailed to pierce It, although the button was driven an Inch into Junta neck. The strange behavior of the far-.u of X K Farmer, adjoining Yaho.u Okla., hus alatmed the peo'e o.' t'ia' village. Mysterious holes began to appear in Mr. Farmer's fields several eeks ago. rome or them sinl.In to a depth or ten reet. For the first time since the revolu tion property along the right of way pf the Mexican Xational railway has been restt.ied to normal conditions. Permanent bridges have replaced the many t tupo.ary structures in uso since the line was first cut, Jan. 29. WhiU- he is on his honeymoon. Charles L Blown, until recently gen oral auditor of the St. Louis Dressed Bee! and provision company, is being "ought by tbe police, following the is suan. e of a w arrant for his arrest on the (ksrga that be obtained $1,075 from kit MBpk)f ffl by false pretenses. After all has been said about I i i mm P It still remains a fact that : there is no better place to btiy than at 9 i Geo. W. Duncan & Son THIRD STORE WEST OF POSTOFFICE. ALLIANCE John Snoddy, Pres., F. S. Showers. V. Pres. May Snoddy, See. and Treas. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency MT Hail Insurance And All Other Kinds of Insurance Stock, Accident and Death from Any Cause Also Represent the Nebraska State Building and Loan Association JOHN GARRETT Successor to Frank Willie ) Transfer Line Household goods moved promotlv Zf a and transfer work solicited. Office at Rodgera' Grocery, Phone 1. Res. phone 583 i ii ifMali' avvear 1111 ' 1 I ajaaapaBiaaaBBapaiMW - I :C,w . ( - u'l'JI'-n-rrniffaT'nii'ia1hifiiiiaf ALLIANCE CAFE M. D. Kimball. Hgr. Open Day and Night On west side of street across from Burlington Station HOTEL ALLIANCE EUROPEAN Fully riodern Steam Heat First-class Rooms at Popular Prices 50c 73c $1.00 Peter Rubendall, Prop.