. ... , rr PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL : WHITE LIES THE ONES WE HAVE TO TELL. SURE THING-' You can Pretty neorly ALWAYS tell by a man work just what his ATIVTUOE. is toward female Suffrage and the otruv doodads now troubling Hie men of feeli well as the married men NO L ETTE RS ANSWE RED. I s . S' SM I) LAM l ANSWERS No, May. we know of no absolutelJ surt wy 10 aw am Genuine an tiques Vhv not IrXr a cold - sloraqc vv&reKouse? jry ris a saie eel Thai any Surgeon who Agrees to permit hi patients To take home their owK trimmings is at lcat an. -Wiiui.wcll disposed man even if He may In a bum carver Harem Skoit i Yes .two have aoo&ir- ed on 5th Ave N Y. but Such wAsthe aw ful effect upon the old Gentlemen. In tJie club windows the poUoe now have orders to kceptnem. in HarlLm.Yes.thev're commo O K. No.F do not know whether TtewVork women can make up their minds a quicKiy as irtey cdn Uieir laces. Bobinsky I The only perfect lv Sure . reliable and safe oet- rich-aiLirk mmimA .1 J. M . uosoiuiei a taxi I can. y lely certify to is to buy -cab and operate it InNe York City Bsople there are eating in cheats restaurants in order to have the price of a taxi cab Absecpn: I can not backupyour proiesi agatnsl John Herpont '....i.,. ef.U Reinembcr, John R can get more fiionev where trtrtt mihp from Lemons ant not fitting vvedding gifts j MO. I CAN T INSURE ' l YOU IF TOU WHKR I BUT THIS II insect PO WOE R')l . im ' i i u rv PywotR,; RUT THIS vvyn SOME REPARTEE . When old Plenty - NAAish In The -Winter. uuUmsuuog chief,was informed fcy a Boston wo manthut her ancestors came over on tlie May flower, he reparteed. with trapped 9dng froid . MINE WERE ON THE RECEPTION COMMIT- T UL (0CTUN CMCCKSj I PROPOSED MONEY SHOW AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN NEW YORK'S LATEST BUG! I W. V. BEAL & SONS CEMENT WORKS SUCCESSORS TO JOHN PEDERSON A 11 work guaranteed. We use the best river sand on all jobs. Estimates cheerfully furnished on any and all kinds of cement work. Mr. Pederson will continue to do the finishing, which in itself is a sufficient guarantee as to the quality. We will keep a large line of blocks and cement building materials on hand at the plant, just north of the Rowan elevator. PHONE 335 Illinois Corn Grower Wins National Trophy It A. James, of Chart SStOWti, in., has the proud distinct Ion of having grown th best enr of corn la all the :.l25.7i:t.fln bushels of liisi .war's bumper crop At the National Corn Show held Inst winter lit Columbus. Ohio, thin gentleman wnn RWefdeil the W K Kellogg National Corn Trophy, donated In 1909 hv W. K. Kellogg Tonsted Corn Flake Co.. of lint tie Creek, Mich. Thousands of cars oi corn from all Form I Hi W. K. Kello National Com Trophy parts of I lit- country and of all varie ties were entered in the competition. The selection of the grand champion Sweepstakes and the award of the Kellogg trophy were made on gener al points of superiororlty . The ear of corn grown by Mr. GARDEN HOSE 8, 11, 13, 18 cents per foot. i I . 25 cents up. MIDNIGHT IN THE OZARKS and yet sleepless Hiram Scrnnton. of Clay City, III., coughed and coughed. He was in the mountains on the ad vice of five doctors, who said he had consumption, but found no help in the climate, and started home. Hear ing of Dr. King's New Discovery, he began to use it. "I believe It saved my life," he writes, "for It made a new man of me, so that I can now do gojd work again." For all lung diseases, coughs, colds, la grippe, fhim, croup, whooping cough, hay .... ii.i .-. uuamciK'Bfl Ul quinsy, it s the best known remedy. Price Me and $1.00. Trial bottl free Guaranteed by F. J. Brerinan. Form 2 R. A. James, Winner of W. K . Kellogg National Corn Trophy for 1910 James ib of Keid's Yellow Dent var iety. It is ten Inches long, .' inch es in circumference, and has l'U rows of kernels. 6 to the Inch in the row, averaeg ifve-eights of an inch In depth and ifve-slxteenths of an inch In width. It is Indeed a very correct type of yellow dent corn. Mr. James has given careful study 1 v, inner only by years of hard work Hid painstaking seed selection and direful breeding from season to seas on. The trophy awarded to Mr James "as made by Tiffany, of New York, for Mr W K. Kellogg, at n cost of $1,000. It In nnide of Sterling silver, lnonre and enamels, nnd Is a truly artistic creation. It stands .10 Inch es In height Mr. Kellogg's Interest In corn growing can be understood Muli it Is staled that the Kellogg Tonnted Com Flnke Co , of which he Is president, has nn output requir ing in.ooo buhsels of corn a day, raw product, for Its manufacture. A pe culiar feature Is that while the Kel log product Is made exclusively from selected white corn, the Kellogg tro phy has been won enrh time by a yellow corn exhibit The trophy Is offi red for annual competition until won twice by the same grower. REAL ESTATE TRAN8FERS William H. Throckmorton to Charles Ttcrnan 8 B Sec 15 Twp 14 R. 51 saoo.oo Harry L Kly to Farmers' Co-Opera tlve Association hot 20 block 9, Hemingford. Nehr IK5.00 Sidney Doty to John IC.lev N 15 V4 Sec 115 Twp 27 R. 47 $700.00 V. M. Hlakely to J. K. Raudett S 10 V Sec III Twp 2H R 4! $4000.00 Amos B, Oable to Loll 0. Rankin All of Sec 20 Twp 2S R. 49 $IH000.00 Samuel I. Albro to Harry R. Reans l)t 87 County Addition to Alliance $2200.00 W. M. Rlakely to V. H. Dolozier S W M Sec 31 Twp 2S R. 49 $4000.00 William A. Coleman to Kdgar B. Os man Lot 1 Block 10, First Addition to Alliance $1100.00 John M. (Jodfrey to K. C. Kaurrman S4 Sec 21 Twp 27 R. 60 $8000.00 HAVE YOUR ENVELOPE8 PRINTED Every envelope sent through the I niied States malls should have a return card printed In the corner, hast year there were over 13,000,000 pieces of mail sent to the dead let ter office in Washington. To open nnd sort this mail requires fifteen persons. From this mall last year there was taken $65,000 in money, of which only $40,000 could be returned to the owners. The money which could not be returned was turned over to the treasury department af ter every effort possible was made to discover the owners. The moral is, have a return card printed on your envelopes and they will not be lost In the malls. Kxchange. CORRESPONDENCE . A NEW ENTERPRISE T S. Jones, finding that his work as director of the Alliance band does not require all of his time, has launched a new enterprise In which The Herald wishes him Buccess. As will be seen by consulting our ad vertising columns, he has opened an office at 117 V Box Butte avenue, first door north of Nohe's restaurant, and has established the UllMK Km ploy men) Agency and Messenger Sit rice. The room is small but will be large enough, and the location Is a good one for the business. This agency will be a convenience for both employes and employers, and the messenger service will be apprec iated by the business men and oth ers who mny have occasion to make use of it. We have found Mr. Jones reliable in business transactions and his customers can depend upon re ceiving the square deal from hitn. ASK any member about Yeomen Insurance. Do it today It may be ' too late tomorrow. 20-2-70 Alliance Herald, $1.50 per year I Kentucky Blue Grass and White Clover Seed. I Newberry's Hardware Co. I ft I mirai iii in 1 1 j If You Havo a Printing Want WE WANT TO KNOW WI1AT IT i; Pitting out 4ood prir 'u.g : oar busincM, a.iu s say good printing we don't mean la but the best cbtainable. If you are "from Missouri" give us a trial and we will Show You World. Beit Ear of Cera for 1910 to corn onJtrgra, and has achieved his success us a grand chumpiou SHERIFF'S SALE BY VIRTl'RE OF an Order of Sale directed to me from the Clerk of the District Cour or Box Buttte County, N't I ra.sk a, on a decree rendered In 1 said Court on the 21st day of De-1 eember A. l . 1910, In favor of F if. I Knight, Plaintiff, and The Alliance1 Building 41 Loan Association oefeti dant and croaa petitioner, against Even-eft H. Miller, Almeda Daffron Mil ler his wife and W. W. Norton as Defendants, for the sum of ONK HUNDRED EIGHTY-TWO and 40100 Din. I. , lis. decreed a second lien In1 favor of said F. M. Knight and THIRTKEN HUNDRED TWENTY-1 EIGHT 95100 Dollars decreed a' first lien in favor of The cross pe tltloaer The Alliance Building & l-oun Association, and costs taxed at ! $21.10 and accruing costs, and direct-: ing that the premises therein de- j scribed, to wit: Dot Eight )8) Block 1 One (1( Town of Alliance, in Box j Butte County, Nebraska, be appraised! advertised aud sold as upon oxecu-1 tion, to satisfy said sums of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO Ai M109 Dollars and THIRTEEN HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT it 95 imt Dollars, I and ((!.. and accruing costs, I have j caiiM-d the following described laud to be appraised, to wit: The Ixjt Bight () Block Oue tl) Town of Alliance in Box Butte County. Neb raska. And will offer the same to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 22 day of May. A. D , 1911, tu frout of the west front door of the Court House in Alliance in said county, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M., of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the un dersigned. Dated April 19, 1911. C M. COX Sheriff of said county. 19-4t HOMESTEAD J. W. Scott began plowing in Feb ruary and has tils smnll grnln and potatoes all In nnd resdy for tlM moisture when It does come. There'i nothing slow about Wnlter Will Phillips of '.Miii. ii was In our neighborhood last Friday with some nursery stock from the Arlington tun iv Some of the part lee to whom he was (tying to deliver this slock had written this nursery nni pany three months ago Hun they could not take It nnd countermanding their order. Nevertheless their representa tive Ignored their requests and sad dled the trees off on Friend Phillip to deliver nnd lenving him to get hit money for services rendered out of tbeia, knowing they would probably not be delivered. It's this kind of business at the hands of the nur sery representative thnt hurts their Interests in any neighborhood. Spoon aBd Ryan havo Just, finished a will for J. H. Patterson, lately l0 I on the Uncle Billy Burke placet. Bands School was resumed in the Homestead school house this month, with Mrs. Spoon as superintendent. Neighbor Wnllage has business u mong the people In this vicinity the past week Mr. Wnllage has return ed to live on his homestead another 6 months, having been required by the Government to do so. Ira Phillips was looking over A. D. Weir's bunch of cattle with a rlew to buying one last Thursday. Ira vvantH a good milch cow. One of Mrs. Stagg's little girls has been quite sick with the meas les. We often admire the pluck of har bojf Harry, who has had to take upon his young shoulders the duties of father In looking after the farm and otherwise providing for the fam ily. This boy sets a good example for us who are men, to follow In bis energy and manner of attending to his duties. We are fortunate In having In our neighborhood a splendid doctor on of the best In this part of the count rylate of boulder (Colo.) Sanitari um. Dr. Hansen, who purchased the Gavey place, is kept very busy be tween his practice and hi farming, beside giving much of two days to religious work, for he is not only a doctor above the ordinary, but Is al so a devout and consistent Christian one who believes In living and ex cmpiirying practical Christianity. One of the little Cross boys broke his arm last week trying to ride a emit Which was the bigger rool. the calf or the boy? Well, we don't know, but boys will be boys and calves will be calves, and get the two of them together with nothing; else to do and If the boy doesn't ride the calf it will be because the calf either butts or kicks the stuffln' out of him, or won t let him sit still long enough to ride. But we wish It were the pesky calf instead of the little fellow that had the brok en arm in this cose. Speaking of broken arms. Clark hlckey's horse felt with him a week or so ago und Clark received a bro ken arm. He is doing nicely now. Mrs. Garvey came out from Hem ingford with her brother Ben John son a few dasy since to see their sister, Mrs. Thorp, who has been very feeble for n week past. Brown Clutn h, son of Mrs Thorp, was also with his mother, for a few days. Ralla Sbetler has rented the Cliff Hubbell place and will put In about 80 or 90 acres to crops this spring. Sylvester Grant has been quite sick at the home of his brother in law Charlie Evans, near Marslund, fur a couple of waeks. Ills motbof went over to utte.id to him a t4 days ago. The rait that a uan lives closes to you is no troot mat he is a a.igu bor, in the better sense or ibj woj. Mr. Graham lias receaU Stores out from his plac. Bear t leminrjra, to the homesteuii relinquished by &.r. H edge i in k Tuey do say tliui I. r. Hansen H an Ospart ;.t sowing outs broad-cast. He can get .. bushels or more an acre without dirt 'uli. v. lies tot Weir beat, for he can get only two or bushels of rye to tan acre Gar.'ield Cull bus bis crop ubout all in. and is another man ready fur the comin- rilm. HUBBLE FLAT Hurrah for school days agala. Mr. aud Mrs. W B. Hubbies is ofl sick list. Arthur l,ore went to Alliance Ft! day on business. Mrs. George Denton visited at C. Duerrs' Sunday. Joe Nerud Arthur Ixire are build ing fence now days. Therein Chapman Is home again after a few days' work In Mllance. We have in the Flats such as ball games, parties Instead of Sunday School on our Sabbath day. Where are our workers, especially oar superintendent. Easter party at John Chapman's was well attended Sunday. Mrs. Con rad ami children inti.- Dean. A. Oosjar and fumily, C. Cogur and fam ily. B. Cogar and family, Miss Cognr and friend Albert Wright all report a good time. School begin iu I. -- District Mon day after a long vac. Come parents get your childreu interested be anx ious for them to start with bucket and booklet to receive more know ledge. NEVER OUT OF WORK The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Life litis. Ev ery pill is a sugar -coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor into energy, brain fag into mental power; curing Con stipation, Headache, Chills, Dyspep sia. Malaria. Only 25u at F. J. Bren- s.