WE HAVE IT Here are some of the companies we represent. Every one a tfood. strong, established company: Liverpool, London & Globe North America Royal Hartford Springfield Columbia of Omaha NELSON FLETCHER 1 Fire Insurance Agency i. JOHN SNODDY, Manager Phone 68 We are headquarters for the best Flour in the city. Try a sack and be convinced. Peerless, 4H lb sack $1.50 Up to Date, 481bth sack 1.50 Tip Top, 48 th sack 1.40 B. & M., 4Hrb sack 1.40 Delight, 48 th sack 1.25 White Syrup, per gallon (0e Black Bird Corn Syrup, per gallon . . 40c Karomel Brand, per gallon 40c A Pure SugarMaple flavor per gallon $1 .00 A Pure Sorghum, per gallon 75c Canada Sap, a Pure Maple, per qt. . 40c Log Cabin, a Pure Maple, per qt. . . . 45c Autumn Leaf, a Pure Maple, H gal.. 70c Beet Sugar Syrup, per qt 25c Bonnie, a Pure Cooking Molasses, qt. 20c RICHELIEU COFFEE nice smooth taste; we have it grades. None quite so good. always gives a in three Try our New Economy Bargain Counter and you will be surprised at the bargains. We are here to serve you. Let your wants be known. PHONE 54 A. D. RODGERS Suggestive Questions for April 9, 1911 April 9th, 1911. (Copyright, 110. by H. T. S. Linwntt. P.O.) Ellaha'a Heavenly Defenders. 3 Kin vl 8 23. CMMM Tt For lie shall (five fill anpel? charge over thee, to keen thee in all thy ways. I'. 91:11. (1.) Vrea S-10 Were wars erer really necessary? 2.) Win wars ever ceatte, and what are the signs? (3.) How did Ritalin find out what the plan or th King of Syria were? (4.1 What reason Is there, If any. to believe that some men to-day. are able to tell what Is In the mlnda of others? I' I Is mind reading any more won derful tbnn other phenomena with which we Hie fanillinr, for example wireless, telefraphj't (6.) WIM th're ever be any regret table events In the life of any man who carefully oheyj the voire of God in his soul? (7.) Verse 11 If a man's plana are repeatedly unsuccessful is that a sure sign, or not. that they are not of God? Why? (8.) Verse IS WU Rllsha'a ability to tell what the King of Syria was say ing, when at a great distance from him. natural or supernatural? (9.) Are cla'rvoyants, clairaudleuts. and others who claim similar powers noted for ihelr spirituality? (10.) Verses 13-14 Why did Ellsha allow hlntdlf to be shut up in Do than If he knew all the King of Syria was doing? (11.) What teason, if any. ia there to believe that tlod sometimes plans to get his children Into a tight, or dan gerous plai-e? (12.) Which ood men at the end of life ia the better off, the one who has had a constant fight with oppoaing forces all threvrjh life, or the one who haa had an easy time, and why? (Thie question muft b answered In writing by members of the club.) (13.) Veri-a IS Was the fear dis played by ElUha's servants natural and free from all blame? Why? (14.) Way, or why not, should a Christian be blamed if his heart trem bles in the preavttca of grave difficul ties? (16.) Vers.- if Would any man ever fear if he knew the full mind of God, and v. as his true follower? (16.) Verse 17 Where is the spirit world? (17.) What reason is there for the belief that we are surrounded by spiritual intelligences? (18.) Is there any reason to thin't that our spiritual visions can be cul tivated to 104, and our ears to hear, the spirits by whom we are encom passed? (10.) Verse IS Did God smite the entire army with blindness or only the oflicors? (20.) Verse 19 Did Klifha lie to the Syrians? (21.) What Is a lie? (22.) Was Klishrt justified in deceiv ing the Syrians? (23.) VertMl 20-23 When we have our enemy in our power should we do to him as he had tried to do to us? (21.) What is the best way to treat an enemy Alien he is in our power? Union for Sunday. April 16th. MIL Joash, the Boy King, Crowned in Judah. 2 Kings xl:120. A FIERCE NIGHT ALARM Is the hoarse, stnrtllng cough of a child, suddenly attacked by croup. Often It nroused Lewis ('hnmbllu of .Mnnchester. O, ( K. R. No. 2) for their four children were greatly sub ject lo croup. "Sometimes In severe attacks," he wrote, "we were afraid they would die, but since wo proed what a certain remedy lr King's New Discovery Is, we have no rear. We rely upon It for croup and for coughs, colds or any thront or lung trouble." Bo do thousands or others. So may you. Asthma, May Fever. Ia Grippe, Whooping Cough, Hemor rhages fly before It. fiOc and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Sold by K .1 Hren nan. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The defendants. Rnglebert J. Plng cr, Mrs. ringer, wife or Rnglebert J, I'inger first nnd renl name un known and Theron T. Croaler, will take notice that on the 16th day of Mfirch. 1911, Otis Bass, the plalntlfr. Mled his petition in the District Court of Hox Butte county, Nebrns U.i, against Rnglebert J. I'inger, Mrs I'inger, wife or Rnglebert J. I'inger, ft rt( and real name unknown nnd Theron T. Crosier, defendants, the object and prnyer of which nre to iiilet the title In the plaint Iff upon southwest quarter (SW'j) or section Twotva (12) In township twenty-six ) north or range rifty two (62), .vest, in Hox Butte eortnty, stnte of Nebraska; to have cancelled and satisried or record a mortgage there on in the sum of $230.00, dated April 1894, executed to the defendant Theron T. Crosier, and to exclude each and all of said defendantR rrom any lpterest therein. You are required to answer said i "tit Ion on or berore the 24th day of April, Ml. Dated March 16, 1911. B. R. OILMAN. 14-41-103-633 lMalntirr. SKIN AND SCALP TROUBLES YIELD TO ZEMO K Ml U llOlll) PREPARATION I0R IMIKNM USE lloUten's Drug Store is so conliilmt that ZKMO will rid the skin or scalp of infant or grown persons of pimples, black heads, dandruff, eczema, pricklv heat' rashes, hives, ivy poison or any other form of skin or scalp eruption. Ihai they will aivp your money back il you are not en tirely satisfied with the results obtained from the use of ZKMO i he first application will give prompt relief and show an improvement and ia every instance where nsed persistentlv, will destroy the germ life, leaving the skin in a clean, healthy condition. Let os show you proof of some rem,-rk-able cures made by ZEMO and give you a 32 page booklet how to preserve the skin. H olsten's Drug Store. LEGAL NOTICE In Front of the Checkered Front Stable you can nearly always see a rig getting ready to start out. Wc will send one any distance, for any purpose, at any time. State of NebrftBka, ) ) SB. Box Hutte County. ) At a County Court, held at the County Court Room in Raid county on the 13th day of March, 1911. Present L. A. Berry. County Judge. In the Matter of the Ratnte of Daniel K. Spacht, Deceased. On reading the petition of Carl V. Spacht filed herein, praying that. Administration of said estate be i ranted to himself as Administrator. ORDRHRD, That said petition will he heard on the 1 It h day of April, 1911, at 2 o'clock, p.m. That nil per sons Interested In Bald estate may appear at County Court on Bald date, and show cause If any there bo why said petition should not be granted; and that notice of the pen dency of aald petition and of said hearing be given to nil persona in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Alliance Herald, a weekly newspaper publish ed in said county for three succens ive weeks prior to said hearing. rSeal U A. BRRRY. U 3M02-623 County Judge. Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 316 Laramie Aue. Phone 230 BURTON & WESTOVER Attorneys at Law LAND AUORMEYS Office First National Bank Bid. Phone 180. ALLIANCE. NEB. WILLIAM MITCHELL, TTOBNIY AT HW, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALLIANCE, NEB, LAND ATTORNEY tiK ex portent' as Receiver I' s. I, nnd OSes Is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, - NEBRASKA BTRTTcwTlLTcojr Lawyer and Land Attorney PrnctltL.nrr In civil courts since 199 and ItewUt.r V. . Lund Office from IMOStolSW. Information by mall it specialty. OFFICE IN I.ANH OFFICE Btlll.DIKO AI.I.IANCF. NF.BtiAHKA. OKIE COl'i'EKNOLL KM I'hone SO ! J, PETEBMH lies. I'bone tt Wc answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve vou in any way in which a rig is required. H. P. COURSEY. Prop. I'HONE I i THE Go Somewhere this Summer TO THE EAST: In line season attractive tourist rates will be announced to the Lake and ML Iawrence regions, Atlantic Coast cities and resorts. Can we help you plan an eastern tour? SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES TO CALIFORNIA: General basis $60.00, on certain dtM In April and May and daily from June to September; still lower general basis of $50.00 on certain dates in Jure and July. General excursion basis to PORTLAND, SRATTLR, $60.00 on certain dates in May and daily from June to September; still low i general basis of $50.00 on certain dates in June and July; $15.00 higher 1o include Shasta Route. YELLOWSTONE PARK: Plan now a summer tour of this wonderland, rates through Gardiner and Cady gateways. All kinds of excursion NEARBY MOUNTAIN RESORT8: In the BIG HORN Mountains nenr Sheridan; the wonderful hot springs resorts at THERMOPOLIS. OWL CREEK MOUNTAINS, and HOT SPRINGS, S. D., BLACK HILLS Region; COLORADO and Rocky Mountain resorts; send for RSTES PARK booklet. Get in touch with me, and let me send you any of our publications, Colorado Hand Hook , "Big Horn Resort t '. "Yellowstone Park ', "l a clfic Coast Tours," "Eastern Tours." Faint Doc J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha Call the doctor if you have any sick paint or varnish or walls. If you have had trouble in getting a satisfactory job of painting give me a chance. I am a regular paint doctor with a diploma from the school of experience, and can prescribe the proper treatment to do your job on the inside or out side that is first-class and that I can guarantee. Now don't send good money after bad; let me do you a GOOD JOB. It will pay you to ask me my prices on any kind of work. E. C. WHISMAN Paper Hanger and Decorator Phone 709 BROWN HOTEL Mrs. Belle Brown, Prop. First Door South of First State Bank Hemingford, Nebr. First-class rooms, clean and comfortable. Good meals. Lunch counter in connection. Short orders served at all hours. Don't Take It For Granted that just because you are In business, everybody ia aware of the fact. Your goods may be the finest in the market but they will remain on your shelves unless the people are told about them. ADVERTISE If you want to move your merchandise. Reach the buyers in their homes through the columns of THIS PAPER and on every dollar expended you'll reap a handsome dividend "I am all right now, thanks to Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy." The same relief is ready for you. Are you sure you do not need it? If Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy helped Charles Holmes, why won't it help you? "I was troubled with heart disease, and after reading about Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy, I gut a boltle. Be fore I got the Heart Remedy I had to sit up most of the night, and felt very bad at my stomach. Whatever I would eat made me feel worse, and my heart beat very fast. But thanks to Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy, I am all right now. I est good, sleep good, and feel like a new man, al though I am almost 68 years old. I have been a soldier in the late war of the rebellion, and was badly wounded." CHARLES HOLMES, Private Co. B. 54th N. Y. Infantry Volunteers, Walton, Delaware Co, N. Y. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy is kept in thousands of homes as a friend always to be relied upon in time of need. Sold by all Druggists If the first bottle faila to benefit, your money Is returned. Aak any Druggist. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. LEGAL NOTICE ORDER OF HEARING ON ORIGIN AL PROBATE OF WILL Sfnte of Nebraska, Btx Butte County. ) ) 88 ) At a County Court, held at the County Court Room, in nnd for said County, March T. A. I)., twit. Present, L. A. Bony, County Judge. IN THE MATTER OF THE R0TAT1 OP Mary E. 55oll. DECEASED. On reading and filing the petition of Joseph M. Maycock, praying that th Instrument, filed on the 7 day cii March, 191t, nnd purporting to be the last Will and Testament of the s:tid deceased, may be proved, ap proved, probated, allowed, and re corded as the Inst Will and Testa ment of the said Mary E. Zoll, De- aaadi and that the oxc'tition of said instrument may be committed ii lid the administration of said eB tate tuny be granted to himself and Henry Hier as Executors. Ordered. That Monday. April ;ird. a I)., Ifll, at 10 oVloek, A. M., la ai-siRiied for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In naiil natter may appear at a County urt to be held in and for said 'ounty, and show cause Whf tho .layer of petitioner should not bo ranted; and that BOttcfl of the pen- icncy of said petition nod Hi" li I r- ng thereof, be given t: all persons nteivsted in said matter by publish ing a COP? of this order in the Alli ance Her;. ii, vc.'Kiy newnp.ipcr ,rinted iu ha id County, fur Three successive weeks, prior to said day it bearing: I Seal I L. A. BBHRY, VJ-4t-100-617 County Judge. Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Rumer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND St'RQKOlt Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND SI MGEON (Successor to Dr. J. E. Moor.) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hours 11-12 a.m. 2-4 p.m. 7; SO-9 p, ED. Officel Phone 62 Res. Phone, 8 H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and surgeon Phone 30 Calls answered promptly duy and night (roes ofHIiT. offlewt: AlllKn.-e National Bans Hnlldlngorerthe Post Office. drTchasTeTs WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work Dr. H. R. Belville DB1TTIST PHONE 167 Opera House Block Alliance, Nebr. HARRY P. COURSEY Live Stock and General Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone 64 ALLIANCE, NEBR. T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer phone 207 ALLUNCE. NEBRASKA THE GADS8Y STORE lunoril Director and Embalmer ll'NERAl supplies Oitice Phone 4;S R Phots 510 J. P. HAZARD Survejor and Engineer ALI 1AM r. M.UKAMi.t Partis not of to should wrHs as 1 am OUtD'Chol Hi.-tin..', iim:.. - wll. not es casd Si 00 and CXnOBSSS t.-r day. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The defendants, John C. Clayton, Mrs. Clayton, wife of John C. Clay ton, first and real name unknown, wMl take notice that on the 16th day of March, 1911, Theodore Colvin, tlie plaintiff, filed his petition in the District Court of Box Hutte county. Nebraska, against John C. Clayton, nnd Mrs. Clayton, wife of Jolin t". ; layton, first and real name un known, defendants, the object and rayer of which are to quiet the title in the plaintiff upon the Southeast (Jtajt si . 1 , 1 of section twenty MVW (27) in township twenty sev en (27) north of range Fifty (50) est in Box Butte county, Nebraska, as against each and all of said de fendants and to exclude each and all of them from any interest there in. You are required to answer said I "tition on or before the 24th day .if April. 1911. !iated March 16, 1911. THEODORE COLVIN, 14-41-104-634 lUaintiff. Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can guarantee all work done by him. Don't trust your work to travelling repair men. Tbia man will be here iiermaneutlv. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling. aAAAWAAAAAAA R1LLA McNOLTY Teacher of Violin SsKial Attains Gutn tt Batianers. I sssaas ia Classes er Pwsttlj T. S. JONES, lasj Matter Ceadtea, Nek Dr. Oliver McEucn Physician and Surgeon neMiNsroRO, nbbk. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women sad Children and Genito Urinary Organ Ml eels etsverW sreeaetty eey er eejjkt