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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1911)
Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" arc ClftMMM under appropriate headings for tin- convenient 1 of readers Cash Ka i ks Five cents ier linn each insertion. No ad re ceived for less than ten cents per insertion CRBDlT Katkh Five cents per line each insertion, bill no ad- ertising account opened for less than twenty tive cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. GOOD THINGS TO EAT LoVCra of oysters slioulrl Ro to tlie kt stone. 0) r ters shipped direct to us from the ovster heds. We handU the New York Counts. Try them. Yon can Ret them in am quantity 42tf F. B. Pismfk. TO RENT OFFICE ROOM for rent with or without furniture, in McCorkle build in; See . C. McCorkle 01 phone a8t. 53 tf J86. OFFICE ROOM for rent with or without furniture, in McCorkle build ing. See . C. McCorkle or phone 281. 5Vtf-38f WANTED TOjWENT Have you a vacant house to rent? The Herald office has manv calls for houses to rent. Adveitise it in the want-ad columns of this paper- Kate, five cents per line per inseition. Thev bring answers. $1 tf-337 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 160 arte farm seven miles from Minatare. 30 acres under the Tri State canal and balance under the Government canal- 25 acies under cultivation. House, bain, cow stable, etc Price only S40 per acre. Address Jos. lloFFITT, Minatare, Nebr. 441-'95 FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY City property bought and sold. O'Keefe Brothers. 2tf424 FOR SALE - Rooming house. For particulars phone 152. 5o-tf-3i8 MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE for sale cheap. Located in best residence section of Alliance. Built for a home but owner finds it necessary to sell. Big, light rooms; plentv of closets; modern bathroom with fine fixtures; big lot; fine porch; and house is entire ly new. Easy terms can be arranged. Address J, Herald office. 47-252 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I sell furniture and house furnish- .1 T f ings cheaper man anvuoav.--l. j Threlkeld. 4.Vtf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES For Sale One-half interest in haiilware Inisi-iu-s Carrie line nf harness hikI has best equipped tin simp in western Ne bfllkli Firm Ik doing fnfld business. KCMOfl for selling is pour health. For particulars address. Hanlw are. care of Alliance Herald. It-tl POULTRY. ETC. Now is the time to buv you I Brown Leghorns. Call or wtite me at )24 Box Butte avenue, Alliance, Nebr- b. h. Perry, 4 t-tf LIVE STOCK For Sale (!ood team of work hor ses. Ane three and lour years. Also BOOd harness and wagon. Call phone B. :t-tf-450 FOR BALK -One registered Short Horn Hull, ." years old. One Here ford hull, .'I years old. Phone MO. P. J. Nolan, 0-tf-486 FOR SALE Now right nwm raoMonce proper ty Modern. Great wurlfhe If sold at once Inquire at this office J. K. Hill. ::i5 Big Horn Are t Jt t4 Pictorial patterns Stuckeys HOUSE FOR RKNT 4 room, una, em except hirnOOO. VY F. Knlghi. Phone Bit. 6 t f 474 Paittey'e cottage bread is baked hv rxeit bakeis and is good to eat- FOR BALI A fine bakery ami COti in Alliance. Has been estnh Unheal three years and l; a money ranking pmpoaltton Praawtu owneri will give good reasons for selling In good location for hoth transient and city trade The hakery does a big husltiess This Is a fine husi uess Opportunity and will hear the closest Investigation Address. "N" Herald offhe 47N t!if a FOR BALI 01 TRADE IW at roi of fine Boa Btttte County land sev en miles from Herea and eight miles from llemingford. in the best farm ing part of the county. Can all he farmed and lies very well This land is priced right and the owner will sell or trade it What antra you to oiler" Address. "W" Herald of fice 47'Mitf HOGS AND CATTLE Fat hogs and cattle wanted. We want to buv some good stuff to butcher. Dkam- Bahh. Phone 50. 4(jtf- jo.S REPAIRING The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is tun bv M. I). Nichols in the tear of the Alliance Cash Shoe Store. First-class work (juicklv done, at reasonable prices. 4otf AUCTIONEERS Frank H. Palmer, general auctioneer- Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges. Phone 677 Blue, Alliance. Nebr. Can leave orders at Herald office. 53 tf-380 ARCHITECT The C- W. Way Co., Architects. Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans aud specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. iqtf MISCELLANEOUS Buv vour china and glassware of Threlkeld- FOR SALE -Nice oat straw and shock corn. One mile west of Alliance. A. R. Wilson & Son. Box 1053. 52tf375 Farmers, ranchmen, and everybody else find E. I. Gregg & Son's the best p ace to buv flour, feed, poultry food, and stock salt. 4y tf-2q4 FOR BALE- -Vnderwood typewrit er number four. Slightly used hut in very best of condition. Owner needs the money and will sell ( heap for quick sale. Full particulars at The Herald office. Phone S40. 6 tf-4SS Position wanted by young man who -- nnv honcHl work Phone 340. B Anderson. 0-2t-486 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Let me frame your pictures. T. J- OFFICE ROOM lor rent with or without furniture, in McCorkle build ing. See J. C. McCoi kle or phone 281 Buy your stoves of T. J. Threlkeld, 401 Box Butte Ave- 43"tl Notice, farmers and ranchmen: If you have good, fat hug ,r cattle to sell we will pit ..hi the highest market price f 01 n. We want nothing but gOOtl -1..:!. but will pay you good pi ices if you have what suits us. Dkakk & Baku, Phone 50. 40tf-3o8. Have oui Thielkeld's- pictures framed at Threlkeld. 4.5 tf Money to loan on real estate. Reddish. F. E. i tf- Every piano we sell la guaranteed Only high grade instruments are sold. I jet us show them to you. Crancer Company, Ida M. Ross, Mgr. 2-tf-428 s!AJu5Ai5!i Low prices and easy terms on high grade pianos. See the Crancer Company, Ida M. Ross, Mgr. 2-tf-428 FOR SALE MERCHANDISE Threlkeld sells china, glassware and lamps cheap. Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poultry food. Best goods. Pi ices right. City deliveries made promptly, E. I. Gregg & Son. Phone 155. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Want ads of reasonable length for parties desiring employment will be inserted two times in this department fi'ee of charge Situation wanted as clerk tu store by young lady. Phone 5N2. 53-tf-400 S. Glidden has returned to Alli ance and is ready to do all kinds of odd jobs of work. Phone 266 red. jytf TYPEWRITES for BALE. One nearly new model one I. C Smith typewrite;-. Guaranteed to he in good condition. Reason lor telling, do not need the machine Clad to demonstrate it at any time Price very cheap for cash, or easy terms. Phone ;:!! or call at The Herald of flee. 6-tf4N7 Furniture and housefurnishings at the right price at Thielkeld's. NOTICE To give the public better accomo dation for securing their laundry at the office, the Alliance Laundry will remain open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. in. every working day, except Saturday when we will be op en until p. in. This takes effect January 1st. 1911. MM27 JOHN C. BCHOMAKBR, Manager WANTED TO BUT Want to buy eighty acres of Hox Unite County land cheap. Must bear imcstlga tlon and be on reasonable terms Answer at DO CO, addressing. "T" Herald office 4X0 tf -.. THE CHIROPRACTOR Adjusts the cause of your disease anil you me restored to normal health. Chiropractic will do for you what it has done for others. Try it. The most wonderful results follow chiropractic adjustments. The cause is removed anil health restored No drugs or knife are used and quick results are obtained. Call on, write or phone to A. M. WARREN, Chiropractor. Office in Opera House I Hock, room number two, phone number IS, Alli ance. Nebraska. 4tf-46S. HAPPY RESULTS Have Made Many Alliance Resi dents Enthusiastic. I SELL GOOD COAL Your orders will be delivered promptly. Monarch and Colorado coal. Office Gregg's Feed Store Phone 000, M. Vaughn 3-tf-44l THESE WANT AD COLUMNS are read by 1,500 subscribers every issue. Advertise your wants. Results count. 47t We want to buv good, fat hogs and cattle to butcher. Dkam Jk Baku, Alliance, Phone 50. 2ytf 308 OFFICE ROOM for rent with or without furniture, in McCorkle build ing. See I- C. McCorkle or phone 281. 53 tf-3SG LAND OFFICE NOTES Interesting News of the Government Land Office at Alliance. Applicaticnj for Final Proof. Press L Wilson, Glen. Nebr N '2 of NK V 8R v of NK ',. W H. 8V of BR 4, Section I Ma il Mlton Bates. Scottsbluff. Nebr 1 F of SW i4. :;;i -4 r.r, Public Sale of Land. On March 1!. P1 I Ihere will be a sale of lots :', and 4, iii section B-17 41, Contests. Knud Jensen Win Btttlof BW 't- IM04I. Charge, abandonment Joed Drake Itrown vs Joel Hrown. Bl of L'4, N t and Si: of j;, N :.:; Charge, abandonment Hearing to be given March 14. lilt, John Pilkington vs Thomas II Lous dale NV of 110-41, SW ol 81 -144 1, N Vi of .M4t. Charge, abandonment Hearing to he given March I I, 1011, Thomas Fisher s Levi T Tlnglev SW of I8-HI-.14. Charge, abandonment John Fisher vs William Cotton W of NW i4. NW i4 of NY 4, 1-1004. Charge, abandonment William I,. Jacobs vs Arthur Smith. Lots I 2 8-4, SF of NK 14, SW of NW V4, 24-36-46. 'liarge. abandonment . Ferdinaoi Tronkto, Jr. vs lohn s. Dnka Charg, abandonment. rTmnda m Hnlatnnd vs Frederick p Logan LOt 4, Section ;;; Lots 1 and 1', sec tion 4; K M of N B '4. H Mi 01 BE ',. Section :!4; W 'L.. SW of SF. section ;!5; 21-42. Charge abandonment lleaiing, March IB, Itll. Win. Chriatenaan s w m 11 Mnld en. 8 Vs. 8 M Of NW 4, S of NK V4, :n-;i5-47. 'harge. ahtindonment . Allen H, Morris vs Dora Surprise. N Vs. lot :!, K of SW 1,. SK Vi. :to-2fi-55. Charge Is speculation No wonder scores of Alliance cit izens grow enthusiastic. It is enough to make anyone happy to find relief after years of suffering. Public statements like the following are but truthful representations of the daily work done In Alliance by Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. I. am. 1 Dickinson, 107 Yellow stone Ave., Alliance, Nebr , says: "I was afflicted with kidney com plaint for many years and had about all the dlfficultlee that accompany this disease. I finally commenced using Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at (Yed I, Holsten's Drug Store and they disposed of the pains In my back and corrected a difficulty with the kidney secretions. 1 also tried Doan's Kidney Pills in my daugh ter's case and they strengthened her kidneys. I do not hesitate to recom mend this sterling remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fosier-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the U nited States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other, 2-2te Bids Wanted for Delivering Goods The Merchants of Alliance, Nebr., are going to inaugurate a co-operative dei livery system and the following (inns will consider bids and propositions from responsible patties to operate the system. Desch & Birkel, Alliance Grocery Co. A. D. Kodgers. G, W. Duncan, Saiton & Roach, Watson & Watson, I. W. Herman, I. L. Acbeeou, Mallerv Grocery Co., Phillips GfOCen Co. i tf 390 B. M I. U No. 4 Alliance. Nebraska. Alter April I our scale of wages will be seventy cents per hour. i-tf-4!i Notice of Attachment B. P. Grinstead, first name un known, will take notice that on the lad day of December. 1910, W. S. Ridgell, a Justice of the Peace, in and for Alliance, 2nd ward precinct Hox Butte County, Nebraska, issued an order of Attachment for the sum of ($80.80), thirty dollars and fifty icnis, in an action pending before tltm wherein W. W. Norton is plain til1 and H. P. Grinstead, first name Unknown, is defendant. That the property of said defendant consist ing of one lot of household goods hove been attached under said or der. Said cause has been continued until the 2nd day of Feb., 1011, at one o'clock P.M. M . W. NORTON. '!-4t Plaintiff. HARRY P. C0URSEY We expect to continue this depart ment in The Herald and our readers who are Interested will find the lat eal news up to Thursday of each week . 11 H) work h pe early Al! Butte Art Studio We do Enlarging and Commercial Work Kodak Finishing IIIIII1IUIIII4H444IIII 04 I II 1 1 IOO04400M I II I 114 I Olid Aiitlioiioer Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS KEASt iNAHLK PhoneM ALLIANCE. NEBR. CITY LIBRARY The official annual report of the library board is made at the end of the fiscal year, but we wish to make known to the public the condition of the library at the end of Its first year under city administration, hence this report. The iibrary was first opened Jan. 10th, PHI!', by the Woman's club, who furnished funds for Its malntalnance hie first year and for the purpose of a large unmoor of books, among oth ers being contributed by friends of the tnatltuttoo. Jan. 1st, I!I0, the Wotnun's elttb turned over to the city the library in thriving condition, with an oyer In creasing circulation and over eight hundred hooks. Steady growth has continued, nil til at present the 1 In illation is more than one thousand hooks each month. Dec. :: 1st was the Iniiner day of the year, ninei -seven books befa check ed out (iood magazines have been placed upon the reading table and are being used by the public. Students in the public schools, are making use of reference and histor ical books a- well as the ntOgnSlnOB, With regard to the library build ing, some progress lias been made The site purchased and plans drawn ami submitted to Mr. Cat itenli for approval The building committee have advertised for bids upon the of erecting the buldltns, and to have It under way In the aping. things considered, it is with a feeling of cheerful optimism that we respectfully submit to the public the following report of the work done by the library on the expendi tures neeeeeary for its maintain ance font Jan. Let, nun, to Jan. tat, 1!H I : No. of books turned Over by Woman's club 81!" Books purchased 15S Hooks donated S4 Total number volumes Hit borrowers' cards issued 4;!7 Fines collected $71.01 Fxpenses paid from fines.. .. PJ.'.'a Balance for hook fund 58.76 Kspendii ures paid from city librai v fund Librarian's salary t00.0f Rent 9&.00 Light and fixtures :!7 Hooks and magazines 114.04 Printing 21.45 Supplies and blank books. .. 25 50 Architects retaining fee 50.00 Miscellaneous 25.:'.8 Total $726 MRS .1 BOWAK, Librarian - ' ' 0 Deafness Cannot Be Cured by loml auiairutumic. si ttiry runrxa isail UM dl eaaed portkm of (Ur nr. Itu-iv U SSIf " u lc riirr ilralm-HM, ,'nj I tu 1 I tl ciMIMlll utliMltvl rvt,Lti!M4, iM-atmuM U fuilNt-d t,t 1,11 Inttlliu-U ruiiiilUiMi or lli n iiiiUik ol tin. Kiularliuui 'lulv. Wl tin.- tut- U luftam'-U you tuvt a rumolliiK SSSStt of bS lTf,',-( heuruiht. ami t.. i. U Im milri-ly rloMU r .ti n-M u tlw r. kiiiI uiilfu Um liiltaiuuiAUoij caui ut t.ikm out ami im, rmtoi,-,! to u rioruul ciairtl lion, hrirlun t,ll br ilr.iroyrd lon-vrr. 11U1, . oil ol irri art- oau-l b Calarrli Kliub la saUMM l.ul an i , . .1 'r.o ot o.t- mucoua aurfaen,. W Vm St (N11' Hun dr,d Ixrflara lor all) Of UaslSMkl ISSSSM by calarrtii dial camioi tr oustvfj by Hull a Catarrh fun- Hrnd lor rirriilan. Im r. J CUCNCi 0O., lUt-do. . Hold by lriiK..'lt4 laar II ol a t'auilly c .,- tr i imuUimIiuo. LA8T CHANCE TO GET A HOMESTEAD The Fort llert bold Indian Ueserva tion Information Bureau, Kder, N. D. will furnish you Informal ion re garding tht) openiug of the same 5 4t 455 "Th us of alum and salts of alumina in food should bo prohibited." - Prof. Wood. Harvard Vnhr. Safeguard Your Food by Using Always DnPRICrS Baking Powder Made from Grapes Its purity , wholesome ness and superior leavening qualities are never questioned. Fifty Years the Standard Save 12 to 20 per cent On Your Grocery Bill We are at all times able to make Special Prices on Canned Fruits and Vegetables in case lots. The Gaiety Brand of goods is of the Extra Fancy Grade and guaranteed in every respect. 6 Cans Gaiety Red Pitted Cherries .. ("'35c each $2.10 6 Cans Gaiety Black Blackberries. . . " 30c each 1.80 6 Cans Gaiety Red Raspberries " 35c each 2. 10 6 Cans Gaietv Gooseberries " oc each 1.80 Total $7.80 This assorted case of Fruit for $6.85 saves you 95c. 6 cans Gaiety Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple , . vi 35c each $2. 10 6 cans Gaiety Peaches "35 each 2. 10 6 Cans Gaiety Apricots " 30c each 1.80 ) Cans Gaietv white Cherries " 3 5c each 2. id Total $8. u We can save you some money on this case of Fruit at $7.55 i) ( ansGaiety ReUlgteeStriitg Beansf' 1 jVjc f ich 1 05 6 Cans " Telephone Sifted Peas V 17I2C " 1.05 ()L.ans main f ack sweet vorn it'ic i.os 6 Cans " No. 3 Tomatoes .... " iVic " .75 Total o 3.00 Save 65 per cents by ordering this case of Assorted Vegetable tor $3.25. Alliance Grocery Co. Phone 56 New Queensware Line I have just added a new, full and complete line of Queensware. Hy stock includes everything in this line. See the beautiful hand-painted Chinaware. Cut Glass and Silverware. The quality is guar anteed and the prices are right. I. L. AC H ALLIANCE N