The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 13, 1911, Image 6

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Net Result of Lestative Ses
sion as Sh:wn by Records.
KiKhty bills passed by the legls
la tun have born given the approval
of the governor, many of them carry
ing the emergency clause and havlnp
become laws immediately upon theli
BE gyp "Mt Mi B
flr' IP8 BP
sdCflj Vx k. fflflBbbadsYsflasflg'
approval. Many bilk are now befora
the governor, await lag his disposition.
Several hne 1 .-u vetoed.
The list of laws approved Is M
8. F. 71. by Talcott Making Bept, 2,
the birthday of John Howard, a holi
day In penul and reformatory Institu
tions of th' state
8. F. 24. hy Placek Hepeah present
law requiring that 'smallucss of award
ed damages shall not be sufficient
grounds on which to ask for a new
trial in civil cases
8. F. 37, by Tlbbets Amendment to
the law renaming the filing of com
plaints by eounty attorneys
8. F. 307, by Hoagland- Allowing
county bourds to appoint county and
probate jmiRo for temporary service
when the regular official is sick or all
mit. Emergency.
8. F. 137, b Hodinson Amending
the law reminding quieting title to land
when an uninsurable 11 SB still exists
against it.
8. F. 1. by Skiles Initiative and ref
erdum Joint resolution for a oonstlta
tionnl amendment.
8. F. 7. by Reagan Joint resolution
for a constitutional amendment allow
InR cities of more than to make
their own charters.
8. F. 21, by Cordeal -Allowing cities
of the second class and villages to
fund their Indebtedness
8. F. 25, by Rartos- Repealing s,-c-
tion oi the ivii code requiring actions
for trespass to be begun In the county
where the rea' estate in question Is
8. f 77, by Brown Requiring that
fees collected by secretary of state
for the tlllnR of articles Of incorpora
tioa shall be based on th ant horized
capitnl stock.
8. F 7H. by Hiohii Provides that
the annual corporation tax collected
by the stat-.- shall be based on the paid
Up capital
8. F 88. by Ollls-Affects the organ
tuition of farmers' eoopeiative eleva
tor associations, and giving them OSf
tain privileges aside from those of tha
regular law of incorpora t Ion
8. F. 07. by Morehead - Provides f,,r
registers of (beds in counties or more
than 16,0'in population and increasinR
their salaries
8. F 11, b Kemp Allowing school
districts to change their school bons.
site at a special election called for the
I F. lt;8. bv Tanner-Provides for a
secretary of the South Omaha school
board at a salary of 1 1,000 and ot a
superintendent of buildings at a sal
ary of $1,500.
8. F 271. by Smith or Boone Pro
Yldes for the exemption of mortgages
on resl estnte from taxation.
8 F. 39. by Kuhl Maximum school
tax may be 4( mills instead of g.
8. F 93, by Tsuner Changes and
amendments in South Omaha charter
8. F. 2KS. by Hodinson Prohibiting
.-e of sacch gweetcucrs in soda
8. F. 342, by Banning Optional com
mission form of government in citiea
over 6,000.
8. F IK. by Reagan Protection ol
Workmen in constructing building
8. F. 200, by Albert Judicial map
portionment bill.
S. F. 249, by Morehead linni ..-a
tax on insurance companies for thi
maintenance of the state fire commix
8. F. 250, by Morehead First Frida
In November shall be "Fire Day."
8. F. 267. by Smith of Fllmore Or
ders telephone companies to maintain
soond proof booths and provides pen
sit for eavesdropping
8. F. 48. by Tibbats Printed ab
tract of record must be filed with so
pi e me court In appealed cases.
8. F. 20!, by Huhi man Making Oct
12, "Columbus Day." a legal holiday.
8. F. IH b Tlbbets JermtU cities
or from R.non to Z8,ti;i to extend theli
sewer and water works systems.
8. F. 115. by Ollls Regulation n'
stock Muds, making them commoi
carriers, and placliiR them under the
control of the slate, railway com mis
8. F 333. hy Reagan -Authorize?
photographic process In public records
8. F 27S. by Hoi ton Increases sal
arles of deputy sheriffs In IKmglai
county and provides for clerk hire.
8. F. 175. by llorgland Makenerlm
Inal sentence indeterminate except
for certain capital crimes
8. F. 273. bv Placek Judicial reap
portionment MIL
H. R 32. by Allen- A Joint resolu
tlon for a constitutional amendment
to provide for biennial elections.
II R. 101, by Hon ham Appropriates
$2,000 for marking the Oregon trail
through Nebraska
H. R. 441, by Oandy Appropriates
$3.ono to pay W. A Phllpot for the
loss of a ha"d In a silo cutter at tie
Lincoln asylum, where he was em
H. R. 281, hy Hardin and Quacken
bush Provides for a commission of
three to be appointed by the goverr.ot
for the purpose of recod'Tylng the
statutes and appropriating $20,000 to
pay for the work.
H. R. 41S. by McArdle-Provides for
the establishment of the Nebraska
legislative reference bureau and glviiiR
the regents 11 minimum amount of con
trol over It.
H, R. 308. by Quackenbush- In ac
tions or attachment and Rnrnishment
the judge may make an allowance of
the amount In value of the property
that may be attached.
II R. .V',, by Lawrence--Employers
must give Service letters to employees
when they quit the service setting
setting forth the reasons tor severing
relation or employer and employed.
H R. 247, by Grossman -Regulation
of maternity hospitals, with permits
from state board of health Instead of
ftom city authorities,
II R. 9S. by Evans- An advisory
board of pardons which shall hear all
anpllcatkms md make recotnniemla
Hons to the governor. Memlu rs are to
be paid $10 each per d.-.y while em
ployed H. R. 209. by Quackenbush- Pro
vides thai not more than one-filth the
space occupied by th stream at high
water shall be obstructed by the abut
ni-'iits of railroad bridges.
II. It. 28s, by Anderson - Provides
"mt Jurors must be twenty-five yean
of age, and not more than seven! v
' fl Of Kg, and able to read and iin-
deraland the English language
H R 77. by Cedton Change's the
law of escheat of 'alien lands so that
the antra may s-n such lands without
process, or escheatment by giving due
not Ice,
H. R. 377, by McArdb Provides
that cities under 6,000 may grant fran
chises to lighting companies, to run
not more than twenty live years.
H R 58. ry Sanborn -Appropriates
115,000 to establish a hog cholera se
rum plant at the university farm.
H. R. tit by Fuller Amends inher
it!! in c tax law so that II Bead not be
nald until one vcar alter the death of
decedent. Present law nllows but six
R, R St bv Rushee uthorizes the
Incorporation -t private library nn
dado-is For the benefit or such asso
ciutie n It Keystone. Neb.
H. R. 38. by l.etdigh Maks it a
BBlademoanoT to ramp n public high
ways v thin forty rods or a dwelling
bouse without permission, or for mote
than twenty-four hours at one time In
one place without the COUieat of the
abut tins property owner.
H. R. 213. hy Anderson--Forbids ex
hibit'on of ningnetkni r.mi ni'smer
ism fo' gain
H. R -MS. bv Swan -Defi. ien eB ap
prcprint'on of t,000 for the pur a food
lei artment.
II R. IPS, b McArdle and IMssett
Allcws townships to levy a tax or two
mills for library purposes.
H. R 318. by Bushee Amendment
to the irrigation law providing that ir
rigation bonds mav be payab'e option
ally, in Installments or all at once on
date ot maturity.
H. R. 344. by Bushe Amendment
to the irrigation law providing that
contractors an such projects as irrtga
lion ditches and dams mist put up a
bond equal to one fourth the contiact
price of th- wark
H. R II, bv Oerd -s Appropriating
$8o,uon for salaries and wages or mem
bers, officers and emp'oyeea of the
Thirty sac OH I session
H. R. 92. hy Gerdes- Appropriating
$20.oon ror Incidental expenses or th I
legislui've sss!on
H. R. 5.".. by p ilexal A joint resolu
tion approving the proposed federal
amendment to the constitution ror an
Incoini tax.
H. R. ;t, b Bushee -Appropriation
of ft ,, fur the furnishing nt a rroi i
In the state eapltol building for the use
of the state board of education.
H R. Ill, by Bassett -Fouicil trans
ter ol tuition and registration fees at
the Kenrne normal school ror the pur
cbas of books for the library.
H. R 70. hy Dort Same ;lnd of a
measure as H. R HI. but applies to
I Peru normal Instead of Kearney.
h r it, bv riaias gaiaas as ahoea
for the Clisdion iMirml school.
II R -Jt;. by Rurtels isni" as ahow
for te NVayne normal school library
H. R 48. by Kent and Clarke Afv
propriat'on or $5.(,ni to use in th
opening of the Chadron normal school
next lune
H R r. bv McKfssIck Approprla
Hon Bj S.C00 r r the purchase or stat
utes for ii rf rnembers snd state
H. R. 73. b) Kutour -Appointlcg thf
state auditor attorney In fact tor an;
foreign Insurance company doing busi
ness in this state so that service ot.
the company may be readily secured
II. R. 14"i, by Kotouc Appropriation
of 8n per cent of the 1 mill unlversit)
levy for that Institution. A purely
formal transaction.
H R. 21. hy Hatfle' 1 - DefloMMf ap
proprltitlon for the orthopecllc hos
pltnl nt Lincoln in the ami .ti t or $8,
000. To last until April 1.
II. R. 33. by M Klsslck- Rqulrin;
standard caboose cars, with certain ex
ccptiona, on all railroads ol the state
by the year 1915.
H R 54, by Bnrtels Approprlatlot
or $WtM0 ror a new building at thr
Wayne normal school.
H. R. 03. by Clarke Appropriation
of $12,000 ror a heating plant at the
Chadron normal sohool.
H. R 8, by Quackenbush -Appro
prlation or $12,000 with which to add
another story to the library building
at the Peru normal school.
H. R. 71, by Orueber Railway train
men's bill. limit- the number oi
hours' continuous duty to sixteen foi
trnlnmen and nine hours for dispatch
va and operators.
H. R. 2, by Eastman A ppf prlation
Of $100,000 for an agricultural school
In the southwestern part of the state
H. R.- 34, by Fuller County boards
must keep a record of material put
Into hrldges and the total cost thereof
Boards may build small bridges them
selves by day lalmr, or let slnRle con
tra ts.
11. R. 107. by Honsh Prohibits the
van of trading stamps, raMes and othei
gift enterprises of similar nature.
II. R 7, by Fries Increase in pay
for district clerks In about twenty
counties where the population undci
the census of 1910 did not come up tc
If. R. in, by Fries Increases the
pay of petit jurors from $2 to $3 a day.
11 W 274, by Crnnln Provides a one
fil'th mill levy on the entire state,
nmouniiiiR to $180,000 per Mennium
as state aid In the construction and
maintenance or bridges more than 17."
feet long.
If. R. 49. by Potts Provides that
state may sell foreign bonds now
held by it as investment and reinvest
the money in bonds or cities, school
districts and COUntlea or the state.
8. F 322, by HortOU Providing for
county law libraries for use of county
S. F 204. by Hoagland I 'Ixlng rat
or inte rest on unpaid sewer a.-isess
nients at 7 per ce nt.
S. $, 2"i9, by Morton Prohibits wire
tapping and Interference with electric
S K IIS, by Banning (living the
Mate railway commission jurisdiction
In complaints under the demurrage
S. r. 377, by Hoaghtnd Providing
for tb - laying out or public roads not
along section lines.
S. F. 27, by Cox of Hamilton In
creasing the pay of road overseers In
cities ratal $2 to $3 and pay of coin
el'mcn from ."n to $ln0 per year
s i v 804, by Bodfnaon Providing
that i;nc township supervisor shall be
elected iioir euli district.
S. P 162. by Placek Allowing 'It
ics of second class and villages to re
rmlre the lighting Of railroads tracks
at street crossings
S. P, 23", by Indlclary committee
Fixing lees of shorthand reporters in
other than district court work.
S. F. 299. by Kemp Revising the
law on fees cif notaries.
S. f- 241. bv Talcott -Providing that
mature atndenta who have not com
pleted a fr, r years' high school course
may nti '". e state normal schools,
s i" . by Horton Validating an
Issue of p noo park bond-; in Omaha.
S. F. " by Banning Increasing
sslary Openly treasurer e'xaminet
from $1 1 1 to $1.8iio a year.
8 F. 228. bv Buhrman- -Mtstruc ting
railway companies to maintain stock
sheds at loading yards.
S F 24n. by Tab Otl -Provides for
sanitation of work -hops, factories,
mil mercantile establishments, with
regulation iv the state bureau of tahoa
S P. 242, b - Ollis Providing for
appi ms from the st ite railway c om
missic n direr I to the supreme court.
S F. 55. by Lee Prohibiting the use
of vehicles to haul voters to the poll?
on election dav, except where voter ii
S. F. HP, bv Masjiir.R Peqc'ring
railroads to tarnish watchmen ovei
(trader! and civlni ra'lwny commission
(nrisdti tlon.
8. F It, bv Bmwn Provl 'ng that
the rmaapander or tha 0 a r. sha'i
fnratal copies or th pr e a lings oi
tht aatUmal enrnn " 'i t to the as
slttam adjutant get 1 of the state.
S. F. 292. Jp Tel' t C.lvmg c itie
'indcr M $ the ii" t to sell real es
ate acewlred to- -viterworke, gas ci
electric llabt p'l a w'nen purpose haj
been abandoned.
8. F. 19U, by Hoi i'and Provldin?
for drainage of su' irrigated land!
w:tb c upei'ial assessment.
S F. 230, by Hoagland Amendin
irrigatL n laws.
S F. 154. by Brown DefininK worn
"Idiot" marriage laws as a "person
mentally Incompetent to marry."
S F ft, by Talcott-Authorizing
state l oa-d of health to inspect equl
mi ut and methods in medical colleges
i S F. 388. by Belleck -Permitting
Liucoln to appropriate money for com
pletion of Lincoln monument in stat
bons.- peik without a vote Of the -n
S F 53. by BauHiiig- niving sherifft
the power to serve dlctress warrant
Instead of the special deputy of the
8. F. 59 hv !e Providing that iu
voter may rust a httl'ot unless he shall
bavtf oted at the vrsvlous election u
sbaw ii n., r-inavrt stating mat nr
was ana M rote,
8 F. get, i-eileck Giving state
snpi i nit' :i nt po.vcr to designate
grade schools under tin high school
normal t turning art.
8. V. 358, by S.'llec k --Providing for
the care of dellmi.iei.t children.
8. F. 320. by Selie. k Allowing Un
coin to pave and improve ninds leaa
lng into it.
8. F. 318, by Bartos Providing that
persons operating bucketshops s.ial'
be guilty ot fe lony and persons pat
ronizing them guilty of a mlsde
8. F. 313, by Brown Requiring
banks to file articles ot incorporation
with the secretary or state.
8. F. 379. by Wilcox Providing for
a special county tax to pay the cost
of drainage ditches.
8. F. 303. by Tanner Allowing Oma
ha water board to sell water to out
side towns at rates not exceeding
those in the city.
8. F. 314. by Banning Fixing the
Increases In salaries of county attor
neys. 8. F. 199. by Tlbbets Provides foi
'axing up and paying costs in disbar
ment proceeiings and contempt pro
8. F. 62. by Horton Defining the
white slave traffic and providing strin
gent punishment for the same. A wife
may testify against her husband In
such cases.
8. F 8, by Tibhets Increases pay of
county superintendents all over the
state, and the per diem In small coun
ties fixed at $.". a day.
S. F. 284, by Bartling Increases the
salaries of she riffs in more than hair
the counties of the state nnywhere
from $50 a year to $400 a year.
S. F. 210, bp ReaRiin ProvldinR that
there shall bO fire esiapes on all
buildings mere than three stories In
3. F. 81. by Tanner Making tele
graph wire tapping a felony.
8. F. 91, by Tanner Pi ovidlnR for
printing constitutional amendments in
one Democrat ie and OHO Republican
paper in each county.
S. F. 173. by Bartltng Providing for
lip method ill teaching dumb.
S. F. 184, bv Placek Amending th?
drainage district laws.
S. F 197, by Albeit Declaring an
Baalgnatlon houpe a nuisance and put
ting the responsibility upon the owner
of the building.
s. f. ro, by Albert Empowering cit
ies between 5,000 and 25,000 to issue
$511,0011 bonds for construction of jails
and city halls.
S. F. 5$, by Tibbets Empowering
foreign corporations to receive-, pur
Chase and e nforce liens upon propcity
in this slate
S. F. 31fi, by Tanner Allowing
South Omaha a special commission
form or government.
S. F. 31, by Buhrman Providing
means or preventing the destruction
of drainage ditched running through
private lands.
S. F. ('., by Horton Extending the
time of paying for improvements on
streets from five to ten years and ex
tending the limit of the time of pav
ing bonds from ten to fifteen years.
S. F. 213, by McGrew Amending t be
bank guaranty law. Releases banks
Iron paying back assessment under
law which has been in litigation.
S. F. 171. by Tlbbets Authorizing
the formation of trust companies to
do a general banking bUSinsaa under
the rules of the hanking board.
S. F. 300, by Selleck Changing the
date of examinations by county s iper
Intendent from Friday to Saturday.
S. F. 370, by Hoagland Determining
the rights of persons who have ac
quired Water rights under the laws of
H it. 414. by Btebblna and Puis
Prohibiting the throwing of g!; aa or
broken crockery into the public L'gh-
H. R. 177, by Dolezal Appropriates
$2"i,iiiin for payment for horses de
stroyed by the state because afflicted
with glanders.
H H. 27, by Matrau A Joint reso
lution for a constitutional amendment
to provide for an appointive board of
control for state institutions.
H. R. 619, by Swan General de
ficiencies bill.
H. R. 360, by Gallagher General
salary bill for the bfennlum.
H. R 111, by Gallagher General
maintenance Mil for state institutions,
H. R. 480, by Ildigh Appropriates
$12,000 for a heating plant for the
school for the blind at Nebraska City.
H. R. 538. by Grossman Appropri
ates $100,000 for a new building at
the university medical college at Oma
ha. H. II 703, by Eastman, per reqimst
af go TOT HO? Provides for a superin
tendent of construction of state build
ings a' a salary of $2,000 a year to
reraee the work on new construction.
H. R. 222, by Clarke Appropriates
4,i00 to pay traveliug expenses of
district judges In excess of the
ajionnt appropriated for this pur-isise
in 1909
H. R 503, by Holmes Appropriates
$12.5iio for the purchase of additi nal
land at .ae school for the deaf at Oma
ha, ten Mreaj in amount.
H. R. S9. by Bushee Appropriates
40,t 00 for estsblishment of consump
tive hospital in the western part of
the BjtatO fr iudieent patleuts.
H. R 60S. by 1 eiduh Appropriates
$2,oin for purchase of laud adjoining
the school ior the blind at Nebraska
H R 319. by Hospodsky Approprl
ate $100,000 for two new buildings
at the l.inroln asylum for the insane.
H. R. 36i, by Bulla Provides for a
hotel coiiimiss'c n and defines Its pow
ers an 1 f law enforcement,
hoih 11 and as SB fire
I rot
11. u 1 aah nefri
cies appropnarron or sti,f7tt to pay
running expenses of school for tb
deaf until April 1.
H. R. 9. by Fries Makes It optional
on school boards to set aside a fund
for library purposes. Present law l
H. R. 24, by Nelr Increases term
of counc ilnien in cities of 1,000 to -'".
000 to tour years and Increases theii
salaiie-s to $1 a year.
H. R 14, by Grossman Changes the
date of electing police Judges to He
fsll 01 the year and changes their
designation to "police magistrate."
H. R. 643, by Fries General claims
bill covering the period of the past
blennlum. including publication oi
constitutional amendments in newspa
pers ot the state.
H. R. 555, by Liver Fixes the li
cense year in Omaha at Jan. 1 to Jan.
1, and in all other cities from May 1
to May 1. Also an amendment by
Stebblns providing that on petition
from voters the city clerk must sub
mit the license question on the ballot
by yes and no process.
H. R. 29, by Morlarty Raises tha
salary of the county Judge of Douglas
Monty from $2,500 to $3,000 a year.
H. R. 221, by Evans-Appropriates
$20,000 tor a new laundry building at
the Hastings asylum.
H. R. 100, by Joii"s A general
drainage law, where water is supposed
to follow its natural channel.
11. R. 168, by Friei of Howard Ex
tends the term of c;ftlce ol the present
county assessors 1,0 they may niaku
the assessment o; real estate In their
fourth year of ol'ice.
H. R. 196 by Nutzman--Appropriates
I gOO tor the reiki of one Sylws
ter Hathaway.
H. R. IIP, by Hardin A pure s ed
bill and r gulattttg Die making and
sale of con..' used feeding .stuffs.
H. R. 27 , by Hardin Amendments
to the pur J lood law, increasing the
aalaries deputy commissioner and
chemist, additional inspectors in the
summer time and others throughout
the xear, and providing licenses for
the mauufacture of certain goods
which Reed inspection.
II. R. 594, by Battels and Kirk Ap
pi Opl iates $15,000 ior a swer at the
Wayne normal school.
H. R. 52 j, by Matiau Appropriate;
$600 for the reliet 01 i onise Rollins, a
state employee huu ,n discharge of
H. R. 4H.'i. by Bushee Appropriates
$75, ' 0 .is i-latc aid to weal; school
districts. A regular appropriation
from bienniutn to Uiennlunv
H. R. 31, by Fuller County boards
may build bridges by day's work if
they do not like the bids made on
such construction, provided total cost
is noi above $100,
11. R. 32U, by McKelvie Appropri
ates $334 for paving half the street
in tront of the oithopcdic hospital in
H. R. 423, by Grossman Approprl
ates $5,niin tor the construction of a
water main to the school for the duaf
in Omaha.
H. R. 86, by Bailey Approprlat s
$j5,0nii for another wing to the new
building at the Kearney normal school.
H R, $3, by Potts -Provides that
jurors may draw their pay for service
as soon as it Ls completed and they
are discharged.
H. R. 2i5. by Lawrence Allows
county DOarda io levy a i mill tax to
keep open drainage ditches.
H. R. 17S, by Bushee Affecting the
government of thu one county high
school In the- state, Ifcsted in Kimball
11. R. 193, by Bassett Regents may
accept gifts and donations or land for
the university, providing that rentals
or this property shall be rea erred to
the donor tor a period or years.
H. (t. 197, by Anderson Railroads
must designate space upon right of
way for shipping pens when asked to
do so.
H. R. ").'.', by QOftgea and Potts
Provides that state buildings must be
completed within appropriation limit
and Sfllx lng ;' P'nalty to architect and
Contractor for violation of the law.
H. R 433, by Rgan of Platte Re
quiring registration or stallions and
for physical examination or all such
H. R. 240, hy Metzger Universal
license system for hunting and gen
erally for fishing, with exceptions lor
women and children under eighteen.
H. R. 158, by Hatfield Provides
means for clearing title to land where
the release of mortgages more than
ten years before is defective.
H. R. 286, by Hardin- T.sts of grain
shall be taken by a vertical section
through wagon box or bin.
H. R. 391, by Clayton Exempts
bonds of cities, counties, state, or dis
trict from taxation.
H R. 259, by Allen Judges of elec
tion must rail attention of all voters
to presence of constitutional amend
Heats on the ballot.
H R. 309, by Nelr Goverior may
appoint when a legislative vacancy or
curs, but appointee must be of same
political persuasion as the former
holdei cf the office. Present law pro
vides nc means of filling acancies.
H. R. 176, b QuetafeOfl and Evans
Closes primary and provides for
election of deb-gates to national con
Tent ions and national committeeman.
H. R 157. by Hatfield Relating to
sssignments ut mortgages where as
signor ban not properly acknowledge
tie eagtigtiwi.
H. R 406, by Nordgren Appropri
ates $5,00 1 for a vault In the insur
ance depaitmcnt of the auditor's office.
H R 238, by Taylor of Hitchcock
Permits killing of beaver by the own
cr of the lnd on which they live.
H. R 42, by Taylor of HRehoOCk
Animals injured by trains must be
cared for by railway employees.
H. R. 184. by McKlsskk General
changes In the county assessor law
whereby the county assessor makes
np bis own tax lists from the scfied
ules, and other things.
H. R. 43, by Taylor of Hitchcock
A misdemeanor to abandon any do
mestic animal to die on the publio
H. R. 44. by Taylor of Hitchcock
Penalty for mistreatment of domestic
animals as set out in the present law,
which lacks the penalty.
H. R. 109, by Shoemaker Makei
carrying of concealed weapons a fel
ony instead or a misdemeanor.
H. R. 294, by McKissick Provldea
ror formation of health insurance com
panies. H. R. 322, by Fries Cities or towni
may condemn mill dam sites for pub
lic use. Passed as aid to city of Dan
H. R. 180, by McCarthy Defects io
titles to property may lie corrected
by affidavits, which shall be prima
facie evidence of fact.
H. R. 278. by Gandy Provides for
state copyright on names of farms.
H. R. 277, by Sk,en Farmers' mu
tual insurance companies may insure
farm implements.
H. R. 243. by Metxger FLies open
season on all game,
H. R. 511, by finance committee
Appropriates $2,684,310 for general
H. R. 571, by Gerdes One of tha
bills fixing uniform system for all
state accounts. Provides that all fees
and contributions from patients shall
'ov turned over to state treasurer.
H. R. 670, by joint road committee
Provides for county road organiza
tions. U. R. 27, by Prince Nonpartisan
board of control. Amended to h sim
ilar to Matrau bill for appointive
H. R. 09, by Croiiin Raising pay of v commissioners.
The following bills have been vetoed
by the governor and none of them
. passed ovoi his veto:
The Omaha charter, by Mor tarty of
I Douglas.
Stock yards regulation bill, by Tay-
; lor oi Hitchcock and Dolosal ol Saun-
Nonpar' 'aau 'udlclary bill, by Lee
cf BOyd.
I Sunday baseball bill, by Bariling of
Extension of the term of school
board members In South Omaha, by
Tanner of Douglas.
Raise in salary for deputy county
attorney a in Omaha, by Moriarty.
Removing exemption from garnishes
from wagon of head of family, by
Bushee 01 Kimball.
Fight on Telephone Bill.
Assertions that the telephone lobby
has spent large sums of money and
I has been exerting undue influence to
j force through t-.e merger bills were
j made to the governor when he gave a
i hearing to members of the house on
the merger bill which finally passed,
' introduced by Minor of Iancaster.
! Th re were several of these mergei
bills listed, all of them giving the reg
ulation of telephone companies into
the hands of the state railway com
mission by defining them as common
Carriers and providing for a physical
connection between the exchanges ol
competing companies.
The Minor bill had the provision al
lowing tbergora between Rcii and in
dependent companies stricken out
when the bill was passed, and Hcnt to
the senate, but the senate put it back
again and sent the hill over for con
currence. Thai sentiment in the house
Beamed to have been changed in the
meantime and the bill as amended
went through. Grossman ot Douglas.
Harrington of Rod. and others assert
ed to the governor t hat the hiil got
through as a result of pernicious lob
bying Kotouc- of Richardson and othera
urged the governor to sign the bill,
Riving as their reason the fact that
telephone companies are not naturally
capable of giving good service when
they are competing in the same terri
tory and that the railway commission
should be trusted to see that merger
were made only for the gooJ of con
sumers. Telegrams have been arriving at tha
governor's office from all over tha
state urging both sides of the ques
tion. The governor announced no de
cision and will take the bill under ad
visement. Governor Aldrich will not give his
de-etsion upon the appropriation ol
$100,1100 for the medical department
or the state to be spent In Omaha un
til he has given both sides a hearing.
Hobart Is Named.
The first appointment by the gov
ernor under a bill passed by the pres
ent keglslatur - was announced by Gov
ernor aldrich He baa designated R
W Hobail ol Mitchell to be judge ot
the new Seventeenth district, com
prisinx Scot i s Bluff, Banner. Morrill
sad Garden counties. Mr. Hobart la
at present county attorney at Scott'a
Right of Governor to EAercise Dls.
:r5tion Upheld.
I incoln, Apii". 10. The right of the
governor of N brnakg to uncondition
ally revojko a parole grantd to a con
vict a the slate penitentiary wxs up
held Saturday in the district court by
Judge Albert J, Cornish in ihe bab.'as
corpus proceedings brought by John
C. Oweli.
Owen Is a convict at the peniten
tiary and was paroled by Governor
Shalb nberger Without a hearing the
parole was revoked and Owen com
mitted to the iM-nlteiitlarv again with
out any reason being assigned for the
revocation of th parol 3.