Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified Under ftptroprlt heading for the ooovenienoc of reader Cash Ratks Five cents per Uftt each insertion No a I iv e ived for lesa than ten cents per insertion. CREDIT Ratks Five cents per line each insertion, hut no ad vert isinjj account oiH'ned for less than twenty five cents nd no ad charged for leas than fifteen cents per week. Want ads of reasonable length for : r , parties desiring employment will be ( inserted two times in this department free of charge- 11 1 Good Thing to Cat Lovers of ovsters should go to the Keystone. Oysters shipped direct to as from the oyster beds. We handle tJhe New York Counts. Try them. You Can get them in anv ipiantitv. F. B. DlSMKR. Pardpy's i olty 'c hrvarl is I,.. 1. el . . nxpei t bakers and is good to eat- by To Rent Ut-r-lt-fc. KUUH tor rent with or without furniture, in McCorkle build ing. See J. C. McCorkle or phone itii. 53-tf-36 Furnished Rooms for rent. Modern. 800 Box Butte Ave. Phone .555. Sitf-34t Furnished rooms for rent Heat and bath. 7 1 5 Che enne. Phone 124. 52 21 J47 FOR k liN r Furnished rooms. Furnace heat, light, hath. All modern conveniences. Call at 908 Box Butte ave. Phone 242. Mrs- Lillie L). White. WAN TED TO KFN T Two furn ished or unfuinished rooms in modern private residence. Bv couple who can give good leleuuccs. No light house keeping. Phone 40. 40,-tf 292. FOR SALK Rooming house. For particulars phone 152. jotf-jiN Six horsepower, brand new gasoline engine for sale very cheap. Address C. M. Carey. Lakeside, Nebraska! or see it at the Crescent ranch. 5o-4t-3iu. Threlkeld sells china, glassware laur s cheap. and Relinquishment for sale or trade for Alliance citv property. Improved and five miles from good town. Call or ad dress, "A", Herald office- 47-tf-246 Farmers, ranchmen, and everybody tlse find E. I. Gregg & Son's the best place to buv flour, feed, poultry food, fnd stock salt. 49 294 MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE for ale cheap. Located in best residence section of Alliance. Built for a home but owner rinds it necessary to sell. Big, light room; plenty of closets; modern bathroom with fine fixtures; big lot; fine porch; aud house is entire ly new. Easy terms can be arranged. Address J, Herald office. 47-252 160 acre tarm seven miles from Minatare. JO acres under the Tri State canal and balance under the Government canal 25 acres under cultivation. House, barn, cow stable, etc Price only $40 ier acre. Address ' Jos. Moi PITT, Minatare, Nebr. 44tfigs Buy your stoves of T. J. Threlkeld, 401 Box Butte Ave- 43 f HELP WANTED Experienced man and wile wanted to tent the kitchen and dining room in the 011K hotel in Seueca, Nehiaska. Railway division point Addiess. Landlady, Hotel, Seneca. Nebr. SJH Household Articles Let me flame vour pictures. Threlkeld. T. J-4J-tf Employment Wanted Situation wanted as clerk iu store by voung lady. Phone 582. 5.-tf-40o WANTED Phone Green Ave. Gentlemen's washings 443. 121 Sweetwater S3 4 4"J S. Glidden has returned to Alli ance and is ready to do all kinds of odd jobs of work. Phone 26ft red- 39tf Wanted Work by day or take wash ing home- Phone 485 blue. tf Architect 1 The C- W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings. Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of building vou wish to erect. Ask them for information. lytf Business Opportunities Last Leather bill hook, containing receipt. of W. ). W. and MM! bills. Return to Herald and receive reward 1 1 411 W I I H F. ROOM ha rent with . r aril Ih ail tuitiituie, in MrCnikfe build lag- lag I. C. McCoikle 01 phone l8l, Wtt 3S0 For Sale One-half Id threat in hardware hnsi- neea. Carries line of baraen and has beet equipped lln shop in western Ne braaka. Firm is doing good business, lii iiMin for . selling is poor health For particulars address Hardware CAN) of Alliance Herald. M-tf Famished rooms, steam heat, bath. 1 etc.. with or without board. Mrs. J. ' Hi Curtis. 518 Toluca avenue. Phone! 416. 42 tf j I or Sale Residence property, 713 Laramie Avenue, Alliance. Nebr,, for sale, $2850. Dwelling house 18x54; all modern. Baru 16x30, Laundry and workshop combined- Ail in fiue condition- Incumbrance tt6odc Wanted equity in cash. Inquire Herald office. 53-4jl-37 FOR SALE Nice oat straw and shock corn. One mile west of Alliauce. A. R. Wilson & Son. Box 1053. 52tf375 FOR SALE OR TRADE -A fine ball -section of laud west of Alliauce. Will sell or trade mv equity iu one quarter or tlie eutire hall-section for Alliauce property. The laud is in a good location and is level as the floor. Cuts good hav. Part has beeu under cultivation- Would consider a trade of house, busiuess property, city lots, or stock of goods. Address "T". Herald office, or phone 340. 5 1 -tf-33 I ive Stork, Poultry, ttc. FOR SALE One span ol mares, 7 and B cais old. both with foai. Weight 2.700 pounds. Call on or write C. II. Gillespie, 608 W, Dakota. 41 tf Not lathi time to buv your Blown Leghorns. Call or wtita me at 924 Box Butte avenue, Alliance, Nebr. B. H. Perrv. 41 tf Fat hogs and cattle wanted. We want to buy some good stuff to butcher. Dkaki & Baku, Phone jo. 49tf 3o,s Repairing, Etc. The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is run by M. D Nichols in the rear of the Alliance Cash Shoe Store. Fir-rlas work guickly done, at rea-o-e.iue puces. 4otf Miscellaneous LADY ROOM MATE WANTED By young lady- Nicely furuisbed room iu good location. Refereuces lurnisbad, Phone 340. .-.a-tfo) Have vour pictures framed at Thielkeld's- I have 400 tons of good hav for sale, good location to feed sioc!.. J. D. Hacbrty, 4t tf Bridgeport, Neb. Money Reddish. to loan on real estate. F. E. 3 tf. Position Wanted V. ork by bo outride pi school hour-, tor board and room l.ood,. orker Call at The Herald office or phone 340. "jt-tf 340 Notice to Settle All accounts due me while in Pusiness at the Prank Breonan drug store soda fountain are now due and payable All persons knowing themselves indebted should call and settle. Jok Smith, at Hol sten's Drug Store. 51-tt 339 THESE WANT AP COLUMNS are read bv 1,500 subscribers every issue. Advertise your wants- Results count. 47tf We want to buv good, fat hogs and cattle to butcher. Dram & Banc. Alliauce, Phone 50. 29tf 308 Winter Pasture for Horses will take horses to pasture during the winter for 45 rents -r month. J aMRS Po 1 mi si 1 , IS 1 4 -340 l-oog Kake. NeDT. Lost Wednesday eve between Crystal theatre and Fast Alliauce, a black fur collarette. Return to Cry stal and re ceive reward. 346'S3I Don't forget vour ticket for the Daughters ol Isabella Dance on De cember 28th. 53-2t- -77 OFFICE ROOM for rent with or without furniture, in McCorkle build ing. See . C. McCorkle or phone 281. 53 tf 386 OFFICE ROOM for rent with or without furniture, in McCorkle build ing, See . C. McCorkle or phone tSl. Vptf 38fK Have vou a vacant house to rent? rhe Herald office baa many calls for bouses to rent. Adveitise it iu the want ad columns of this paper- Rate, five cents per line per insertion. Thev bring answers, S'-tf-337 For Sale Full blooded Plymouth Rocks. Cork rels, It, 30; pullets, 75c- H P. Larson, Antioch, Nebr. 4f f 246 Auctioneers Frank H. Palmer, general auctioneer- Satisfaction guaranteed or 110 charges. Phone 677 Blue, Alliance. Nebr. Can leave orders at Herald office. 53 tf 380 Free Daily Concerts ' Tor Sale Houses, Etc. WANTED TO BUY double barrel shotgun, 12 gauge preferred. Price must be right- Gko. A. H 11. lis. 49-11-299. Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poultry food. Best goods. Prices right. City deliveries made promptly. E. I. Gregg & Son. Phone 155. 40.294 Notice, farmers aud ranchmen: If you have good, fat hogs or cattle to sell we will pay vou the highest market price for it. We waut nothing but good stuff, but will pay you good prices if vou have what suits us. Dram, ft Baku, Phone $0. 49tf-3oh. Furniture and housefuniishuigs at the right price at Threlkeld s. I nuiIVtB iu Ul ILE, Having disposed of both our grocery and meat business, all accouuts are now due and payable. The accouuts of S. H. Desch & Company, aud the personal accounts of S H. Desch ar also pay able to us. All persons kuow inf them selves indebted should call and , prattle Bt once. Tkatkr Bkoihers. SO-tf I sell furniture and house furnish ings cheaper than anybody. T. J. Threlkeld. Begiuuing December 17th a free daily conceit bv the Victor talking machine will be given at the Bennett Company store, every afternoon and eveping. Evervone is invited to at tend aud hear the incomparable Victor in the latest records. 1 have a complete stock of Victor machines and all the latest records. A Victor will make a handsome and use ful Christmas present. Am always pleased to demonstrate them at the Bennett Company Piano store- Mrs. J- T. Wiker. 52-2t -72 Used Pianos Very Cheap We have a bargain in a slightlv used standard make of piano for $150, on easy tsruis. Also an Aulopiauo iu fine condition for 350, on easy terms These are bargains aud can be seen with others at our store iu the First National Bank Building. BaMNBTT CoMrANY, Alliance. 52 -it-373 Apples! Apples! Still at the car. Expect to close out bv Saturday, Decemlier 17, or store j the in. Now you surely will miss it it 1 vou don't lav in your winter supply of , tl.e-e apples. Call and see what we j have. J.J. Kfcisi-s. 1-1-410 1,330,000 pure old-fashioned buck wheat cakes made from every day's grinding of Wright's Mills, Berlin, Wis. Ask grocers. "Wright wrongs no man." Royal BAKING POWDER Crullers, All Cakes. Biscuits, Hot Breads More Tasty. Economical. Absolutely Healthful Wants to Help Some One For thirty years K .1 Hover, of Fer tile. Mo , needed help and couldu t find it That's why lie wants to help some one now. SutTel i liar so lonf himself he feels for all distress from backache. nervousness, loss of appetite, lassitmle. aim Kinney nisorners. lie snows I mil Klectrlc Hitters works wonders for s'.icli trouhies "riva bottlea, he writes, 'wholly cured me and not I am well ami hearty '' It's also posi tively guaranteed for liver trouble, dya pepala, Mood diaordera. female com plaints ami oatarta 1 ry them. tOC at J, J. Breooan'a Bids Wanted for Delivering Goods Good News From the panion. Youth's Com- We have had to make The Youth's j Companion larger to l'i'I iu nil the . I thing that 1 ompanion read era bnght tO have I he added amount vould make four Immlred pai-s ot standard raraffasine atae and print; but w have kept the price just the same Jl.T.'i for the fifty two weeks of 101 1, and till the i-sucs for the rest -f this year f.-ee from the time you semi in your snh script ion We would like to tell you what is 111 store for Companion readers next year. We cannot do it here, thoil-fh: there is not room But send us your address on a postal card, anil we will send you the beautiful Prospectus of the Com panion for Mill, ann- um-infr nianv new features, together with sample copies of the paper We think yon will agree, when yon have read them, that there is no other paper that -fives q.ltk so much of such a h iff h quality as the Companion. The new subscriber receives a gift of The Companion's Art Calendar for 191 1, reproducing in twelve colors and -,'old a baaattfa! water eidored gaiden scene. Tan V01 th's Companion-, 144 berkley .street. Bostou. Mass New subscriptions received at this office. M-9tMl '1 he Meichantsof Alliauce, Nebr , are going to inaugurate a co-operative de livery system and the following firms will consider bids aud propositions Iroin responsible parties to operate the system. Desch fj Birkel, Alliance Granary Co. A. D. Rodfara, G. W. Duuan. Saxloii & Koach, Watson & W atson, I. W. Herman, I. L. Achesou, Malletv Grocery Co., Phillips Grocery Co. t-tf 30 W. II- I. nun, who is an expeit piano tuner, has tuned and repaired pianos for many people in Alliance and vicini ty, to whom he can refer as to the Character of bis work. Leave orders with The Bentetf Piano Co , Alliance. 1 1 -No. School Notes School district No 14 has a fine nm school buildina. with good maps, globe, all in splendid shape for work Mrs. Elizabeth Calkins and pupils gave a boa social and entenainmeoi. at which tit a taken 111 for a new library. The new school house in District No tf has just been completed Though small in number Mist Jessie Hacker has a very inierrsting school. Mis Nettie Nation gave a social at her school in District No. 34. November 2), at which i'i so was raised for a library Mm Prudence Parrott and pupils gave a Thanksgiving program and supper to tha patroni of District No. tj. Districts No. 33 and 11 have ordared new five dollar libraries. Tha officers of District No. H have re furnished their school house, with a new desk and chair for the teacher and new seats for the pupils. School closed in District No. ji this week for the Christmas vacation, Mr. Clarke going to Missouri for bis vacation. Let an District No. 114 baa placed new seats and teacher's desk in their school. Miss Haley's school in T -strict No. 3 gave a very interest! ,? program and boa social N.u-ember 23, at which $37-30 was received from the sale of boxes. This is to be used for a new clock, book case and fnmed pictures of Lincoln and Washing t m I he new school house in District No, 4 will be ready for use after the holida-tf. Death of Infant Mrs. H. A. Nelson, of Deadwood, is visiting m Alliance. Wanted Kligibles for the Civil Service. The U. S. Civil Service commission announces that an examination will be held at Alliance, Nebr., for eligibles for the positions of clerk ncl carrier in the Post Office Service. Examinations j tube held Jan 7, c-11 All applica tious must be in the bauds ol the Sec- j retary of the Eigtb U. S. Civil j district, located at St- Paul, Minn., at ' the close of business Jan. J lyii. For application blanks, instructions and I any iulormation as to the examination call on John J- hn.-t'on. Secretary of local board of examinations, at the Post Office at Alliance, Nebr. On Thursday, December K, iqio. Bernard Kaymond, the infant son of Mr. aud Mrs. Pearl D. King, 222 Eaad Eighth street, died of pneumonia, aged twenty-six days. Funeral service was held at the house the next day, con ducted by J. W. Thomas, interment m Greenwood cemetery. The family moved to Alliance from Dawes county only a few days before! the death of the babe, and had formed! almost no acquaintances; but unite aj number of t-ersous learning of their bereavement showed their sympathy bn attending the Mineral. Mi. Blakely, traveling salesman foi the Hamilton Brown Shoe Company,! of St- Louis, who has been very ill at fbe Drake Hotel, was to have goiK KMlth the first of the week, but ba suffered a relapse and is unable to bi moved. Saved from Awful Death How an appalling- calamity in his family was prevented is told by A. D McDonald, of Kuvctteville. N. C.. K K D. No. . "-My sister had consnmp lion.'" he writes. "She was veiy thin ami pale had no appetite aud seemed to grow weaker every day. as all rem edies failed, till Dr. King's New Dis covery was triad, and so completely cured her that she has not been troub led with a cough since It is the best medicine I ever saw or heard of." For coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhage all bronehial troubles, it ana ao oqaal. Ma, $1 m Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by J, .1. Brennau In Front of the Palace Livery Stable 4 5 tf Help Wanted LEARN WIRELESS K. R. TE LEGRAPHY! Shortage of fully 10,- 000 Operators on account of 8 hour law aud exteusive ' wireless" develop ments. We oierate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials and positively place all students when 1 onalified. Write for , ..1 .1,, - o,- I NAT L. TELEGRAPH INST., tin Good meals for 25 cents at thejcinuati: Philadelphia; Memphis; St. Younktn restaurant- Mrs. E- Boone-j Paul, Mmn. : Euid. Okla.; Columbia, S2tf357 Cm Portland, Ore. you can nearly always seC"a rig getting ready lo start out. We wilt send one any distance. for any purpose, at any lime. Buy your chiua and glassware Threlkeld- of Mis- W. M. Morns lias had very serious danger of blood poisoning from a small wound in her hand, caused by a splinter. She is now out of danger. A Mistake Corrected In the advertisement of the Phil lips Grocery Company in section two the figures $75,000 should read I $7,500. We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve you in any way in which a rig is required H. P. COURSEY. Prop. I MM ih 1 Artificial Ice Plant As stated iu the Herald some time ago, the Alliance Cieamerv aud Pro dure Company have beeu planning on adding a modern cold fturage aud arti ficial ice plant to the present plant of the creamery. Theie la no artificial ice plant mm-i of Grand Island iu the state. iTud the demand frjH this kind ol ice beav . The plans of the piesent conipin are to build a new building, to be buck. 70x70 feet, basement and to stoiies it) height. In this building will be iu stalled nan Ixuleis with a capacity ot .'v horse power, an iceinakiug machine of forty tons, and a dynamo to furnieb pouci and light for the plant. As distilled watet only is used in making ai tificial ice, this plant will I luriiisb that commodity The growth of Alliance is constantly emphasized in the additions to established busiuess institutions. If the proper freight rates can be se cured, Alliauce would become a desir able point tor the location of wholesale houses.' D. W. Hughes, the proprietor of the ; Alliance ice company, has taken a i large block of stock in the company ' and will probably have charge of the ice factory when completed, which will be bv lune ist, tgii. Practically all I ot the additioual stock made necessary j by the new building has been subscribed j by present stockholders iu the com I pany, although theie is still a small a I mount left m Inch cau be purchased after the first of the year. The Baptist church will have the Chiistmas eutertaiumeut Thursday afternoon, December 22ud. O. Dack aud Frank Kuapp, of Hy annis, are visitiug iu Alliauce. Holiday Sali Special prices 01 Skirts, Coats an one-piece dresses. This store has line of goods th; cannot be excelle and we invite yo to inspect our lin You will find moi ey-saving prices a through the larj stock. We wish you j Merry Christmas. R. Simmon