Two Sections 16 Pages State lU.torUa The Alliance Herald VOLUME XVIII ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBASKA I THURSDAY JUNE 29, Section One Pages 1 to 8 NUMBER 29 4th of July Celebration, Race Meet and Stockmen's Convention AT ALLIANCE., JULY 4, S, O " On July first we will compute the interest on our Savings Accounts and add it to our depositors' balances. This is easy money for them. If you do not have a savings account with us, come in and start one now. Interest will be paid again on January first. Get some of it. We will be glad to see you, no matter how large or small your account is. First National Bank SECURES POSITION A CLOSE CALL AT SHERIDAN John R. Beach, who for some time pant hag been bookkeeper In The Herald office, received a telegram last Saturday notifying htm of hla appointment to a lucrative position In the railroad offices at Sheridan, Wyoming, and the next Saturday left for that city. While we are very sorry to lose Mr. Beach from Herald office, we are pleased his appointment to a position will pay him a better Balary. Beach has a good business education and is perfectly reliable, and It gives us pleasure, after being associated with him in a business way for a number of months, to give him our unqualified commendation. The with that Mr. LAWN 80CIAL The Methodist Sunday school will give a lawn social Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. Ella Hawkins, An accident that might have prov ed serious if not fatal to some of the parties concerned, had a fracti ous team been in place of Oeo. Doug las' gentle carriage team, occurred on Monday of this week. The Miss es Kthel Rowley, Mary Ray, Ktta Douglas and Gladys Rlcketts were out driving when one of the carriage wheels turned Inside out. The team topped, the girls wore thrown out, and Miss Rlcketts and Miss Douglas were painfully, although not seriously Injured. They were caught In the carriage in such a way that had the team become badly frightened, they would probably have run away with more serious results. HON. WILLIS E. REED WILL 8PEAK Ulnce the program for the 4th of July and Stockmen's Convention was made out, arrangements have b-in made for an address by lion Willis E. Reed of Madison. Nebraska, to be delivered Thursday forenoon, July 5th. Mr. Reed Is quite an In teresting speaker, and is a promi nent candidate for United States senatorshlp. The addition of his name to the program of the Stock men's convention will add additional Interest. All who can should hear his address. LIKES NORTHWEST NEBRASKA BOY GETTING WELL H. P. Larson of Reno came to Al liance Tuesday with his little boy who was so bdly scalded about three weeks ago by falling Into a 806 Laramie Ave. Refreshments vat in which cattle dip was being C. E. Bently of Ozawkle, Kansas, stopped off at Alliance yesterday on his way home from a trip to the western coast. He manifested suite an Interest in northwestern Nebras ka, and spent some time Interview ing a number of our cltliens in re gard to products of this country, prices of real estate, etc. litm Bis it ii Ji mm Wall Paper Clearing Sale is now on at Holsten's X KENNEDY BROTHERS! DENTISTS. X i i ii ii t Office in Alliance National Bank Blk T Over Fostomce. Phone 391. GOVERNOR C. H. ALDRICH Who will apeak in Alliance, Wed nesday evening, July 6th BAPTI8T CHURCH The glorious Fourth will soon be here. Let us enter into the spirit of the day and celebrate aB becomes cltisens of a great and glorious re public. Liberty Is but a synonym for America, and we -Are Justly proud of the fact. But did you ever stop to think that the liberty we prize so much Is but a fruit of the religion of Christ? Since that is so, honor Him by going to church next Sun day. In the morning our theme will be "The Meaning and Mission of America". In the evening, "The Great Coronation". You are cordial ly Invited to attend. FRANKLIN McNEILL. Pastor. YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETINGS I The Epworth League of the M E. church is conducting very Interest ing meetings at the M. E, church every Sunday evening. Next Sun day evening an orchestra will fur nish the music and there will be a special song service. A cordial In vitation is extended to all. W. R. HARPER, President. DALTON WILL CELEBRATE The Herald Job department print ed a lot of large posters for Dalton, Nebraska, announcing their 4lh of July celebration, and the bills were dandles, if we do say it. Dalton ex pects to have the biggest celebra tion of any town of its size In the state this year, and as the people of that little burg are rustlers, we hope i heir expectations will be realized. cg Corsets FOR SALE AT BOGUE'S Dr. JAS. P. HAXF1ELD Dentist OVER BRENNAN'S DRUG STORE All Electrical Equipment Evenings by Appointment PHONE 525 RED Or. 2mC. EXTENTS House, Sign and Ornamental Painting Paper Hanging a Specialty IMiom- ?'. T I 0 See me for hay harness. 1 can save you money. 194-3t-26. UKO A. HILL Work Will Soon Start after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and you'll quickly enjoy their fine results. Constipation and indi gestion vanish and fine appetite re turns. They regulate stomach, liver, and bowels and impart new strength and energy to the whole system. Try them Only 25c at F. J. Bren nan's. Start a Home Now and Join the Ranks of the Independents. Never lias it been easier to build than right now money is plentiful and is seeking le gitimate channels. And there is no enterprise more worthy than home building. It opens the purse strings of the banker quicker than anything else, because it means that you have decided to become a pari of the community in which you j live. Thus almost before you ; start you find the ownership : of a home carries a signiti ! can -e. Start today -you'll be glad if you do anil sorry if you don't. When you're ready to talk lumler we'll be waiting for you, because we have just the lumber you will need, be sides a lot of suggestions that may be helpful to you with out any extra cost. Forest LumberCo. A. P. LEE, Hgr. will be served, and the orchestra will heated. The Herald's many readers, furnish music; in addition there will i especially in the southern part of be some vocal selections. Everybody Sheridan county, will be greatly is invited to attend. pleased to learn that the little fellow is recovering nicely. UP WITH THE PROCESSION The Allium Tailoring Company Dr. James P. Maxfleld. dentist, has a modern dental office with lectrical equipment over Brennan's drug store. Read his card on first page of The Herald. 28-tf 805 WEDDED IN ALLIANCE At the Manse of the First Presby terian church in Alliance, Nebraska, at High noon, June 28th. 1911, Mr. Richard Irwin Glasgow and Miss El eanor Spencer, both of Lingle, Wyo., were untted in holy bonds of matri mony by Rev. James B. Brown. Besides the contracting parties a:nl officiating clergy there were present the following: A. N. Spencer, father of the bride, two of her sisters, Misses Mary and Hazel Spencer, and an aunt, Miss Isabella Hayes, and Mrs. J. B. Brown. After the ceremony had been performed and congratulations tendered, the newly married couple left for their NVvom keeps up with the Alliance impiove Ing home. ment procession by Installing an up 1 The Herald offers heartiest con to date machine for cleaning and gratulatlons to this worthy couple, pressing work k is a Sanitary and our very best wishes for a long steam pressing machine, known as and happy married life. the "Hoff-Man " The garment that passes through this machine is dis- BOOK KEEPER AND infected, as no germs or microbes STENOGRAPHER can exist under a temperature as 'high as the dry steam that is in On Monday or this week Miss Jecled ln (ne proes or cleaning Ethel M Nolan took a position in At the alue ,lme removes any The Herald office as bookkeeper and or, takeB awav tMe grimy appettr- stenographer. We consider our ance ral8e8 ,ne nap reVive the selves fortunate in securing her ser rolor8 and lnl,mrts to the garment vices, not only because of her abil tna frollhnefl8 desired by all dress ity, but because of her large acquaint- erg mm in this City, Which will be of Th ,,il,t i nleaned to note that Mauager Enyeart of the Alliance Tail oring Company is also turning out a large amount of work with their new machine, a cut of which we give herewith. SPECIAL DISPLAY k SALE of PIANOS at the material assistance in securing cal news. lo Do you want to save money on clothing? See Phil Plzer's ad this week. Bennett Piano Store TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY July 4-, 5, 6 COME AND SEE We will interest you, whether you want to buy or not Opposite Post Office