The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 10, 1911, Image 6

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    Let us figure on that
bill of
Q roceries
that you need. We
can save you money
on anything we carry.
Don't send away and
get stung again. We
meet all competition.
Especial discounts for
Yours for fair dealing.
In Front of the Checkered Front Stable
you can nearly always see rig Retting
ready to atari out. We will aend one any
distance, for any purpose, at any time.
We answer all calls promptly
and will be glad to serve you in any way
in which a rig ia required.
H. P. COURSEY. Prop.
AN 1 1
Alliance, Nkbr.
AuRuat 2, till.
Mr. Art Thorn paon la vialtlng with
her mother, Mrs. A. Z. Nicola, for a
few laya.
Mrs W. B. Hubble and son, Ar
thur, returned home the fore part of
the wvok.
Mla: Sadie Horn and brother, Bert,
were in Mlnataro, Monday.
Mr mhI Mrn. John McAllister have
rone to Wyoming where Mr. McAl
lister hns taken n contract on the
government ditch.
A. Z. NIcoIh and son, Ieroy, are
Imrvestlng their groin down on the
Rollie Hied spent Sunday on his
The Miesoa Sadie, Vlra, lva, Ktlna
and Klsie Horn spent Tuesday after
noon with Mrs A. Z. Nloola and
daughter, Mrs. Art Thompson.
Amos Mowry spent Sunday up In
the Klnknld country.
Misses Flo and Myrtle Wilcox h:w
returned home from Alliance where
they were taktnK a course at the
Alllan e Junior Normal.
fcUM Krma Knight got up a fried
Bta token dinner Sunday for a number
of young folks. Those present were
Misses June, May, Vlra and Sadie
Horn and Mr. Hen Nicola.
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Uuerr has been very 111,
the doctor being called a couple of
times this week.
Theron Chapman has returned
home from Alliance where he spent
eight weeks of hard work at the
Junior Normal.
Jim Fcase and Claud May are
down In Wyoming where they are
helping John McAllister on the ditch.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. May and Miss
es Anna Cook, Blanche McAllister
and Lura McAllister spent Sunday
with Mrs. A. L. Smith.
A. L. Smith Is threshing for W. C.
Tlldcn, near Minatare, this week.
"Dr. Miles' Nervine
Raised Me From
tfie Grave"- tut
This is 3 strong statement to
make, but it is exactly what Mrs.
Thomas Taylor, of Blum, Texas,
Mid in expressing her opinion of
this remedy.
"Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerrine
raited me from the grave and I have
Bach confidence in it I can never
say enough fur your grand medicines.
If anyone had offered me $ 100.00 for
the teeond bottle of Nervine that I
sed I would have said 'no indeed.'"
Blum, Tex.
Nervous exhaustion is a com
son occurence of modern life.
The wear and tear on the nervous
system is greater now than at any
tine since the world began. For
sleeplessness, poor appetite and that
"run down" feeling, nothing is so
food as
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Your nerves are your life and
Uck of vital energy makes existence
a misery
tone up your nervous system.
Horn are among the teachers In
Oerlng. attending the 8cottabluff
county Institute
Mr. and Mrs. Hert Miller, of Oood
Strenk, visited at the Horn home
Mrs. A. W. Thompson and little
son, Arnold, Is visiting this week
with Grandma and Grandpa Nicola.
Lit Ho Miss Georgia Lane Is on
the sick list.
We are sorry to lenrn of the
death of little Beulnh Durr, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Uerr.
Mrs. Jack Long has purchased a
camera and Is MnishinK lots of pic
tures every day. The neighbors
keep her busy.
Volney Hease and Clntide May are
among those who are nt Wyncote,
Wyoming, fixing the Government
Miss Marie McKlwce, from Mina
tare, visited a few days with her
aunt, Mrs. W. B. Hubbell.
An Educational Institution for
the Masses,
Our prolonged drouth was broken
Thursday, the twentieth, by a regu
lar downpour.
Harry Uerr returned from Minatare
Saturday to help Randall Bros, with
the hay at the ranch.
Geo. Severson went to Scott sbluff
Monday afternoon.
ESd. Randall went to Bayard Tues
day id ei help for their haying con
tract. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Derr drove to
Alliance and back Wednesday.
W. A. Dunlap and daughter went
to Alliance Thursday.
Therm Chapman returned Friday
from the Normal at Alliance.
A new Woman's Rights maid of
regulation slzf arrived at the Frank
Neiud home last week and Frank
now wears a smile that drouth or
hard times cannot obliterate.
The school house is being plant. t
ed .m I will soon be In fiue shape
for school, which will begin the first
Monday in September.
Miss l.uda Ganoring is visiting
with her cousin. Miss Marie Owen.
Mis.n-s 1 tore t bit and ABfjia Howe
returned to their home in Iowa hist
Wednesday where they intend to
teach, the coining year.
Worth Jones received his fine
, white Plymouth Hock chickens from
i Indianola, by express, last Thursday.
In the matter of the application of
Helnhold A. Klttelmann, guardian, of
the persons and estate of Robert
Klttelmann, Gerhart Kittelmann, Kda
KtttUnann, William Kittelmann,
Paul Kittelmann, Paulino Kittelmann
and Clara Kittelmann, Minors, for
l ave to Sell Real Estate.
At the adjourned April 24, 1DI1
term, to-wit: July 26, 1911 this cause
came to be heard upon the peti
tion, duly verified, of Relnhold A.
Klttelmann, guardian of the persons
and estate of Robert Kittelmann,
Gerhart Klttelmann, Kda Kittelmann,
William Klttelmann, Paul Kittel
mann, Pauline Klttelmann and Clara
Klttelmann, minors, for license to
sell the following described real es
tate, to-wlt: the Northwest Quarter
(NW4) of Section Two (2), and
Northeast Quarter (NEVi) of Section
Three (3), Township Twenty-seven
(27) North, Range Forty-seven (47),
west of the 6th Principal Meridian
In Box Butte County, Nebraska, or
a part thereof for the purpose of
raising funds for the support, educa
tion and maintenance of said minors
and for reinvestment, and It appear
ing rrom said petition that said real
estate consists of unimproved, wild
prairie lands In said Box Butte Coun
ty, and that no Income Is obtained
therefrom ;
that the next of kin of Bald minors
and all persons Interested in said es
tate appear before me at Chambers
in the court house In the city of
Rushvllle, Sheridan County, Nebras
ka, on the Mtti day of August, l'.fll,
at 9 o'clock A. M., to show cause, if
any there be, why license should not
be grunted to said Reinhold A. Kit
telmann, gunrdian, to sell said real
estate for the purposes above set
ED that a copy of this order be per
sonally served on all persons inter
ested In said estate at leaBt fourteen
days before the date set for the
hearing and published once each
week for three successive weeks In
the Alliance Herald, a newspaper
printed and published in said county
of Box Butte.
By the Court,
ny druggist. If the first kettle falls
f frenef it, your money ia returned.
MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind.
Joseph Farley will preach next
Dr. Miles' Nervine will Sunday at the school house, at
Everybody la inxited to attend.
A hail storm passed through this
vicinity last Wednesday, totally de
stroylng some gardens and partially
or altogether ruluing corn, millet,
beans, squash vines, etc. Two In
ches of rain fell within an hour,
wiishlng deep sullies along the lltta
of hills, especially where there were
1 Again We Say
for THIS
Turn Over
a New Leaf
By subscribing
Miss Sadie Horn Is visiting friends
In Scottsbluff this week.
Misses Ermlua Knight and Vlra
With the advent or warm weather
comes foot troubles to thousands of
people. The increased temperature end
heaviness of the atmosphere causes
swelling Htid excess perspiration This
brings on a series of fool
roubles The treatment
below will be wel
omed with Joy by an ar
my of sufferers. It acts
like magic "Dissolve two
tablespoonfuls of Calocide
compound In a basin of
hot water; soak the feet In
this for full fifteen mln
utes nently massaging the sore parts
Less tine will not give the desired
resul-s I Repeat this each night un
til the cure ia permanent ' All sore
Bess diaappeara immediately Torn
and callouses can be peeled right off
Bunions are reduced to normal and
the Inflammation drawn out Sweaty
and smelly fet. tender and swollen
feet need but a few treatments This
Calocide ia a remarkable drug. For
merly uaed only by doctors but any
drugglat now has It In stock or will
quickly get It from hla who.lesa.le
house A twenty-tlve cent package la
claimed to ciue the worst feet.
Frank O Odcll, popularly known as
"The Bee Wizard,' ttotn his remark
able success in public demonstrations
with the hot-looted pets, is a visitor in
his professional capacity at the nig
gest state fails in the country he de
clares that the Ne naska WttM Fair is
the best of them ill and voices his
opinion of the coming fnlr of 1911 as
When tho Neliraska State Fair ia
declared to be the best in America the
statement must be accepted with refer
ence to Its entirety. Other fairs In
older states, where tin importance of
building up a great agricultural inter
est Is hotter appreciated by the legis
latures, may have finer buildings and
larger attendance; some of them may
excel In individual lines of exhibit,
but none of them can present for pub
lic approval a more perfectly balanced
display of the fruits of the land and of
Industry, a finer organized machinery
01 management, or a greater educa
tional value to offer Its patrons." It
has been his good fortune to know this
great fair of ours Intimately for many
years, as well as to be a visitor pro
fessionally at many otiicr of the great
est fairs on this continent; under such
conditions one becomes to some de
gree a naturally fitted critic of fair dis
plays and management. It is a source
of no small gratification to find in vis
iting these other expositions that their
mannging officers have all heard of
Nebraska and its State Fair, and that
they frequently express the hope that
some time they may reach the per
fectlon of fair management to be found
in our good state. He says:
"I think the people of Nebraska
should know of this flattering state of
facts, particularly because the man
agement of our fair are not personally
vainglorious, being chiefly Intent on
making each succeeding fair bigger
and better than the one before, In
which laudable purpose they are suc
ceeding admirably. We should be
proud of out State Fair because It is
one of the substantial assets of the
state, presenting to the people annual
ly for a single week the concrete ex
hibition of our untiring Industry, the
fruits of oar wonderful soil and the
multiplying prosperity and intelli
gence of our people. It is a great
educational institution, none the less
educational because its days are few
and its glory fleeting. The lessons
of thrift it teaches are enduring and
the ambitlcniB it awakens in many a
heart to excel in some line of prac
tical endeavor are beyond computation
Every time a boy or girl, a man or
woman, goer, home from the State
Fair to prepare a better exhibit for
the next year the products of the state
are increased and those influences set
in motion which make for permanent
prosperity Who shall say that this
Is not an educational institution
which accomplishes these things?"
"The caanal visitor, seeking a holi
day, will find in the 1911 fair a surfeit
of good things. Time was when a sin
gle running race and two harness
races made up a good daily program,
tint now those who delight in 'the
sport of kings' will find double that
number, the day being filled and the
night being rpent in exciting races
under the daylight glare of great cal
cium lights illuminating the track like
the blaie of the sun at noonday. The
new steel frame grandstand, with Its
seating capacity of over 8,000, will pro
vide room and comfort lor the throng
ing thousands who flock to the races.
Nor Is this by any means the feature
par excellence of entertainment; for
to the more aesthetic there Is the
grand musical festival, Willch alone Is
worth more than the small price of
admission to the fair. The ever pop
ular I. literati, with his great military
hand of forty-one pieces, and a grand
tpera troupe or twenty of the finest
sinners, will delight the crowds with
four grand concerts dally. Three of
these will he given during the day in
the spacious Auditorium, containing
.-,,11110 comfortable seats, which will he
free to all The fourth dally concert
will open die evening performance at
the racetrack. Beside l.iheratl and
his premier musicians, four other of
the finest bands in the state will give
dally concerts in the new stock Judg
ing pavilion, at the various hand
stands and nt the races, furnishing a
musical festival unsurpassed In ex
position history.
"The young and festive will find Jol
ilty supreme on the big white way,
where the great Patterson shows will
he in full swing, with fifteen of their
rttiest productions, for the entertain
meat "f l1(JP,e- r'ret' moving pic
ture shows v hie h have proven so pop
hilar in past years will continue to de
' light the multitudes At the quarter
stretch will be given the great free
I vaudeville arts, ooven in number, such
as are regularly booked as headliners
on the Orpheum circuit These are:
Hollo the Limit." in his death defying
slide for life; the Cret09, In the greal
rst trick house novelty act of the sea
son: Eary & I.andore. comedy paral
M bar arttatn four performing ele-
; phants: head balancers and ladder and
trapeze c WBwfta, presenting a groat
circus of Etch night
in addition to the Klberati concert
and vaudeville there will be two run
ning races, a Roman chariot race and
hippodrome race on the brilliantly
lighted tracK. lollowed with a forty
tninuiea' display of the finest fire
work obtainable By lar the most
sensational and popular of free at
tractions will be the aeroplane flights.
After all has been
said about
It still remains a fact that
there is no better place
to buy than at
Geo. W. Duncan & Son
John Snoddy, Pres., P. S. Showers, V. Pres.
May Snoddy, Sec. and Treas.
Fire Insurance Agency
WW Hail Insurance
And Alt Other Kinds of Insurance
Stock, Accident and Death from
Any Cause
Also Represent the
Nebraska State Building and Loan
I Successor to Frisk Willies)
Transfer Line
II 111
m nousenoki soods
moved promptly
4 and transfer work
lainnaamatflhi In ifiHWr
Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. Res. phone 583
M. D. Kimball. Hgr.
Open Day and Night
On west side of street across from
Burlington Station
Fully Hodern Steam Heat
First-class Rooms at Popular Prices
30c 75c $1.00
Peter Rubendall, Prop.