Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per word each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property in this town. GOOD THINGS TO EAT Pardey's cottage bread is baked by expert bakers and is good to eat- Lovers of ovsters should go to the KeystoDe. Oysters shipped direct to us from the oyster beds. We handle the New York Counts. Try them. You can get them in anv quantity. 42tf F. B. DlSMtft. TO RENT Four room house for rent. Mrs. Holdridge. 8-2t-638 Buy your stoves of T. J. Threlkeld, 401 Box Butte Ave. 43-tf FOR RENT Several suites of modern rooms in different parts of the city for light housekeeping. It, Bayer, 21 V Yel lowstone Ave., Phone 5L'!'. 9-l-544 HOGS AND CATTLE Fat tlOfl and cattle wanted. W e want to buv some good stuff to butcher, Pkakf Bni, Phone ,o. 4)tf-.joS REPAIRING A classified advertisement will us ually eliminate the objectionable first syllable from the word impossi ble. 1 a The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is run bv M. I. Nichols in the rear of the Alliance Cash Shoe Btofft. First class work quickly dune, at reasonable prices. aotf WANTED TO BUY In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. MISCELLANEOUS If you like The Herald subscribe. Buy vour china and glassware of Threlkeld Have your pictures framed at Threlkeld's. Monev to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3 tf. A classified advertisement will bring you applications for that va cant room, or for that vacant place at your table. WANTED TO RENT Have you a vacant house to reut? The Herald office has main calls for houses to rent. Advertise it in the want-ad columns of this paper- Kate, five cents per line per insertion. They bring answers. 51 tf -337 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HAY LAND FOR SALE I will sell the quarter section of land on which the Nason grove Is located. I" uiileH northeast of .lli-i ance. This is good hay land. 574-411 It. P. NASON. Alliance, Nebr. A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISER finds it PROFITABLE to buy and sell real estate even on a small scale, as a "side line." For an intelligent cam paign of advertising enables him to "turn his money over" a good many times in the course of a year. . . FOR SAKE OR TRADK 100 acres of fine Box Butte County land sev en miles from Berea and eight miles from Hemingford, in the best farm ing part of the county. Can all be farmed and lies very well. This land is priced right and the owner will sell or trade it What have you to offer? Address, "W" Herald of fice. 47!t-6-tf RELINQUISHMENT for sale at a bargain price. Small house. Will stand close inspection. tlood reus ons for selling Address "S", Her ald office. 7-tf-t!t4 Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poultry food. Best goods. Prices right. City deliveries made promptly. E. I. Gregg Sc Son. I'hone 1 55. 40-tf.,s(,4 I SELL GOOD COAL Your orders will he delivered promptly. Monarch and Colorado coal. Office Gregg's Feed Store. Phone 66ti. M. Vaughn li-tf -442 A GOOD PREMIUM Attention is called to the adver tisement of the new premium which The Hrald is offering for new sub scribers. This fruit Jar opener and cover truer are taking "like iiot cakes" and the supply will soon be gone. Send in the name of a new subscriber and get one. They're mighty useful and cannot lie purchas ed at any store. . Watch the advertisements of T. J. Threlkeld in this department. He says it pays him. It will pay you. Try them. WANTED TO BUY- Want to buy eighty acres of Box Butte County land cheap. Must bear investiga tion and be on reasonable terms Answer at once, addressing. "T" Herald office. 4X0-ti-tf y LARGE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 1180 acres, six miles from Heming ford. 4S0 acres uuder cultivation, all fenced, house, bam, granaries, well and windmill and tank, large potato cellar. Will rent for cash or share of crop. Possession given March 1. For particulars, address IV O. box 980, Alliance, Nebr.. or call at Her aid office. H-tf-52S EMPLOYMENT WANTED A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISER seek ing employment "in the business like way" will not mis a great many paydays perhaps not any. The worth-while work-hunters hunt work in the worth-while way. Want ads of reasonable length for parties desiring employment will be inserted two times in this department free of charge- S. Glidden has returned to Alli ance and is readv to do all kinds of odd jobs of work. Phone 2tf red. 39ft Work wanted by experienced lady General housewt rlf or work of simi lar nature Phone 340, Herald of fice S-L't-5.'.7 SPECIAL SALES Ba.aar ami Social by Industrial Society in Baptist church parlors April 80 and 21. !t-int 54X . Low prices and easy terms on high grade pianos. See the Cramer Company, Ida M Ross, Mgr. 2-tf-428 Furniture and housefiiriiishingK at the right price at Thtelkeld's. fop .Z MERCHANDISE LAND FOR SALK A quarter-sec Hon seven miles west of Alliance. Forty acres under cultivation and raising fine crops every year The forty will pay for the quarter in a couple of years. I will sell this quar ter cheap if taken quick. Terms, reasonable. Address, "M", Herald office, or phone :t4o. S-4i-5i4 ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I nave the only set ol abstract books in Box Butte county Office iu llcCorkle Building. I0-tf-570 Library table, inquire "in Box Butte avenue, or phone SM. H-:;t-55l FOR BALE CHEAP, piano. Worth 1175. tut. litis office. line lull on inquire at i-it ;,4t; DO YOU WANT A PIANO? The renowned Lyon & Healy pi auos can now be purchased in Mil anee of a resident dealer See the advertisement in this issue of Th Herald S-tf- HELP WANTED In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw It in this paper. 1. Men wanted to Write Health and cchlent Insurance, New 1'olicles: flood Commissions Write. Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Associ ation, Omaha. Nebr.. or tall for Mr Crlss at the Brake Hotel $SO ,90 per month straight salary and expenses, to men with rig. to Introduce our poultry Rented lea, Don't answer unless you mean husi ness Fureka Poultry Food Mfg Co (Incorporated,) Fast st Louta, 111 -4t in I I I -- - . YOUNG MEN WANTED Govenment Pays Railway Mall Clerks $800 to $1,400 a Year Free Scholarships Are Offered Uncle Sam holds examinations for railway mail clerk, postoffice clerk or carrier, custom house and depart mental clerks. Prepare at once for the coming examinations. Thousands of appointments are to he made. Common school education Is all you need; city and country people have equal chance. Start to prepare now free Information. Free scholarships this month. Write Im mediately to Central Schools. Dept. B-024, Rochester, N. Y 5-20t-46:i EVERY WOMAN SHOULD EARN $25 PER WEEK Introducing our very complete Spring line of beautiful wool suitings, wash fabrics, fancy wistings, silks, lidkfs. petticoats, etc. Up-to-date N, Y. City Patterns. Finest line on the market. Dealing direct with the mills you will find our prices low. If others can make 110.00 to 180.00 weekly you can also Samples, full instructions in neat sample case, shipped express prepaid. No money required. BxctuelVfl territory Write for particulars Be first to apply. Standard Dress Hoods Company, Dept 000, Binghamton. N. Y. IOSt580 ARCHITECT The c W. Wav Co., architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish von .. ;U !.,.. .....1 MaaliMltnai l,.- ut,, n u flails auu n v. IHI.RI1I, w 1 class of buildiug you wish to erect. I Asl, them for information. igtf AUCTIONEERS Frank H. Palmer, general auction eer. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges. Phone nS; Blue. Alliance. Nebr. Can leave orders at Herald office. SSttjKo POULTRY. ETC Now is the time to buv your Browu Leghorn a. Call or sjfitf me at 4-4 Box Hutte aveuue. Alliance. Nebr- 1 B. H. Perrv. 41 If Threlkeld sells china, glassware and lamps cheap. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Let me frame voiit pictures. T. J Threlkeld 4J..I If you like The Herald subscribe 1 -. Every piano we sell is guaranteed Only high grade instruments are sold Let us show litem to you C rancor Company. Iila M Ross, Mgr 2 tf 42S Upholstering and Mattress Work Have secured the services of an upholsterer Those desiring work of this kind leave orders or phone 207. T. J Threlkeld :: ,'t 4 4H . - A classified advertisement s a renting agent, and the busiest in town. - . If you like The Herald subscribe In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. WANTED I want a good man la this territory as Local Agent fur ana caunty. or a Oenrral Agent lor a number at counties 1 h. In a naw proposition and alters you an opportunity ta make Irom m ao 10 loo 00 a weak, and an up to or $10 000 a yaar No egperlence la necessary; but I want a nan young or old wbo will iraat me square, wee will follow lntrucllona. and who will da hie level beat 'inl ol mf ml Hiram Pie', 'one lwnty ev?n '.r,ie 1 he hru day ont Mjrers uatraieer : prohi SJ8 '.a I aaatf ti orders nen rlsr ) I trreee siefled eolllag in Louinaaa and be, sate general sseai. tsaofelHae; esteaoiee install At a .ingle tiejt h eedefOd lilt agent' outfits Land oftii.e eujetaeaj right off the jump Orders, assets, everywhere I ) Kt hardinn sold sis ihe Artt eon' he ei.rlred Ordered ii doiea bv wire Ever usfMtier aleased Merhlae ogae lutele (uaraeieed ta everr aarttculer lor lite ' flrand new buslaeea lor agents, tea war cam prefit ta yea. Sales rail mm everywhere 400.000 aald la laar asoniae. Moid aa- taacbad. Agents r el a Ing eases Oat terri tory el oaee. W araat .000 r spr utala 1 1 as Send yaar nanss and addraea aa e postal aard for clause sa later aaatiM troa. ter r it or r la alagfast Wrlla taday ASSrasa The NEVER FAIL CO. o CelteaOldg. TOLKOO. OHIO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISER with a busines opportunity to offer knows that the right "baker," or purchaser, or investor CAN BE FUND. And he proceeds to find him by telling, frank ly and simply, in a classified ad what his proposition is like. a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN BAR GAIN FOR THE RIGHT PARTY WITH CASH clothing, furnishings ami shoes, lo cated in county seat in western Ne braska. Qood farming and cattle country surrounding. Fifty miles to nearest competitor. New railroad Fast growing town. Write for par ticulars to the Alliance Herald, ii-tf -sr.:: NOTICES B. M. I. U. No. 4 Alliance, Nebraska. After April I our si-ale of wag s Wi he seventy five cents per hour. l-tf-Wl A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISER at an expense so trifling as to hardly "count" at all, will sell any and ev ery useful artlle he owns which Is no longer useful to him And he will realize In cash the actual val ues of such things. s one Multiscope plate camera, l't IVg, (ienuine leather Mulsh. and coed tarrying case, wiih iltiv- Uout) le holders. Expensive r.7 lens, worth the price ol camera atOM The complete equipment for I It. Hurry If you want It Alliance Vrt Sturio in tf ,".:s e I sell furniture and house fuiiiish tugs rhesper than auloil. T. I. Threlkeld. 4 tf ' - a Farmets, ranchtneUt and evetvhodv rise find B 1. (iien Son's the hest place to buy flour, feed, poultry food, and stock salt. 40 -1 f J 4 FOR SALK UnderWOOd typewrit er 11 11 111 her four. Slightly used but In very best of condition. Owner needs the money and will sell cheap for quick sale. Full particulars at The Herald office. I'hone :!4t. 6 tf 48X 0 - TYPKWKITKR FOR SALK One nearly new model one L C Smith typewriter. Ouaranteed to be in good condition. Reason for selling, do not need the machine triad to demonstrate it at any time. Price very cheap for cash, or easy terms. I'hone ;!40 or call at The Herald of fice. 6-tf 487 m d sUl mm for salk a fine bakery ami cafe In Alliance. Has been estab lished three years and Is a money making proposition. Present owners will give good reasons for selling. In good location for both transient and city trade. The bakery does a hlg business This Is a fine husi ness opportunity and will hear the closest investigation Address. "N" Herald office. t7Stitf NOTICE TO SETTLE Having relinquished my office and practice to Ir. F. W Howland. I will send statements to all who are Indebted for medical services, and would resprtt fully request u settle iiient of these accounts within the next thirty days without repealed notice.-, from me. L. W Howman. M.I). 314 Laramie Ave. tl'!i J tf CALENDARS FOR 1912 The Herald Publishing company win handle a beautiful tin' of calen dars for the year I9IS. The main line will be the products 01 the ttut ler Paper company of Chicago Im ported calendars will also be printed. On act ouut of the fan that it w ill not he necessary to pa commissions to traveling salesmen the prices an raucb lower than ordinary. . a 1 - NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKKN This is to notify you thai S II Desch and myself dissolved partner ship on the L'4lh day of last Herein her and that I am not responsible for detits con trailed by S II Desch or S H Peei'h ami Cunipa'n after lliat date I Q HIKKKS 10-If -MO , a- BUY COAL AT VAUGHN'S ! Monarch sud Colorado f'onl Of i fit e (iregg's Feeti Store. Phone IM, M Vaughn. Ctfll.' FOR SALE New Mddle, value $r,U. Call 11! Emerson, or phone 45(1 Red, " 1 a A Furniture Bargain! An opportunity to buy high grade furniture for less than It can he pro duced wholesale, These chairs, rockers and davenports are quarter ed oak, Mission finish, and upholster ed in highest grade llrown Spanish leather. Have only been in use six weeks Will sell for cash only One 1S6,00 darenpOTt, latest style, 165.00. One $7f.lM) Turkish rocker, and foot rest, $4:(.0i. One I7.M Morris chair, automat it hack, toot rest, magazine rack and smoking cabinet combined for $l!i,60 One Sleepy Hollow rocker, "real comfy," worth 32.00v goes for 2l 60, One 136.00 Rug, Wilton Velvet, 127.011. one $;). on Arcadian Malleable Kange. $40.00. One $22.50 Golden Quartered Oak Buffet, $15no One $22.50 Desk and Chair. 1)4.00. Numerous small rugs at your own price. These goods must go, as parties are leaving Alliance. Same can be, seen at 5 is Toluca Avenue. Phon l. Il-2t-57.t A classified advertisement will re die 1 the cost of selling your prop erty 1 1 the lowest degree. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY City property bought and sold. O'Keefe Brothers 2tf424 l )K SALK Roomiog house. For particulars phone 15a, jO'tf3t8 a a- HOUSE FOR SALK. 4 rooms, mod em except furnace. V. F. Knight, I'hone 512. Small cash payment, bal ance easy terms. 6-tf-474 Uootl, nine room house, four hlks. west of postoffice, for sale at a bar gain Call at residence 421 West Third street or phone t5. 611 1 7-2tl (11-211 Four Alliance lots, good location, cheap. Complete steam plow and tractor, good shape, bargain Quarter -,ect Ion Box Hutte land, good location, fifty acres under cttlttva tlon. I'hone Blue 820. C. M Lots peich. Alliance. 10-tf-5u7 MODKRN six room house on Tol uca Avenue. Hast front Cement block burn. Hot water furnace. Cheap it taken at once Reasonable terms Phone :',40, Herald office. 9-tf-5f4 ! - ; It RAD THIS LIST I now offer Hie following property I for sale on good terms, if desired. fine five-room house on Kmerson Ave . $1,400 One fen-room house anil bam on Laramie Ave., t,tso, Olle residence lot on PlattS Ave, northeast comer, $250 One fine residence on eVyonlni Ave., will trade iu on ranch property All ot the houses above lie-Ill lolled will rent well at. all seasons of the year ami pay go:xl interest on the investment Correspondent e solicit ed F M. MKOOMK. Opera Block, Ullanee. 10-tl r.i,n Slxfy Yea in tho Standard Dr.PR.CrS Biking powder It makes home baking easy and gives nicer, better and cleaner food than the "ready made. There Is no baldng powder or preparation like It or equal to It lor quickly and perfectly making the delicate hot biscuit, hot bread muffin, cake and pastry. No Alum No Lime Phosphates "Alum In baking powder Is dan gerous and should be prohibited. Prof. Schweitzer, State Univ., Mo, THE ARINGTONS This Popular Show Company Draw ing Crowded Houses Nightly at the Phelan Opera House It has been a Ioiik time since the play going public has enjoyed Ihe 1 thentrical treat that Is heitm given each nlKht this week by those pop lllar favorites, the ArliiKtons. Kach member of the company is uootl and 1 it is as well balanced a company as the Aringtona nave ever taken out On the road. The plays are all good niie:. Monday night. "A Psridlll Lost." Tuesday. "The Old Maine Homestead," Wednesday , "St. K1- ' mo, Friday night will be presented that famous and Intensely interest ing drama, "The Devil." Special scenery is carried for this play and arrangements have been made with Mr. Lawrence for proper display of electrical effects to set the play off as It should be. The company is fully capable of glvitiK a fine pre sentation of this play and it will be one of the best for the week equal InK any of the dollar shows. People who wait to buy seats at the ticket f for Friday night will likely have to take extra chairs for there is going to be a big advance sale. Saturday nfternoon at 2:30 will bo a matinee. The company will close Its engagement Saturday night with "Human HeartR." It would be an In justice to not make special mention of the specialties by those three cle ver little girls, Inez, Odcy and Helen. They Rive Home pretty specialties be tween the acts and do some clever acting in addition. Specialties by o thor member! are also entertaining.. It Is the wonder of all how so good a company with so good a show can afford to play at the low prices of 10, 20, and 10 cents, hut the Arlng tons want the crowd in the house more limn they need the monev. I1I-5XI. sa , ...a U. P. CHURCH Morning service "The unsearch able Witness." (evening service M Jeans Christ saves today, tomorrow and forever." RKV. A. U OODFItKY, Pastor. Best Flour in the State ! In answering Hera d want ads plsase mention that you saw it in ! this paper. LIVE STOCK FOR lAlsM Otie leglMcletl Short Horn Hull. years old One Here ford bull, :; veins old IMiotie P J Nolan if 485 Having obtained the agency tc handle the best flour made in the state we will do a wholesale and retail business. Special prices will be made to ranchmen in 1000 and 2000 pound lots. During our closing out sale we will also do a wholesale business in "sugar, shoes and other goods. Do not send away when you can save money by buying at the Farmer's Cash Store. Dress goods will go at one-half price. We buy potatoes. Nearly one car of flour sold and not one sack returned means good flour. Another car coming. A lot of underwear at half price. ESSAY & KEENAN One-halt Block North Burlington Hotel. In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper.