The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 16, 1911, Image 6

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i. !( Nicola Ik visiting With hi
pnri'iitH it few dnys.
Moll;.- Ml.-d I working In the Bluff
this winter.
O. W Wiinl l working for A. SB.
NIcoIr for a few days.
Miss Melon lkonon has started
hor second torin of school
Arthur Huhholl I till i tin n welt
for A. 7.. Nlcoln this week.
Phil Hodge was nt lloo havlgg
sonic work done at the shop Monday.
Mr V. It. Huhbell was nt Hope
on her way to Minstarc one dny last
Miss Smile Horn wax a guest of
Miss Helen Heeson last Saturday ev
ening. W. T. Karnsworth was In the can
yon one day hint week delivering
Everybody in Invited to attend the
Valeutlne social at the Hope school
house February 14. The ladien are
Invited to bring a basket ami supper
for two.
(Week ending February 4th.
Mrs. hen Hoyer has la grippe,
Ken Stergeon Is on the sick Hat.
Mrs Shav.- is islt Iiik with Jesse
NelRon's this week
Kittle Louis.- Wilson is some bet
ter nt this writing.
The Reno school opened Monday
after a month's vacation
Miss Manohe Kerry Is on the sick
list this week.
Miss Tot Morgan was visit inn with
Lulu Nelson dnesday
P. J. Stergeon butchered a couple
of hogs Thursday.
( has. Murphy was hunting cattle
through our neighborhood fuesda
Gladys Hier cntne home again for
her week end visit at the ranch
The little daughter of Mr and Mrs
Frank McKall is on the sick list this
Mrs I. J. Btermnn mi , iiii.i,..,. !
of Alliance, were dialling at iIk
ranch Saturday anil Sunday
Miss Agnes Wanibaugh recei-e.l
word that her father, Martin Hood,
had died January :tl at North Piatt.
W. Q. Wilson Is quite sick UY
understand he is threatened with
pneumonia, but hope Tor his speed v
J. A. Handrahan. special repre
sentative of the West Sheridan Land
Company, inc. of Sheridan, Wyonv
Ing. Is In the city selling building
lots In lHwner addition to Sheridan
I here are a total of I2K pieces of
property in the tract, which Is be
ing sold on easy payments.
Mr Handrahan states that sever
al Alliance people have already In
vested and that some have gone up
to Sheridan to look over the addl
tlOO, He is plopping at Miss Kent s
boarding house, his wife and bah
accompanying him.
Kevry envelope sent through the
I'nited States malls should have a
return card printed in the cornet
Last vear there were nvpr i:: m m.
nieces of mail sent t the ,l,ml lot.
ter office In Washington.
To open and sort this mall renuires
I treen neiKcum v mm th u ma t ...ui
Vear there wax taken .".' noil in num.
ey, of which only 140,000 could be
returned to the owners. The money
which could not be returned wan
turned over to the treasury depart
meat after every effort possible was
made to discover the owners.
The moral Is, have a return card
printed on every envelope you send
out It s much cheaper and may
s,ie you money.
Manufacturers of Htunitnrrl
of automobiles arc- planning an un
usual demonstration in Omaha the
week of February 20 to 26 What)
the sixth annual automobile show
will be held in t lie audit roliim
This demonstration has been ar
ranged to give visitors the most min
ute knowledge of machines. Cylin
ders cut In half will be operated by
electric motors which will enable
visitors to see just what happens in
the cylinders: transmission cases
will be open and running thai theli
action may he studied; other ma
chines will be taken apart and shown
in pieces like holding an autopsy o
or a motor ear
''xm I'J-v " -W w Be ' "' 'fTlggi M'enB'Hl
B Ma W W W W ll mw mm W
We will sell at the Logan place, 4 miles north and 2 miles east of Alliance. Nebr., on
Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described property
"I never felt so near my grave,'
writes W. R. Patterson, of Welling
ton, Tex., as when a t rightful cough
and lung trouble nulled me down to
100 pounds, in spite of doctor's treat
m.-nt for two years. My father,
mother and two sisters died of con
sumption, and that I am alive today
is due solely to Dr. King's New Dis
covery, which completely cured me.
Now I weigh 1ST pounds and have
been well and strong for years."
Quick, safe, sure, it's the best rem
edy on earth for coughs, colds, la
grippe, asthma, croup and all throat
and lung troubles. 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free, r.uaranteed by F.
J. Brennan. 8-4t
"mans business," will GET BUSI
NESS. If he has something to sell
that Is worth while, he will adver
tise it In a confident and convincing
way and he will sell itl
One hears a good deal about the
power of the press, but the fact is
that no newspaper has very much
real power over men or events in
hese days unless it is known to be
standing sanely and steadfastly for
the welfare of the v. hole community
and nation. The day of party organs
Is past Sensational papers appeal
ing to popular passions cannot move
thoughtful men - the men who make
history. The only kind of newspaper
that really has power In these daya
is the independent, reliable, disinter
ested journal of wide circulation,
whose columns are known to stand
always for the general good for
public honesty and a square deal,
whatever happens An excellent
ample of this sort of journalism Is
The Chicago Record herald It has
the enormous circulation thai le
servedly goes with the printing of
all the news, but its power Hen in
Its wise, conservative, independent
editorial DoUoy, which is shaped with
IIIIH ..ill.. oiwl ! !..... i
good. Its news and critical columns j . A ''"' 'ven
show the same spirit. It hi an ideal ot WJItSO) Friday niidil.
paper for the home 10 lt-57 1 Ira Scribner was a itassoniror to Al
One bay Gelding, weight 1400.
One black Gelding, " 1050.
One black Gelding, n 1200.
One white Mare, " 1150.
One grey Mare,
One Mare and one Gelding, coming 2.
Four Milch Cows. I iust freh l
' ? - - - v' - - itiai wilt
1 hree Calves. One Duroc Jersey sow. 100 Chickens.
ou Neeland la getting along me
alier his Stage of illness.
Mrs Win. Cars and ehildreti
visit lug friends in Alliance.
John Moravek and rife a ere
ing In town Monday.
Three horse-power Stickney Jr. Gasoline Entrine With crrin Hor onrl KoH- io.u,
good as new. One Farm Wagon, complete. One threfi-innb tiro Werrm
One Spring Seat. One John Deere 16-16 Disc and Drill combined. One John Deere
6 AAUW' i-incn w aiding Jrlow. One John Deere Riding Cultivator
One cne-horse Cultivator. One three-section Harrow Ona Trr v -n;
One Potato Planter. One five-foot cut McCormick Mower. One ten-foot Hay Rake
One Tod Buggy. One Open Buggy. One Cream Separator. One Hay Rack. One set
of heavy Work Harness. One set of Driving Harness- One Kin- 12-hole Press Drill.
Two stacks of Hay. Alfalfa in stack. About 50 bushels of Corn About 40 bush
els of Seed Potatoes. Household Goods and other thimrs too numerous to mention.
Lust week mention of ttie eWga or
der for laundry slips gtvaa njr the
Alliance Steam Laundry aas made
Another iiK one of a similar nature
was a Job of 4ii,iioi sales slips for
the resident meat market ol Drake
A- I'ai I. w In, !i i,s itnlKhed this
week l lie lllpe vara hound in booh
form, one kaaaraO to aack book
ilanea n 41 returning on 4:!
Mrs Moore has he.-n on the sick
list for some time
Laurence isiidu from Orawford oame
down on 14 returning n 4:'..
Pata Raranaoa gad family riaHad
londny with Charlea Huoko,
BmU Wint.-n was in from Canton
John t in ran was in from the ranch
J boa Qromrantl ami folk gave
moved in from the country into the
Sherwood house.
Hia address is Sun Henlto. Texas vi.i.. o , , , , ,,
His story 1. worth while heartaaH 1 1,1 S(oU ami Uoyd Modnaky
you'll drop him a line, he'll tell you how ' "I"'"1 BundU witli Harold (Mils in
he has been uniformly successful since '''' countrv.
lie chanKed his home and I. is liu-k.
The T-as Gulf Cosat counti-v I, .is Mr and Mrs. peta Sproeklin have
made more men rich and contented in adopted another babv bov from the
leea time than any awiion In America, orhai luii,,,
lt natural adantaK-s urc not pai - ! ' L
"'The1'...! ! n. .u k i -'rank huhon s baby died Momlav
tlaliarr too Ptona In the Mars
years to come. Ttie climate is delight- 1 church
tul every monili in the twtlve always , u. , ...
mild en.niKh to produce some sort of t -Johnnie Walker had the iniNfort
crop every season line of Kettlng his foot hurt which
You raise your own food, including , m akes him somew hat lame
your meat, your Putter, your crss. your I
milk. I he nrst year generally hiinjjs you! Ceo. iltsey ami family have mov
atvsj wu,rr,1r,,.xr,,pa,,,,i ar m sr m -y
pront in the hunk "tetpects to act as clerk
A thoroughly etli. lent school system.' sraU Valentine sil ....
goo.1 stores which not only lurrnah the ,, . "OClal held up at
neeeasilies and all reaaonithle luxuries. Kox-key s was well attended
convenient resorts along the Oulf of mo all reporied a nice time
alexi. o. which offer bathinj;. boating and 1
tishing. add to the attraction of your; Crant I lessilt ine, the t'urly plio
new home. i Htrapher. is iu tow n at present ( all
It wont cost you much to visit tela ajf) see him north ol itnl ntn. e
countiy and judge for yourself, Kvcry . norm Ol ituttal olllie.
nrst and third Tiieeday ol each month klra l-'rank cSwina, who has oe.-n
ymi i can purchase a inund-trip l-and- I vIkiI ing Willi her parents left for
tinVJirZ",1!. uau out m aioux rount, Mou
. ...
at 00 via l-'ri.Wfi I.,
Let me tell you mora about this pros
perous country-
The Kxcursion Tickets are good on
all Frisco trains leaving Kansas City
dally Hooklele and further tntorutation
will be furnished upon lemeat to J. C.
Lovrlen. Division rasseiigei Agent
l'rlsco Lines. Junction Kldg.. Kansaa
t'lly, Mi. or A iilituo, Geaecal 1'a.aon
ger Agent Frisco Liaae. Frisco Bldg ,
St. Louis. Mu.
A large crowd nttemiod tlie sale
I Jeo Wiltsey's Thursday Brery
Ulna sold - ..cadi, h and Mr. Wlltrfoy
ISMaasd very much pleased
Will Moravek brought In a ajtaer
for B. I. Johnson Tuesday which
gad l.;.-i. oat to (he Moravek raii'-n
Jl- ia.- I in--.
TERMS: All sums nnrl pt- 5ti 1 n nn Ma c? k T
-w...w a a-a w W ng g Wlfgy I ! UjJU.
j The wonder of bale- 1
iiitf powders Calumet.
Wonderful in its raisino-
powers its uniform!.
its never failing results, its
... ,,,, vv wiMJiiiy,
1C WMgJ less than the hih -price
fust oranas, but it is wonh as
mucn. it costs a tnfle more than
tnc cneap and big can kinds
it is w..nh more. But proves iu
icai economy in the baking.
Use CALUMET-d,. Modem
""'"I rowder.
At all Grocers.
Mrs. Bblle Brown, I'rop.
I;irst South ot First State- Hank
1 lemingford, Nelr.
First -class rooms, clean" and comfortable. Good
meals. Lunch coudter in connection. Short orders
gerved at all hours.
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber &Coal k
Phone 22
0. Waters, Mgr.
World's Pure
Central Lumber Co. !
Building natariaJ, Piles, Posts 1
hehinqford, and Coal NEBRKA j