GOOD STENOGRAPHERS Are Always in Demand. Careful attention is Riven to the welfare of each pupil in the OK Commercial Department tan OF ST. AGNES ACADEMY ' ALLIANCE . NEBR. Call or Wrltt fir Intotnutun Ollwr and L. C. Smith Typewriters ytM HOTEL ALLIANCE EUROPEAN FULLY MODERN Equipment and service first-class in every department Cafe in Connection -Open Day and Night Or the left and across the street from the Burlington station SEE US about Rifles. Shot Guns, Loaded Shells, Ammunition of all kinds. The stock is large, the prices are low. Newberry's Hardware Co. I Need A fl TRAINED Man "Yet, I'm sorry, too, that you cannot fill the position, but what I need is a TRAINED a man who thoroughly understands the work." "No, there'! no other position open we've hundreds of appli cants now on the list waiting for the little jobs. This position calls for a TRAINED man. Good day." That's it. There's a big call for the trained man the man who can handle the big things -the man who is an expert. You can easily receive the training that will put you in the class of well-paid men. You can't begin to under stand how quickly the little coupon below will bring you success. Already it has helped thousands of men to better paying positions and more congenial work. It will cost you only a two-cent stamp to learn how it is all done. Just mark the coupon as directed and mail it today. The Inter national Correspondence Schools have a way to help you. During last year over 4,000 students voluntarily re ported better positions and higher salaries secured through I. C. S. training. To only this small per centage of our student body there was brought in creased salaries amounting in one year to over Two Million Dollars! Don't fill a little job all your life when you can so easily move up in the world. The Business ol This Place Is to Raise Salaries mm b the isac f rfc tkt C s International Correspondence Schools Ux 7M. Scraaion. Pa. Pleat eaplala. without further obligation oa my part, how I lII quality tor a larger aalaty la taa uotittoh bctorc whuh 1 have taiarhad a Booikaaptr Steooaraphri AoSiiwaf it Wmci Show -Card Write. Window Trumraef Cr ainitl Law Ctrl' Serrice Tte. Maw Ha iiataa ElecnicaJ Fiaiaerr cat Draflamaa He.,,,- Sup, Surveyor Stationary Fa tint rr Civil Ejujwti BuUm CcaaractM AictwVectutal Diaha Architect Stnirtural Fnnneei Baa baa Mtrtiag I A i ne -r 5lW mJ A'o cm W. C. T. U. Department Mrs. J. J. Vance. Press Supt. BP Jilt I B tat t Continued fntin lust wwk t ivas found t hat this poison blights that lino of evolution, no tnatttr In w form of life. You crtn take tM vegetable kingdom, whetber a beaut Iful flower that has been built up In recent year, or a wonderful vege table, and If to the water that you use upon It you mid some of thin l is, hi. you will find that the further evolution or form stops; and If yon persist you will find that this poison gradually consumes and devours the products of past evolution and tends to set the plant back to a lower stage of evolution as It was when it grew wild In the fields. You take the animal kingdom and the same re sult will be found. A little kitten brought up as an alcoholic, when It Is grown, will not play with a string and has no Hpeclal interest in a mouse, and you will finally wipe out all the processes of evolution that have developed in the kitten since It, was domesticated by man. Dogs will have no more care for their mas ter than would a wolf, and 6,000 years of evolution In the dug family will be blotted out. You take the In dian, in a very short time you will turn a peaceable Indian Into a sav age. Those who have watched the effect of alcoholic poison upon a black man will find It will take an Incredibly short time to blot out all the reBults of evolution since he has been in clvlltzitlon and put him on a level of cannibalism. Take the nob lest specimen of the white man and watch the debllitattng effect. A nan who would not harm an Insect is turned into a brute and he will be guilty of inhuman acts. You can take a man with a high sens, of honor, a man of noble an cestry, who would cut off his hand before he would stoop to a dishonor able act, and you can note the pro cess of degeneracy until you will soon find you cannot depend upon his word, he will become careless of his obligations, his moral Bense will become blighted and be will even be cruel to hts own flesh and blood. A record was kept for one year of cas es of murder in the United States und it was found that , cases were where men killed their own wives while they, through alcohol, had degenerated toward the savage state. An appalling fact." Alcohol poison not only destroys life ten thousand times more does war, but it also acts contrary to nature and degenerates. Nature continually tries to make each gen eration higher and nobler than the preceding one. if parents do ought to destroy this tendency the result Is shown In their offspring. Some claim tiiat the barm done by alcohol is due to the abuse of it, and pride themselves upon the temperate use of it. Again some claim that the URe of ulcohol for themselves is not wrong, but advocate total abstinence lest their example might cause some weaker person to become a drunk ard. Nature dose not stop to con sider whether a person is a moder ate drinker or a drunkard. The temperate drinker has enough of the poison In his system to produce de generating results. Captain Hobson brought statistics to prove this, gath ering them from the Investigation made by the British government at the time of the Boer wur, when they found that their men were not meas uring up .to the requirements. proor nrougnt was tins: i ney i cated ten large families In which both parents were alcoholic, and ten living in the same conditions who were teetotalers. The ten families of alcoholics had fifty-seven chil dren. Of these children, ten were deformed, six were epilep tic, six were idiotic, and only ten normal, or an even seventeen per cent. Of the ten families of teetot lars there were sixty-one children, and all these were normal except eleven and five-tenths per cent, and i hey ware not seriously abuoriuaj. Of the children, eighty eight ami five-tenths per cent were normal In the one case, and only seventeen per cent In the other." Again he says, "A man might take chances with himself, but if there is a spark Of nobility left in his soul lie will take care bow he would allow his voluntary actions to affect, in such a terrific way, the lives and eternal destinies of those whom the has given him the power to bring in to the WOrtd. It was found that, in ie smallest quantity, alcohol is a poison. It has no food value. if you take one glaM ot beer, your ef ficiency will be lowered eight per ( tut If you take three glasses of beer, or Its equivalent a day, at the end of twelve days your general ef- ' ficiency will have been lowered from twenty-five to forty per cent, vary ing according to the kind of work I you are doing. Thai will give you a true measure lot t lie effect of this poison upon the nation'! produotivenees. There are fifty per cent of all our people who i!i ink on occasion. They must cer fiily lone, conservatively Mt I mated, .t! less) ten per cent of their efti two billions of dollars. "The total amount expended for an, I because of liquor Is f 1 ti.iMMt.O'Mt,. Nf There Is therefore, forty dollars of economic loss for every dollar of revenue. When this natitpi expends l,Of,000,Q0 a year for appropria Hons, we try out In dismay What shall we say of I tyrant that has no congress, but has a ven large share In our congress What shall we say of a tyrant that sits upon a throne and Imposes a bun! i of sixteen and one half billions fot the purpose of destruction and dogciter any, It some lnvatler came to this land anil took away from any llihab want the products of his farm, this country, if need be, nuuld go to arms. Here we have a destroyer who conies down upon us cer eiir ami takes away from out people more than the proline's of all the farms, forests, mines and fisheries combined, as though It look away from the nation, mother earth, the hind ami the water together. Would you not ay that it was not only the right but the duty of the state to put an end to any such tyranny?" Alcohol Is lowering the standard of citizenship By its use our law abiding citisens are changed to crim inals What Is the duty of society towards a destroyer that not only strikes at Mm prosperity of the peo ple, but also at their character and moral natures? "It la estimated by scientific men that the standard of citizenship in great cities like Phil adelphia, New York and Chicago, al ready has been so lowered as to he a menace to Belf-Rovernment, and that there are enough degenerates in the great cities who are at the beck and call of the power that made them degenerates, to disrupt self government ami liberty within these great cities. "It Is high time that we pledged ourselves, the best that is In us, to destroy this destroyer that Is strik ing at the standard of our cltUen ship and the character of our peo ple, that would actually blast our chances not only of taking liberty but of carrying the Gospel to the world. When we strike at character and lower Its standard, we are block ing the fray for the Gospel and the Christian religion. "It Is the tirsl duty of any state to protect the lives of Its people. I cannot be true to my facts without regarding the saloon Institution as a wholesale assassin. The state not only has the right but It Is Its boun dsn duty to protect the lives of Its citizens. This is not only a question of the life of the individual ctUlSn, but It is actually a question of the nation's lit'.' Itself, and the first law of nature the law of self-preservation gives the state and the fed Oral government not only the right, but the bounden duty to strive as fast as possible to put an end to this deadly traffic. You recognize now what is at stake. What Is your ver dict? I have given you the cold, hard facts. No statements that I haev made can be successfully chal lenged, nor Is there any attempt to challenge them; they are vital truths. I ask you what Is your verdict? I will pronounce It. We reached a conclusion as to the individual, that the only reasonable life in this world Is a life o totafl abstinence. We now register the verdict of society and the state, namely, that this great destroyer itself must be de stroyed. It Is written in the book of fate that this great destroyer the liquor traffh shall be destroyed. But the almighty Is nut coming down to the work himself. He has placed this work In our hands. Therefore. I say to you, although you may have I feats, build up strength upon de- Premium for Getting mm : ft In . rntgL, with verse do not let depression ami de- is, -ou rage you, but realize that mighty effort to destroy this destroyer, we are in line the great forces of the ttni L. B. WILSON VISITS ALLIANCE District Manager of Nebraska Tele phone Company Makes Business Call. Sidney Exchange Purchased. i ney. That means a lowering of I eonneciioos rs ner cent in the productiveness 1 Chicago, etc oi our nation Then for the five per cent who are heavy drinkers or drunkards, we must assume the) lose eighty per cent, which means a l ss of four per cent in the nation! prodtM i Ironeas. The sum total msVss at I, ast twenty one and one half er BSnl lots That means that last year the uat ion was short In Its pro dii'tntness, through Hie que of al cohol over IT.O'iO.OOO.tMio. Adtl m this the amount of the drink bill last ear, und the money expend. ,i for institutions for the Insane, the poor, etc., the support of courts made necessary by liquor. What do you suppose the total revenue collected last year from the liquor was? I., - than 1500,000,000. Yet you will tin, I communities under the astounding fallacy that the liquor traffic is good for the business of the com munity. and as an argument they will cite the revenue received. for every dollar of reveuue. impose rive dollars of taAutttiii L, B. Wilson, district ttfuagtr of the Nebraska Telephone Company, who list si been in Alliance several times since this company acquired the local phone exchange, was pleasant oaller al The Herald office last Friday. Mr. Wilson was accompanied by (i H. Pratt, the superintendent for Nebraska, with heatiqunrt ers in Oiiisi ha. Mr. Pitt) covered Hiis district with Mr. Wilson and was very pleas ed at the good condition of the ex changes. The Sidney exchange w as purchased last Wednesday by the Nebraska Telephone Company, from J, W. Harp er, erho has been the owner and manager. This exchange will be greatly improved this vear The North Platte exchange will also be entirely reconstructed this vear. over $40,000 being appropriated tor placing the latest style of phones. etc. A copper toll line is to be run from .Ittlesburg to Sidney, Sidney to Alliance, and from Alliance to Edge monl. Tins will give Alliance phone with Denver, Omaha, Mr Wilson left Saturday his home in Grand Island. noon for ADDRESS WANTED The Herald bus been asked for the address of Mr Ham Hall, formerly of Box Butte county, but now locat ed In California Anyone who can give us his address will confer a favor b culling phone Mi or ad dressing The Herald office - i a . GYM CLASS GROWS the crime, pauperism and insanity ! produced, and that amounts to over The BuslnesH vt..,. - Oy mnasiiiin class at the High school Is contlnu j all growing. Several new members i were added the last week. The! meetings will continue to be held i every Tuesday and Thursduv ex en j In, Philip Nohe and Prot Williams., ' directors. you, Application for membership cm for i be made to auy member, or Oeo. J. i New Subscribers THE HERALD'S list of 1,500 readers is the larg est in Western Nebraska. Hut there are many people who do not get this paper who should read it, so we are going to plan for 500 new subscribers during the year 101 i. That's a bir increase but we know we can ret them, and if the n idct s of The Herald who ap preciate the complete news we are giving will each one boost a little we will haxe no trouble in getting that number. To each lady sending us one new subscriber we will give absolutely free one of the most useful house hold articles ever invented, and something that cannot be purchased at any store, as it is a patented article and by purchasing 100 of them we secured the exclusive right of this territory. JtBSSj(--' ' ''" -WjalBlltjnaaaaa aPsSt-a, - ' - '"-aaalWataal Vgaaam COLUMBIA SIJALKR AND COVER TRUER for Masoir Fruit Jars. This tool is designed to securely tighten and easily loosen covers on Mason Fruit Jars, and by the use of the roller attachment to smooth out uneven and damaged edges of covers so that they may be sealed, thus saving covers, fruit and labor. The regular price is fifty cents each. Address The Herald Publishing Company, Alli ance, and with the remittance and name of the new subscriber ask for one of the jar sealers. It will be sent to von at once. The Grocers' Delivery SCHEDULE LEAVING THE STORES Daily (Except Saturday) 1st Delivery 9:00 a.m. 2d " 10:30 a. m. 3d " 2:30 p. m. 4th M 5:00 p. m. Saturdays 1st Delivery 9:00 a. m. 2d " 10:30 a. m. 3d u 2:00 p. m. 4th " 4:00 p. m. 5th " 6:00 p. m. If you order OIL or YTNK(iAR have a can or jug ready to empty our vessel into. To insure getting your goods on any one of the deliveries you should have your order in at least 30 minute! before the deliveries leave on the above schedules. Don't expect deliveries to be made other than the above arrangement as it will keep us busy to follow the schedule. All customers have the same service witlf above system as the town will be divided into districts anil ali districts delivered at the same time. insist on having the System to serve you and you will get your ; nJs with greater regu larity than you do your mail. Duncan & Son - : Phone 32 A. 0. Rodgers - - Phone 54 Mailer y Grocery Co. - Phone 128 Alliance Grocery Co. Phone 56 Hand, president, ! retary-treasurer. or K (J. I .ait.., sec- New Queensware Line I have just added a new, full and complete line of Queensware. Hy stock includes everything in this line. See the beautiful hand-painted Chinaware. Cut Glass and Silverware. The quality is guar anteed and the prices are right. I. L. AC H ESO N ALLIANCE