Plate BUM1 8ocleW Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. The Alliance Herald. Officii! Publication of Box Butt- County and Citv of Alliance VOLUME X VIII ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA! THURSDAY DECEMBER 29, IblO NUMBER 3 HfUci Worn M ear Bring ppine5Saiia Prosperity Happy New Year w ith C hristmas past, our hearts are mellowed w ith the mem'ries of full stockings and Christmas cheer. Though w e look hac k at the old year with mingled feelings of satisfaction and regret, let us look for ward to the new with hearts courageous. May nineteen eleven bring you great happiness. IVlav it bring you a prosperity such as you have never known. Command us for our share in your w ell-being. The First National Bank Alliance, Nebraska Capital, $50,000.00 Surplus, $50,000.00 Resources, $650,000.00 CHAS. E. FORD, President R. M. HAMPTON, Vice President S. K. WARRICK, Cashier H. C. NICHOLSON, Asst. Cashier PLOT TO MINE MANILLA HARBOR DISCOVERED Authorities discover explosives in house of Japanese. Ship of Japs seen in harbor at night. Omaha, Dec 29. Special to the Alliance Herald. A cablegram to one of the newspapers here stiiics that a Japanese plot to mine Man ila harbor for the purposes of blow ing tip American warships, was dis covered. It is believed that the mines WON to be placed in the navnl anchorite at the bottom of the harbor, and were to be exploded by wires led to the shore and attached to elec tric batteries. An unllghted ship, manned by three Japanese, is said to have been seen moving about the harbor for several nights. It is believed that they were making soundings and looking for locations to plant the mines. An organized search was made of the Japanese quarter yesterday and a quantity of high explosives found. A Jap spy was arrested on Cor regidor island yesterday and more arrests are expected. A JOLLY XMAS DINNER Mr and Mrs J. S. Sherman, of the Hotel AlHaBOC, served a Christ mas dinner to n few friends in the dining room of the hotel on Xmas dny. There were present besides Mr. and Mis. Sherman, Peter Ruben dall, wife ami son Ward; Miss Alex ander; Mr. and Mrs. l.loyd ('. Thom as. A covered object in the center of the table occupied the attcnl inn of the guests while the courses were being served, but no one VII allowed to examine it until after the fe.tst was over, when it was uncovered and proved to be a large cut glass bowl, filled with Nina presents, which were distributed among the guests. MARRIED Mrs. Mary C. Mayeock, of Alliance, was quietly married in Denver on Christmas day to Mr. Walter L. Zoll, of I-eyden, Colorado, by the Rev. Callaway of Denver. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. RETURNS TO LIVE IN BOX BUTTE COUNTY DR. A. GAISER, DENTIST. Office, Room 10. Rutner Block Phone 525. Alliance, Nebr. 42-tf j Floyd Trine, of Madison, Nebr.. I and one of the Herald's subscribers, I has returned with his wife to Box ! Butte county. They will make j their home west of town again on I the farm of Mr. Trine. LEAVE FOR THE COAST W. W. .Norton and wife, and Ward Norton and wife, will probably leave Alliance a week from next Sunday for Los Angeles, where Ward and wife expect to make their permanent home, living in the beautiful home given to them as a wedding present by Mr. Norton. Mr. and Mrs. Nor ton will probably return to their home in Alliance after the cold days of winter are over. MORE FIREMEN COMING Chairman Kldgell has received word that Norfolk will have a dele gation of forty at the convention. He has also received notice that the towns of Hebron, Lyons and North Bend are going to be represented. SMALL BLAZE The fire department was railed out at four o'clock Wednesday ii the SfterBOOB to the residence of Win McCoy, on Toluca Avenue, t small blOM was started in the burn by children playing but VM put out by Mrs McCoy before (lie dep.irt men arrived. The run was made in record breaking time and was a credit to the local department. Hot Drinks Have you ever had the pleasure of trying on' of Our hot drinks on i cold, chilly, raw, hlus tery day - There is nothing more Invigorating or more acceptable. We particularly rec ommend Hot Beef Hot Chocolate - Hot Malted Milk. Every one will satisfy the most fastidous taste and the most particular stomach. Wired ribbon for hair bows tuckey's. HUPMOBILE DEMONSTRATOR COMING 8. C. Reek, proprietor of the Rex Garnfj; purchased a new Hupmobtle automobile for a demonstrator, as this garage has the agency for this line of autos. The car will probab ly be here sometime this week. It is torpedo body, and the very latest 1M1 model. Drink one fountain. a t our TANKS STORM SASHES COUNTERS AND SHELVING fcfTA SPECIALTY A. P. LEE, Hgr. M 111 1 I I' l lt'H"H"HHt KENNEDY BROTHERS DENTISTS. Office in Alliance National Bank Blk Over Postoffice. 'Phone 391. A BQNAFIBE CLOSING OUT SALE I have purchased the entire stock of the Phillips Grocery Company because I wanted the location for a new store for men's clothing. I have secured the location and I am positively going to close out the stock of groceries, clothing and notions that are now in the building at less than the cost of the goods. Everything in the store s for sale, except three show cases, which I wish to keep. You can buy the counters, scales, anything and everything is for sale. You will find everything to be exactly as represented in this advertisement. And the goods are marked to sell. A tag on every article gives you the special sale price. You can see for yourself. If you want your selection you must ccme early, for the store will be crowded and I'M GOING TO SELL EVERYTHING for I want the room for my new stock of men's up-to-date clothing. The store will be dosed un til Friday morning, December 3th, to enable us to mark the goods with sale tags. The following prices will show you a few of the many bargains offered: 500 Boys' Caps, sizes 6' 4 to 7; val ue 50c to $1.00; Sale Price 15c, 2 for 25c Boys' Sweaters, value 50c to $1.75, sale price 35 A few Boys' Suits, Sizes 6 to 14, value $5 to $8, price $12.50 One line Men's Clothing, sizes 34 to 46, value $7.50 to $18, sale price 83.50 to 87. 50 Men's Unlaundered Shirts, value 50c, sale price 20c One line Girls' Caps, 75c, sale price value 50c to 25c 200 Ladies' Corsets, value 75c to $1.50, sale price 50c 250 Ladies' Corsets, value $1.00 to $2.00, sale price 77)0 One line Children's Rubbers, all siz es, value 50c to $1.25, price 25c Ladies' Belts, value 50c to $1.50, sale price 25C Quaker Baking Powder, 15 oz., val ue 15c, sale price lOc Calumet Baking Powder, 6 oz. and 5 lb. cans, value 10c and 85c, sale price 7 1 2 e to 75c K. C. Baking Powder, 15 oz. and 25 oz. cans, value 15c and 25c, sale price IOC and 17 1 2c C. P. Baking Powder, 15 oz. and 25 oz. cans, value 15c and 25c, sale price IOC and 17 1 2C Gloss Starch, value 10c, sale price 5C Celluloid Starch, value 10c, price 5C Flour, all brands. Jewel, Royal and Big Bee, sale price 81.25 Nice line canned fruits, value 25c to 35c, sale price 20c Log Cabin Syrup, gal., half-gal. and qts., value 45c, 75c and $1.50, sale Price 35C. 05C and 81.25 Heinz Chow Chow, value 25c and 35 cents, sale price 20c and 30c J. M. qt. jars Pickles, value 35c, sale price 20C Turtle and canned Waldorf Beans, value 20c per can, sale price 15C Good Standard can tomatoes, corn and beant, value 15c, sale price IOC Mistletoe Syrup, maple and cane, qt., half gal., gal. .value 40c, 70c and $1.35, sale price 30. 50. 95C I have purchased a new, snappy line of Men' Clothing, Underwear and Furniahings. I want this good location for this stock which will soon arrive, and everything now in the Phillips stock will be positively sold at this time. Everything goes, including scales, cheese cutters, oil tanks. Do your buying early. BOX BUTTE AVE. G. LAING ALLIANCE. NEBR.