The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 15, 1910, Image 14

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Fancy Waists
Baby Clothes
Linen Handker
chiefs Auto Bonnets
Silk Scarfs
8 717JJE EXTEND CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to all our patrons and friends,
aiDU I J 1 c. I 1 ii Lilt 111 OlllVJClCl IWl lUC lltCiai UtlUllUgC glVCU Villi lllf
the time we have been in business in Alliance.
m You are invited to call and inspect our most complete line of Ladies
9 furnishings before making your Christmas selections.
Art Materials
Opera Bags
Hair Buckles
Hat Pins
Collars and
Opera House Block
Alliance, Nebr. 8
gun, and this store is showing the
largest line of Linen Cloths, Linen Table
Runners, Stand Covers, Sofa Pillows,
Linen Doilies. Library Table Covers.
And at prices that will please. It is our
intention not to carry over any of these
goods, so we have made prices that will
move them.
We are at all times In touch with the market and are
thereby able to quote you tin- very lowest prices on snoods
of highest grade as well the standard grades.
lit-t us show you the following line of goods at prices
that will save you money:
Victor Flour
lied U Flour
. . . 1 .r." a sack
. . .$1.45 a sack
I.. Miwf-at.'l liiiisins Fancy in 10 lb Box for 1.10
Apricots Fancy in 10 lb Box 1.80
Evaporated ring Apples m iu id iox ior
io lh Pail Kariomel Syrup
10 lb Fail Ranger Sorghum
10 lb Pail Dixie Jelly
Skinned Hams at a !!'
Bulk Lard
Slieed Peaches in Cans
Apples In No. 10 Cans
15c a lb
Whole Jap Bice
Soda Crackers in wood boxes
Colorado Honey in frames
Bulk Laundry Starch
Celluloid Starch
Defiance starch
Polo Soap, 9 Bars for
Wyandotte Cleanser and cleaner
Coal Oil
Remember that these are not ipecial prices, but are
Hsninii With the market. We have the highest made ,i
. . .tk- a II)
. 7c a lb
. . 90o each
. . Tc a H
a package
. Hk- a package
. . . 90c. a sack
: Gal. for 80c
in l.'i'i'iiiii"
goods that tin- markets will supply
Prices alwaj riht
Alliance Grocery Co.
THKItK was once upon n time n
little black boy called Billy.
Hp had lived Hit his short life In
n biuck camp with his parent!
and a nu inhct of other aborigines of
the tribe Hilly had never been very
kindly treated, and us he hud 11 MDft
heart himself he sometimes fell it en
Now, one Christmas time. being left
alone as usual, wjtl) no presents of
any sort and no treat, he begun to
think of all tlie stories he had been told
about the white children's Christmas
and determined then and there to Bfld
out what it was really like, lie had
heard of the Christmas hills In a coun
try many miles off and planned to go
there, believing from their name that
these must contain all the mysteries
of Santa Clans and other Joys from
which be had always been isolated
With a lOVlng farewell to his own
mi, i mla the little shelter of branch -which
he had built for himself againai
the thnnderatoruia he set off with only
u piece of opossum skin bUDg round
bis waist for clothing and boomerang
In his baud.
Hilly journeyed for many hours over
paddocka and wire fences. idlng
bravely through r Italia, water holes
and hra. ken undergrow tb, Mr here the
snakes were very numerous mi I poi
sonous, till he found himself in a beau
tiful valley between a blue and a pur
ple mountain Approaching a vine
yard, be asked an old gardener where
the Christmas bills lay.
"Yonder." said the man. pouting
straight lu front of them toward the
blue mountain. "This Is Varra glen."
The little black boy was very hot
and thirsty, for the sun had been beat
ing fiercely upon biiu all the way
along, so he bagged lew of the round
juicy grtpoe whl'-h nung In rich profu
sion on the vines.
"Hy all means," said the good n.i
tured gardener as he picked him the
largest bunch be could tiud. ripe and
Inviting, with the bloom upon them.
Hilly thanked him, saying he hopei.
some time to be able to return his
klndnesa, and. taking the fruit, be con
tinued bis way with a light heart.
As be climbed and climbed, rising
higher and higher, the Kleu grew small
er and smaller below him till he oould
not see the old man any more. Soon
the bill became U steep and slippery
that he was forced tn draw himself up
from tree to tree by holding first on t
one branch and then another Blue
gnu and wattles rose high abor him
In monotonous grandeur in be begau
wonder where the Christmas treea
and stock ings
were and how
they grew. Keel
ing thirsty again,
he was putting
some more grapes
into bis in o u t h.
whea suddeuly he
perceived poor
old woman lying
on the ground,
looking very falul
and ill.
"dive u ic some.
kind youth!" she
gasped. "I bnve
been sunsi ruck."
"Oivt it somk. -Hut I have
rim. oi iii. ' t ra v ele.l many
miles on foot and am parched witli
thirst," said Hilly
"I am dying," groaned the other fee
bly. "Have pity."
Whereupon. BMVed to syinpalhy, he
gave her all he hail left.
To bis gftouUhtueuC as she was eat
ing them she tnrued Into a lovely fuiry
queeu all dressed lu soft, shimmery
blue, the color of the sky
"A you have done me a service, " she
said, "I mean to reward you In tne
way you most wuut. You shall have a
real Australian Christmas."
Hilly was overjoyed and at her bid
ding followed her through the bush till
they reached a Wonderful garden tilled
With brilliant flowers and fruit which
surpassed his wildest dreams Straw
berries grew in masses all along the
borde-s. and the trees were laden With
aches, nectarines. Hgs
southern fruit be had
heard of lu 01 oui of
luscious ripe pe
and every other
ever thought or
Here they entered, and Hi., blue
summoned ten other little fairies
isiny s own ante auu age to null
una entertain him rnej were .11 m
fllferenf colors, so that ga they tttt t '
about him in the mullein with (belt
floating gossaniet gowns the; looked
like a rainbow
Feast the tittle darky aoy
QlVe him pIMMtng, fruit nr . I '..v.
sing ami danee ami inert) make
Dnnl forget tin- Chrtstmaa eaae
For the goodly dark boy!
Having sting ami danced for Inm
they then set the ( hrl.simas dllinel on
i long, narrow table uui lu the gar
den There were st i a u l orries am)
rrearn. and grape calce. mince pies
lOnnaler made so many inn chrlai
Dias he never missed those lh.. rallies
Hotel, chocolates, pineapple dumplings
mid last, but most lupurtani, Instead
of a hoi plum pudding with holly, as
the cold countries have, there was
huge h e cream pudding, with pre -iou-Htones
instead of raisins through it
md a piece of yellow V, attic bloHMUUM
HUek In the top
l-'lve rairtes sat ill one Hide of tin
fable and live ill the other, while
Hilly sat nt the foot, and the I 'm
pleer. at I be head Ti.ey Idled their
glasses witii magic nine, so that all
who drank would be tgeky all iii"
new year round Kin d fair;.-- wine
matched her dress, the green ane bad
gm-a wine, the pink one pink irtn
and the purple fairy purple wine
and so on till It came to Hill
ttd bis was black with a crimson light
In It. and lie thought It more delicious
1 1 in u anything he had ovct
Then they were given each a large
slice of the grape cake, and afterward
anything they wanted till the had up
, petite left for only the ice pudd.n.'
i which on such a hoi day was nio-a
i refreshing. Ian b fit try found in bet
share a precious stone again to uialcb
f her dress. The yellow fairy got a tops?,
j the heliotrope an amethyst, the bine
a sapphire, and so on till It came to
; Hilly, who. aftel eating for some time
I suddenly closed bis white teeth upon
something very bard and. taking It
out and looking at If. found It was au
opal with every one of the fairy col
ors combined gleaming lu It.
All the fairies gathered round hltn
mil exclaimed. "That la a magic opal,
and the owner of It will some day
become chief of bis tribe" Hearing
this, he put It In hla mouth under his
tongue for safety, for. as he had no
domes, or course
t-s he baa no pocket.
The fairies then,
seeing he had no
stocking to bang
up. pegMntod him
Instead. for a
Christinas b o I .
with a new boom
eiang. telling him
it was a charmed
one, so that wlie.i
ever be wanted
anything he bad
only to throw the
wetipon high Into
Tilt o out. in K.NocKEDfhe air aiul It
mn ik.wn. would return with
the Objd1 of hi. 4 choice and lay It at
his feet.
Hut alas, there was a wicked little
goblin peeping through from the bough
gf a peach tree. and. though he had ut
beard almut or seeu the boomerang,
he hail caught all regarding the magic
opal and had seen Billy place ft uu
der bis tongue So when the little
black boy bad bidden good by, tbuuk
lug the fairies for his Christmas feast.
and stnrted home again he was way
laid In the bush by the evil goblin,
who had followed him out of the gar
den to rob him. Hilly refused to give
up his stone and cried for help, but
the goblin knocked him down and beat
him till he lost consciousness. Then
the wicked creature forced open his
mouth, stole the magic opal and ran
away with It as fast as he conld.
When poor Hilly recovered be noon
noticed that the opal was gone nnd
guessed who bad taken It. hut he wns
In despair of ever finding It again, so.
sitting miserably on the ground, be
opened his month wide nnd cried long
and loud Hut tills he soon rcnlled
was n silly, useless thing to do. Just
then he spied his boomerang, which
he bad quite forgotten, on (he ground
nearby, and. remembering what the
blue fairy had told lilm. be picked It
up. and, .lumping to bis feet, be threw
It skillfully high into the air.
Away It swung without touching the
trees, and. sure enough, as the goblin,
a couple of miles olT. was just inlmlr
lug bis olunder. the boonwrang lifted
it out of bis band before bis
very eyes and carried It back to
the feel of Its rightful owner Hilly
shouted for joy. and. putting It
once more in bis mouth, he took
his WOUderfttI tOJ under bts arm
and apod down the bill When be
reached the vineyard be saw the gur
doner still at work. so. asking him
what he would most li:,e dm a token
of gratitude for the grapes, the old
man looked him up and do vu ami
answered. There is not much a little
fellow like you could do for me."
"I cau do my Imsi." said Hilly.
"There Is onl) one thing I want,"
said the ggrdenet sadly, "and Hint la
the little daughter I lost lu the bush
a year ago
No sooner said than 'be boomerang
went wbtaxtna through I he air as be
fore, and in I few moment- II came
Ihmtlng swift iv
bat k ibfOOgh the
blue hURe with a
little fab h aded
I blld sealed hup
pi!) ami safely
upon it Web
joy too deep for
words, i be old
man cli sped her
in his anus, on!
him y irintn
phanily left Hi, on
I o g e I ll e I and
Jim r in- ed on
again over p ,d
dock and fence
llll ul last je
found blUlseir
back In the I la. k camp where his lit
tie mia luia and aborigine companions
were. When ihey found bow success
fully be could throw and I he wonder
ful things the boomerang hraegui buck
he grew so very Hpular and rich that
they at length made him chief of the
tribe. Then he married a sweet little
black girl with the lixhlest. liny black
curls and the blackest possible eyes
Hound her neck he hung the magi
opal, and as she wore it always they
lived happily ever afterward - Leslie's
One Week to
! ,3JP, L
And WISE ONES Surely
Won't Delay
Christmas Shopping Another
( AU) I I 0 V I I M.
gwtrru back
Important Notice to
Meat Corsmrers
Wt' llilVl ejuilil n-w fo
peopln ol AUinntK; whu fonve i
compelled bo imy It t vt prici fv
no Inferior quMlityoi mm' Wf1 i
the ouenioii ol ii: i sii l
Market, kaour new building 't
517 Sweetwater nvenuc, we cm
positiv ii v nnnounce thnt nro
M BATS than the (teople of this
city have been buying and ;it
We don't gend awtvy aeveral
Ituudreti uiileti to have the calha
from the big packing houses
. ghipped to us at "civat 'X))Misi'.
We buy th) in-st fnt cattle and
: lilies to luj fountl in liox Hutte
and Deighboring oountiea), we do
xH'it butchering and Nerve
' incuts to you iii the beat ixisaihle
style, and at prices 27) to 40 per
cent leaa than you have been
will prove our
Why Not That For the Girl 7
A atffUci riuu. bungle bracelet, sash
and hair bow .els. sistcanl album,
die aUlMpad nioiiotnitn stationery,
tin ml bat:. M'wlim set In fancy caae.
music folio ami rolls, a stunning leath
er belt or sterlini: silver buckle, a dain
ty pendant and I bin uold chain, wish!
burning outfit, a camera, silk petticoat,
a pair of white kid party slippers, a
silk ruiiberied raincoat, roller skates,
doll house, white spangleil fan. leather
dggli set. metal trimmed pincushion
ami lew el box combined.
T1I A I. and we
orders delivered
promptly. Phone 50.
Cash Meat Market
DRAKE & BARB, Plops.
517 Sweet titer Avenue.
Repair Work
Sewing Machines and
$5.00 Reward
fVo reward for recovery of stove
stolen from basement under bowling
allev. about Oct. C to js, ti)to. Koval
Ai'oiu No. i. Did not vet base, nickel
triSUSisC and top urn.
Sitf W. SV W'n.sos.
Have secured the services ot a prac
tical mechanic and can iMiaiantee all
wurk done by bun. Don't trust your
work to tiavelliui: repair This
man will be here permanently. He
tairs and parts lie niched for all iua
t'houe i jjiy. tjeo. D. Darling.