The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 29, 1911, Image 2

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    Two Sections
16 Pages
The Alliance Herald
Section Two
Pages 9 to 16
Time was when Omaha was known
ae the "Gate City", and it was ap
propriately so called, situated as It
was at the portal of this groat west
that must be shipped out of this
The Herald would be delighted to
devote an entire Issue, If it were
some Interesting statistics that were
not only Interesting, but beneficial
to our readers in the great north
west. There will be n large number
are Interested In the live stock In
dustry of this country to be sure to
be nt the convention and meet them.
They will be glnd to see you and no
Section of Stock Yards and Packing District
era country; but a little more than
twenty-six years ago, by the organ
ization of the Union Stock Yards
Company, a movement was set on
practicable so to do, to a write up
of the pAcki&g houses and allied in
terests of Omaha. As our readers
will remember, we recently gave
fl i NljtflaaTOaB WBHMBjftfcM
of representatives from South Omaha 1 doubt they will be well supplied with
at the Stockmen's Convention In Al- literature for distribution,
liance next week, ami the Herald j wo are pleased to give our read
wishes to urge upon its readers who j ers ,n tnls ,R8UP of th Herald boiiio
scenes, which correctly represent to
some extent the great Industry of
that city and yet which do not
anywhere near fully show the mag
nitude of It.
Exchange BuiMing
Violin Virtuoso and Chamber
Alliance will he highly favored
this coming season with a concert
by Ole Theobald!, recognized as the
world's greatest inscriptive violinist.
land his company, Madame North, vo
calist, a noted Norwelgnn accompan
ist. Theobaldl Is court violinist at
the court of Russia ami Sweden, to
foot that was destined to make that
city something more than a big way
Bide station for emigrants traveling
from the east to west.
At the time of the organization of
this company, there was no South
Omaha. That thriving city, now so
well known throughout the industri
al world, having grownu p incidental
ly with the live stock market, which
now makes it famous. The opening
of the stock yards at South Omaha,
coincident with the establishment ofj
the great packing house industries
at that place, led to the establish
ment of other industries, until Oma
ha, of which South Omaha Ib prac
tically a part, has become the me
tropolis of Nebraska, and the "Mar
ket Town" of the west.
Although quite a distance apart,
Omaha and northwestern Nebrasku
have a mutual interest in each oth
er. The "Market Town" wants the
fine cattle raised in this section of
the state, while we want the good
market afforded there for the stock
Delivering from Chutes
' ..aaassW j&Smmlrjr 'elfL'
which positions he was appointed af
ter the Hi of Ole Hull. In all of
his concerts he uses Ole Hull's fam
ous magic violin, which is insured by
the nation of Norway at twenty-five
thousand dollars.
Tin obaldi has been knighted tw ice,
once by Kinx Edward VII. of Eng
land, and once by the King of Italy.
Premier Stolypin or Russia presented
him with a bow, upon one of his per
fornianceB before the C:-ar, studded
with eleven diamonds.
.r A. Wi t Oh isteail, advance j
agent tor the Theobald! Concert Com-!
pany, was in Alliance Friday, and af
ter listing a one hundred dollar
guarantee, arranged with Mrs. .lohn
w iker to manage the concert locally.
--rV ?TBT jr " :
Feeder Cattle Division
'International" Prize Winner Bought at South Omaha
500 New Subscribers
to The Alliance Herald
Campaign Opens with this Issue for Big Increase In Circulation of
Western Nebraska's Leading Newspaper
Hog Division (Exchange Building in Back Ground)
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
as mercury will arrt'ly ut-Atroy It mac of smell
iuiiI cowptolWy U'-r.iii.' uk- fttiule nli'iu whea
eiUrrlu( a thriHUb the iiiut-uu nurtat-c. rtucS
article ftf.nuM iievt-r be uM-d MSSOI prvacrlp
ttum Irani reputable lili'iaua, aa the daiuacc tbcf
will do la ten (uld to llu- kihmI iu run MUlnly do
rtre Irum tbein. II ill Caurrh lute, nuuiufactureil
1 by f" J. CMOey A C' . I'ulnlu. C . culimlim no mi r
cury. and la taken Inlen illy. ailing dlrnily upon
the btoud and mucous surface of the system- I1
buying Hail's Catarrh Cure be sure you eel th
ceoulne. It la taken Inlenially. and nwos In i1i
Ohio, by V J. Cheney 4 Co. Trstlmoiibvls tree.
Hold by DruasiHls. I'rlrr. 7ic. per bolU.
Tak llall s rsmlly Pills fui' constipation.
The Alliance Herald has. we believe, the largest circulation of
any newspaper published in Nebraska west of Broken Bow; but It
ought to be larger. And we intend that it shall be. With this issue
we begin a campaign for five hundred new subscriptions, which will
make a nice increase to our present Hat.
The Alliance Herald stands for:
1. A square deal for all, and special privilege to none.
2. Personal liberty for every one to do as he chooses in mattere
of personal OOndoct, with Itfftl leMrlctlons that will conserve the pub
lic welfare, Including the promot ion of common decency, and require of
every one to not Infringe upon the rights of others.
There are hundreds of people within the patronizing territory of
The Herald who heartily endorse the above platform, and yet whose
names are not on the subscription books. In fact, there are many who
have expressed their approbation of the work of this paper in the in
terest of the "square deal" and "common decency" who have neglect
ed to subscribe for it yet. These are the people we want to reach
and place their names on our subscription list, and in order to do so
as quickly us possible make the following
Commencing Saturday, July 1. 1911, and until further notice we
will send The Herald to new subscribers one year for one dollar. The
price of the paper, which is $1.5o per year, will remain the same. It
Is worth that amount, and those who have been subscribers do not ask
or expect it for less. The special price of $1 00 is only to thoae whose
uanies ate not on our list now. and is offered as an Inducement for
them to subscribe without further delay. The paper will be sent for
less than a year to new subscribers, if they so desire, at the same rate,
but subscriptions will not be received a longer time than that at the
special rate of $1 oo If persons after trying the paper a year, are not
willing to pay the price of $1.50 thereafter, we will drop their nainett
from the subscription books.
Now is the time for those who want to help Increase the circula
tion of The Herald to do some good work, and we have decided to pub
lish an "Honor Itoll' during this campaign for 500 new subscriptions.
The name of every person who secures one or more new subscriptions,
or who subscribes for one or more other persons who are not now sub
scribers, will be entitled to a place on the "Honor Roll". This special
offer begins Saturday morning, July 1. 1911. Who'll be the first to ac
cept it, and whose name will be the first to go on the "Honor Roll"?