Your for uni formity. Your for (treat- est leavening power. Your for never failing results. Your for purity. Your for economy. Your for every thing that biw s to make up a strictly high grade, ever de end able baking powder. That is Calumet. Try it onre and note the im provement in your bak ing. See how much more economical over the high- priced trust brands, how much better than the cheap and big-can kinds. Calumet is highest in quality moderate in cost. Received Highest Award World' Pure Food Exposition. Home Course In Tree Preservation KOEHLER TO COMPETE. By JOHN DAVF.Y. Furtier of Tree Surgery. VI The Trees and the Sons Birds. lOpyi iRlit, 1810. by A inrrlen n I'res Ao ilutltin.) AH I speed over tbi country In rnv h" tun- work mi "The Ha I vn Hon of Our Tri1" t here are mnn iiiings to inspire mid cbwv tin- heart MpgCfcaHj tlmt of Mi-chin whnt at tempts pig make to urnw trees, shrub iad IttM I sometimes fee! thai i taoaM liki to gM fr tin- train iind show people just how. To me every! hint; KIM so simple. There Is no lack, no rbaae); it It sii eaaat gad efTi-' t . Learn just what to do tad do it, mid old Mot bet Nature is there ready to do nil the reati ami, mj, doe she not do lliifl.vV Tin- one dtecoanglai tblag K ns is often tin" caM( t" meef soma stupid, btgotedt conceited old as who think I ho Knows nil and rin'l erea raise n jtood rop of irecde. in the decade timt is about to float there is truly guara thing Inspiring, In Unit abort time, since ni.v old hTraa Doctor" rais ed the cry for "our wounded friends the trees" and the ( lex eland news papari reechoed the call to the nation, practically all the newspapers have lent their aid, and i lie ureal maga zines have done noble v..;W, and the education Is thorough, but so slow. As yet there Is imt ." per cent of the udiills thai 'ire awake to the real, de plorable condition of the trees. The deterioration of the trees is racier than the education us to how to take care of them; hence my only hope now lies with the child Illustration No. 11 nhows Mr. and Mrs. William Idge of Silver Lake. O. Michiosn's Young Weight Throwing Phsnom Will Make Dsbut Coon. Arthur Koehler. the Michigan tint ftfelty frcehtaan, ho is reported la be reining hull!) inn at throwing the weights, will HMke his debut in col lege competition at the 1'nl versify of II ' Fori Sale I QUR TIME, v knowledge and experience in the printing business. When you are in need of some thing in this DON'T FORGET THIS rp r 5.;' ' v Bw ' NO. 11 M OUALITI FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER shimii iii4 I42Q z nwnirm strives cot o FAIR PRICE n We're Opposed U to Mail Order Concerns Because They have nevrr contributed crnt to furthering the interrils ol out town Every cent received by them from thu community u direct loss to our merchants la slmoir every case their prices can be met right here, without delay in receiving goods and the possibility oi mistakes in oiling oiden. But The natural human bait is to buy where goods are cheapest. Local pride is usually second ary in the game oi Lie as played today. Therefore rvu. merchant and Business Man. meet your compeuu rs with their own weapon advertising. Advertise! The local held is yours. All you Deed do is to avail your self oi the opportunities olieied. An advertisement to this paper will cany your message into hundreds oi homes in this com munity It u the surest medium oi killing your greatest com petitor. A spacs this sue won't cost much. Coma in and see us about it 1 ill IT. mil N AltR Ullt.PIMI HEKI- una i nuuta It is only Interesting and pretty, btlt there are the Dfofoundest of thought! clustering around it. The little boys are bolding a couple f seedling aralnnt trees, the seed (uuts) of which I brought from the old Charles Dana place, ie.ris island. Glen COTB, X. Y. The plants are n year eld, ami they, it is hoped, will grow np with the children. To jiive mi idea of what one generation COUld il we call attention to lllus- I ration No. r Thaae trees (the lar gest onea) were planted tbirty-threa years ago by the grandfather of the Children hire seen. They were plant ed tight and then taken eare of, ami here tlicy Stand, BOOoriBg the memory of the patriotic citizen who believed thai one of the best ways to serve one's country Is to plant trees. This Hew movement, the Saving of OUT SOItg bird-', exhiblta an nnaccouata bla slow ness on the part of the average adult to ha s roused to one of the greatest menaces thai have ever beau Known in the history ii" national the total ex tinction of one Kimi; birds by the Bug. llsh sparrow ami the crow. I'nless the Increase and depredations of these two Hands are chocked our native email birds eaaaot last for aaothar decade Already we learn that an av erage of one-fourth of all the crops J Hv 1 t.v - aarnirn goannsa, shmi.h'.i.kl, rTotxc watoa i TUtioarj I'ennsy lvanln relays in Philadvltdlla April 20. In recent track pra :i e IvuoilleT heaved the ball far beyond Captain Horner, having achieved a mark f it! feet '' Inches. That mttrfc is be yond the Intercollegiate records. NO. 1.' - u.n s PLANTED THIRTY -THU KB YKAUS AOO BY OKANDKATlllK OK ClllLe lhi IN ILLISTHAIION NO. 11 ef the I'nitcd Stales is destroyed by insects. "Peatroy ah the InamtlTornaa birds," says Micbclct, and lu nine years the btitnan race will perish from the face of the earth." 1 want my readers to help restore and preserve our BOSNf birds. The only way to do this is to destroy the English sparrow, which destroys the soiik birds. There Is uu "uprising" nearly nil over the country' against this Imported pest The Knglish sparrow must be de stroyed If we are to save our trees. All our trees will tie ruined by insects If the sparrows keep up their light sgalnst the insis t killing birds If you would save your trees destroy the English sparrows. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION BASEBALL SCHEDULE. COLUMBUS At Toledo-May in. to, Wi July is. lti. 17: apt. 4. 4. j Sept , Oct. 1, 1 At Indianapolis - May 9. 10. 11; July 9, 10, 11; Auk IS, 17. IS; Sept. 12, It, 11. At Louisville-May It 13. II; July 12. 13. 14: Aim 13. II. U; Sept r,, 7. 8. At stllwSUKeS-AprM M, X 17. June 17, 18. 1; July I.'.. 2rt. L7. Sept. 22. 23. 24. At Kansas Ctty April 2S. gjL 3n: June 14. I!-.. If; July Zf. 21: Sept 2.".. 26. M At .Minneapolis-May 2. 3. 4; June 11. 12, 13; July 31. Aug 1- 2; Sept. li, 17, 17. At St. Paul- May I, li, 7; Juno 8, 9. 10; July 2S, gt, 30; Sept. 18, if, gt, T(H.i:l0 At CoiUWlbUB1 June 4, 6, I) July 6. 7, 8; AUK 10. II, 12; Sept. 9, 10, 11. At ltiillaiiap.lls-May 12. 13. 14; July 18. 19, 20; Auk 13, 14, 1.".; Sept. II. 7, 8. At Louies. lili' May S, 10, 11; July 4. 4, 0; Auk 10, 17. 1; gSM, 1, 2. 3. At Mllwaukea) May &, li, 7; June 8. 9, 10; July H, 3"; gapi is, 19, 20. At Kansas City May l, 2, 3. 4; June u, 12. 13; July 21. Auk. I. 2; Sept. 111. 17. At Minneapolis April 2T.. 2H. 27; June 17, IS. 1!); July 27. M, 27; Sept. 22. 2::. 21 At St. Paul prll B, 29. 20; June 15. 16; July 12, 23, 21; Sept. 2&, M, Hi. 27. INDIANAPOLIS. At Columbus Juns 1. 2, 3; July 4, 4, 5; Auk. 7. 8. 9; Sept. 1. 2, 3. At Toledo May ZD, ax no. U; July 12, 13, II; Auk. 1, :. 0; S pt. 2S. 29. At LoulSVllle Jun 4. .I. I July 1;, 7, 8; Auk. 10. 11. 12; Sept 9. 10. 11. At Milwaukee May l. 2. 3, 4; June 11, 12. 13; July 31. Auk. 1. 2; Sept. 10, 17 At Kansas City May S, li. 7; June s. 9, 10; July 2S. g); Sept. li. 19. X, ai Mtn naa pot la A prtl li, 29. 10; June 14. If., IC; July 22. 13, LI. Sept. 2.",. M, 27. At Si Paul April L... St, 27: June 17. 18, 19; July gt, :-ii, 27; gept, 22. 23, 21. LOUISVILLK. At CottUnbua- May 29. :'., 3 ', 31; July IS. 19. 20; Auk. 4. 6. li Sept. 2S. LU. At Toledo -June 1. 2, 3; July 9. M, Aus. 7. . 9 r".-rt. 12. IS, 1 1. At adtari potia May UV M, 17; July 15. li!. 17; Sc I I. 4, i; S pt. M; Oct. 1. 1 At MIP. . 'see April Ls. 2t. Mi June 14, 1.1, IB; Jul' '. 23. 21, gept '-'. M, M. At Kai City April 2f. V, 27; June 17. 18, 19; July : ". Ml Sept. 21. 22. 2:. 24. At Mi.. polfat May &. I, 7; June 8, 9, 10; July L 28, Mi S. pt. is, pi, M At St. l'.iul-May 1. 2, 3. 4; June 11. 12. 13; July 31. A uk 1. 2; Sept. K 17. MJLWAPKKC At Columbua- April is. I9. Ml May 21. 22, 23; June 3e. July 1. 2; Auk 28. 29, 30. At Toledo April 21, ll U: May is, 19. 20; June 27. 2S. 29; AUg. 2."i. M, 27. At Indianapolis April 12. 13. u. May 37, 2s; June 21. Lj. L'ti; Auk 22. 23. 24. 24 At Louisville-April IS, M, 17; May 21, 25. Ml June 21. LJ. 23; Auk. 19. 20, 21. At Kansas City May 30, 30. SI; July 4, 4. 6; Sept. 1. 2. 3; Sept. 27. L'S. L9. At Minneapolis -May 11, 12. 13; July 10, 11, 12; Auk. 11. 12. 1.1. gept S, 7. 8. At St. Paul May 9. Mi July 7. 8. 9; Aug. 7, 8. 9, lo; Sept. 9. 10. 11 KANSAS CITY At Columbus-April 21. 22. 23: May 24. 25, 28: June 24. 25. 20; Auk 22. 23. 24. At Toledo-April IS. 19. 20; May 27, 28; June 21. 22, 23. Aug. 19. 20. 20. a At Indianapolis- April ll, if, it; May is. 1, 20; June 3U, July 1. 2; Aug 2S, 29. So. At Louisville April 12. 13. 14; May 21. 22. L'3; June 27. 2t. 29; Auk 26, 26. 27. At Milwaukee May 14, 15, Mi July 19, 20, 21; Auk 4. 5. I; Sept. 4, 4, 5. At Minneapolis May 9. 10; July 7. 8, 9; Aug 7, S. 9. M; Sept. 9. 10, 11. At St Paul-May 11. IS, 13; July 10. II. 22; Aug. It, 12. 13; Sept 0. 7. 8. M 1 NX 1L A I'OLIS. At Columbus April 15. Pi. 17; May IS, 19. 20; June 27, 2s, 29; Au. 20 . 26. 27. At TOIedO- April 12. IS, H; May 21, L'2. 23; June 3o. July 1, 2; Auk 2S, 29, 30. At Indlsnsnolts 4prii 21. 22. 23: May 24, 21. 26; June 21. 22. 23; Aug. 19, 20, 21. At Louis Villa Aptil IS. 19. SO; May It, Mi June 24. 25, Mi Auk 22, 23, 24. 21. At Milwaukee June 1. 2, 3: July Mi 17. IS. Auk. 16. 17. IS. Sept 12. 13. 14. At Kansas City June 4, 6. 6; July 13, 14, !5; Auk 14. 15; Sept 30. SO. Oct. 1. 1. At St I'aul-May 8. 15; May SO (p SS.),sYl July 4 ta. in ). 20. 21; Aug 4. 6: Sept 1. S 4 (a. in i ST. PAUL Al Columbus-April It 13. 14; May 27. 28: Jure 21. 22. 23. Aug. 19. 20. 20. 21. At Toledo -April 15. 16. 17: May 24, a 36; June 24. 25. 26: Aug 22. 23 24. At Indianapolis-April 18. 19. Mj May 21, 22. 23. June 27. 88. Mi Aug 25. 26. 27. At Ixiulsvllle-Aprll 21. 22. 23: May 18. 19. 20; June 30. July 1. 2; Aug. 28. 29. SO. At Milwaukee June 4. I. 6: July 13. 11 15: Aug. 14. 15. 31: Sept. SO. Oct. 1. 1. At Kansas City-June 1. 2. I; July 16, 17. IS; Aug 16, 17. IS; Sept. 12. 13. 14. At Minneapolis May II. M May 30 (a. SB.); July 4 tp. m ), S. 6. 19; Aug. S, I; gept. S. 4 ip. m ). 28. PERPETRATED BY WALT c DOUG ALL.: i WHITE LIES . I THE OME 5 YOU HAVE. TO TE LL EDITORIAL GUFF DON'T BE A MONK f THE ABOVE CAPTION IS CHOSEN SIMPLY TO GtTYOUR COAT. IT REFERS TO THE 5IMIAM.N0TTHE CENOBITIC MR IETY. THE REASON Wt NOW CAUTION YOU TO AVOID SIMULATING THE SIMIAN 15 BECAUSE HALF THE TIME THE MON KEY 1 5 U P A TRE E AND LOSING VALUE - Wit TIME HE MIGHT SPEND LEARNING TO SKATE. LIKE A MAN! IF A MONKEY ONLY REALI ZED THE PREHENSILE POWER INHERENT IN HI5 TAIL HE WOULD EVOLUTE INTO A PINOCHLE PLAYER TOMORROW WE WILL TELL YOU WHY YOU OUGHT TO BE A MONK? NB ALL THESE ft 0IT0RIAL5 CAN BE HAD IN-BOOK FORM FOR ONE Plunk . A . RATSBANE SPRING WERSE. SPRING IS HERE AND M0THER5 LABORS HAS LEFTHERVVTTH A CUUGHIN FIT AND WE HEAR FROM KINDLY NEIGHBORS THAT5HE5 FALLEN OFF A BIT. EVEN POP HAS NOTICED . SORTER . THATHER BREATHINS GITTIN'WHEEZY AND HE RECKONSTHAT WED ORTEK THY TO MAKE HER WORK MORE EASY. SISSAYS MOTHERS GOT CONSUMPTION POP SAYS 'QUIT YER FUNNY CRACKS H THEN HE ADDED WITH COMPUNGTION ; IUBUYYOURMA A LIGHTER AXE: WILLIE. SNOW, Lsjr HIGHEST CASH RATES PAID FOR HANDMADE: PUE.THY AND Ui Mtn JUNK . IjaND---, . asV. , G0LLUF NOTES BY DOPE5TICK V N0WIS THE TIME TO TAKE GOLF BALLS OUT OF PICKLE AND SANDPAPER THEM THE NEWHIGHBALL DISCOVERED AT HOT SPRINGS LAST FEB BY SECY NORTON IS T)!E0NEBE5TBETIN WHITE HOUSE CIRCLES. THE ACTORS ARE GOING IN FOR GOLF THIS SUMMER BUT THE GAME HAS HAD HARDER BLOWS THAN tSSSZ THIS IN THE PAST. nrvTiJ-iTlriI M Fl R5T AID TO DESERTED HUSBANDS. BYONATGOOOWINO HOW TO CARVE A DUCK AT HOME . CARVING A OUCK IS N05IMPLE STUNT I IKE CHASING THE DUCK . NAILYOUR DUCK (COOKH ED) TOAHEMLOCK PLANK WITH 12-PENNY SPIKES. INSERT MACHETE INTHE SQUAMOUS ADIPOSIS AND DIVIDE IT IN FOUR EQUAL P0R- W.hEEPINGTHE OS MAXIMO FOR YOURSflfl SEPERATE THE DUCAL VERTE BRA .CUTTINB TO THE SOUTH AND EXTRACT THE MODUS VIVENDUS WITH APPROPRIATE REMARKS. REMOVE EPIDERMIS WITH HORSE CLIPPERS. IF ITS A WILD DUCK SEND FOR EXPERT MARBLE WORKER . IF TAME.USE A COLD CHISEL ON THE POWER TRANSMISSION PARTS AND PROVIDE GIANT POWDER SOAK SECTI0NSIN PEROXIDE OF HY DROGEN IN DARK ROOM AND SERVE TOMORROW: HOW TO SHAMPOO A POODLE aocyao tgs.oTONTOiMOOBQoyB mVkg& UU THr MUilnnnnnnn at 0 DRINK ESKIMO RYE too ysaja old RUMBLE K CAR onnnoQQQODQQQ I I I III rnnnrrnrii 5 " I I III I I BODDQQaOQ lint ll lis" ss is tit tilt t nnnnn mnnn nnnnnninnip . Lnyji!iuuijijy (gAIFLg, CIGARRETTES. iiiii U H U Urn 1 ' Ks 'll - yj -vi iHi's 'RdtHsK m HI PUULYErTt WflTTRAios; lisV-'I V "AIL, ..' nnniiim LEf-V li.rl SUTrV WPiTOH" TTrT SIK IB i rs I(k 'Fl. III! 10 000 O. " TRY MOOT MOM I rim SCOTCH vMmir'.WHISKEY s. j inrr VIEW OF THE. SKYLINE! OF NELW YORK" ilntn"i" Republic of Liberia a Failure, Declares Dr. E. E. Neible, a Missionary. J ' BSrS- Slfci' Till! tviiillie of I.ilKMia, on the SV SSI SOT oast of Alrna. is ;i lullure. sUtaMNsffe tsM leoil' Unve leeu self novero liu: for half a lentnry, lite state is atxnn t etuutWIe away and tli territory fall to either tireat llritaln or Kraii'u These are the ggggfttflM of lr. K. K. Neihle. a missionary from the settlement gf MnhtHlMirg. Monrovia. Uhetia. "Ahout the only thiiiK Unit the black man in Liberia has eiearly ilem..nst rated sinee that eotintty l.e, nine a ri, ml. lie is his titter ineoiuietenee to eonduet aiTairs of sUte.-' lr. Neilile saitl. "It is the taeial eliai aftei li lo foiiwW the Hues of least resistunee. ami aliotit all the meu seem to enrts for are plenty of rum. MMNggk I" Hli and iiiiiny wives. The inlssloiis on the west eoast have done a Kood work iu brtnjjitiB civilising inllitenees to the people, but Hie handi caps are sueb that eoiuimra lively small headway is made. Traders from MsMat and Hie I'DilsSl S'.ties ate niisertl Mtlous in their dealings with the iiei.ple. and the hardest tliinus we have n. eoittend Willi me the srruagst intlietetl ism them ly the Bufsapggssj and Americans, who flood the country with IgtOXicutlnu liquors and lutrodur vi--. before unkuowu. I'erhaps when Kran.v or tlreat Hrltaiu acquires the territory, as oiw Is ruin to il- in a few n.n.i ytmrs, a chstiRe will result for the better At auy rate, it cau t be for the' won."