The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 09, 1911, Image 5

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    Classified Advertisements
A classified advertisement will In
troduce to each other the next buy
er and the next seller of property
in this town.
Pardey's cottage bread is baked bv
expert bakers and is good to eat
s Lovers of oysters should go to the
Keystone. Oysters shipped direct to
us from the oyster beds. We handle
the New York Counts. Try them. You
caa get them in any quantity.
42tf F. B. Dismer.
needs tho money nml will sell cheap
for Quick sale Full particulars at
The Herald office. Phone :140.
6-tf 488
nearly new model one L. C. Smith
typewriter. Guaranteed to he In
Rood condition. Reason for -Minn,
do not need the machine Olad to
demonstrate It at any time. Price
very cheap for cash, or easy terms.
Phone :!40 or call ai The Herald of
fice. 6-tf 487
Four room house for rent. Mrs.
modern except furnace.
Knight. Phone 612.
W. F.
Buy your stoves of T. J.
401 Box Butte Ave-
Several suites of modern rooms in
different parts of the city for light
housekeeping. M. Bayer, 219 Yel
lowstone Ave.. Phone 629. 9-l-544
A classified advertisement will
bring you applicationa for that va
cant room, or for that vacant place
at your table.
Have you a vacant house to rent?
The Herald office has many calls for
houses to rent. Adveitise it in the
want-ad columns of shis paper- Kate,
five cents per line per insertion. They
bring answers. 5tl,337
MODERN six room house on Tol
uca Avenue. East front. Cement
block barn. Hot water furnace.
Cheap if taken at once. Reasonable
terms. Phone 340, Herald office.
of fine Box Butte County land sev
en miles from Berea and eight miles
from Hemlngford, In the best tann
ine Dart of the county. Can all be
farmed and lies very well. This land
Is priced right and the owner will
sell or trade it. What have you to
offer? Address, "W" Herald of
fice. 479-6-tf
FOR SALE - A fine bakery and
cafe in Alliance. Has been estab
lished three years and Is a money
making proposition. Present owners
will give good reasons for selling.
In good location for both transient
and city trade. The bakery does a
big business. This Is a fine busi
ness opportunity and will bear the
closest Investigation. Address, "N"
Herald office. 478-6 tf
Monarch and Colbrado Coal. Of
fice Gregg's Feed Store. Phone 666.
M. Vaughn. 141-441
Furniture and housefurnishings at
the right price at Threlkeld's.
Attention is called to the adver
tisement of the new premium which
The Herald Is offering for new sub
scribers. This fruit Jar opener and
cover ' truer are taking "like hot
cakes" and the supply will soon be
gone. Send In the name of a new
subscriber and get one. They're
mighty useful and cannot be purchas
ed at any store.
lor Paper company of Chicago ltn
ported calendars will also be printed
IM account or the fait that It will
Vfti be necessary to pay commissions
t Mwveling salesmen the prices are
iiuii'K Wwer than ordinary.
We watt to buy good, fat bof and
cattle to luitchet.
Drake & Bark. Alliance. Phone 50.
Upholstering and
Mattress Work
Have secured the services of an
upholsterer Those desiring work of
this kind leave orders or phone 207.
T. J. Threlkeld. Mt44t
Want ads of reasonable length for
parties desiring emplovment will he
inserted two times in this department
free of charge
S. Glidden has returned to Alli
ance and is ready to do all kindB of odd
jobs of work. Phone tfifi red. 3Qtf
Work wanted by experienced lady.
General housework or work of simi
lar nature. Phone 340, Herald of
fice. 8-2t-r37
Now is the time to buy your Brown
Leghorns. Call or write me at 024
Box Butte avenue, Alliance, Nebr-
B. H. Parry . 41-tf
FOR SALE One registered Short
Horn Bull, 5 years old. One Here
ford bull, .". years old. Phone 5!i6.
P. J. Nolan. ti-tf-485
RELINQUISHMENT for sale at a
bargain price. Small house. Will
stand close Inspection. Good reas
ons for selling. Address "S", Her
ald office. 7-tf-494
WANTED TO BUY Want to buy
eighty acres of Box Butte County
land cheap. Must bear investiga
tion and be on reasonable terras
Answer at once, addressing, "T"
Herald office. 480-6-tf
160 acre farm seven miles from
Minatare. 30 acres under the Tri
State canal and balance under the
Government canal- 25 acres under
cultivation. House, barn, cow stable,
etc- Price only (40 per acre. Address
Jos. M01 fitt, Minatare, Nebr.
Fat hogs and cattle wanted. We
want to buy some good stuff to butcher.
Drake tk Bakb, Phone 50.
Bazaar and Social by Industrial
Society In Baptist church parlors
April 20 and It. 9-HH 648
Low prices and easy terms on
high grade pianos. See tho Cramer
Company, Ida M. Ross, Mgr.
Library table, inquire 610 Box
Butte avenue, or phone 395. !l-3t-551
piano. Worth $175.00.
this office.
Due bill on
inquire at
The renowned Lyon cv Mealy pi
anos can now be purchased in Alli
ance of a resident denier. Bee the
advertisement In this issue of The
Herald. S-tf-626
Senate Will Dispose of Be!)
Measures This Wee.
Lincoln, Feb. 6. The senate took np
county option and the referendum dur
ing the past week and will dispose of
both measures some time this week.
It also discussed the Sunday baseball
hill and recommended that measure
for passage. The first two are deemed
the msot Important bills before the
legislature. Early this week the house
may discuss the referendum bill before
that body. The question of capital re
moval will come before the house In
the form of a report from a committee
recommending the passage of the pro
posed bill. The house la now Investi
gating the charges made by Governor
Aldrlch of gross election and registra
tion frauds in Omaha and the senate
will soon Join in the work. The con
Threlkeld sells china, glassware and
lamps cheap.
A classified advertisement will us
ually eliminate the objectionable
first syllable from the word impossible.
The best equipped shoe shop in
northwestern Nebraska is run by M. D
Nichols in the rear of the Alliance Cash
Shoe Store. First-class work quickly
done, at reasonable prices. 40tf
The Fort Berthold Indian Reserva
tion Information Bureau, Ryder, N.
D. will furnish you information re
garding the opening of the same.
1280 .i' iv-. six miles from Hemlng
ford, 480 acres under cultivation, all
fenced, house, barn, granaries, well
and windmill and tank, large potato
cellar. Will rent for cash or share
of crop. Possession given March 1.
For particulars, address P. O. box
186, Alliance, Nebr , or call at Her
ald office. 8-tf-528
Frank H. Palmer, general auctioneer-
Satisfaction guaranteed or no
charges. Phone 687 Blue, Alliance.
Nebr. Can Irate oiders at Herald
office. 53 tf-38o
The C W. Way Co., Architects,
Hastings. Nebraska, will furnish you
with plans and specifications for any
class of builditig you wish to erect.
Ask them for information. iqtf
$80.00 per month straight salary
and expenses, to men with rig, to
Introduce our Poultry Remedies.
Don't answer unless you mean busi
ness. Eureku Poultry Food Mfg.
Co. 1 Incorporated,) East St. Louis,
111. 8-4t-52H
Govenment Pays Railway Mall
Clerks $800 to $1,400 a Year
Free Scholarships Are Offered.
Uncle Sam holds examinations for
railway mail clerk, postofflce clerk
or carrier, custom house and depart
mental clerks. Prepare at once for
the coming examinations.
Thousands of appointments are to
be made. Common school education
Is all you need; city and country
people have equal chance. Start to
prepare now free Information. Free
scholarships this month. Write im
mediately to Central Schools, Dept.
B-624, Rochester. N. Y.
. sMinjHSMflBnjnjM
Buy your china
and glassware
Let me frame your pictures. T. J-
T'arelkeld. 43 tf
If you like The Herald subscribe.
LAND FOR SALE. A quarter-section
seven miles west of Alliance.
Forty acres under cultivation and
raising flue crops every year. The
forty will pay for the quarter In a
couple of years. I will sell this quar
ter cheap If taken quick. Terms,
reasonable. Address, "M", Herald
office, or phone 340. 8-4t-534
City property bought and sold.
O'Keefe Brothers. 2tf424
FOK SALE Koomiug house. For
particulars phone 152. 0tfJt8
Good, nine room house, four blks.
west of postofflce, for sale at a bar
gain. Call at residence 41M West
Third street or phone 65S.
518 (7-t) (Il-ft)
sale cheap. Located in best residence
section oi Alliance. Built for a home
but owner finds it necessary to sell.
Big, light room?; plenty of closets;
modern bathroom with fine fixtures;
big lot; fine porch; and house is entire
Iv new. Easv terms can be ananged.
Address J, Herald office. 47 -252
Notice, farmers and ranchmen:
you have good, fat hogs or cattle
sell we will va you the highest market
price Uh ,,. We want nothing but
.ml siutl, but will pay you good prices
i ou have what suits us.
Dkakk Si Baku, Phone 50.
Have your
pictures framed at
Monev to loan on real estate. F. E.
Reddish. 3 tf.
Flour, hav, feed, stock salt, poultry
food Best goods. Prices right. City
deliveries made promptly. E. I. Gregg
& Sou. Phone 153. tf ,4
M. I. U. No. 4
Every piano we sell Is guaranteed.
Only high grade instruments are
sold. Let us show them to you.
Crancer Company, Ida M. Rosb, Mgr.
clothing, furnishings and shoes, lo
cated in, county seal in western Ne
braska. Good farming and cattle
country surrounding Kitty miles to
nearest competitor. New railroad.
Fiist growing town. Write for par
tlculars to the Alliance Herald.
.-tf-r5 :
A classified advertisement s
renting agent, and the busiest
town. 0
I sell furniture and bouse furnish
ings cheaper than anybodv. T. I.
Farmers, taucbtuen, sud everybody
else hud E. I. Gregg & Son's the best
place to buy flour, feed, poultrv lood,
and stock salt. 49 tf 194
FOR SALE Underwood typewrit
er uumtw tour. Slightly used but
In very beet of condition. Owner
Alliance, Nebraska. After April I
our scale of wages will be seventy 1
cents per hour. 6-tt 4'H
Your orders will be delivered
promptly. Monarch and Colorado
coal. Office Gregg's Feed Store.
Phone 666. M. Vaughn ;t-tf -442
... - . s -
FOR SALE Household furniture,
iucludiug one bass viol and several
tents Rev. D. 1$. McLaughlin. 02
Missouri Ave. Phone 189, - 3t-&St
Watch the advertisements of T. J.
Threlkeld in this department. He
cays it pays him. It will pay you.
Try them.
0 , .
WANTED TO BUY. A good milch
cow. Must be fresh or giving plenty
of milk. Must be healthy and gen
tie Will pay reasonable price. Ad
dress. "T", Herald office, or phone
:.4u 8-tf536
The Herald Publishing company
will handle a beautiful line of calen
dars for the year P. 1 2. The main
line will be the products of the But
one of The Herald's lady subscrib
ers recently came Into this office
.111 I 1 iiiupliiuented us on the amount
of news which The Herald is giving
its readers. She stated that she is
taking other county papers but that
The Herald lias the most news ami
that it Is the most interesting paper.
And to back up her assertion she
placed her name ahead on the list
two years.
The Herald Publishing company
has Just colli rated with the Alliance
Steam l-aundry for the printing of
the laundry slips for the coining
year. Because of the immense busi
ness of this laundry many of these
slips are used.
The order Is given tor 18,08$ slips,
printed on three different colors of
paper Because of the recent ad
ditions of new machinery and with
labor saving methods this office Is
enabled to do the work Just as well
as the large city offices and the
prices are practically the same, con
sidering the expeuse of freight or
express, etc.
test iuitituted for the purpose of oust
ing Representative Scheele of Seward
county is not making much progress.
the matter still being before a commit
tee. All of these subjects occupied
considerable time last week and prom
ise to keep the legislators busy this
week. When these topics are not occu
pying the time of legislators theydo
some legislating for the people.
County Option In Peril.
Unless the signs change soon, coun
ty option will be defeated In the sen
ate. 8. F. 118. by Ollis of Valley, the
only county option bill before the sen
ate, was rushed onward without dis
cussion and is now ready to be placed
upon Its passage. It would have been
put to a vote last Friday but for the
absence of several senators who pre
ferred to visit the state fisheries at
r-ith Bend. The committee con-
1 1 d two friends of the bill and If
w. - meless to try to pass the bill with
the 'sent.
Bai "tj of Otoe, the one senator
who has been so quiet that both sides
were at a loss to know how he would
vote on county option and whose vote
Is necessary to pass the measure, was
Interviewed by the county option side,
and after the conference was over the
drys practically gave up getting Bart
ling to vote for county option. The
friends of the bill have several strings
that mav be pulled with some effect
before a vote Is taken Tanner of
Douglas, who has been strongly op
posed to COnnlV option, Is considered
open to reason, and the drys mxv show
him hnw he could suppress all ami
stock yards legislation by changing
over to the county option side, even
though he might be scslped by Omaha
people when he returned home. Mr
Tanner Is a resident of South Omaha
and the stork yards are dearer to him
than ativ other interest.
Smiles Against County Option.
Trading or offering to trade for
votes for the county option bill has
been hinted at for some time In re
gard to the report that Skiles of Hut
ler might come over to the countv op
tlon side for far his Initiative nd
referendum hill would be defeated, the
senator himself denied that there was
anv truth In the rumor.
"I do not know how It started." he
S!ld "Tlure Is no foundation for It
You may sav for me that I have
enough votes to pass the initiative and
referendum 1)111 and 1 do not fear Hs
fate in the senate "
If Battling votes against county op
tlon and the friends of the hill are tin
able te draw over some other s.-natoi
to their aid. the hill will be killed in
the senate. It is ready to he put to a
Vote, but the vote mu he delayed till
the middle of the week. If member
re absent on account of Illness 01
other reasons its friends will Insist on
postponing th vote till all Its friends
are present A call of the house of
long duration mav he necessary tc
bring In absentees, hut no Intentional
delay Is looked for Burly In the ses
sion both factions agreed not to place
obstacles In the way of a speedy de
termination of a question that was ac
Important Issue In the last campaign
Capital Removal Favored.
A committee of the house Is ready
to report favorably on a bill to sub
niit to the people a proposition to re
move the capital from Lincoln It It
predicted thst the bill will pass bots
hoiis- I but no f.t vote has her"
taken m the question and Its fate li '
nnknown. The proposition as It Is u
M submitted by the ttltl Is unfavorably
to Llticidtt In thai the question to 1
voted upon Is shall the capital be re
tinned irom Lincoln If none of th
many candidates for the licet get a
majority of all the votes, the twe
towns receiving the highest vote ar
to have thetf names placed on a ballol
St a second election and the one that
obtains the highest vote Is to lie th
new capital Opponents of the blh
contend that It Is Illegal in form and
thai it cannot pass
Escheats and Cheats.
State Ijind Commissioner E. B
Cowles Is firmly convinced thai th
state of Nebraska Is losing money try
Ing to prevent aliens from acquiring
title to lands in this state. The pres
ent law will be changed If hills now
pending are passed. The law wat
passed more than twenty-five yeari
ago. when It was feared English lordt
would gobble up most of the land In
the state and establish landlordism
Discussing the present law, Commls
sloner Cowles said:
"Under act of the legislature or 1899.
section 71. chapter 77, the atate ae
cured 640 acres of land In sections 24
and 25, 30-52, Morrill county, known
as the Fawcua land. This land was
appraised by order of the court In ac
cordance with this act. The apprais
ers fixed the value at $6,6S0 and this
amount was paid by the atate to the
alien heirs and the land became a
part of our public school lands. It
was appraised by the county commis
sioners of Cheyenne county at $1,650
for rental purposes and the rent which
the state receives at 6 per cent is $:i!
If the amount wllch the state paid for
the land to prevent aliens from hold
lng It had been Invested In bonds bear
lng 41-.. per cent Interest It would bring
Into the school funds a yearly Income
of $298 3.Y Therefore, under the law
of escheats, ns applied to this partlc
ular section of land, the state cheats
Itself out of $200 a year Doe It pay
to prevent aliens from falling hHr to
lands in Nebraska?"
In the house oneof the hottest con
tests of the session resulted In the
Indefinite postponement of Eastman's
bill to appropriate $100,000 for an ag
ricultural school In the southwest part
of the state The finance commltte
reported adversely on the bill and the
report was adopted by a vote of 48 to
43. The author of the bill voted with
the majority In the affirmative so that
he may move tf) reconsider the action
of the house.
Plenty of Cork Screws.
There has been no official Investiga
tion of the report that every member
of the legislature carries a cork screw
on his keyring. The report does In
justice to the members. Of the 133
members It Is known that a few have
no use for a cork screw. Being resi
dents temporarily In a dry town, they
are tempted on every hand to use a
cork screw, but some refrain. How
ever, there Is considerable complaint
among legislators and employees In re
gard to the new rule of the Uncoln ex
cise board which requires express and
railroad companies and others ship
ping Intoxicating liquor Into
Absolutely Pure
Thm only baking
motto rrom Hoi
Ormmm of
Mrs. A. P. Tucker terminates an
extended and pleasant visit with
her sister. Mrs. Win. Rust, Jr., this
week, leaving for Lincoln Wednes
Rev. D, B. McLaughlin will prencb
at both services Sunduy at the First
Presbyterian church. The many
friends of Mr. Mclaughlin will be
glad of this opportunity to hear htm
before he leaves with his family for
the state of Washington.
Mr. McLaughlin has a host of
friends in Alliance and surrounding
towns and all regret to see htm
leal e
A 1I1 a I Invitation Is extended to
all to attend these services.
Thm la mor Oitir-h In Ihlf wrtlon of thi- fountrf
thin ill othrr dlaraai- nut toii' lln r. ami until tlx- I ml
tew yrani wi mippoard to br Incurable Vnt a trral
mn'iy mn M'H-tora irrinuiw-p1 it a local d!nmar and
Pfeacrtbaq local rcmwllr ami bv falling
to cure with leoaj tfMttntnt pswoajasaa It Incurable
Science ban provm Catarrh to be a conalltutlonal dla
cihc. and therefore reoulrea eonatllutlfmal treatment.
It ili a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by f J Cbi nrr
A Co., Toledo, Ohio, la the only CAmatltulloniil cure on
th" market. It I" taken IntcmalU In doaea from Id
drona Ut a teaanoonful. It acta dlreeUv i the WawS
a id miicoua aurfacea of the ayatent. Ther offer cm
hundred dollars for any cnac It fnila In cure, send
for rlrrnlara and teMlmnniala,
Aildreaa f, I i HIM V A K . Toledo. Ohio.
S Hd bv !rnrlata. ; c.
Take 11.11 Family I'llla foreonatlpalloo.
Notice of the Incorporation of "Tho
Railroad Men's Co-Operatlve Store"
will be found In this Issue of The
Herald. As will be seen by the pub
lished notice this company haa been
formed for the purpose of engaging
in the buying and selling of general
merchandise of every k.nd
The amount of capital stock is $10,
000, divided Into shares of $2 each.
The Incorporators are C'has. D. Reed.
Geo. L MUllken. and Don B. Wag
ner. The directors are Chas. D.
Reed. Ceo. L. MUllken, Don B. War
ner. 0. J. Nelson and H. K. Drlscoll.
Incoln ' These gentlemen are ull well-kno.-u
railroad men and the concern seems
assured success front the start. The
president of the company Is F. H.
Ilelpbrlnger anil the general manui
er of J, C. Lerry.
The location of the now tors ill
In tb building being vacated by
George Darling Just across the stree
i ..... ihe postofflce. Groceries will
to report bright and early every Mon
day morning the names of every per
sen who received Intoxicants during
the preceding week and also the place
when- manual delivery of the goods
was made. This rule Is said to be ob
noxious to some members of the legis
Intern who will soon vote on the lines
tlon of capital removal To some, life be handled exclusively at first, and
in a drv town is thus made more unen-' as 'he business grows It is expe I
lutable bv th. though, that the poljce SJj
department has their names stowed The ,,.,, wU1 )robabiv ,,e
awa, together with the amoint and ; for business on Mar h 1st. Watcj
the place where they got It and where1 (nr ,hPr advertUenu m s
It wjis d"!lver.'d. ,
"Is your name written theref" -vhen
isked nmong legislators, generally
mei'ns, "Have the pollie got yon num
ber?" Not Born a Democrat.
Senato- I. L. Albert, when taken to
task bv s Democratic COllongUS, SkllM
of Butler, for uot favoring SWIIes' par
titular form oi a direct legislation bill
Rev. Ware of Mullen, held servic
es at the Rptnoopnl church Sunday
morning. He will also be present
next Sundsy morning aud evening,
when Bishop Beecher, of Omaha,
w"l conduct Ihe services.
Rev. Ware is well acquainted with
neiiide und we would
commented on the statement of the be pleased to have hlni locate here.
d f st
). .. e uer it perhaps better
known as Dean Bencher tfo la one
Of th J b 'st known ministers in the
West, lnd it is expected thai the
ch Ifeh Will he crowded to hem him
next Sunday.
-miss ittez necK, who recently re-
senator fioni Butler, who boast
he wns born t Democrat
"I was not lorn a Demo 'rat." said
Sena'or Albert, "and I do not believe
any one should take credit to himself
tor being born Demo rat or a Mi th
odlst or a Presbv terlan. If a man V
patents have the good sense to all
themselves with a good poetical pintv
It is toi their credit, not to his but if turned from Valley. Nebraska, where
the parents remain In a pol'th al party i she huh l"" ' ing iu :he public,
long afte, thev should leave It. that ,,''" hi" ompelled to resign
. ., j . , . on accouni of poor health n that CM-
their disgrace and not the fault of the niate ;l()pollllt. H8 ,.egla.
Bon- Iry and money order dork in the Al-
Lady Who Fathered a Bill. liane postofflce.
Tanner of Douglas be ame facetious This is the nhnltttto which was held
when his colleague Morton of Doug by Miss Bertha Parkyn, which she
las. succeeded in getting a flag bill ttrt compelled to resign on account
tbreugh the senate commitiee ,.f ih of not "b' lo4,k afltr her
whole Morion Introduce I a bill at the !" v CnntO" and hold the
i i . j . a. position at the same lime
reest of an erthuable lady of Omaha Mjss ,.,.,. r(.nllv look lhe t.,vi,
The Ull reqimes the display of the M,.rvl(,. ,-xauiinat.oii in Alliance and
Mtkansl ten no pnhHc sehool hulMlnp I reoetved first pi e. uithough there
on certain hnlMnpi and on other day were about eight other applicants.
In commemoration of certain histoid . Iminediatel) upon the resignation of
Ml sveats, Washington's end Lincoln! MMM Parkyn she was notified and
birthdays are smot, the days sped j aVnsOSjte this position, which la a
fled Aftei siun one had moved to In
elude the birtln'av of the Introducer ol
the l.i'l Tanner arose to the occasion
"Mr Chnlfsnnn." said Tanner. "I
move to ln Inne the name of the lad)
who fathered the hill "
Me was prOMptl) ruled out of order
"Thieves in the House."
One mi in th of the legislative sessloa
has gone snd up to this time no on
ass told the story of the lady who 1st
at night aroused her husband, whe
was a member of the senate, and whta
pered in his ear: "John, there an
thieves in the house " "Msyt-e so." an
sweied the drowsy man. "but thert
ain't any In the senate."
' responsible one
Mr J, C. M Cockle, manager of the
Nebraska Land company, will soou
have a shipment of fifty blooded
Holstein dairy cattle from Illinois.
These cattle will occupy two cars
and will be sold to the farmers and
dairymen of Box Butte county. The
introduction of hlooocd stock of
this kind will be of great benefit to
this county, and in bnngiug them in
Mr McCorkle Is In keeping with his
plan of helping build up western Ne
braska. The date of sale of the
stock will be announce! Inter.