Classified Advertisements HELP WANTED In answering please mention this paper. Herald that you want aw It ad In The following "Want Ada" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers CASH RATES One cent per word each insertion. No ad received for leea than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATE8 One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property in this town. GOOD THINGS TO EAT HOGS AND CATTLE Fat bOft. want to luiv 49tf-jr and cattle wanted. We some good stutf to butclier. Dkakf. & Baku, Phone 50. MM wanted to write Health and Accident Insurance; New Policies . tSood Commissions Write Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Assoct ntion. Omaha. Nebr , or cull for Mr Cri8t at the Drake Hotel. REPAIRING Pardev's cottage bread is baked expei t bakers and is good to eat. bv Lovers of ovsters should go to the Kevstone. Outers shipped direct to us from the ovster beds. We handle the New York Counts. Try them. You can get them in any quantity. 42tf F. B. DlsMER. Pour room Holdridge. TO RENT house for rent Mrs. 8-2C638 Buy your stoves of T. J. 401 Box Butte Ave- 1 FOR RENT Threlkeld, 3-W Several suites of modern rooms In different parts of the city for light housekeeping. If. Bayer, 219 Yel lowstone Ave., Phone 529. 9-1 644 A classified advertisement will bring you applications for that va cant room, or for that vacant place at your table. WANTED TO RENT Have you a vacant house to rent? The Herald office has many calls for houses to rent. Advertise it in the want-ad columns of this paper- Kate, five cents per line per insertion. They bring answers. 5 1 tf -337 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HAY LAND FOR SALE I Will sell the Quarter section of land on which the Nnson grove Is located. 17 miles northeast of Alli ance This is good bay land. 671-4-11 M. P. MASON, Alliance, Nebr. A classified advertisement will us ually eliminate the objectionable first syllable from the word impossi ble. - . a -The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is run bv M. D Nichols in the rear of the Alliance Cash Shoe Store. First-class work quickly done, at reasonable prices. 4otf I $80.00 per month straight JHtlar .mil expenses, to men with rig, to Introduce our Poultry Remedies Don't answer unless you mean bus! ncss Kureka Poultry Pood Co III I Incorporated. Last Si Mfg. Louis, M1 W YOUNG MEN WANTED WANTED TO BUY In answering please mention this paper. Herald that you want aw it ads in Govenment Pay Clerks $800 to Railway Mail $1,400 a Year MISCELLANEOUS If you like The Herald subscribe. Buy vour china and glassware of Threlkeld- Have vour Threlkeld's- pictures framed at Moncv Reddish. to loan on teal estate. F. 3 tf. Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poultry food. Best goods. Prices right. City deliveries made promptly. E. I. Gregg & Sou. Phone 155. 4o tf.2g4 I SELL GOOD COAL Your orders will he delivered promptly. Monarch and Colorado coal. Office Gregg's Feed Store. Phone 666. M. Vaughn. H-tf-442 A GOOD PREMIUM is called to the the new premium Attention tisement of The Herald is offering Tor new acrlbera. This fruit jar opener adver-whlch sub-and cover truer are taking "like hot cakes" and the supply will soon be gone. Send In the name of a new subscriber and get one. They're mighty useful and cannot be purchas ed at any store. Free Scholarships Are Offered Uncle Sam holds examinations for railway mall clerk, post office clerk or carrier, custom house and depart mental clerks. Prepare at once for the coming examinations. Thousands of appointments are to be made. Common school education is all you need; city and country people have equal chaiwe. Start to prepare now free information. Free scholarships this month. Write im mediately to Central Schools, Dept. B-624, Rochester, N. Y. I-S0t4fl EVERY WOMAN SHOULD EARN $25 PER WEEK Introducing our very complete Sprint line of beautiful wool suitings, vraeb fabrics , tancj wilting, silks, luikfs. petticoats, etc. I'p-tothtte N. Y. Ciiy Patterns, Finest line on the market. Dealing direct with the .iiills you will find our prices low. If others can make $10.00 to $80.00 weekly you can also. Samples, full instructions in neat sample case, shipped express prepaid. No money required. Exclusive territory. Write for particulars, lie first to apply. Standard Dress Goods Company, Dept fi(0, Binghamton, N. Y lO-3tM0 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOIl SAI.F One four room house, new; I lots tinder tence; out build Inas; chicken ard, room well (heap if taken soon. See Mrs. VY.F. Knight. Sll Missouil vc F! tf MH FOR SALE Nearly new 812 Kmeison. l2-2t-57S saddle, alue or phone 4."u $.-.0. It d t'Hll A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISER at an expense ao trifling as to hardly "count" at all, will sell any and ev ery useful artile he owns which is no longer useful to him. And he will realize In cash the actual val ues of such things. ' One Multiscttpe plate cn mem . l',x 6'?. Genuine leather finish and good osirytBl case, with three doun le holders Expensive r7 leoi worth the price of camera alone The complete equipment for ti Hurry If you want It. Alliance All Sturlo. 10 tr r.r.v I sell furniture and house furnish mgs cheaper than anybody. I. J 4J Threlkeld. 11 Wanted, a work. Mrs. 251 girl for general house Geo. J. Hand Phone !2-tf-592 Watch the Threlkeld in -ays it pays Try them. advertisements of T. J. thll department. He him. It will pay you. A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISER finds' it PROFITABLE to buy and sell real estate even on a small scale, as a "side line." For an intelligent cam-1 paign of advertising enables him to "turn his money over' a good many times in the course of a year. a FOR BALI OR TRADK 160 acres i of fine Box Butte County land sev en miles from Berea ami eight miles 1 from Hemingford. in the best rami ing part of the county. Can all be farmed and lies very well. This land la Driced risht and the owner will sell or trade it. What have you to' offer? Address. 'W" Herald or fjoe. 479-6-tf I RELINQUISHMENT for sale at a bargain price. Small house Will stand close inspection. Good reus ons for selling. Address "S", Her aid office. 7-tf 194 WANTED TO BUY -Want to buy eighty aires of Box Butte County laud cheap. Must bear investiga tion and be on reasonable terms Answer at once, addressing. "T" Herald office. 48ti-0-tf LARGE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 1280 acres, six miles from Heming ford, 480 acres under cultivation, all fenced, house, barn, granaries, well and windmill and tank, large potato cellar. Will rent for cash or share of crop. Possession given March 1. For particulars, address P. O. box 986, Alliance. Nebr . or call at Her ald office 8-tf-528 EMPLOYMENT WANTED A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISER seek ing employment "in the business like way" will not miss a great many paydays perhaps not any. The worth-while work-hunters hunt work in the worth-while way. e ' Want ads of reasonable letiKth for parties desirim? employ inent will be inserted two times in this department free of charge- S. Glidden has tetiiined to Alli ance and is readv to do all kinds ot odd jobs of work. Phone 26ft red. Qtf Work General lar nn' ficc. wanted I.v hoi;s iii iv. Phone 1 lenced lady, or work of aiml ;!4u. Herald of-B-tt-S37 WANTED I want a geod nun In this ttrrltory Local Afent for one count or a Oeneral Agant lor a aumher ot counties This Is a aaw ioa and oilers ymu an opportunity to make Irom $S ao to f 00 00 a week, and on up to or $10. 00a a year No eiperlence la neceeaary; but I want a man young or old who will treat ma squara, who will follow instruction and who will da hi level beat yne it mr m-n (Hirer Purdr1 "JOS tw.ntr vf n ardart ihe hrn tier out (aarotfl etateNHtSt) prolil tin TiO I vs'fmy i ciders nrjtl day I I QrtaS teried telllai in Louikiiios and herama lasers! af,en boattatliai eetentive territory At . inale lime he ..tilrreH fitly scents' outfits I .in. 1 offit e untitles! tiihl off the tump Or'lrrs nrttert everywhere 1. J Ki.asrikon mid til liie firlt hoof he - - k -I Otdercd lla dnren by wire Kverv piaster! Ma, hine abto J u t el r taafaataad u evarr panicuisr lot lile rad saw butlaat lar agents iao par cam profit ta m Salaa roll up everywhere 400.00a aold In lour moniha Field un touched. Agenta calning aaoaoy. let terrl i' v at once. Wawaat i .00 repreaeotatl vae. Send your name and addreaaoa a postal card lor complete information tree. Territory la gologtast writs today Addraaa The NEVER-FAIL CO o Coltoa Uldg. TOLEDO OHIO Farmers, ranchmen, and everybody else find E. I. Gregg & Son's the best place to buy flour, feed, poultry food, and stock salt. 4Q tf 294 FOR SALE Cnderwood typewrit er number four. Slightly used but in very best of condition. Owner needs the money and will sell cheap for quick sale. Pull pari at The Herald office Phone "In fi-tf TYPEWRITER I OR 8ALK tne nearly new model one L. Smith typewriter. tiuarantecii to ! In good condition. Reason for selling, do not need the nmchlne. Olud to demonstritte it nt any time. Price very cheap for cash, or easy terms. Phone .140 or Mil at The Herald of fice. fi-tf-487 - i FOR SALE A fine bakery and cafe in Alliance. Has been estab lished three years ami Is h money making proposition. Present owners will give Rood reasons for selling. In good location for both transient and city trade. The bakery does a big business This is a fine busi ness opportunity and will bear the closest investigation. Address. "N" Herald Office, 47S fi tf . FOR SALE NJ saddle, value $:.u Call el-' Knierson, or phone t.Vl Red. B7$-3ll o i A Furniture Bargain! An opportunity to bay hinii Orade furniture for less than it can be produced wholesale. These good! are latest deBign. and chairs rock ers ami DaVanportf are upholstered in llest llrowu Spanish Leather. Have only been in use six weeks. Will sell for easli only One I1M.M Daren port $66.00. One $7;(.iiu Turkish Rocket, $40.00. One $27.50 Millie chair, Automat Heat, Magaslna Rack, Cabinet i-omblned, for ii Back, i-'oot iinii Bmoklai 0.M, One Sleepy Comfy, worth Holl.m 130.00. Rocker, Goes for Real $Jl - Wilton Velvet lluu. I SPECIAL SALES Bazaar and Social by Industrial Society in Baptist churcp parlors April $0 and II. 0 lot .4S Low prices and eaay terms on high grade pianos. See the (Yancer Company, Ida If, Ross, Mgr. 2-tf-428 Furniture and houaafurniabings the right price at Threlkeld's. FOR o LC-MERCHANDISE ,it LAND KOR SALE. A (uarter-scc-tion seven miles west of Alliance. Forty acres under cultivation and raisins fine crops every year. The forty will pay for the quarter in a couple of yeare. 1 will sell this quar ter cheap If taken quick Terms, reasonable. Address, "M", Herald office, or phone $4)0 l-4t-$3f ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded racier. I hue the only set ol books in Box Butte county in McCorkle BuiliJin,. ...brary table. Butte avenue, or impure 5)0 Box phone :!.-.. :i-:!t-551 FOR SALE piano. Wortli this office. CHEAP $175.00. Hue bill oal Inquire at -tf-64$ DO YOU WANT A PIANO: The renowned Lyon A. Healy pi anos c an now be pun based in Alli ance of a resident dealer. See lb" advert iseiut-n! in this issue of The Herald feVtf-SSS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISER with a busines opportunity to offer knows that the right "baker." or purchaser, or investor CAN BE FUND. And he proceeds to find him by telling, frank ly and simply, in a classified ad what his proposition is like. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN BAR GAIN FOR THE RIGHT PARTY WITH CASH clot bins, furnishings and shoes, lo cated in county seat in western Ne braska, flood farming and cattle country surrounning. Kitty miles to nearest competitor New railroad. Past growing town. Write for par ticuiars to the Alliance Harald. 4f4H NOTICES NOTICE TO SETTLE Having relinquisned my office and Threlkeld sells c hina, lamps cheap. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES practice to Dr. F. W. Rowland, I will send statements to all who are indebted for medicul services, and would respectfully request a settle ment of these accounts within the glassware and next thirty days without repealed not i es from me. L W Bowman. If D '. :4 Laramie Ave. 2f 2 it Let me Threlkeld. flame rout picture! r. j 4.i " absl rat I Office 10 if-570 i ARCHITECT ! The C W Way to., Aichitecta. Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications ior any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. tgtf If you like The Herald subscribe. 4 Every piano we sell is guaranteed Only high grade instruments are sold. I.ei us show them to you. dancer Companv, Ida If, Boss. M;;r tf -48$ AUCTIONEERS Frank H. Palmer, general auctiou-eei- Satisfaction guaranteed or no thaiges. Phone 0S7 Blue. Alliauce. Nebr. Can leave orders at Herald office. 53-t'i'0 pouLTnrejrc Now is the time to btivyor Browu Leghorns, tali 01 wnte ine at 24 Box Butte avenue. Alliance, Nebr. B. H. Perry. 41 tf Upholstering and Mattress Work Have secured the services of au upholsterer. Those desiring work of this kind leave orders or phone Jo7. -T. J. Threlkeld. I M 4iV I 1111 now prepared to do all kinds o painting in flret -class ntannaf III also do paperhatiKin and car Iter work if desired W K Phil lips. Phone IK Blue. l$-tf-6M . s - , - CALENDARS FOR 1912 The Herald Publishing t;ompauy ili bantlle a beautiful line of calen dars for ihe year 1S, The main ' line will be the. products 01 ih- But ler Paper of Cbicago Isj ported lalcndurH will also be printed. Ou account of the fact that it will not be net SOStatTJ tt pav POMBllsalOBg to traveling salesmen the pints are much lowt r than ordinary. BUY COAL AT VAUGHN'S One $:i6.00 :. $27.00. $6.00 K(M)t Stwil. $-1 00. 10.00 Sewing Machine, $40.00. :,u Desk and Chair, $14.00. :s.5 Library Table, $15.00. 17.M Colonial Mirror. $HI.60. $7li(i Reetl Clothes Hamper, On -O On One One One M-fU. Numerous other things useful in I'ousekeeping, such as small rugs. t Us., at your own price. imhiiIs can lie seen at 51S Toluca. Ave. Tele phone 416. Parties are leaving FoWB, reason for selling. A classified advertisement will re duce the cost of selling your prop erty to the lowest degree. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY and City property bought O'Keefe Brethers. rOK SALE Booming particulars phone 152. sold. 2tf424 house. For 0tft8 HOUSE POR SALE 4 rooms.mod .rn except furnace. W, F. Knight, I 'hone 112. Small cash payment, bal :'nce easy terms. 5 tf 474 Good, nine room house, four blks iraat of postofiice, for sale at a bar gain Call at residence 41' I West Third stret or phone ti69 51S (7 Jit tll-l'tl Pour Alliance lots, good location, cheap Complete Reeves steam plow ami 1 rat lor. good shape, bargain Ouai icr ection BOX Butte land, goml location, fifty aerae under cultire tion Plione Blue r'l. C. $f. Its patch, Alliance 10tf-557 e - MOHCRN six room house on Tol uca Uenue East front. Cement block bam. Hot water furni'ce 'heap f taken at once. Reasonable terms Phone .Mo. Herald office -tf 554 A classified advertisement s m renting agent, and the busiest in : town. Monarch fice Cregg M Vaughn. and Coloratlo K etl Store. If you like The Herald subscribe. In answering please mention this paaer. Herald that you want saw it ads in Coal Of Phone tf - - - af 1 Spring Rye Wanted A 0, Weir, Marslaad. Nebr , wants to sot ure otne spring rye to plant Persons l.uvlng any to sell pleaae uotify him t onc- 12 It 5J4 KK Vli THIS LIST. ? now offer the following for sale on good terms, if hows property desired: 011 Emerson One ft re-room We . $1,400 One ten room house ami barn on Laramie Ave.. $2.50. list BTBk 1 'i m ' 1 mm ri 11 i. Superiority in Strength, Purity, Wholesomeness Established: U. S. Government Reports, Highest Award World's Columbian Exposition. Sixty Yemrm the Standard. Best Flour in the State! Having obtained the agency to handle the best flour made in the state we will do a wholesale and retail business. Special prices will be made to ranchmen in 1000 and 2000 pound lots. During our closing out sale we will also do a wholesale business in sugar, shoes and other goods. Do not send away when you can save money by buying at the Farmer's u h Store. Dress goods will go at one-half price. We buy potatoes. Nearly one car of flour sold and not one sack returned means good flour. Another car coming. A lot of underwear at half price. ESSAY & KEENAN One-halt Block North Burlington Hotel. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN i One M-i lot on I'latte Ave, nortlii-iiHt corner. MM One fine residence on Wyoming Ave., will trade In on ranch property. All of the hourea above gggatlgsjga will rent well at all 8eaon ol the e:.r nod pay ool interei ou the investment f'nrrneponitgnca solicit ed V M imOOMK. Of sag Uloek, Alliance Ifl-if-MSft State f Nebraska I KM Box Untie County ) To Robert Kitteltnaiin, Oerhart Kitteltnann, illiain Kit teliiianti. Kdu Kiitelinann. Paul Kittelnuiiin. Paul ine Kitleltnann, flare Kltte'.iiiann You are hereby notified that on tho fclh day of December, fl, Keln hoid Kittelukaiin. Med hia petition in the county court of said county prayiiiK (or the appointment of a Kuardiuu of your person and estate, and yoti are tiled to appear at the county court room in the city of Al liance, in ggjgj county on the Itith day ol Murch. 111. when and where id petition will be heard. Dated this 2lh day of January. L. A. P.KilRY. A Word to the Borrower f C1K you are a bor rower of this paper, don't you th ik it la an In justice to be man who ia paying (or It? He may be looking for It at this very moment. Make It a reg ular visitor to your borne. Ihe subscription price la sn Investment that will repey you well. no a a a A g mm Teea l Mt49-iM Alliance Herald. $150 per ysar