Historical BoclttT Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. The Alliance Herald Gives all the news of Box Butte County anil Citv of Alliance VOLUME XVIII ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBASKA 1 THURSDAY JULY 27, 1911 NUMBER 33 Look Around Glance around ybu today pick out the pros perous young men you know. Are they living up their pay envelopes? Do you rind them "broke" at the end of the week? Do they borrow from friends to spend for pleasure? The prosperous, steady, reliable young man travels in another class. Prosperity always dates from a man's first bank account. They go hand in hand. Open yours now with the First National Bank Wall Paper Clearing Sale is now on at Hotel's A Barrel of Fun Next Week Nat Reiss Shows to be Here July 31 for One Week 1 H4WWWt-HHH4M'j. I KENNEDY BROTHERS UfcN i 15 1 5. hOffice in Alliance National Bank Blk Over Postoffice. 'Phono 391. Corsets FOR SALE AT BOGUE'S If You're Alive To the Needs of the Moment "Build Now" The Nat Reiss Shows will be in Al liance next week, July ji-Aug. 5. We clip the following from the Noith IMatte Telegraph: The carnival grounds which are well arranged, were alive with people, men, women and children, last evening for three hours. The visitors had a good time throwing confetti on each other, visiting the many shows, riding on the merry-go-round, taking trips on the Ferris wheel, throwing ball J at the nig ger babies and trying to knock Jack Johnson's teeth out. Too much praise cannot be accorded Mr. Nat Reiss for the high class at traction which he has brought to this citv and on every hand is heard noth ing but kiud words of appreciation Three of the most thrilling acts in the shdw world are. presented twice daily. That of Chefalo. leaping the death trap loop; Captaiu Gay, the champion high diver of the world, and Maximo, the high diving dog. Among the manv attractions pre sented. It is indeed bard to say which is the best, as all of them are far above those usually carried by the average carnival company. GOES TO OGALLALA As previously announced through the advertising columns of The Her ald, Phil PI Mt packed the remainder of his stock of clothing last week and shipped It to Ogallalu, where he will Men up for business, lie claims to have done a good business while in Alliance, but there were too many clothing stores here to suit him, ami wt think he showed some wisdom by going to a town where there is smaller number in that line. Wt like to see every line of legitimate business well represented in our city JUNIOR NORMAL NOTES Friday Marks Close of Successful Term. Exams and Graduation Exercises Work in the clnss rooms closed Wednesdny, and the examinations will be given Thursday and Friday. The Junior Normal has been in ses sion eight weeks, and the term's work has been very successful. The student will probably leave Friday night or Saturdny morning. Meals will be served at the dining hall un it Saturday night. The etiapel exercises have been es- pei -hilly good this week. K. .1. Hoenshell, author of too HOea shell Uraininnr. was present at Chapel Monday, and gat an Inter esting talk. Mrs. anil Miss Mover gave an In strumental duet Tuesday morning. which was well rendered and very pleasing to the audience. Monday morning Prof. William gave a trombone solo which took well with the audience and inspired them to encore him. Little Miss Lois Rover sang a song Tuesday morning. ne was ctdm but appealing in her presenta tion, and deserves much credit for her efforts. Miss Leah K reamer, a former stud ent and graduate of Alliance .Junior Normal, favored the students with a piano solo Wednesday morning. Miss Alma Weidenhamer, whose reputation as a vocalist needs no mention, gave a vocal solo Wednes day morning. She was encored and received mock applause. Miss Edith Watford, county super Intendent of Morrill county, visited the Normal Wednesday morning Her county Is well represented, seventeen Students being enrolled from that county. The different members of the far ulty were called upon for closing speeches Wednesday morning at chapel. They all expressed them selves as having enjoyed their work with the students, and many Inspiring and optimistic thoughts were dissem inated. The graduation exercises will be held at the opera house Iteglnning at 8:15, Friday evening. The foltowing program will he carried out : Trombone Solo, Prof. W H. Wil lir.tns. Invocation, Hev Music. Address, Supt. Nebraska City. Cello Solo, Mr. COUNTY S. 8. CONVENTION Attendance Expected to be Largest in History of the Association. The annual convention of the Pox Unite County Sunday H hool Associ ation will lie held nt Alliance, Wed nesday and Thursday, August 2nd nnd 3rd. Kach Sunday school In the county will be entitled to one delegate for every twenty members or fraction thereof and each Sunday school to bo entitled to nt least two d legates, and Is expected to send at least that many. Arrangements are being made to entertain free of charge all delegates from outside of Alliance. Sunday school teachers nnd workers who are not delegates, but who wish to attend the conven tion will also be entertained free, If the members on the entertainment committee are notified In time. A cordial invitation Is extended to all persons Interested In Sunday school work In Box Butte county and also In the adjoining counties. Itev. Charles H. B. Lewis, general secre tary of the State association, nnd W It. Kimborly, financial secretary and adult superintendent, will both hi present and participate In the program. What will probably he the most interesting feature to most people will be Mr. Klmberly's iter poptlclan lecture on Wednesday night to which all are invited. Following are the coiuniittcs to make arrangements for the conven ,tion : Commltte on Program: J. W. Thomas, I). W. Hughes. J. N. John ston. Prof. Myers Committee Ml Advertising: Rev. A. F Hundy, Mr. 8. K. Warrick. Haz el Bowman. Commltiae on Bntertainment : Rev. A. L. Godfrey, Rev. J. B. Brown. Mrs. 0. C. Smith, Mrs. Win. Blgnell and Mrs. K. G. Laiug. The committee on entertainment request all Sunday schools to report ns soon ns possible the number who will attend, giving the names of those who will come. Following Is the program: Wednesday Afternoon, August 2nd. 2:110 Devotional Services conducted by Rev. J. B. Brown. 3.00 Address, Rev. Chns H. B. Lewis. 1:10 General Discussion. 4:00 Appointment of Committees. Wednesday Evening 7:30 -Song nnd Devotional Service conducted by Rev. H. M. Cox. 8:00 Stereopticnn Iiecture by W. H. Klmberly. Thursday Morning, August 3rd : 00 Sunrise Prayer Meeting. 9:30 Devotional Service conducted by Rev. A. L. Godfrey. ! 45 -Paper, "Procuring Teachers," Prof. Knrl Meyer. 10:00 "Qualifications of Teachers," Dr. J. L. B. Jones. 10:16 "Temperance Work In the Sunday School," Mrs. H. Nnson and 8. K. Warrick. 10:45 "The Kxtension of the Sun day School," Rev. A. F. Bundy. Discussion, Rev. W. H. Klm lierly. Thursday Afternoon 1:00 Devotional Service, Rev. Frank lin McNeill. 1! 15 Graded Lessons: (a) Primary, Mrs. Peter Ruhendall; fb) Junior, Mrs J. W. Thomas; c Interme diate, Mrs. A. L. Godfrey 2:45 Opening Quest ion Box, by Rov. C. H. B. Lewis. 3: 15- Business session. Thursdsy Evening 7:30 Devotional and Song Service, conducted by Rev. C. H. Burleigh. 8: 00--Address, Rev. C. 11. B. Lewis. GLEN MILLKR C andidate for Nomination for County Treasurer Box Butte County On the Republican Ticket NEW HOTEL AT HEMINGFORD The Herald is In receipt of a let tei from C. T. Hubs Informing us that he has just opened up a new hotel in Hemingford, with fine up-to-date rooms nnd board at the usual prices. Meals 35 cents and rooms 50 to 75 cents, lie has a modern e qulpmcnt, and can assure his custom ers satisfaction. Charley has many friends and a epiairftances in this part ol Nebraska who will always be glad to stop with him when they are In Hemingford, and he will no doubt re ceive a liberal patronage from the traveling public in general. 33-2t-594 1 , , - Leave your order at the Co-operative. Phone 80. w McNeill. 0. K. Martin of Herbert Nelsan. Benediction, Rev. W. F. McNeill. Citizens of Alliance are cordially in vited to attend these exercises. Ad but it was very evident that there 1 mission free. were more clothing stores in Alliance than we needed, and while wu should like to have Mr Pizer remain in business here, we do not regret that Mi ere is one clothing store less. There are still plenty of clothing stores left here to supply the de mands of the city and surrounding country and also to make It an ob ject for people In neighboring towns to come here to trade. Mrs. Julia Hale and children re turned to their home yesterday, af ter a few weeks' visit with the for mer's parents at Gordon, Nebr. and be happy the rest of your life. There's 110 satisfaction like that horn of ihe knowl edge that you have a home of vour own. And If you'll fol low our advice and BUILD NOW, J vou wil) always be satisfied ! Dr. JA5. P. rlAXUbLU SOMETHING NEW See Laing's Ad that you exercised good judg-! ment. VVe believt thlfl after watching the luinher market for years. Not in years have we been able to offer such ex e el lent grades for all classes of construction lumber of real quality. This is not bar gain counter lumber, for it has .4 1 1 . . 1 a nxeo mai Kei vaiue, oui : Cian ,nH n,am., Do.ntin Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED Immediately following the gradua tlofl exercises u reception will he given at the Central school huildlni foi the Normal students. SOMETHING NEW See Laing's Ad. NORMAL SCHOOL DEDICATION The Herald Is in receipt of an in vitation to attend the inspection nnd dedication of the new State Normal School at Chadron, Friday, July 28th. Tomorrow will be a gala day In that city, and visitors will be given a royal welcome. The Greatest $9.90 Suit Sale on Record Worth up to $16.50 Remodeling Sale and Midsummer Clearance A TON OF WATER MELONS J II Vaughn & Son had cards printed inviting those who went on the excursion to eat water melons with them; and to meet the demand that was anticipated they purchased nearly a ton of big, luscious water melons from lieal Bros., the same being distributed from the refriger ator cur. All who applied for melons ou that day were well supplied free of charge. A new lot of boys' Rflp shirts and waists OUu MONARCH $1.25 Shirts 85c Ail Summer Goods must go. Cost or profit cuts no figure in this sale. It's a clearing sale to clear out the seasonable goods Paper Hanging a Specialty l'lion. Fit. VIA keeping pace with the times and bu.ving only from manu facturers who mill with the most unproved machinery we haw sivureil absolutely the best values our money could buv. If you're interested we' want to Hinire with vou. "ice Upstairs. First National Bank DR. L. W. BOWHAN Forest LumberCo. A. P. LEE, Mgr. B jilding Rhone, Office 362 Phone, Residence 16 ALLIANCE, M. E. AID SOCIETY The M K. Ladies' Aid Society will be entertained at the home of Mrs. William Kust, Sr., four miles uoiih of Alliance. tomorrow afternoon. Home made it cream and cake will be served Members and friends are cordially invited to attend. Fifteen cents will be barged for the refreshments. A LOT OF DRESS and WORK SHIRTS, 39c 50c ONE LOT OF DRF.SS ami WORK SHIRTS, 75c values LEATHER SUIT CASES, 15-50 value, S3. 88 A large assortment MKN'S XFCKW FAR, 19c Odd style and size COLLARS. 3Qc DOZEN A larje assortment LISLE Vt HOSE, 35c values, 4 pairs for 90c Ladies' lawn waists OOa 1.25 value OOU These are up-to-date and a large variety Silk and Mull Waists at 25 House Dresses 75c 98c $1.39 Oxfords, 25 Disc. Ladies' Wash Suits You buy the skirt we give you the coat One lot of Ladies' Skirts in panama, serge and other fabrics d QO On sale at Come and see them All Sunbonnets, C hildren's l.'nderwear, 9c NORTON'S NEBRASKA SOMETHING NEW See Lamy's Ad. All Flaxons 1 ; & IOC lawns, 9c ,ioo vds. Lace 75c silk gloves, 49c and Em- 0 broidcrv 75c j si ioh im 49c S3 00 PARASOLS. SI. 98 5.000 yds. Lace Embroidery, 5c oss it parasols 69c Ladies' Underwear, the 35c quality, ISc l adies Underwear, 50 and 75c quaL, 39c Ladies Silk Dresses, U0 QU U1 C iS to SJ.s values PO. 1 J Silk Lisle & Lace Hose, 05 & 7 5cval.,48e Lisle 1 1 tse, 25c I Good Hose, 3 for 25C