We have a full line of fresh meats, at that are as low as quatitV will permit. phone orders will he given the same prompt tention that we give to those who call. prices Your at- t Beef Veal Pork Mutton Turkey Qiese Ducks Chickens Saxton & Roach PHONE 19 FIRE INSURANCE Exclusively We represent the leading Fire Insurance Com panies of the United States and the world. Have you investigated the standing of your company? You should. Are your floods properly insured? We give our entire attention to this business and are prepared to handle your business. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency JOHN SNODDY, Manager JfflMESUR I ' THE R E LI Repeating Shotguns USED IN THE U. S. ARMY. The U. S. Army authorities know a gun ; that is why, when they decided to equip some troops with repeating shotguns, they selected the Win chester in preference to all other makes. The experts of the U. S. Ordnance Board also know a gun; that's why, after submitting a Winches ter Repeating Shotgun to all sorts of tests, they pronounced it safe, sure, strong and simple. If you want a shotgun buy the one whose strength and reliability led the U. S. Army authorities to select it and the U. S. Ordnance Board to endorse it that's the Winchester. ABLE REPEATERS Suggestive Questions for January 15. 1911 Jan. 1Mh. 1911. (Conrritbt. tn. ty R t h LMM'sH, n r i ' sh's Qooi Reign in Jitdah. 2 CfcrOS xy:1-15 Uoldes Text Be ye strong there fore, and let not your hands b weak: for vmir w.irk shall be rewnrdrd. 2 Chron xv. (I.) VerMI 1 I What do you r.nrter- stnnd by ihc Spirit of (rod cor.-.'ng upon Azariah. and d men have b.iu tar oir---' nres uny? U.) Whcse SOU w.xs Aa nr-d what ras the character or his father? (3.) What victorious experience had Asa ttt1 Ind? t.5 What does It trail a man If he was rOhVOftei Mid lived a noble ll'e for many yean If he Is now living In iln? (5.) What Is the unyielding condi tion if we would perpetuate the mater ial or spiritual success of the past or the present? (This question must be answered in writing by members of the club.) (6.) In view of the uateral consti tution or things, why la it Issposslbie for God tO give any man material or plrtttU 1 succcrs who Is living out of b"monv wl'h Jod and the conditions which bring success? (7.) VtTM -What was the effect POB Israel when they did not worship the true Ood? (8.) Whut It the effect of true relig ion and education upon a nation? CJ.i Verse i Is there any evidence that Israel, when living without fJod was ever !;rosperous, or when living true to U')d. In adverse circumstances? (10.) Mow often may a nation or an Individual turn back to Ood ftftor hav ing forsaken hint (11.) If the sole motive In turning to Qod Is to bo saved from our trouble, how will (,od receive tis? (12.) Vers-ca 5-6 What are always the results of living out of harmony with Cod? (II.) Wiiat are the conditions to be observed. If we would have Inward and outward peace? (14.) Do ph steal, or mental troub les give us most "vexations." and whut would you say Is the greatest agony a man can endure? (li.) Why Is It right to say when a nation or an individual suffers as a re sult of wrong doing, that "(lod did vex them with adversity?" (10.) What Is the reason that those who are wrong themselves generally delight In accusing others and trying to hurt or destroy them? (17.) Is It possible for a nation to be permanently piosperous which Is untrue to (rodi I, e., to the moral laws that are found In the warp and woof of human nature? (18.) Verse 7 Is It possible for right doing to go unrewarded and how, and when, do the rewards gen erally come? (19.) Is tight dolr.g actually tinder our own control? (20.) Verses 8-10 Which la the greater Incentive to right doing the nobility, or the profit, of It? fit.) What are the rewards of doing right? (22.) Verses 11-12 What is the sac rlflce that God most delights in from us? (23.) Verses 13-15 Should the State compel people to be outwardly religious? (24.) Would you commend or con derhn the sentiment In verses 13-15? Lesson for Sunday. Jan. 22, 1911. Omrl and Ahab Lead Israel Into Greater Sin. I Kings xvl: 15-33. Have HAPPY RESULTS Made Many Alliance dents Enthusiastic. Resi SEE THE WHOLE WEST UNDER ONE ROOF. You Should Not Hail to Visit the Western Land Products Exhibit OMAHA, JANUARY 18-28, 1911 A great educational Land Show of (arm and orchard product from every state in the West. It will Ik- an actual and authentic demonstration of what be grown, the cost of production, the financial returns and favorable conditions under which crops are produced, so that te rested parties can obtain practical and accurate information. National Western Stock Show DENVER, JANUARY 16-21, 1911 Round trip tickets at reduced fares will be on sale from oints in Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming and South Dakota ask ticket agent for detail. No wonder scores of Alliance Izens grow enthusiastic. It enough to make find relief after clt-ts anyone happy to years of suffering. can the in- PubllC statements like the following are but truthful representations of the daily work done in Alliance by ho. ui's Kidney lMHs. Mr. Laura Dickinson, 107 Yellow stone Ave., Alliance, Nebr., says: "I was afflicted with kidney coin plaint for many years and had about all the difficulties that accompli n. this disease. 1 finally commenced using Doan's Kidney I'ills, procured at Fred E. llolsten's Drug Store and tliey disposed of the pains in my back and corrected a difficulty with the kidney secretions. 1 also tried Doan'i Kidney I'ills in tat daugb ler'l 'ase and they strengthened her kidneys I iS not hesitate tO recom me id this sterling remedy.'' For sale by all dealers i "tits. Foster-Milburu Co., New York, sole agents for the F nited States Kemeuiber the name Doan's and take no other 2-2tc CONDENSED NEWS j BSBStor St -phen B Elkins of Y est Virginia died at his Washington home alter a shotl UlSSOS Whlteluw Heid, American ambaasn dor to ('.rent Britain, retained to this country on the itSSSMT OStOMlO Ceiuiany's pig iron product tOfl for 1910 amounted to 14.TMJ netrle tons, an increase of 1 .S 7 ."..; m tons RevlSSd returns on the local option vol,. In OntSrtS show that twenty six mimic ii:-ilit ies baTt been added tO the "di column. T T. tJi ay, a prominent business limn of BSdSllSt Mo., died suddenly on the street there of heart disease He was seventy years old ( olonel Henry Watterson aud Mrs Wiitterson sailed on board the Amei Ika for Paris and the Itlviera, where they will spend the winter. Fire destroyed Crosssly Hail, at East Northfleld, Mass., one of the old est dormitories of the Mount Hertnou school for hoys. Ush, $100,000. Tony Wald, a shotflrcr, who wan en tombed by an explosion In mine No 6 of the Osage Foal company at Krebs, Ok la ., died before the rescuers reached him. Governor Haskell sent a message to the legislature that made no recom mendations, but was devoted princi pally to the workings of the bank guaranty law. Andrew Carnegie has declined to contribute toward a project to convert Ynanaya PolysnlSi the estate of the late Count Leo Tolstoi, into an Inter national pieserve. Three bags of registered mall, with contents valued Si S0,000i hae been stolen the last lew das In Han Frun cisro or on the Journey across the harbor to Oakland. The roof of a tunnel in a copper mine in Kio Tlnto, Spain, fell, bury ing many of the workers. Soon after five bodies were recovered and five In jured men w;ere taken out. Three large tenements In the heart of New York's Chinatown were wrecked by fire, which spread with great rapidity. One Chinaman is sup posed to be dead in the ruins and two were injured in Jumping. The executive board of the Amet ican Library association at its annual meeting in Chicago decided on Pasa dena, Cat, as the place of the next annual meeting to be held between May 18 and July 1. 1911. A determined effort to lay the foun dation for a reciprocity treaty between the Fnlted States and Canada was initiated when Secretary Knox wel coined at the state department the representative's of the Canadian gov ernment. Mrs. Kllen Changrow, a wealthy In diau woman of the Umatilla reserva tlon in Oregon, Is suing Nicholas Changrow, her ninth husband, for a divorce. She was divorced from sev cn husbands and another committed suicide. The civil suits of Scott Mclleynolds nnd Cornelius S. Ider,' both of New York, and .ludge John H. Bailey of Ottawa, O , against Qovemor C. N Haskell were set for trial Jan. 23 In the Fnited Stales circuit court by Judge Cotteral Edwin L. VYulman, principal wit ness for the government in the bath tub trust proceeding!, was arrested in his office in Pittsburg by a United States marshal and held under $10.onu bond lor his appearance in Detroit March b next as u witness. A compressed air tank, a part of the brake equipment of a trolley car in Pittsburg, exploded as the car was passing through the business quarter smashing store windows and show cists, cutting and wounding four persons, one perhaps fatally. Ti'ie lands, constituting about fit teen miles of harbor frontage and long '-e!d by the Southern Pacific aud other transportation interests, were declared l ubl'c property by Superior Judge Bnrdwell in a decision In a suit filed note than a year ago by the municipal hsrbor commission in lys Angeles. W. C. T. U. Department Mrs. J. J. Vance, Prsae Supt. Recently the Attorney (leiHTuI of the Fnlted States sent an assistant front the Debartmenl of lattice to the tt C f F Headquarters In Washington. D C , for data concern lug patent mOdlCltlM, as a case on this line was to come before the District Cfrttrt a, ami the) needed up todate Information UpOfl receiving tin- required data he expressed profound thanks to the ladies lor being able to help him so well. The National F. T. F. superintendents always keep mi b ind the most thorough and up do date information mid statistics regarding the subjects of their departments O new Literature Ituibling was ledieated at National YV ('. T F eadqiiarters in BvatlStOn, III., on December i This building was made possible by gifts from friends all o i the nation, unit was not begun uni. i sufficient nosey was on band to complete the payment of build ing Twelve states were represented at the time of dedication. In Ibis building will be published the offl Isl papers of the National V. F. T. F The Union Signal and the Young rusader; also other needed tern IH'rance literature. o The last saloon In Fulton, Ark., has been closed; making a distance of Itfit) miles between Little Hock, rk., and Dallas, Texas, where there Is no place that Intoxicating liquors an be bought legally. o Before the Holiday recess of 'on gress, Dr. Koch, ot Philadelphia vice-president of the Pennsylvania Board of Pharmacy, argued before the Mouse Ways and Menus Coin Dlittee for legislation to restrict tin traffic in bablt-forming drugs. He declared that ten per cent of the rc tail druggists of the Fnlted States are engaged in illicit business; that nearly fifty per cent of the criminal class are "dope" fiends, afid tin habit Is extending to the professions. particularly lawyers, physicians and trained nurses. Most of the crime In the south he altlrbuted to co came, on the ground that negroes huve an especial fondness for the drug. Of the Chinese In this country, he said thirty-five per cent smoke opl urn. More than 400,000 pounds of opium are annually brought Into this country, and he asserted that the debauchery from opium In China In the old days was no worse than the present conditions in this coun try. o In prohibition Kansas, 57 out of the 105 counties had no paupers last year. 4S of the counties did not send a prisoner to the Btate pent tentlary. S7 of the counties did not send an Insane patient to an Inst I tut ion. o The W. C. T. F. members of Creene County, Pennsylvania, have erected a ItftO.OO drinking fountain at Wayneshurg The inscription up on It is, "Honest Water that Never Left Any Man In the Mud." o Mrs. J. A. Schaffer, Colorado C. T. U. State Superintendent Work Among Ball w ay Employes, the first woman in that state to elected to the office of JUStlCS the Peace Her nominal ion came a complete surprise to Iter o The Union Signal says; Remember thai The saloon, as an institution no d 'fenders; only apologists. The best saloon Is so bad 11 should not be tolerated in any community. The saloonkeeper has two objects In view to make mono) and evade the law. The saloon, no matter bow well conducted, will sell your bo) liquor if it has the opportunity. The saloon is Hie iBCUhsfor for the batching of crlmtssla and pau pers. The saloon is the sorklnginnn's greatest foe, and robs bis family of life's necessities The ssloon not only takes your money, but t.ikes from you your rep utatlon as sell. The saloon br 'eds lawlessness, and lawlessness leuds to anarchy. The saloon fits a man to beat bis wife, pulverise bis children ami com mit every crime in the calendar. The saloon is Cod's worst enemy and the devil's best friend Bllmtn ate the saloons Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 316 Laramie Aiie. Phone 230 A. P. BALDRIDGE A rrKNEY-AT-LAW ABd (ft1 t Practice a Specialty Honclcd Alist r;ctcr ill Office In McCorkle Mock I ,n ml 1 Mcr lent In D . f. EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law LAND ATTORNEY Office First National Hank Bld. Phone Hn. ALLIANCE. NEB WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNIY AT LSW. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALLIANCE, IN KB. TivirBSooMir LAND ATTORNEY LonsMnarlmuMMtteoeiTei r s. Laod 1 mhc In KiiuriMiU'p for prompt mid iiftli lent Mrrlce. Office in Opere House Block ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA BRUCE W ILCOX 1. a wyer and Land Attorney riWtltl'HHT In civil courts .since IHP3 nod IteylnUr r. a, i.nmi outer from n:i to 19117. I n f' t -licit inn D) until 11 spoelitlty. OlttOl IN I AM' III-KICK llll 1 1.1)1 Nil ALLIANCE. - N I UN Ash A OBIS Col'I'KKNoLi, K J. PETBBSCN Res, ci '." MS I'hone :i Drs.Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Koomit 7, H and 9, Kumei Block i'hone 43 QEO. J. HAND, SHVSICtAH AND SLRdfcO Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND SI KG EON (Huccwimor to Dr. J. K. Moor) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Otnce hours 11-12 a-m. 2-4 P m. 7:SO-9 p. m. Officel Phone 62 Res. Phone, 85 H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Hhynlcian and Sir neon Phone 300 CallH aiiNwurt-d promptly day offllcn. onicm: Alliance Hntldlnv over the Pout Office. .'hi nul.i trow National Ram 91 of Ik he of IIH IlitH DR. CHAS. E. SLAGLE W 1TH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to fc.vejw Frank W. Boland. M. !. (Successor to Dr. L. W. Bowman) Kilmer Block. ROOOM II ami IJ oejeelwarSi I Ui IS. a. n 1 1 1" . 1 to I p Office Phone 63 Res. Phone 6t2 Dr. H. R. Belville PHONE Opera House BIock 167 Alltsnee, Nef Mexican Rebel Capture 14,000 Rifles. Washington, Jan. 7 Gustavo A. Maderoi u brother of Francisco Ma di 10, one ot the leaders in the Mex lean revolution, received u telegram i ion the headquarters of the rsrolv tiordsta in Cbihuahus teilisj of the capture of bet wees li,SO0 and 14,000 rifles which were bstSI transported to the federal troops T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer ALl.l KN PHOME I, 207 NKBKASKA iM GADSBY STORE funersi Director and Embalmer 1 1 M KM SUPPLIES Office PhmM408 K'"s Phone 510 D. Clem Oeaver, General Agent L4NDSEEKERS IM0RMAEI0N BUREAU 1004 Farnain Street, Omaha, Nel. Eight New Indictments Against Robin. New York, .Ian. 7.- Kihi new in Uictuienl, one of them superceding Price SO 1 the original, were found against to Buffalo.1 sse nh (1. Robin, the hanker and uromot er. Two more of his companies fell afoul ot the law, this time represented by the public service commission, which will order an inquiry into tbelr hooks HARRY P. C01IRSEY General Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS' KLASt iN AIil.K Phone 64 ALLIANCE. NEBR. DANDRUFF AND ITCHING SCALP YIELD TO THIS TREATMENT Why experiment Irving to drive the dandruH uerm limn underneath the skin with greasy lotions or lancv hair- dressing whtn Moisten s lrug Store will guarantee ZEMO and ZKMO SOAP to 1 entirely rid the scalp cl the germ life that causes the trouble. ZRMOaadZEMO soap ran he 0 taioed id any city or town in America and are recogni.ed the best and most economi cal treatment (or all affections of the skin ' or scalp whether on infant or grown per- j son. one snanipoo with f.v. mu suat and application of ZBIIO will stop itching and cleanse the scalp of dandruff and scurf. We invite you to try .KMC) and ZEMO SOA11 nd if not entirely satisfied we will refund your money. t Engine Blows Up and Kills Two. Sheridan, Wyo., Jan. 7 An engine on an east hound freight blew up on the Burlington right of way, instantly killing Kngineer Zumbrennen aud Brakeman Jone The scene of the disaster was 011 a grade two miies east af Rsochsater. Upholds Live Stock Board. Topeka. Ian ! The supreme court refused dissolve the Traders' Live Stin k exchange 0 Kansas City on tha ground that it ia a trust. The court holds the exchange must discontinue thi practice of boycotting traders oat tide of the orcanlzatloa. J. P HAZARD 5urveor and Kngineer, At I lAM I . M ItltASKa PaHlea nat of town sboaM writ, sa 1 am I nut in ebuf the time. UlMsTSea WUi not es I ceeil Tj ne ilinl eXielivs pel day. -B . . E. O. COOL Plumbing and Fitting All work guaranteed firt-class 1 M ic ni . -i i v rmi BASEMENT ZBINDENBLOCK ALLIANCE. NEBHA8K SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY "1 want to thank you from the bottom of my heart," wrote C B. Kader of Lewisburg. W. Va., "for wonderful double benefit I got from Electric Bitters, in curing me of Htoniach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my ca.te as though made just tor me." For dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheuma tism, Elect rie Bitter has no equal. Try them Every bottle is guar.in teed to satisfy Only 5lc at E. J. Brennan's 3-4t W. F. ROSENKRANZ Practical Blacksmithing and Wage Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty Shop on StCMia St.. hetwMi Isi tatte us! Latest ALLIANCE. NEItASHA NOTICE TO SETTLE Having relinquished my office and practice 10 Dr. F. W. Bowland, I will send statements to all who are indebted for medical services, and would respectfully request a settle ment of these accounts within the next thirty days without repeated notices from in. L W Bow man, M D. J-'t La ramie Ave. 4292tf . ... ,