Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. The Alliance Herald VOLUME XVIII ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBASKA I THURSDAY AGUST 31, 1911 Gives all the news of Hox ButtC County and City of Alliance NUMBER 38 If you will deposit one-tenth of your salary with us each month for ten years, the table below shows what it will amount to then. Monthly Salary One tenth Deposited with Us Amount Saved with Interest tech Month In Tin Yeirt 100.(X) 1 $10.00 IM7S.00 7.".. 00 7.S0 1,106.00 60.00 6.00 885. 00 SO.OO 5.00 7:17.00 4.".00 4.50 808.00 40. (X) 4.00 589.00 30.00 3.00 142.00 25.00 2.50 368.00 It's worth while, with us. Come and get acquainted The First National Wall Paper Clearing Sale is now on at Holsten's cfe Corset FOR SALE AT BOGUE'S whey e e j $ KENNEDY BROTHERS! DENTISTS. Office in Alliance National Bank Blk Over Fostoffice. 'Phone 391. .... .. .1. ! 4 Many a Man Owes His Success to the Building of a home because it has served as an anchor and kept him in a straight line and away, pos sibly, from the many "get rich quick" schemes which are so plentiful today and which so often mean riches only for the smooth tontfued promoters thereof. By investing W YOUR HOME TOWN you are dealing with values and people with whom you are acquinted people who are interested in your welfare because your success means the success of others about you, and the more successful citizens a town can boast of the better place it will be. All the lum ber we have in our yards was purchased with the view of giving our customers honest values, and when you decide to build we want to tell you more about our methods. Forest LumberCo. A. P. LEE, Mgr. Latest Style Millinery Ladles who wish hats made in lat est style by expert milliners are re quested to call at the Simmons Mil linery Store. White felt hats In all fall styles and shapes. 37-tf-633 BABBITT, DEUEL 4 CO. As we have moved our office from Room 11, Rumer Block, to our resi dence in South Alliance, in the building known as the "Lamon brick residence", facing the machine shops, people will find us there for the transaction of business. Mail ad dressed to general delivery, Alliance, Nebr., will receive our prompt at tention. BABBITT, DEFEL CO. 37-2t. Removal Sale As we wish to move our stock of goods we will give you special bar gains on flour, shoes and everything in our line. Call and be convinced. Farmers' Cash Store. J. .1. Keenen, Frop. Fhone 6!7. 38-lt PIANO TO SELL OR TRADE I have a new piano to sell at a bargain or trade for a good team of horses. Call at C. F. Black's, 607 Box Butte avenue, or at the Singer Store, 405 Box Butte. 35-tf-612 Rowan & Wright, coal, wood and posts. Fhone 71. tf LoupCity Flour Best Grade A Car Received Today give a 10 lb. sack free so you can try it before buying I have a Good Line of SHOES FOR MEN that I am selling cheap on account of the hard times Come In and see me Tom Stalos 113 Box Butte Ave. Phone 210 Dr. JAS. P. HAXFIELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'8 DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED DR. L. W. BOWHAN Office Upstairs, First National Bank Building Phone, Office 362 Phone, Residence 16 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Hny fever is all the rune now. If you haven't it. you're not in style. Did you notice the Model Candy Kitchen's ad in The Herald? Misses Neelnnd and Merchant of Hemingford are visiting this woek with the Misses Tasta. Mrs. F. E. Hoist en has issued in vitations for a large card party to be at her home Friday afternoon. The Eastern Star will have Initia tion at their regular meeting next Tuesday evening. A large attend ance is desired. Next Saturday afternoon the Royal Neighbors will hold a vrey important business meeting. All members In terested are requested to attend. Misses Ixi8 and Ruth Wildy of Hemingford visited at the Tash home the first of the week. They were on their return home from visiting friendH at Guernsey and other points. Claude Vaughan has been spending a few days on the North Platte val ley this week, buying up alfalfa for the wholesale trade of Vaughan & Son. Mother Agatha returned a couple of weeks ago from her trip east on business connected with St. Agnes Academy. She was gone four weeks, visiting Buffalo, Columbus, Cleve land, Chicago and other points. Fine weather we are having in this country. The recent rains put the pastures in good shape and boosted the corn and potatoes, and now the little dry spell comes in just right for haying. F. E. Nichols from twelve miles northwest of Alliance was In town yesterday. Having heard that the po tato crop at Scottsbluff was short he telephoned to see if the price there would pay him to haul a load of spuds over. Mrs. F. C. McConnell, who for the past month has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. O. J. Rousseau, left for the south on 44 last Monday. Be fore going to her home in Waco, Tex as, she will spend a few weeks witli another daughter, in Kansas City. Mo. J. F. Hill and family are now res idents of Alliance, coming last week from Simla, near which place they own a section of land. They wish to place their two children In the Alli ance schools. Mr. Hill will have employment in the shops. They will make their home at 311 K;ist 3rd St. Charley Rhear, a young Montana sheep man, was in Alliance during the past week interviewing real es tate men with a view to purchasing a ranch in this part of Nebraska. He had been as far east as New York City looking for a location, but did not find anything that suits him as well as Nebraska, which is his native state. l...-i week The Herald should have mentioned the departure of Mrs I J. Holdridge and son, Merle, for Kansas City, where the latter will attend business college. They have many friends in Alliance who will join with us in the hope that they will decide to return here after Merle has completed his business course. Before leaving, Mrs. Hold ridge called at The Herald office and ordered the paper to keep them posted on happenings In this part of Nebraska. John Kilter, a brother-in-law of Martin Mulhall, one of the old tiin era in the Ellsworth neighborhood.! came out from Dubuque, loa, about ' six mouths ago with his wife and four sons. He and three sons each have a claim of 640 acres south of Ellsworth, the other son not being old enough yet to enter a claim. At present Mrs. Rltter is vUiting friends In Chicago. Mr. Rltter wns In Alii unco the fore pnrt of the week on business. He made The Herald of fice a call and left three dot dm on subscription, taking one of the pfMU lum wall charts. As he Is a new subscriber, he is credited three years on subscription. F. H. McCarthy cf Union, Nebr.. stopped off at Alliance last Friday, on his way to Billings, for a visit with his brother, LycurgUB. This was his first visit to Box Butte coun ty, but seemed to be favorably im pressed with the country, and may decide to Invest in some real estate here. A. C. Christen sen of Omaha, travel ing salesman for Miller & Cooper, wholesale celery dealers, was in Al liance Monday making contracts with local merchants for handling their goods which have a reputation for being first-class quality. Mr. Chrlst enaen being an old-time acquaint ance of The Herald editor, made this office his usual welcome call. A. B. Hilderbrand, special repre sentative of the Western Land-Products Exhibit which Is to be held In Omnhu in October, was In Alliance recently making arrangements for an exhibit from Box Butte county. This Is a matter that should be of special interest to our real estate men, and The Herald Is pleased to learn that they are taking hold of it with a view tq seeing that we are properly represented at the Omaha Land Products Exhibit as well as at the State Fair in September. The Herald regrets the necessity for recording the departure from Al liance of Virgil Smith, who for the past three years has been employed at Darling's furniture store. He left last Saturday night for Hum boldt, Nebraska, the home of his parents, where he will make a visit, and then go to Ames. Iowa, to begin a two years' coi. . . : study at the Iowa State Agricultural College. Dur ing his residevfi in this city he showed himself to be an industrious, upright young man, and made many friends who will be delighted should he decide to return to Alliance after completing his college course. Today anil tomorrow t Thursday and Friday are the two days of the old soldiers' reunion at Scottsbluff The celebration will he of the na ture of a street fair. Various sports have been provided for the amuse ment of the people. Among the speakers are Addison Walte, secre tary of state, and Hon. 11. Thoni son of Grand Island, the "Little (iiant ", who is well known through out the state as a politician and suc cessful attorney and who is now prominent as a candidate for the democratic nomination for United States senator next year. NOW IS THE TIME TO SE n: FJ1 WINTER'S SUPPLY OF YOUR O A L FROM ONE TON TO CAR LOAD Wyoming and Colo. Lump, Egg and Nut Will contract to supply you at a low price Phone Mike Vaughn 666 Special Dress Goods Sale One-half off on all Wool Dress Goods for Ten Days, commencing Aug. 30th. No goods charged. WCLUER'S CATTLE SALE At the Checkered Front Barn, Al nunc, Nebraska, Saturday. IdptM ber S, 1111. commencing at 1 p. 111 31 Two-Year-Old Steers 10 Two YeatOld Heifera 24 Yearling Steers and Heifers Terms: Six months' time on bank able paper. E. O MAIN. Owner. H. P. COUR8EY, Auctioneer. R. M. HAMPTON, Clerk. ::8-2t-647 ST. AGNES ACADEMY School Will Open on Tuesday, Sep tember 5th. With Bright Prospects WILL BE LARGE ATTENDANCE Tuesday, September 5th, la the day set for the opening of school at St. Agnes Academy. Tuesday Is sel ected as the opening day Instead of Monday In order that students from a distance may come on Monday and be present on the opening day. The Indications are that the at tendance the coming year will be much larger than any previous year. This is expected, not only because the attendance has increased each year since the school was established, but also because of the many In quiries that have been received dur ing the summer. Tt Is fortunate that the Academy now has ample facili ties to accommodate the large num ber of students that enroll. The large new addition to the building which was Just being completed at the close of the last school year Is now well equipped, giving additional dormitory, music rooms and gymnas ium, as well as more room for other purposes. In addition to the twelve grades carried in the public schools, includ ing the four years' High school work, a Commercial department and a Music and Arts department are maintained, and to each of these special attention is given. So far as we know there Is no school in Ne braska outside of Lincoln and Its suburbs and Omaha that has a bet ter equipped musical department. The Commercial department is also especially strong. Persons who ex- petit to enter the Commercial course this fall are requested to enroll this eek Following is the Academic Calen dar for the ensuing year: September, First Tuesday School Opens. September 7 Mass of the Holy Ghost. November 1- Feast of All Saints. November. Itst Thursday Thanks giving Day. December X Feast of the Immac ulate Conception. December 22 Christmas Vacation Begins. January 3 Christmas Vacation Ends. January 21 Feaat of St. Agnes. January 2o Semi-annual Examina tions Begin. February 22 Washington's Birth day. April 3 Easter Vacation Begins. April 1 0 Easter Vacation Ends. May 6 Ascension Day. June, Second Week -Final Ex aminations. June, Third Wednesday Closing Exercises. June, Third Wednesday Mass of Thanksgiving. CYCLONE PHOTOGRAPHS All parties are warned to not print or reproduce In any form my photographs of the tornado, which I are copyrighted. 2t. HARVEY MYERS. Coal office at Rowan's feed store. ROWAN ft WRIOHT, phone 71. tl Dr. Boland, phone 66. Closing Out Sale Sept. 1 to 15 I will offer my entire stock of HARNESS GOODS at Greatly Reduced Prices If you need anything in the Harness Line, NOW i the chance to save money J. E. Smith OPPOSITE DARLING'S STORE 11 When you start out to buy your Winter "Togs" come here You'll find our assortment large, our styles elegant, our values and the way we serve you pleasing 1 I STUCKEY CO. 4