HOLIDAY MEATS We have a full line of fresh im ats. at juices that are .is low as quality will permit. Your phone orders will he given the same prompt at tention that we jflve to those who call Beef Veal Pork Mutton Turkeys Qeese Ducks Chickens Saxton & Roach PHONE 19 FIRE INSURANCE Exclusively We represent the leading Fire Insurance Com panies of the United States and the world. Have you investigated the standing of your company? You should. Are your floods properly insured? We give our entire attention to this business and are prepared to handle your business. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency JOHN SNODDY, Manager I M JIMCHESTBK 9 THE RELI Repeating Shotguns USED IN THE U. S. ARMY. The U. S. Army authorities know a gun ; that ia why, when they decided to equip some troops with repeating shotguns, they selected the Win chester in preference to all other makes. The experts of the U. S. Ordnance Board also know a gun ; that's why, after submitting a Winches ter Repeating Shotgun to all sorts of tests, they pronounced it safe, sure, strong and simple. If you want a shotgun buy the one whose strength and reliability led the U S. Army authorities to select it and the U . S. Ordnance Board to endorse it that's the Winchester. ABLE REPEATERS Suggestive Questions for January 8, 1911 Jan. ith. 1911. (Ceprrlfht. Mt, by R ?. 9 UBSSBH, T D Jeroboam Makes I.lols for Israel to Worship 1 King xli iN vH:6. Uolden Text Thou shalt not make nnki the nny graven Image. Ex xx 4 (I.) Verse 25 Where were RH 1 am and iv-utel RlM.ated" (2 l Verse '.'7 Which tend I ion- to promote faithfulness to Ood, ad versity or pros i i t y ? Give your reasons? (1.) Is dotiht of (1od more of the head or t he heart and why? (4 Whiit roasOfl Is there to be lleve that If Jeroboam had bcn tnn to Hod he would have rested in con fldence that hN kingdom rotild never be taken from him? (See Chap. It lit.) (I ) Wan Jeroboam's doubt of his people caused by their unfaithfulness or by his own fear? (6.) What is the general result of doubting tHose with whom we have to do In the matter of faithfulness to us? (This question must be answered In writing by members of the club.) (7.) What would have been the probable results If Jeroboam had al lowed the people to go up to Jorusa lem to worship? (8.1 Verses 2S ?.) Did Jeroboam art wisely or wickedly In preventing the people from going up to Jerusalem to worship? QtVO your reasons. (! If you had been Jeroboam what would yet: have decided about the peo ple going 'in to Jerusalem to worship" (10.1 If Jeroboam had provided for purely spiritual worship at Bethel, and Dan. what would then have been God's attitude concerning not letting the people go up to Jeitisalem? (11. What was Jeroboam's real sin In this matter? (M.J Verses M4S How much aid are pictuies, painting, or statuary of the saints, or hish class music, to th spiritual worship of the unseen (kd? (IS.) What can you say for or against banquets, and similar func tions In the church, when they are not held for money making? (14.) What did Jeroboam mean the people to understand as to the signitl cance of two golden calves? (15.) Wa such public worship as Jeroboam established accepted by God as worship, sven If engaged In by Bom truly devout souls? (16.) Verses I 5 What constitutes a man of God? (17.) What waa the purpose of the visit of this man of God to Bethel? (1X.I What reason Is there to be lieve that God always warns sinners before visiting their sins upon them? (19.) How did Jeroboam receive the rebuke of the man of God? (20.) Do calamities happen to sin ners to-day outalde of the natural re suits of their sins? (21.) Who was the Josiah referred to in verso 2 and what did he after ac complish ? (22.) Verse 6 How often does God forgive sinner for their slna? (23.) Was the king sorry for his sin or for being found out, and what Is the difference? Lesion for Sunday, Jan. 15. 1911. Asa's Good Reign in Juduh. 2 Ciiron. xv:lla BOY TREATS SCHOOLMATES Lloyd Lee, son of Mr .and Mrs. A. I., was given choice by his ma ma of how he should spend his Xmas money, and the choice that he made was one that so forcefully exempli fies the Christmas spirit that It la deserving of special mention This is his first year In Alliance anil he is a scholar of the first grade in the Kmerson school. He chose to give his schoolmates presents, ac cordingly something was purchased for each of the other scholars of his room, the cost running well up Into the dollars. These beautiful presents were placed on h lovely ev ergreen tree furnished by a school mate, Robert Campbell. The teach er kindly gave her pupils the use of the schoolroom for this purpose Fri day afternoon preceding Christmas, and a Jolly good time was bad by all. SEE THE WHOLE WEST UNDER ONE ROOF. You Should Not Fail to Visit the Western Land Products Exhibit OMAHA, JANUARY 18-28, 1911 A grout educational Land Show ot farm and un liard product from every state in the West. It will he an actual and authentic demonstration of what can he grown, the cost of production, the financial returns and the favorable conditions under which crops arc produced, so that in terested parties can obtain practical and accurate information. National Western Stock Show DENVER, JANUARY 16-21, 1911 Hound trip tickets at reduced fares will be on sale from points in Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming and South Dakota ask ticket agent for detail. D. Clem Denver, General Agent UMISI I Kl MS IMORMAflON BLRLAU 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY "I want to (bank you from (he bottom Of my heart," wrote C U. Kader of LewishurK, W. Va., "for wonderful double bent-tit 1 got from Electric Hitters, iii curing me of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my case as though made just for me." Kor dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice and lo rid the system of kidney poisons that cause iheuina i ism. Klectric Hitters has no equal. Try them. Kvery bottle Is giiaran ' lo satisfy. Only 9c at K. J. ! 'ri'iuian's. ;-4t HARRY P. COURSEY NEBRASKA NEWS Wets and Drys Draw War Unas far Legislature. FIGHT OVER THE SPEAKERSHIP General Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone 72 ALLIANCE. NEBR- Quarkenbush Asks Leadership and Control Of Committees From Wets Rumor of Posvble Coalition Between Republicans and Democrats. Lincoln. Jan. i Neither putty nor faction yet has a reliable oi animation lor the convening of the Tim ly second Ncbrukai legislature today I H Quae dry Democrat, of Nemaha county cluims to have enough voles pledged (o elect him rcaker, and John Kuhl. wet Ucmo crat, oi Cedar county makes a similar claim Factional caucuses failed of results anil wet and dry committees oi six members each are now wrestling (or a i ompromlse. fvuackenbush came lo the wets de mamliug the speakership, chief clerk ship, chairman of the judiciary com mittee and a majority of the commit tee on committees. lie was offered in return the chair manship of the committee on Ju diciary: that Taylor of Custer should head the committee on enrolled nm engrossed bills; the drys to have the chairmanship of the committee on live stock and grazing covering stock yards legislation; Ihe peniteui lar committee and the privilege of naming the third assistant clerk, providing it should not be Trenmore Cone The wets agreed Quae kenbush should be ROOT leader, providing he be not made speaker, and he might name ah members of Ihe committee on commit tees, to be selected from whatever district he desired. Conference Committees. The conference committees were: Wets (lei del, lawrence, Skeen. Kotuc, Leldigh and Swan. l)i s i a. .oi , ijdney, Norton, Har rington, Hatfield and Liudsey. billing all this time (here was talk of a dark horse Democrat fur speaker in the person ot W. Z. Taylor oi Hitch cock county 'I ue republicans caucused at the Lihdeli. The majority declare thai with their forty-six members In the house, plus the nine recalcitrant dry Democrats, they could yet wrest con trol from the Demoiruis and organize the house, but four ot these forty-six Republicans are wets, fCager ol carter, Prince of Hall, Haller of Wash ington and Neir of Hamilton, and they declare that any man they support for speaker must he a Republican; that B4VOI will they vote for Quackenbush or any other Democrat. There is a move toward a coalition of dry forces The Republicans be lleve they could secure the support of the nine dry Democrats opposed to Kuhl for a man like Anness of Oloe. a dry member, and that he ought to be entirely satisfactory to the four wels. ENGINEER FATALLY HURT Fred Huxell Is Struck by Switch En Qine While Walking on Track. Sidney, Neb. Jau 3 Kred Huxell. aged twenty-seven years, u Cnion Ha Oiflc engineer, was ratally injured hern by being knocked down by the local switch engine while walking in tin. center of the lailroad track. TBI wind and snow was blowing a gab and the steam from the engine shin out the view of the engine's approach Huxell had been called to take his en glue east and was close by the watei lank when the fatality occurred H was thrown down under the wheels his led arm cut off at the shouldei anil his right arm cut off at the el bow. his head was cut on the side and his back and lower limbs budly bruised He had to be pried out from iinc'er the engine and was sent to the Cheyenne hospiial on a special train He has a wife and two mill children at North Hlatte r.OW OYER LIGHT WIRES Broken Bow C'ty Council Insists Com pany Use Only Insulated Wirss. BrOlHrl How, Neb. Dec. 31. A stato of discoid exists between the city council arid the electric light company which threatens some complications HBlOM the matter la taken promptly In hand and disposed of. Some low weeks ago. It appears, ihe council awakened lo the fad that bate copper wire was being exclusively used by the electric company In stringing Its lines, and a demand waa at once made on the cORtpBB) to discontinue Us use and substitute insulated wire MtfOttf! oal Manager Stern of the company says It Is foolishness lo use Insulate I wir' on a 110 oltage. hut where It In higher he Is willing to make' the sub stitution, providing the council takes official recognition of the work so It ni.iv go on record. Thus the matter stands at present governor Issues pardons Executive Grants Freedom to Haddix and Robinson. Lincoln. Jan. 2 W. S. Had tlx. who has been a convict at the stale peni tentiary for four years, was pardoned by Governor Shallenherger. Haddlx was sentenced by the district court Of Custer county to serve twelve ycnii for murdei in the second degree, on the charge of killing h man RSaBSd Butler on a farm near MllOB City The gov. m nor pardoned lames Hub Insnn of Mi Hherson count, who ktl'ei the fot email of u raiv b RohllMtO I ' sen ed nine years, eight Souths Bl I four days. Including good I Una H.i sentence was lot Hie. Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 31D Laramie Aue. Phone 230 REAL ESTATE MEN AT YORK Adopt Resolutions Looking to Better Advertisement of Nebraska Vurk. Neb, Dec 30 A large BOB)' bet of real estate dealers from differ ent parts of Nebraska atteuded the convention held here. Aftei considerable business pei rain ing to (he preliminary organization ot a state association was disposed of, the convention organized itself iuto a boosters' dub. and the many au dresses made were appeals to stand up for Nebraska, and boost for Ne braska real estate, the richest and most productive soil in the world Resolutions were adopted asking the legislature to appropriate 125,000 to be used by a publicity bureau Lincoln Officer's Experience. IJncoln. Jan 3 The statement of Joseph N Dolley. Kansas state bank examiner, rrlth ising the alleged In difference of (he Nebraska officers to the supposed rendezvous of Ihe bank robbers in south Nebraska was sup ported bv Chiei lames Malone of Lin coin He said that bis efforts as head if (he Nebraska Hankers' assoc iation ietective bureau to locate the gangs hiding place had not been frooiy aided The only appaicnt way of breaking up the g:'ng. which undoubtedly has headipiui ters in this state near the KbBBBI line, is through the co opera tlon of the two -.tales." he said A. V. BALDRIDGE A TTOKNEV-A T-I.AW Land Office Practice a Specialty Bonded Abstractor in rti ottic-o in MfOorfclc block, nest ! f. . I ."! I Kltee. EUOE Attorney at Law LAND ATTORNEY Office First N.itional Bank Bldg I'honetHo. ALLIANCE. NEB WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTOSNIY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BLIZZARD CLAIMS V CUM O. E. Wonderholm Hun Cver by Train While Walking on Track. Plattsinoiiih, Neb, Jan. 2 -O. B. VV'onderholm. waterworks pumpman, was round one half mile north of the depot, with his head i mplied and his neck and both legs broken. Train No It is supposed to have struck him as he was walking on the trac k against the blizzard. The body was carried 100 feel from the place where Wonderholm was struck. The deceased leaves a wife and one daughter. BRIDE LOSES HER MIND Mrs. Anna Strattman, Bride of Month, Becomes Demented. West Point, Neb, Jan 2 Mrs. Anna Strattman. a young and well known bride of a month ago, has be come suddenly demented without ap parent cause. The young woman was marr ied a month ago and Is a resident of Aloys, where her husband Is a well-to-do farmer. She has been taken to St. Joseph's Home at West Point, in charge of the Franciscan Sisters, and every effort will be made to re store her mental faculties. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALLIANCE, NKB. F. M. BROOME LAftD ATTOKNKY Loe g as psftenof sa Bees I vet 0 w. LitndiifHna In a gUHrnntCfi for prompt and ertlclent NrTli-e. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA BRUCE W ILCOX 1 a wyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil courts since isin itnd lleaUUr It. s. Land Omos from iiiU3toi(U7. Inrortnetfoa by mn Mwitty. onHi is land oavauB m ALLIANCE - NEBRASKA. Bond Fight On in Custer. Broken Bow, Neb , Jan. 2 Much In terest is being taken in the coming special election. Jan 9, when the proposition of a levy for the purpose of building a new court house for Custer county will be voted on. As win- expected, the affair has resolved Itself into a near division tight and both sides are kept busy in pointing out to the voters Just what they should do in order to be right In the meantime, county offices are scattered all over the business part of the city. To Advertise Nebraska Lincoln, Iter :n I'ndet authority of the stale association ul Commer cial clubs, a eOBtmtt tea, composed of s H McKetvae, adltor of the Nebraska Fanner ; K M. Mai in. editor of the Beatrice Sen, and Will A. Campbell, manager of (he Omaha COIBBMtrclal club publicity hutcaii. has been ut work on a stale publicity or advertis-i Ing plan Thin plan has beea fa ll worked out and will be presented to the Icgislal ure. along with a request, for a 23,o00 appropriation. Big Blaze at South Omaha. South Omaha Ian. I. OTra that broke out early this Baorolog de stroyed ReubcSB's grocery store al III North Twenty fourth stiec t, Sams' hanlwai-' store and O'l.eary's shoe store. The loss is SB.OO0 Kirene n worked under great difficulties, owing (O the storm. OKIE UQfPKRNOLL I' J. PKTEIWKN Res. Phone 211 lies. Phone 43 Drs.Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Booms 7, K and 9, Burner Block I 'hone 43 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND SI'ROKUR Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. h. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND HI RQEOM (BneOMBOt to Or. .1. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hours tl-12 a.m. "-4 i iu. T;ST- p, m. Officel Phone 62 Res. Phone, 85 H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Smgeon Phone 3rt(i QnUa simwered promptly day and night from off! be. Office: Allium-- National Hank HnlldlDK over the Post OIHce. drTchAusTE slagle dr. bell wood Special Attention Paid to Eye Work Frank W. Boland, M. D. (Successor to Dr. L, W. Bowmao) Winner Block, Rooms 12 unl ij Ofloe hours, k If s. as. 1 I tu t, 7 to - p m. Office Phone Kes Phone bS2 Dr. H. R. Belville IDEZLSTa 1ST PRONE 107 Opera House Hlo 1 AHiaeCa, Netr Flying Machine at Tecumseh. Tecumseb, N'eh , Jan. '! Hoscoe C. Gore of tins city has invented a flying machine He has been given patents upon the same in this and other coun tries Mr. Core will not divulge his plans, but it is said he has a sum e.s fully working model of his machin Explosion Killa Nebraskans. Wheatland, Wyo , Jan 2 Two workmen were killed and the two Kend brothers, contrac tors from Mor rill. Neb. were fatally injured by the premature explosion of forty kegs of powder used iu excavation work on the Sibbyle ditch, twenty Ave miles from here Wymore Man Arrested. Beatrice. Neb , Jan 2 C L. Wright of Wymote, who de serted his wife and three children two weeks ago. was ar rested at Manhattan. Kan , and lodged In jail. He has expressed unwilling ness to return to Nebraska without a requisition. Nebraska Pioneers to Meet. Lincoln. Jan 2 The Nebraska State Historical society will convene for Itl 1 hit tv fourth annual session at Uncciln, Ian 9. and continue for three das. meetlag loiutly wiih the Nebras ka Territorial PioMSfs' association. T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer PHOMB il Al.l.UM h. NKBKASKA SHE GADSBY STORE lunerdl Director and Cmbdlmer II MUM SUPPLIES Olfice I'tione 498 kes. Pboos 5to J. P. HAZARD 5urvOT and Engineer, All 1AM I . Nl It 14 ASK A Parties out of town hoald write, as 1 am out much ul iln iui.i-. OhMWee il not ex ceed .-ii and exp nws r cliiy . M B E. O. COOL Plumbing and Fitting All work guaranteed first-class PHI HM Wi I RID ABMSNT B IM O I N LOCK ALLIANCS. NSSRASKA W. F. ROSENKRANZ Practical Blacksmithing and Wagon Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty Shop ss Sscssi St.. between Iu Butts sal Isrsaas ILIANCE. NEBRASKA NOTICE TO SETTLE Having relimiuisneci my office and practice to Dr. V. W Howland, I will send stateiiitMKs to all who are Indebted for medical services, and would respectfully request a settle ment of these accounts it bin the next thirty duys without repeated notices from me I. I low man . M D. Zi Laramie Ave 42-S-tt