tin in on IN THIS STORE you will find the most complete line of goods for CHRISTMAS SELECTIONS. Our goods have all been carefully selected by expert buyers for the Alliance trade. You will find only the best; no "cheap" goods, although we have prices for every pocketbook. We will be pleased to show you our line, which includes Watches, Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Signet and Set Rings, Cut Glass, Hand-painted China, Silverware Both Sterling and Plated, and a Complete Line of Gold Jewelry of the Latest Styles. We also might suggest Xmas Cigars, Smoking Sets, Books (including all the latest novels), Candy, Perfumes, Dolls, Hand Bags, Pipes, etc. You will find every article in our immense holiday stook priced as lo w as is consistent with the best quality. You will find our clerks courteous and attentive and you will be waited on without delay. W suggest that vou do your shopping early. We wish you a Merry Xmas. F. J. BRENNAN The Corner Drug Store Phone 84 A 1 Ma !i I to ill Sil Sil Sil Boi Kn Sv Sil Ho lt.it l(IU it 0 Tli. I Aii National Red Cross Christmas Seals. "Yea, I'm tot ry, too, that you cannot fill the position, but what I need is a TRAINED man a man who thoroughly understands the work." "No, there's no other position open we've hundreds of appli canta now on the list waiting for the little joba. Thia position calla for a TRAINED man. Good day." That's it. There's a big call for the trained man the man who can handle the big things the man who is an expert. You can easily receive the training that will put you in the class of well-paid men. You can't begin to under stand how quickly the little coupon below will bring you success. Already it has helped thousands of men to better paying positions and more congenial work. It will cost you only a two-cent stamp to learn how it is all done. Just mark the coupon as direct. and mail it today. The Inter national Correspondence Schools have a way to help you. During last year over 4,000 students voluntarily re ported better positions and higher salaries secured through I. C. S. training. To only this small per centage of our student body there was brought in creased salaries amounting in one year to over Two Million Dollars! Don't fill a little job all your life when you can so easily move up in the world. The Business ol This Place 1s to Raise Salaries 0W k the tit to mark the C f Birthday Banquet International Correspondence Schools Box 7W. Scraaton. Fa Pleaee eilata, without turtbrr ol ligation oe my art, bow I .aa quality toi a target atari lb tbe i Mtu.n t.elote hi b I bavr .r.i i M Bookkeeper Stenographer Atfvrtliannrnl Wnlrt Show. C an! Wriarr Window Trimmer Cuauurrcitl Law Mualraior Oval Service Ok-mat Teaule MiH Supt fleet riciaa FJectricai Fjtnareer !r,huiuj Draftsman Telephone I ngtneer r Jr. ti I iw-hting Sup Mecharuukl t-ngnrei Surveyor Stationary F-nglrvw Civil Engineer Buikbng Contractor Arcrubrrtu.al Drain Architect Structural Fagkkeet Banking Mining Kngutntf I Nam. Si tret an J Yo ifl- , .Sle Typewriters for Sale One good Sholes typewriter, stauuatd ey hoard, in good , condition. Price nly 15. One good Franklin type--nter. Price for quick sale $10. "hese can be seen at The .Herald of ce. The 1 it ices are leta than one-halt aeir real value aud are wade to sell Hem quick. s Ends Winter's Troubles lo many, winter is a season of trouble. The frost bitten toes and tin gers, chapped hands and lips, chil blains, cold sores, red and rough skins, prove this. Hut such troubles Ay ha fore Bucltlen's Arnica Salve A trial convinces. (ireatet healer of hurn cuts, boils, piles, sulfa, eczema, ami sprains, t'uiy .'5c at J. J. Brenoan'a. Prominent among the many charita ble organizations that have been insti tuted for the amelioration of human suffering, stand the American Ked Cross society and the National Associa tion tor the studv and Prevention of Tuberculosis. It has been a pleasure to publish in the Herald, free of charge, notices regarding the work of these societies, and now as the holiday season approaches we have an oppor tunity to lend assistance to the good cause in still another way. The Ked Cross society has printed millions of seals, each about the size of a portage stamp, uotice of which was published in the Herald December 1st. These seals are to be used by sticking them on the backs of letters, packages, etc., and as they represent a work of charity, as well as for the benefit of humanity in general in the efforts that are being made to eradicate the "white plague" thev are doubly appropriate for use at this time of year. They are sold at one cent each, and can be pur chased in any quantity desired. All persons doing so sell them free of charge, so that the entire oroceeds go to the Ked Cross society to assist in their noble work. The Alliauce Woman's Club have ta ken up this matter and have the seals on sale at the following named places: Public Library, Herald office, Bogue's Stole aud Stuckey Co. We strongly urge our rtaders to pur chase fhem and place on the backs of letters, (not on the front of letters, as that is against the ruling of the post office department, I and o" Christmas packages. They will add a charm to your letters aud vour presents, aud will increase the spirit of good will of tin wtlM, f it'KiJdd lHUffny aiotig h" cause that evei y body heartily endorses. A most enjoyable occasion was a birthday banquet given in honor of the birthdav of Mrs. Peter Rubendall at the Hotel Alliauce on Monday evening. There were present Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rubendall, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Spen cer. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Sherman, Miss Alexander and Mr- aud Mrs. 'Joyd C. Thomas. The ch: 'ken pie course was voted the most excellent ever tasted by those present, and a motion was made, sec onded and carried that Mrs. Rubendall have a birthday oftener than only once every year. After the supper the party adjourned to the Rubendall home, the evening being spent in visiting and story tell ing, at which Mr. Rubendall is an adept. Mrs. A. T. Lunn Enteriains On both Friday anil Saturday after noons of last week the Lui n home on Laramie Avenue was the sene of two very delightful entertainments at which Mrs. A. T. I.unn was the charm ing hostess, assisted by her mother, Mr- A. E. Smith, of Omaha. The ladies were invited to a 1;j0 p. ni. luncheon The parlors anil dining room were beautifully decorated with red crysanthenums and trreen leaves The tables, with their dainty array of silver, cur glass and ctnna, made a very inviting picture. The five course ban quet, in all its perfect appointments, its delicacy and profusion, its variety and daintiness, was an honor to the hos teBM After luncheon the ladies re turned to the parlors. On Friday afternoon Mrs. Ponath helped entertain with several very pleasiug instrumental selections. Mrs Itosseau followed with a vocal solo, lu the guessing contest Friday Mrs. Rosseau won first pri.e, a silver spoon. Mrs drebc won second prize, a pair of hand painted salt and pepper shakers. Ofl Saturday ufterncon Mrs Oeotgo Davis anil Mrs. Itruner cut for tirst. Mis Davis was the lucky one. Miss Suodgrass, Mrs. U. N. Hoskins, Mrs. Pate and Mrs. S K Warrick cut for second, Mrs. Hate winning. The prizes were the same as on Friday. On each day there were twenty-four ladies pres ent. On Saturday afternoon the ladies were tr.-ated to instrumental music l.y Miss Suodgrass and readings by Mrs. W. H. Thomas aud Mrs. La wren Phares. At Ave o'lock the ladies re luctantly made their adieus, highly de lighted with a social event that will long be remembered by those fortunate enough to be present Banks on Sure Thing Now "I'll never be without Dr. Kings New Life Pilla again." w rites A. Schin geek. 647 Elm street. Buffalo. j. y. "They cured me of chrouic uoDstipation "hen all others failed" I'nequaled f 1 hillousues. jaundice. Indigestion, headache, chills, malaria and debility. &c at j. J Breonas. i IW&irry Xmas Hz "The FREE" the Now Famous Sewing Machine m y .. - SOLD AS LOW AS $1 A WEEK A Newly Invented Sewing Machine Is Now On Sale 30 DAYS TRIAL The Inventor Mr. Free, Doesn't Want The Low Price Told Many people have wondered why we have used aurh enthusiastic lan guage in endorsing that new and "dif ferent" sewing machine, The FREE. Simply because we ferl rnthusias t'c to our finger tips ahout " The FREE". Why, we are so convinced about the absolute superiority of "The FRfcE" over any machine we have ever seen or heard about that we don t even dare tell you the prica. It it to low. We and Mr. Free both realize that if you were told the price without seeing the machine you would not be able to appreciate trie fact that The FREE is the only peifect 20th Cen tury Sewing Machine. Instead of advertising the price we prefer to make it easy for you to own a "FREE" by offering it at your own terms as low as $1 a week, and ahove all we would like to have ' 'The FREE" a 30 day trial in your own home. Try this machine test it -sew with it on all kinds of material if you then are not entirely satisfied if you are not convinced that it is the bet machine you have ever sewed on the most improved the must up-to-date if the low price does not con vince you that this is the biggest bargain you have ever bought, return the machine to us and we will refund your deposit so that the trial will not cost you one cent. W. know that a trial it ihr best way to ssll t hr r K I h tr r we air lute that M woman will be willing " art along without the t ten ot Ball Bearings, the RaeatrllsgH Movement, the F tenia Leg Design, the Shuttle liecli t. the Notary Spool Pia. Automatic Lucking Drawrri. Automatic Trnttoo Keleaae, Automatic Thiead C I also, let and Improved Head l.su h at'et enjoying taeui tsr 30 day, oa " 1 be FREE". See 1S FREE tomorrow and let us tend it right out to your home. Come tomorrow. GEO ROE D. DARLING