Itatt Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. VOLUME XVIII The Alliance Herald. ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA: THURSDAY DECEMBER 22, 1910 Official Publication of Box Butte lounty and City of Alliance NUMBER 2 1 s ECURIT Y ouht first to be considered in the selection of a depository. "77re First National" offers the best security to its depos -itors in the shape of $700,000 of clean, unimpaired, quick assets and demands good and stable security from its borrowers. It in rites your business on a conservative banking basis, whether large or small, and the special personal attention of its officers is given all matters intrusted to its care and attention. The First National Bank of Alliance Xmas Candy 10c to 60c a pound jfc Ot com je vou will 'v;mt candy for Kma and vou will want it pure fresh. Our line of Xmas candy is the most extensive ever shown in Alliance and you can get what you want. s t 4 Johnson's Home Made Candy & MODEL CAISDY KITCHEIS Phone 750 ALLIANCE STORES ROBBED Sometime Mofldaj tin- stores ot the Mallcry tiroccry Company and I, I.. AcheSOS. were ellt cred l' burg lars. At the Mnllery Btnic a rear window bail been brok n completely out and tlif marks of tlir muddy shiics of the robbers were plainly visible on the window sill. How ever it lias not been discovered thai anything of value bas bten tn ken. An attempt was made to open the safe, but as the robbers were probably amateurs they did not suc ceed in get t nig it open. At the Acheson hardware store they were more successful. They made entry through the tin shop in the basement, going down by the stairway which leads to the public library. They had broken the glass in the door and entered the first floor through the trap door In the rear. In order to get the trap door open they tipped a large heater on its side, breaking the top. This i' proof that It could not have been boys, as was suggested, as the stove was very heavy and was setting on end of a large iron bar which held the door. front, opened a display case of raz At this store they went to the ors and took about eighteen drop ping three in their haste to get a way. They aldo took about a dozen knives, some of Which ".i heson lirothers" the blade, and might should an Attempt be then in nearby towns The thieves also thoroughly ran sacked the office desk and took a boul fifty pennies It seems odd that the) left seeral very expen sive re vol vera and guns In leaving this -tore by the rear door two rail toad men's caps were dropped. 'i hrse had never 1 n need and In dicated that one of the dry goods I stores might have been robbed al though none nave reported yet. it is thought that tlx robberies oc cur ed SbOUt three o'clock in the morning, as lady living upstairs in one of the downtown blocks heard a CrMhing sound about that time, an though a window had been bro ken in. Every piano we sell is guaranteed Only high grade instruments are sold Let us show them to you. Crancer Company, Ida M, Moss, Mgr Li-428 ANOTHER MISSIONARY Rl ' . A . W Handy, the Sunday school MlMtonary, is wearing "he smile that won't come off " The re ason for it is an eight pound baby boy, born on Friday, the 16th. had the name stamped on give a clue, made t tell If you desire anything special let us make it for vou. Packages delivered at anv time vou w want. s s i GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. Hot Drinks Have you ever had 1 1 1 pleasure of trying one of. our hot drinks on a cold, c hilly, raw, blus tery day ' There Is nothing more Invigorating or more acceptable. We particularly rec ommend Hoi BeeJ Hot Chocolate Hot Malted Milk. Every one will satisfy t h e most astidOQS taste and the most particular stomach. Drink o n e a t our fountain. ' l A ILL WORK TANKS STORM SASHES COUNTERS A N I ' SHELVING HT A SPECIALTY At P. LEE, Tljrr. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE A popular Alliance man who be lieves In advertising has handed in the following observation: "A duck lays an gg and waddles off the nest. A hen lays an egg and makes a dickens of a noise over it. The hen believes in ad vertising hence the demand for hen's eggs." MANY PIANOS SOLD As a newspaper publisher the ed itor of The Herald has observed for many years the effect of newspaper and other kinds of advertising. We are frank to admit that there Is some advertising done that does not pay expense; but there is other ad vertising that pays many times the cost. Two things that are of prime importance in selling, first, to have the goods, and, second, to let the people know by proper advertising. One of the most successful adver tisers is the Bennett I'lano company. Readers of The Herald are familiar with their advertisements that have been published in this paper. The celebrated Kurtzman pianos, which they have been advertlsine extensively lately, have been "going like hot cakes," as will be seen by reading the notice elsewhere in this issue under the heading "Kurt .man Piano Purchasers." .Mrs Pan) Herbert leaves Fri day noon for a visit with i datives and friends in Omaha and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs Will Otto are up from Lakeside on a visit with AM am e friends. : KENNEDY BROTHERS ! DENTISTS. 'Ottice in Alliance National Hank Hllc Over 1'ostoffice. rnoue 391, no r.Aiccn Live .loci' tali It V . hSS " factiou guaranteed 01 110 charge. I , ... ' Leave orders at the HeralJ ohV. I Ortice, Kuuui 10, Kumer Block, Frauk H. Palmer. s-' M Phone 525, Alliance. Nebr- 4 -tf A Christmas Dinner is in complete without a good, rich, well-flavored Fruit Cake. We have them in 1,2 and pound sizes at 50 cts. per 11). Telephone your orders in NOW to Malta V Dolsarw 9 Pfr Tel. 040 1 1 7 Box lintte Ave. W O. W. ELECT OFFICERS Mm Irene Roup, of UaWecsHj Place, but formerly an Alliance girl, U isiting wiiii the family of W. S. Ailie.011. .Miss Roup will return the laal of the , , u Fruit Cakes At the annual election of ot f t Of the loeal camp of the Woiiilltl of the World on the iith Instant the following members were nine ted tor the ensntng rear: K. IV Woods. Ad IX. Tom Lawler, Banker. M. B. Grabs, Clerk. .1 h. DndoM, Baoort. II Illume. Watchman. K It .loder. Sentry Dr. 11 a. Oopsey, Phrstclnn A. 1. Kodgers. Cor Com. Board of managers. Co. H. Stun ton, three years; .1 S Saxton, two ears; Uoyyd C. Thomas, one vear . A a Mk cers', 7 men A Merry Christmas SELLS FINE PIANO .vtrs. Ida M . Ross, inannger of the local branch of the 0, A. Crancer comanpy, has just made the sale of a beautiful six hundred dollar piano to Miss Ruth Taylor of Alliance This piano was specially selected and is one of the finest brought to Alliance. VISITS IN OMAHA W. ('. Nicholson, assistant cash ler of the First National Bank of Alliance, Is on a short visit with his wife to her parents In Omaha Her father. Mr. I'. II. Harrow;, Is Receiver of Customs tor the govern ment in that city. Mr. Nicholson and wife will remain about a week A GOOD PLAY The rendition Of the hiuhlv inter esting play, "The Mouse of a Thous and Candles," in the opera house Tuesday night, was very satisfactory to a critical and Intelligent sudlenct atid many congratulation! have been received by the management from those present Upon the xccllcnt per forajaace it was. The play is one of deep Interest ami requires genuine talent to produce it properly. The Interpretation of tits various parti by the players was. D St Ural and tva Untie, nothing being overdone or ex aggerated ami the management of the company has shown good Judgm ut in selecting for the cast playeri hav ing a proixM- concept tot or the story, ith. ability to play the parts in it manner such as one- might i sped after having read the Story, It is a b.-autlful pla) and sfas faultlessly rendered and our greatest satisfac tion is in knowing that our tx-oplc were all so highly pleased with the entertainment, 1 for K wish the readers of The Herald I Merry .C hristinas and a Happy NewJYear. The year 1910 has heen the hijest ever with this store, and we look forward to 1911 I new buiineM record. 1 Our immense stock of goodi for the coming year will have the very latest styles; a full stock of every line sold by us Will be t arried; you will find every salesman or lady attentive and your wants in our lines will he caret! for at the very lowest prices consistent with good quality. We buy in large quantities and save money by doing so. We solu it your trade for the coming ear. I c m v. NORTON'S EXTRA SERVICE AT THE POST OFFICE CHRISTMAS Sunday, Dec. 25 Open twice. From 10:00 until 1 1 ;00 A. M . and from 3.00 until ' 4:mi IV M. Monday, Dec, 26 Open from H:00 until 1 1 tto A. M. ami from 1:00 until 4:00 I. M. Carriers will make deliverk s at their windows during these hours. General delivery will be open. Registered letters and parcels how prices and easy terms on iii he delivered, hut not received high grade pianos. See the Crancer durtni these hours No money or Compauy, Ida M, Ross, Mgr. : dcr business will be transacted. 2-tf-428 Ira B. Tasli. P, M BOX BUTTE CLIMATE IMPROVES HEALTH Kddie Knapton, son of 0, T. Knapton, Special traveling sales man for the Bennett Piano company, came to Alilance, from Fremont .Neb raska, a month ago for his health, which at that time was quite poor. The climate here has agreed with him that his health Is very much Im proved, lie .Oil re urn In hlS home at Fremont for the Holidays CHRISTMAS DANCE. Mrs. .1. T. Wlker"s Christmas dance will be given in the Pbelan opera house, Monday evening, December 26th, instead of Saturday evening. FREE at HOLSTEN'S On Friday, Dec. 23d Only We will give to every purchaser of goods amounting to $2.00 or more, a beautiful Souvenir Spoon, show ing the Burlington depot at Alliance; or a box of fine Cigars. CLOSING OUT TOYS In order to close out the entire Toy stock we have a cut prices on every Toy. Sec them. WE SELL Toys, Art Goods, Sta- Hand Mirrors, Shaving Sets, tionery, Leather Coods, i AW , , D i n i i -r- Diamonds. atches, Jew- Books, ryrograpny Outfits, r . ; , Perfumes,' Toilet Sets, Mill- dry of all kinds. Silver Nov- tary Sets, Cuff and Collar elties, Cut Glass, Pickard's Boxes, Manicure Sets, Writ- China, Brass and Copper in Sets, Fountain Pens, Ware. We have the up-to-date goods at prices that will appeal to you. Come and see. HOLSTEN'S (jift Goods Headquarters