The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 02, 1911, Image 5

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    Classified Advertisements
A classified advertisement will in
troduce to each other the next buy
er and the next seller of property
in this town.
Pardev's cottage bread is baked bv
expert bakers and is good to eat-
Lovers of ovsters should go la the
Keystone. Oyrters shipped direct to
us from the oyster beds. We haudle
the New York Counts. Try them. You
can get them in any quantity.
42tf F. B. Dismer.
Four room house for rent. Mrs.
Iloldridge. 8-2t-5:?8
HOUSE FOR RENT. 4 rooms,
modern except furnace. V. F.
Knight, Phone 512. B-tf-474
Buy your stoves of T- J. Threlkeld,
401 Box Butte Ave- 43-tf
A classified advertisement will
bring you applications for that va
cant room, or for that vacant place
at your table.
Have you a vacant house to rent?
The Herald office has many calls for
houses to rent. Adveitise it iu the
want-ad columns of this paper- Rate,
five cents per line per insertion. They
bring answers. 51 -tf-337
of fine Box Butte County land sev
en miles from Berea and eight miles
from Hemlngford, In the best farm
ing part of the county. Can all be
farmed and lies very well. This land
is priced right and the owner will
sell or trade it. What have you to
offer? Address, "W" Herald of
fice. 47!t-6-tf
RELINQUISHMENT for sale at a
bargain price. Small house. Will
stand close inspection. Good reas
ons for selling. Address "S", Her
ald office. 7-tf-t!i4
WANTED TO BUY Want to buy
eighty acres of Box Butte County
land cheap. Must bear investiga
tion and be on reusouable terms
Answer at once, addressing, "T"
Herald office. 480-6-tf
160 acre farm seven miles from
Minatare. 30 acres under the Tri
State canal and balance under the
Government canal- 25 acres under
cultivation. House, baru, cow stable,
etc- Price only $40 per acre. Address
Jos. Mofutt, Minatare, Nebr.
The Fort Berthold Indian Reserva
tion Information Bureau, Ryder, N.
D. will furnish you information re
garding the opening of the same.
1280 acres, six miles from Hemlng
ford, 480 acres under cultivation, all
fenced, house, barn, granaries, well
and windmill and tank, large potato
cellar. Will rent for cash or share
of crop. Possession given March 1.
For particulars, address P. O. box
986, Alliance. Nebr., or call at Her
ald office. 8-tf-528
LANO FOR SALE. A quarter-section
seven miles west of Alliance.
Forty acres under cultivation and
raising fine crops every year. The
forty will pay for the quarter in a
couple of years. I will sell this quar
ter cheap If taken quick Terms,
reasonable. Address, Herald
office, or phone 340. 8-4t-5.14
City property bought and sold.
O'Keefe Brothers. 2tf424
FOR SALE Koomiug house. For
particulars phone 152. 5o-tf-3i8
Good, nine room house, four blks.
west of postofflce, for sale at a bar
gain. Call at residence 421 West
Third street or phone 659.
518 (72t) (ll-2t)
sale cheap. Located in best residence
section of Alliance. Built for a home
but owner finds it necessary to sell.
Big. light rooms; pleuty of closets;
modern bathroom with fine fixtures;
big lot; fine porch; and house is entire
ly new. Easy terms can be arranged.
Address J, Herald office. 47-11-252
I sell furniture and house furnish
iugs cheaper than anybody. T. J.
Threlkeld. 43tf
Farmers, ranchmen, and everybody
else find E. 1. Gregg & Son's the best
place to buy flour, feed, poultry food,
and stock salt. 49'tf-M4
FOR SALE Underwood typewrit
er number four. Slightly used but
in very best of condition. Owner
needs the money and will sell cheap
for quick sale. Full particular, at
The Herald office. Phone 1140.
6 tf 488
nearly new model one L. C. Smith
typewriter. Guaranteed to be- in
good condition. Reason for selling,
do not need the machine. Glad to
demonstrate it at any time Price
very cheap for cash, or easy terms.
Phone 340 or call at The Herald of
fice. 6tf-487
FOR SALE A fine bakery audi
eiife in Alliance. Hu b.-en ostab-1
lished three years and It a money
making proposition. Present owners I
will give good reasons for Moiling.
In good location for both transient
and city trade. The bakery does a I
big business. This is a fine busi
noss opportunity and will bear the
closest investigation. Address. "N"
Herald office. tTN-fi-tf
Monarch and Colorado Coal Of
fice Gregg's Feed Store. I'hone Ml
It. Vaughn. 3-tf 442
A classified advertisement will
introduce you to the loser of the
article you've found an introduction
of mutal importance.
Furniture and housefurnishings at
the right price at Threlkeld's.
Attention Is called to the adver
tisement of the new premium which
The Herald is offering for new sub
scribers. This fruit Jar opener and
cover truer are taking "like hot
cakes" and the supply will soon be
gone. Send in the name of a new
subscriber and get one. They're
mighty useful and cannot be purchas
ed at any store.
Now is the time to buv your Brown
Leghorns. Call or write me at 024
Box Butte avenue. Alliance, Nebr.
B. H. Perry. 41 tf
For Sale Good team of work hor
ses. Age three and four years. Also
good harness and wagon. Call
phon- 5. ' 3-tf 450
FOR SALE--One registered Short
Horn Bull, 5 years old. One Here
ford bull, .". years old. Phone 596.
P. J. Nolan. 6-tf-485
Fat hogs and cattle wanted. We
want to buy some good stnff to butcher.
Drake & Barb, Phone 50.
4ytf 308
A classified advertisement will us
ually eliminate the objectionable
first syllable from the word impossi
ble. The best equipped shoe shop iu
northwestern Nebraska is run by M. D
Nichols in the rear of the Alliance Cash
Shoe Store. First-class work quickly
done, at reasonable prices. 4otf
Frank H. Palmer, general auctioneer-
Satisfaction guaranteed or no
charges. Phone 687 Blue, Alliance.
Nebr. Can leave orders at Herald
office. 53tf-38o
The C W. Wav U Architects,
Hastings. Nebraska, will furnish you
with plans specifications for any
class i(i building you wish to erect.
Ask them for information. iatf
Buy your china and glassware of
Notice, farmers and ranchmen: If
you have good, fat hogs or cattle to
sell we will pay vou the highest market
price for it. We want nothing but
good stuff, but will pay ou good prices
if you have what suits us.
Drake & Bark, Phone 50.
Have your pictures framed at
1 uielkeld's-
Money to loan on real estate. F. E.
Reddish. ' 3-tf..
Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poultry
food. Best goods. Prices right. City
deliveries made promptly. E. I. Gregg
& Son. Phone 155. 40-tf.2Q4
B. M. I. U. No. 4
Alliance, Nebraska. After April 1
our scale of wages will be seventy
cents per hour. 6-tf-491
Your orders will be delivered
promptly. Monarch and Colorado
coal. Office Gregg's Feed Store
Phone 666. M. Vaughn. 3-tf-442
FOR SALE. Household furniture,
including one bass viol and several
tents. Rev. D. B. McLaughlin, DOS
Missouri Ave: Phone 589. K-3t-535
Watch the advertisements of T. J.
Threlkeld in this department. He
cays it pays him. It will pay you.
Try them.
WANTKI) TO BUY. A good milch
cow. Must be fresh or giving pleat
of milk Must be healthy and gen
1 1. Will pay reasonable pric e Ad
drees, T ", Herald office, or phone
40. 8-tf 536
The Herald Publishing company
will handle a beautiful Hue of calen
dars for the year 1912. The main
Hue will be the product 01 UiS 1...
ler Paper company o; Chicago I'M
ported calendars will also be printed.
On acopunt of the fact that it will
not be necessary to pay commissions
to traveling salesmen the prices are
much lower than ordinary.
TlM Me Issue of stock of the Al
lleBce Creamery Air Produce Company
is now ready and can be secured at
the Creamery. There Is still BON
stock that is not subscribed for; so
anyone wishing a good, safe and pav
ing investment can secure some of
tlii; slink by calling before It is ail
sold. Also help tv bo'i.?t a good
Manufacturing Industry In western
Nebraska. 7 2t futfc
' I M
U'p want to bnv good, fat bogs and
cade to butcher.
Dram Ukh, Alliance, Phone v
2qtf 308
Upholstering and
Mattress Work
Have secured the services of an
upholsterer. Those desiring work of
this kind leave orders or phone 207.
T. J Threlkeld. 2t -449
The Lincoln Daily News will be
mailed from now until April 1st for
only 25 cents, giving you all of the
legislative news right straight from
the cnpltal city. A bigger offer yet
Is a combination of the Lincoln Daily
News, Weekly Independent Farmer
and Monthly Poultry Topics, all three
mailed to one or separate addresses
from now until April !. 1912, for only
$2.25 not much more than half price
A splendid big family dally news
paper, clean as a whistle and bright
and snappy; a slxteen-pnge weekly
farm and home magazine, and a
monthly poultry paper full of practi
cal talk about chicken raising Read
lng for all members of the family,
and you save the money by buying
all three of them at once. Address
The Lincoln Daily News, Lincoln,
Nebr. 7-2t-4!5
Want ads of reasonable length for
pai tie- de-tiring employ ment will be
inserted two times iu this department
free of charge-
S. Glidden has returned to Alli
ance and is readv to do all kinds of odd
jobs of work. Phone 166 red. jutf
Work wanted by experienced lady.
General housework or work of simi
lar nature. Phone 840, Herald of
fice. 8-2t-r.;i"
Low prices and easy terms on
high grade pianos. See the Crancer
Company, Ida M. Ross, Mgr.
The renowned Lyon & Healy pi
anos can now be purchased in Alli
ance of a resident dealer. See the
advertisement in this issue of The
Herald. 8-tf 525
Threlkeld sells china, glassware and
lamps cheap.
$80.00 per month straight salary
and expenses, to men with rig, to
Introduce our Poultry Remedies.
Don't answer unless you mean busi
ness. Eureka Poultry Food Mfg.
Co. (Incorporated,! East St. Louis,
III. 8-4t-52a
Govenmant Pays Railway Mail
Clerks $800 to $1,400 a Year
Free Scholarships Are Offered.
Uncle Sam holds examinations for
railway mail clerk, postoffice clerk
or carrier, custom house and depart
mental clerks. Prepare at once for
the coming examinations.
Thousands of appointments are to
be made. Common school education
Is all you need; city and country
people have equul chance. Start to
prepare now free Information. Free
scholarships this month. Write im
mediately to Central Schools. Dept.
B-624, Rochester, N. Y.
Let tne frame your picture. T. J
Threlkeld. 43 tf
If you like The Herald subscribe.
Every piano we Bell Is guaranteed
Only high grade instruments are
sold. Let us show them to you.
Crancer Company, Ida M. Ross, Mgr.
In the matter of the estate of
I' i W. Tracy, deceased.
I, L. A. Herry, County Judge of
Box Butte county, Nebraska, hereby
notify all persons having claims and
demands against Petet W. Tracy, de
ceased, that I have set and appointed
the .'ird day of September. 1911, at
10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the
County Court room in Alliance, for
the examination of all claims against
the estate of said decedent with a
floe to their allowance and paviiionl
All persons interested as creditor!
of the said estate will present
(heir claims to me at said time, or
show cause for not so doing, and in
case any claims ure not so present
ed by said time they shall he forever
This notice shall be served by
publication thereof four consecutive
weeks in The Alliance Herald, a
newspaper published in Alliance, pri
or to the clay of hearing.
Given under my hand and seal of
said court this 1st day of February
I Seal County Judge
Depart merit
The city well Is very nearly coin
Carney Shepard Is now in the Bool
hail v. i h Hubbell,
Fred Nimleschnelder and Mr Akers
were up from Mallndtt last Thursday
Quite a crowd attended the show
Wednesday night
Pa Sampy vvas a passenger to Al
liance Monday.
Hushnell has now taken 1 hargo of
(he Rockey Air Son store.
Luke Phillips spent a couple of
days out home the first of the week.
Hyron Fosket and son George of
Sioux coUBtjr were in town Thursday.
B. V. Shepherd returned home
from his visit In the eustern pari of
the state and Iowa
Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Sprouls, who
went to Pennsylvania last fall on a
visit, returned Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Zajlc left for a visit
with Mr. Heincall an I family in
Heckler, Nebraska.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Curtis,
a seven pound baby boy, Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Sprouls returned
home Wednesday from their pleas
ure trip.
Helen and Lucile Huss nnd Klsle
Green took Sunday dinner with 1 .11
Ite and Daisy Calm.
Rev. Washburn of Lakeside preach
ed Monday night In the Methodist
Mr. Foskit has bought the Garvy
house. They expect to take posses
sion of It as soon as possible.
Mr. and Mrs. Kinsley of Sioux
county are in town visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Phil Michael.
Several of our Hemlngford boys
went to Marsland Sunday afternoon
to see the ruins Of the Saturday
night fire.
Win. Curry, son Robert and daugh
ter Nellie, wont to Chadron Satur
day to attend the golden wedding in
honor of Mrs. Curry's mother and
Omar Scribner had 11 little misfor
tune Sunday while cranking the auto.
The crank flew back and struck him
in the face skinning it quit badly.
Mrs. Waddell has moved Into the
hotel. He sure and stop In and see
her before you think of going any
where else. Good meals and nice
clean rooms at a fair price
Mrs. John Humpy returned home
from Sheridan where she has been
taking care of her father who has
been very sick for the last two
months, but Is much better at pres
ent. H. E. Jones' familiar countenance
was seen in Hemlngford a couple of
days last week. He is interested in
some mining propositions, and he
and his family now reside in Den
ver. Grandma Kendall, mother of Mrs.
C. H. Burleigh, came up from Lake
dde for a visit in Hemlngford. She
eighty-one years of age, but is
active and does not hesitate tn
travel alone. In so doina she is
she " every kindness and consider
ation ; the trainmen.
Whi.v in HemiliKford yesterday
The Herald editor called at the of
fice of Dr. McEuen, and had the
pleasure of meeting him and his
better half . The doctor has
large practice which keeps him busy
much of his time, and Mrs. McEuen
was assisting him In "rlsrhttnst an"
his office.
Hutton & Clark, the real estate
men, are preparing for a booming
business the coming spring and sum
mer, for which they have good pros
pects M . Hutton, the senior mem
ber of the firm, is in southwestern
Iowa on business, and Will I. Clark.
the junior member, is looking after
the home end of the business dur
ing Mr. Mutton's absence
Mr and Mrs. N. J. Kinsley sold
their Sioux comity place to Mr Scott
ami departed on Tuesday for their
old home in eastern Nebraska where
they will reside in the future. While
regretting to lose them from western
Nebraska. The Herald wishes them
prosperity and happiness iu their
present location, surrounded by the
scenes of former years
Chrig in
next week,
had a good
clerking In M Johnson's torc
where she has p.lven fXtell 11
Isfactlon ns a saleslady.
We are please. I to note that I if
Little continues to Improve In health
Although there has been a large
demand ft r his service, he 'r de
lined since bin return to Homing
ford to make any drives Into the
rountry until Tnoidaj of this "reek,
when he went out to I rank Vauwh'i's
place, ten tulles south of, ro
Ine. and t' lurnlng in Mr Vaughn's
nut o
At last Hemlngford has hotel ac
commodations that are a credit to
the town As will lie seen bv the
Heralds a d vert Islng columns. Mrs
Belle Brown has opened the "drown
Hotel'' first door south of the First
State Hank, and is 1)0 VI prepared to
giv e the traveling public first class
accommodations. She hits leased the
building mid also the rooms OYOf
the bank, which she has furnished
nicely end which give ample room
in a COnYOUtOni location. Persons
who have been taking meals at Mrs
Brown's In the past, as tunny of our
readers have, need not be told that
the meals which she serves are al
ways good.
One good turn deserves another
and of course one good biscuit fol
lows another. The chnllenge of D.
W. Butler for a biscuit eating con
est Is hereby accepted, the same to
take place on next Xmas day, bis
cuits to be eight ounces each. The
bout Is io run twenty-six rounds and
I desire Tom McCandless ns referee,
as an old fighter always makes the
best referee.
However, I wish to state that no
restrictions must be placed on my
wagering on Butler, as 1 know I am
not In his class. And I also whih to
state that I will not be responsible
in case of serious consequences on
Absolutely Pure
only baking
to from Hoys
Oroam of Tartar
HO lime phosphate
Dr. Oliver McEuen
Physician and Surgeon
SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women and
Children and Gnnito Urinary Organs
All Mill answered promptly day 11 night
Alliance is to have a new moving
picture show. Mr. Wm. Wler will be
here from the eastern part of the
state about the 17th of the month
to prepare for the opening on the
first of next month.
This show will be located In one
of the towntown buildings, probably
ti cross from the postofflce, and will
use the latest films, using the ser
vice of the Colorado Film Exchange,
securing their films from the local
Caha, successor to Anton
the hardware and farm lin-
business, reports an in
trade. He is expecting a
of implements to arrive
Otto I'hrig, who has
deal of experience in
letting up and handling farm imple
ments, will continue in Mr Cabas
employ during the summer.
Rockey & Son have gold their
large department store, except the
furniture, to H. 1.. and Cbas T, Bush
mil. operating as the Heininiiford
Mercantile Co, the latter named
gentleman having charge as inanag
er. The senior member of the re
tiring firm, Mr. Isaac Rockey, retains
the furniture department, which he
will continue to operate.
Rev. A. If. Washburn, pastor of
the M. E church at Lakeside, has
been in Hemlngford tioee Monday,
assisting Rev Burleigh and Cox in
the union revival meetings These
meetings have been running for a
bout four weeks and we are in
formed have created a good inlereM
and have bc'ii Quite fruitful They
will close next Sunday.
Miss Nellie Carter left yesterday
for her homestead iu the northwest
part of Morrill county, going via
Hayard. Last spring she taught
school in the V inten district, eight
een miles west of Hemlngford, com
pleting eight years of teuchtng. As
a change from teaching she has been
"I never felt so near my grave,"
writes W. R. Patterson, of Welling
ton, Tex., as when a frightful cough
and lung trouble pulled me down to
100 pounds. In spite of doctor's treat
ment for two years. My father,
mother and two sisters died of con
sumption, and that I am alive today
is due solely to Dr. King's New Dis
covery, which completely cured me.
Now I weigh 187 pounds and have
been well and strong for years."
Quick, safe, sure. It's the best rem
edy on earth for coughs, colds, la
grippe, asthma, croup and all throat
and lung troubles 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottle tree. Guaranteed by F.
J. I '.1 en nan 8-4t
The boxing match at the Younkin
Theatre Tuesday night between Ar
thur MucGIrl and Jack Fit.,erald
has been pronounced one of the
classiest ever seen In Alliance
The bout was refereed bv Wm.
King who filled that poeltlon admir
ably He allowed no clinching and
kept them boxing from start to fi.i
ish. MaeCiti hail the best ol it in iu
fighting and Kit had steam behind
his blows, sit hough neither man
seemed tlist r.-saed during I be bout,
which was declared a at the
end of the tenth round.
The manager of MaoQIrl stated to
The Herald reporter that he would
match MacGirti who is welterweight
champion of Colorado, agains any
man in the world a! one hundred
and forty t wo pounds
By a cure-defying stomach trouble
that baffled doctors, and resitted all
remedies he tried. John W, Moddere,
of Moddersv ille, Mich , seemed doom
ed. He had to sell Ids farm .mil
give up work His neighbors said,
"He can't live much longer ." What
ever I ate distressed me," he wrote,
till I tricl Klectric Bitters, which
worked such woadera tor ma that 1
can now eat things I could not take
for years. It's surely a grand rem
edy for stomach trouble.'' Just as
good for the liver and kidneys Ev
ery bottle guaranteed. Only 50c at
!' J Brennan's. X 4t
The fountain of youth has been
discovered. This Is not a patent
medicine advertisement but a simple,
plain fact. And the great secret Is
to be found here in Alliance.
What Is It? Why, It's the bust
ness men's athletic club, which was
formed last week and which meets
1 very Tuesday :md Thursday even
ing at 7:. '10 at the High school gym.
ilul you ask, "Why should It ba
called the fountain of youth?" If
you vvill cotnc up just one evening
1 and look on, at the men who take
the training, ages from sixty down
to twenty, you will begin to hunt
around for a suit of gym clothes be
fore half the eevnlng Is over.
The following members have al
ready Joined, paid their dues, and
are attending regularly: J. 8. Sher
man. Dr. Geo. Hand, ('has. Phlfer,
Frank Carter, H. I). McCormlck, C.
Wit ham. Frank Brentian, Lloyd
Smith, Webster Bernhardt, Lloyd c.
Thomas, John W. Thomas, Harold 8.
Thomas. E. G. Laing, l. E. Romlg,
Prof. G II. Williams. I,. L. Kirk,
Prof. E M Meyer, I'hilip Nohe, Phil
ip Nohe, Jr., John II BeaOh
Applications are In from more.
Two hours an evening two times a
week will add years to your life.
I letter gM In. Make applications to
any member. They're all boosters.
"My wife wanted me to take our
boy to the doctor to cure an uglj
boll," writes D. Frankel, of Stroud,
Okla. "I said, Put Btt klen's Arni
ca Salve on It.' She did so, and It
cured the boil In a short time."
Quickest healer of Burns, Scalds,
Cuts. Corns, Bruises, Sprains, Swell
Ings. Best Pile cure on earth. Try
it. Only 25c at F. J. Brennan's. 8-4t
There will be a reiigfeMM srvicco
for men at Younkln's Theatre oa
next Sunday afternoon at 3:N O'
clock. There will be good singing
and special music. There Is a plau
on foot to hold a men's meeting ev
ery Sunday afternoon. It Is desired
to make the first on" a success. Rev.
A. L. Godfrey will deliver (he ad
dress. All men are cordially invite I
to attend this meeting.
8. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala
hus a justifiable grievunce. Two
thieves stole his health i Ivvc .
years. They wen a liver aad ku.
ney trouble. Then Dr. Klags New
Life rills throttl d them, -le' sett
now Unrivaled for Constipation,
Malaria, Headache, Dyspapejt. ... ,
at F .1 Brennan's. 8-41
Although several beudrod oxtrra
copies ot the last issue of The Her
ald wen printed, tin- edition was en
Urely exhausted by Saturday. Ono
iopi was sent to each ot the fire
en whi were hire during the cou
ro.ltiOU, ami the local firemen sent
y a giwai muny.
A classified advertisement s
renting agent, and the busiest
Searles I Searles
tf years tn Lincoln
Bl'l-i 1AL1STS IN
Uiroulc and
Nervous Diseases of
Hen and Women
Gall Stones ft Piles
removed without an
Mrtllnn All Aim-
eases 01 ine mone. 1 nroati. cunp, 8 torn -sch.
Bowels. Liver, Rheumatism.
ture. Vaiiocel. Kidney and Bladder.
All Diseases and Disorders of Men
AH Examinations and Consultation
FREE, Charges Low, Quick Cures.
Cji or write for booklet, P. O. Box ttl
of rice hours 9 to 11:30; 1 to 4; nights 7 to
Dr. Searles & Searles, Jdcio0 n
Mks. BELLI Brown, Prop.
First Door South of First State Hank
Hemincrford, Nebr.
First-class rooms, clean and comfortable,
meals. Lunch coudter in connection. Short
served at all hours.