- - : "3ET. - 1 " i " ' " ' ' """" ' k- im ins insssti -.''- w 1 PANORAMIC VIEW OF VALLEY VIEW RVNCH AT LINGLE. WYOMING. HOME Or HIRAM D. LINGLE IN FOREGROUND. LARGEST IRRIGATED RANCH IN NORTH PLATTE VALLEY Th above nil shows tin ltirR'Hi IrrlKBled ranch In tli North I 1 1 valley and one of the lamest In thp Vntted States It ronlaltm 1,10$ a ere, iiractlmlly all of which Is 1 1 alfalfn. which brink a very heavy yield each year Th1 ranch I the property of M I ram I) !. Inkle, a cap Itallst whoae home WH formerly In Chicago but who became Inter.- i.-! In the North Platte valley in I'.mi::, and who bultl thirty two miles of wh.it I now known an the Inter state canal, and which can be MSM in I he forckroutid and background of the picture, a It winds' it way n roun.l the edke nf the hills Mirround i II K Hie fertile V Alley . The dltCB whh built by Mr. Lltmle under the Carey in I, he laklnk 10,000 a res under this act In I Ml the Kovi'rnment be CUM lntereHi' in the project and by an nureenient wild Mr. Lfoftle, took over tlM canal which was al ready completed, saving at leat 600,' 000 In o doing. Hnd MVlag him a krea' amount of money. The COM MM) of which Mr. Linnle whs the Bead receives a perpetual water right to Its lands, and plenty of water always Kuaranteed for irriga tion purposes The town of l.itiKle, which is just in the maklnk. Ilea OH the Burlington about one mile south n.ul west of the Valley View ranch. It now has two stores, a larje lumber yard, a new hotel, and several new buildings beliik constructed, which will be oc cupied by stores, bunk, etc. The townsite is owned by .Jo.- Leber, the Chlcako capitalist, who lias several thousand acres surrounding Hie town sub-divided Into quarters, eighties and forties, for farming. They are being sold on eiu-y terms to fanners. This summer Mr. Litmle will have eifiht hundred acre.- urrounvlinp. Lin kie la ingar be ts. Llhgle -imi 'ior- rlngtoti are the only towns in the new county of Qoshen, created by the last Icivislaturc and both towns are contestants for the county seat of the new county. Lincle. belim in the exact center of the Be county, is the logical location for the county Sim!, and -will probably be selected by the voter of the new county The new canal for which the govern ment lias recently appropriated mon ey and on which construction will so i he started, frill cover territory tributary to I, ingle and will help build the town up to a large extent. A more promising location for a good, live business town could not be found. jUHREjfERAU) Published every Tlim d;v by The Herald Publishing Company. Incorporated Lloyd C. Thomas, Pres. -Treat. F. A. Pierson, Vice President. John W. Thomas, Secretary. It In place as the leading w. sicrn Nebraska. newspaper NO CUT RATES John W. Thomas, Editor. Lloyd C. Thomas, City Editor. Mrs. I. U. Hoskms. railroad corres pondent. Mies Agnes Moravek. Hemingford correspondent. Entered at the postoffice at Alli ance, Nebraska. for transmission through the mail as hecond class matter An offer was received lat week t The Alliance Herald Irom the Ad let Piano company, of Louisville, Kentucky. In which the Adler com pany offered to par The Herald commission 08 every piano sold thru advertising In The Herald, no stated . lie to he paid for the advertising. The Herald wishes its adverti r to know that no advertisements of this kind are carried In its columns. V stated remuneration is received for every inch of space used, and many Offart of this kind are turned (!ov. ii every week HURTS ALLIANCE Subscript Ion, vane, $1.50 per year in ad Sample copies free for the asking. THIS PAPta RtCSlN7J i I rXCS ADVEHTcjlNU EY Tr.. An instance that came up last week shows how that the attitude of the Adams Kxpress company hurts the business of Alliance to a great degree Alliance loBt the branch of the International Harvester company because of that ootnnany being un- The circulation of this newspaper ; able to get its freight transferred It guaranteed to be the largest in j properly at Crawford, western Nebratka. Advertising rates The local branch or the Colorado will be furnished on application, i Kilni Exchange, which was establish ed a short time ago by J. It. ('alter, of Denver, has worked up a flourish lug business, but Alliance in now in I danger of losing this branch because the Adams Kxpress company decline! to ship film to O'Neill via Crawford, vliicii is the shortest route. A roll of film shipped on Friday from Alliance via Adams Kxpress wont first to Lincoln, transferred; I (hen to Ashland, transferred; then to Fremont, transferred; then to Sioux City, Iowa, transferred: then bach to O'Neill on Tuesday All lie canae the Adams Kxpress company COUld keep it on their ewil line by 'vi inping it over this route. i The Alliance commercial club sl'Otlld take up l his matter and see il II could not le adjusted. Other wise Ultance will receive mother blHcb eve. GENERAL OrriCES :W YORK AND CHICAG BRANCHES IN ALL THE PHCIPAL CITiS THURSDAY. MARCH g, l!M I. THE ALLIANCE HERALD is a newspaper dedicated to up building the moral and material in terests of Aliance, Box Butte coun ty and western Nebraska. Its pol icy is to deal fairly with all inter ests and men. It prints the news fully and as accurately as possible. It means to be a household, office and store necessity and as such con tinues to enter a rapidly growing number of homes, offices and stores throughout this end of ths state. As a NEWSPAPER and an ADVERTIS ING MEDIUM it stands supreme in its field. The Job department has the largest patronage of any in west ern Nebraska and every man on the force is a specialist in his line. Apropos of the efforts that are h. lug made to vo e Lincoln " vet" at the coming city election down there, The Nebraska state capital proposes a joint debate on the oueetloo, "Why didn't the saloons make South Oma ha and Nebraska City grow ? ' and suggests some preliminary remarks on the prosperity of York This part of Nebraska Wan nvn snpted at the Nebraaka Ooaeerva Hon Congress, held al Lincoln, last Thursday and Friday, by Poet master Ira K. Tasli and A. R. Wilson, who were appointed by (iovornor Aldricfa as delegates. The purpose of t la con vent ion was to d tOGUM the state's resources and their proper develop ment: to promote co-operation be tween the rural districts, towns ,nul iltle; to encourage the develop ment of honie manufactures, trade Snd commerce for the purpose of supplementing the rapid developments in agriculture, it was a great con vention and should be productive of great good to hte Stnte second, $35; third. $20; fourth. Ill; fifth, $10; and to the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh, $5 each. The entire labor of preparing the ground, planting, cultivating and har vesting of this acre of corn to be performed by the contestants, who enter contest by recording his name In the office of W. R, Mellor, Bee retary, Lincoln, not later than May 10, 1011. Said acre to be measured, husked and weighed in the pretence of two disinterested freeholders, residents Of said county in which the acre of corn is located. Said committee to forward affidavit as to weight and reojulremeni of spociflcatloni in this Contest to the secretary of the State Hoard or Agriculture, not later than He,-, mbar I, 1911, The contestant shall file with the secretary a full and detailed account of his method of performing the work, fertilizers used, if any; wheth er bottom, hill or table land, and the character or kind of soil on which the crop was grown; with an accurate account of cost of produc tion, rent of ground, cost of plowing, harrowing, discing, planting, cultiva tion, husking and every feature of expense in labor, seed, fertilizer, etc., based on the actual time that entered Into the production of this acre of corn. On reriuest, prize winners must forward a sample of ten ears of corn grown to W. K. Mellor. secretary, Lincoln, Nebr. Dr. Boland Phone 65 Sidney High schools the decision of the Judges was won by the latter Merrltt Chaffee. Richard Young ;;tid .Julia PfUUkte were for Alliance it Ir but fgtl to the Alliance students to say that two of them are sopho mores and one a freshman, while two of the Sidney debaters are sen iors and one a sophomore. Rev. A. L (lodfrey will leave tomorrow- for Tor ring ton, wyo., where he goes to preach and hold commun ion service for the paster 01 the I' tilted Preabytertan church, Roy, Paul I Mustard, next Siindav POST OFFICE DIRECTORY o Mails close at the Alliance office as follows. Mountain tinn post Dr. Boland Phone 65 Judge Merry was oalled to Lincoln by telegram Monday. Muring his ab sence Miss Blanche McDonald, at At torney B. K. Oilman's office, is look ing after the business of the county judge's office. . $100 Reward, $100. Th nvidiTH nf thin pnper wl'l (if BleSStfl In lenm t Ii.- I tlit-n- In ul lentil onr dffs4Cd difsriic.' Ilia! SBHSICS tun bron utile to euro In all ttl rtSSMi nixl that In .u.irrii Hall's Uatane Chn M ii"- oaly ssstHtrs i-ure no known to Uie medical batefflUV Cut i-rli being a rHiUltillon:il dlaeum-. requlrea .. tntim tu tionnl treatment. Itali a Cilarrh ( UN It takci In ternally, aetlnc (Mn-rtty upon the bl.fMl anil Bimom ivirfaee itt lh" vati;in tie r -by tfoatroytms t!ie foundation of the diHa.-. nr.d flvtng the jvitl't atrenfftri by bult'ti'ix up lite naiKtliutliMi and -twisting nnturr In doing Ita work Th prorr'rtor. have ( mueh faith hf it'- CSTBUvS powera th.it thty offer One Hundred DoUiMS tor any SMS th.it a fulla to cure. Send for I tat li'rttninlsls Addrern r. J. CHBNKV A CO., Totodo. O. sHd by all Drillissa 7. Take il .1 I 1 i. inly I'llla (or t-onatlpatlon. GET YOUR COPY IN EARLY All copy lor The Herald, including advertisements, notes, and news i ttntna for insertion in The Herald j should be in tlte office by nine M dbeh Thursday morning it is often I necessary to refuse copy after that hoar On account Of the last forms t)elag made up and ready lor the BJ"eeS. On account of the fact that i most of the mechanical work three newspapers is doue In 1 1 :L'(I :S0 :00 ; :;o :()0 a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p. m East Bound for train No. for train No. 44. 42. West Bound for trnin No. 4:i. for train No. 41. South Bound for train No 803 for train No. :ini On malls I i 00 Sundays and holidays all night close at 0:00 p.m. instead of p in IRA K. TA8H, P M TEACHERS' READING CIRCLE The 7" . , v la 1 1. Uliaaoe, o it 1 1 a.m. h r.-.' Reading Circle will " " h school building, in .. Saturday, March llth. on rhe j get I SOUTH OMAHA STOCK MARKETS Herald plant It is necessary to each one out on time. THE PVBLtSHBRS, 1 e - THE SECOND COMING ill) Klla Wheeler Wilcox, reprint ii by rogansl from the ballnaator ' tor 1 lecember. I ' How will Christ come hack again, i How will he be Man and when ' Where his chosen way? ; Will he come at tlead of night. I Shining in His robes of light. Or at dawn of day? Is cvi- ret ipro oui an) a per ull-recipro that W ill it be When the Thai be Or will lie W ide and on some at Christinas time, bells are all a chime, is reborn? rut urn and bring wondrous wakening Raster morn? A republican paper that deafly opposed to Canadian city says: "Can you figure article that you can bU) i bt uer the proposed Canadian litv, or any Nebraska ir.ifuc: will command a Quicker uarket a higher price? If you caaaot, do not know why yon are for reciprocity bill." Yes, wv do, '. a step in the right direttior, may not be just the stop thai prefer to see taken fust, but one step, and thai Ml en . inly- good, stroug reason Btaadpatlam has !i ld control of tin- country's iar i Iff SffahrS b getting tHs,- who fa 1 vor reform to fighting eaeh other S ecau8e each ponM not cct first the I In reform in which he was most later sated. Alien will this sail world rejoice Listening to that golden voice. Speaking unto men? LalVOS th re one srho 'Sl Kill cry i.oud to startled passer:-bv , "Christ has come aga'n?" is here! Ililn DCS and you the It Ii are its one List the answer, Christ ' ek and you shall find Dwettlag on tge earth. t! ths world's k wakening tlMMgM 'ih:a great miracle is wrought. This the second birth. ; While you wonder where and h-.nv UtsiM shall come, behold Him now ! Patient, loving, meek. Looking from your neighbor's eyes. ir 111 tiuinitie tollers guise Us)! the Christ you seek Special Report So. Omaha. Nebr., Peb. f. 1911. C ATT LIC Receipts inodcretc. a bout 0000 for '1 das, market strong land a little higher. Bent beer $6.15 to 0.t0, bulk, however. IB.gg to $5.!tn 'and medium still between $."i.'ii and f .in Demand for feeders strong. All weights of "green ' cattle lfj.26 to $."..mi for steers and 14.86 to $4 5b for heifers. Choice cows and heifers 1 have sold $5. 0U up to IS, 71 but ms ' Jorlty $4.00 to 14. Ta. Cannes strong also at $"..15 to $."..40 and cutters 13. 5u to $4.(in. Veal calves higher, top ..ain 11.00 wi,h at $5 ,10 lo $7. 5e Hulls unchanged 4.U to 16,15. With Lent at hand and prospects of a continued liberal supply cannot hope for any change for the bet ! ter. HOGS - Receipts heavv 81,000 for 8 tlays, 15c lower yesterday but strong today with bulk at !.." to $i:.!tii, top $ H5. Kverythinn iioints to a "big" supply duriUR ths next It days with prices wording still lovv- cr. SI IKK I' Receipts fairly liberal, j I'l.Bon for 2 days; market strong. Lest lambs (op I5.S5; yearlings 14 00; welhers $4.ln aid ev.es $4.15 j ; n-.l a few feeder hslahi at 16.00. j ! Expect a continued plentiful supply j Sad a curtailed demand, hem e can :-ee no reason for an upturn Yours truly . NATION VI. I.IVK STOCK I Special o. WESTERN NEBRASKA TOOT YOUR OWN HORN Arthur K. Clark. eJitor. proprie tor aud geueral manager of "The ' Journal," formerly "The llemiug 1 ford Journal." but from which the! name " I leiuing.ord has been drop ped since he assumed ownership. s-eem to take txception to the ftict thut The Alltauee Herald toots Its I Seek . vi n horn . The mateui. nts made in The Her ald from time to time about circula tion, amount of advertising, rtrlums of business; etc.. arr- all backed by facts. :;nd we know that the business IUW1 Of Alii. line .I'll! Ml Butte C4UIII ty appre'iate th fact that The Her aid bmb the saosl up-ioduiu aewapa- 1 office iu western Nebraska and .hat the biibiue s is ot-idto growing. The Alliance llreatd wilt continue to toot it own horn sud will bold sTCb for him in human hearts, the shops and in the marts, And beside your hear'h; Search and speak the watch word 'x e. " 111l Christ shall rise and prove He has collie to earth Sorrowful ofitimes l He 1 I hat we have not eves to see j Have not ears to hear. 1 s we call to Him afar, j Out beyond some distant star, W'hi'e he stands so near. litui, seek . I ..u. where he dwells: Cglsne the voices of the bells On the ( 'liris' m. is air: "Christ Use come to earth again; He Is in the hearts of men; S-.-ck and find llinifhere." interesting End of Items Taken the State for Readers. From This Herald BOYS ACRE CONTEST 10 the Nebraska boy under 18 wars ,f age, growing the largest yield of corn from oue acre of Ne braska land, in year 111. $50; the A party of go. ei anient surveyors are at work on the line of the new south side canal near Scott sbluff - o The contrail has been lei for the 1 oristructlou of a seven or eight loom parsonage lot the Methodist i church at Scottsbluff When com pleted it will be S comfortable and eoniiiUHiius preacher's hoin. --o the htoitsbluff Commercial elected officers last week as lows: C. A. Morrill, president Wright, vice president; H. T en. treasurer; fj I. Sbumwav tary. rhe secretary was plated 011 a stated salary ami will do all with in his power to push Scegtshluft en lorprhses. o In the debate at Siduey between lepresentatlvts of the Alliance and Club fol 6. L it- Sale of Skirts and Shirtwaists For one week, commenc ing Monday, February 20th, all waists in stock included in this sale, at l3oii. See the Vet vet and Silk Waists, Linen Tailored W. lists. E m b r oi d e r i e d White I. awn Waists, Net Waists. Fancy Wash Waists, Everything new and up-to-date is the sale, w hit h vv e are having in order lo make room for our ih w stock. R. SIMMONS 4 y I Makes the most nutri tious food and the mc fil dainty and delicious ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No fussing cr fretting over the biscuit-making. Royal is the aid to many a cook's success Royal Cook Book 800 Receipts Free. Send Name and Address. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. a t 4 i! Here Is what will Suit You I K. I. GREGG & SON have knocked the bottom out of prices- on al most everything they handle. They offer for cash for the next 30 beginning March I, the following: days, Alliance Herald. $1.50 per year. Alliance Herald, $1.50 per year. Alliance Herald. $1.90 per year. Alliance Herald, $1.50 per year. Alliance Herald, $1.60 per year to Sacks that old reliable Curtis Best Flour. .$13.50 l.ss than 10-sack lots, per sack 1.40 10 Sacks Frost King 1350 Less than 10-sack lots 1.30 Rye Flour, per sack fo Corn Meal, per sack 20 Graham or Whole Wheat Flour 30 Oats, per hundred, w ithout sack 1.25 Wheat for Chickens, per ion, without sack. . . .15 Corn Chop, sacked, per 100 L05 Coin in load lots, She per 100, sacked 05 Corn Chop, bulk load lots, per 100. . o Seed Oats, bulk, nr 100 130 Seed Wheat, per bushel 1.00 Seed Har!e, per 100 1.99, Alfalfa Hay, per ton 11. (K Alfalfa Hay 1 per bail oo Prairie Hav at lowest market price. UV also haf- a large stock of I Chick Food and Poultry Supplies At Reduced Prices PHONE 155 If you like The Herald subscribe T I T 1 H I ' ' I asi.sai " I I I H I I I I I m,J