The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 08, 1910, Image 8

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    A Gift You Owe
will be less appreciated
unless you're properly
dressed for the Holidays.
Don't forget your own
needs while you're think
ing of others. We are
here with the correct
merchandise;smartas can
be; more modestly priced
than you are accustom to.
From hat to hose
everything you wear.
Dress up a bit and make
yourself happy for it.
4 !
City Council Meets
Resrolar meeting of AiWianr city
Mnwril hM TiMnday ev wring, Dec. fi.
AM round toiien irnt; nlo city at
torney; water oomniiwton,r, and oKy
Minute of prrvlouft nipetlnf; rad
by clerk a:il MMjMWtA RafJMMl of of
fice r an follow a:
Finn reertvtd during month . .$ttt.Sfi
K'THved fT marshal' tr.. 113.40
m m. naffnxRKllJ
am mm. umf i ma jib jivi mm 11
2iq Box Butte Ave., Alliance, Nebr.
Money Saving Prices
Before buying your winter supply of Groceries, call and
inspect our stock ci Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Here is a few of the seasonable Goodies we have to offer
Pure Buckwheat Flour, six lbs 25c
Falcon Pancake Flour, six lbs il5c
Falcon Pancake Flour, four lbs 25c
Peerless Flour Best, 48 lb sk $1 . 50
Tip Top Flour, 48 lb sk 1.40
Delight Flour, 48 lb sk 1.85
Plums, 2 1-2 lbcan, per can LBc
White Grapes, 2 1-2 lb can 15c
White Cherries, 2 1-2 lb can 20c-
Black Cherries, 2 1-2 lb can 20c
Peaches, Y. C. 2 1-2 lb can 20c
Apricots, 2 1-2 lb can 20c
One lb Nebraska comb Honey 20c
Two lb roll Cauched Honey 30c
Five lb pail strained Honey 75c
One gallon Log Cabin Maple Syrup $1.50
One-half gallon L. C 80c
One-fourth gallon L. C 45c
Also some very tine
Pure Missouri Sorghum, per gallon 75c
Raisins, four Crown, per lb 10c
Hams skinned per lb 18c
Coal Oil, per Five gallon can 00c
Total $335t ,M
HU (n hand. Nov. 1 LfM48.M
Rvcts during month 1 442.7"
Total 2991.2S
Wannants paUl (luring mon'th . .$1694.81
Bal on huad. Dec. 1 1394 47
November coMcctione for
rwtfi $779.9'.
Meter 168.00
Tape 280.00
Rat nwte service 78,00
Meter service r73.00
Total service 651.00
Moved and seconded that reports of
cty officer 1 accepted and placed
on file. (Tarried.
The following claims were preecut
ed and allowed:
Wm. (JraJit, professional service sep
tic tank $100.00
Alliance Fire Dept. insurance license
Neibmska Telephone Co., phone wat
er com office 8.95
P. W. Irish, salary 25.00
N. lson FUtther Eire lnu Ag, inmnr-
ance on city hall 39 51
Tilleu & Mark, plumbing II M
TillU & Mark, plumbing 6-92
E. W, Ray, plunilrltng 3.80
.1. 11. Illckey, street work.. .. 3.40
H. Combs, street work 15.75
N C. Nrtlson. street work.. .. 11.25
J. D. Bmeirtck, salary nnd.J ex.. 77
E M. Nusfctoaum, labor 85.65
Bdgav Martin, labor 13.25
W. D. Zediker, plumbing 31.40
W. D. Zediker, plumbing' 6.65
F. N. Wallace, dray 1.00
J. H. Carlson, salary' W.00
Tllleitt & Mark, plumbing 6.73
E. W. Ray, plumbing 199.58
C. E. Wycoff, night marshal and
Janitor 75.00
IXerks Lnr & coal Co, supplies 9.75
F. E. Hamblin, lal)or 60.00
Tom Tuck, board of prisoners.. 8.00
J B. Hu'iiakeir. marsJhal 86.95
L. Iaravae, reeling hose l.oO
E. C MoCleur. uwHes 2.00
Wm. Grant, prof sewer water ex
226 00
Carey & Vaughn, ccali t&JH
C. A. Newberry, suppli4.. .590.60
G. H Peterson, labor 25.25
G. H. Peterson, labor 28.40
John Hill, labor 20.25
E. A. Jemmack, labor 3.40
John HdM, labor 4.23
Smdikate Block Co, rent.. .. 10.00
F. W. Harris, salary 50.00
John Pedenson, side walks. . . . 37.28
John Pederscni, side walks. . ..112.00
John Pederson. crossings 42S.OO
James & Wright, coal 4.50
AlMance Electric Co, light and
water 485.19
G. J. Burke, salary 25.00
C. C. Barker, salary' 20.S3
C. C. Berltisr, ex pent 79.12
John Pedrsoii, labor septic tank
Motion made and seconded that re
solutions le presetitd to the dty at
torney assigning cost of sidewalks on
property of Andrews and Jenkins to
be presented at uext wgular meeting
t Hun-dud by affirmative vote of all.
Council adjourned subject to call.
F. W. IR1SH, City Clerk.
be ratified; and be it further rpHed
that wid award be rejected because
said award whs Illegal, inequitable,
and unjust, for many rewmns, some
of the ptinrt'paJ re-.sfnm being Uiart
the two arbitrator in arriving at the
sum of $78,000.00 as the value of
Raid plant, took Into oonwddn-atlon
and based said award on matters and
things which were not sulnmilted to
them and which t'ney had no legal
right to consider or use as a lias
for making the awaid. The a wand in
cluded' and was Imf-ed um the as
sumption that the franchise of the
Alliance Electric company, operating
an electric light plant in Alliance, Ne
braska, did not expire nutw April 7,
1919. The arbitrators allowed a large
value in thedir award for the franchise
and future business of the Alliance
Electric com painty during the next '. n
years; the arbitrators had no authori
ty or right in making an award based
on this assumption and tihe said two
arbitrators took Into consideration
and baaed their award utxxn many
other matters which were not authori
zed by law, nor submitted to them.
nor within tihe scope of the franchise
and contract which was submiitited to
them; and further, the said twx arbi
trators exceeded the scope of their
authority In making said award, for
the reason that they were as
arbitrators to determine the differ
ences between the city of All'.. i. ice
and the Alliance Electric compamgr In
regard to the value f the plant and
appuntwianoi., of In' iliiMnn EW'triic
coniiiy, and they had no authority
to act as appraisers; and further, the
award by the taiid two arbitrators In
the sum of 178,990.90 is in mxoem of
the COOstitut1oin'.i1 and statutory limi
tation of indebtedness allowed to he
contracted by the ciffles of the sec
ond class under five thousaind iopu
lation. such as the city of Alliance
:is and Is, and the city of Alliance
has no lower or authority to raise
the said sum of 178,000.00, by direct
taxation, assessnient, or the issuance
of lmds, nor did it have, nor does it
now have authority to agree to or
contract for the payment of said sum.
Vote was as follows:
C. A. Newberry, yea.
F. E. Holsten, yti.
Edgar Martin, yea.
William James, yea.
Meeting adjourned to meet at the
next regular meeting, Tuesday, Dec.
F. W. IRISH, City Clerk.
We have purchased the Teater Brothers
Meat Harket and are now prepared to fill
all orders promptly.
In addition to our regular line we will
carry entice Omaha Meats, including Bacon
and Ham.
Soliciting your patronage, we are,
Very truly yours.
Saxton & Roach
Special Meeting of City Council
A sKeial meeting of the eiy coum
cil was culled for Thursday evening
December ltrt. All councilmen vwi
present, the meeting being at the
city hall.
The following resolutions were tix-
posed by Alderman C. A. Newbeirry.
Be it resolved that, whereas, by
ordinance No. 168, in, the city of Al
liance, Nsb., the mayor of said city
of A Unmet-. Neti., was duly authoriz
ed to conduct all negotiations con
cerning the proposed purchase of the
plant .nd appurtenance of the Alli
ance Electric company; and whereas
cm the tenth day of Nov. 1910. two
of the three arbitrators chosen to ar
bitrate the differences between the
city of Alliance, and the Alliance Ehec
trie company in regard to the pur
chase price of said plant, made an
awbrd of $78,000.00 as the value of
said plant; and whereas, on the 13tb
day of Nov. 1910, F. W Harris, uuor
of Alliance, Neb., notified the said Al
liance Electric company that tihe
said city of Alliance rejected the
said award.
Thwfore. Be it resolved that Ihe
action of the said mayur of --id city
Large Number of Alliance Business
Men Meet to Talk Over Electric
Light Proposition
On the invitation of the mayor and
city council a meeting of Alliance citi
zens and business men was called at
the city hall last Friday evening to dis
cuss the electric light plant proposition
ami get the opinion of the Alliance
people as to what should be done with
regard to the purchase of the Alliance
Electric Company plant, at the price of
$78,UM) fixed by the board of arbitrators.
The speeches and minutes of the
meeting were reported in full by Llovd
C. Thomas and John R. Beach, of the
Alliance Herald, but on account, of lack
of space in this issue of the He-raid it
has been necessary to boil the report
down to the following
there were present, Messrs. Nichol
son, Hampton, Wood, Mollrinir, Mc-
Corkle, Hunter, Gregg. Tash, tiray.
Holsten, I. inner Newberry. Kins, Bar
ker. Broome. Knight. Norton, urn,
i'a.ker, Darling. Uadsby. Marks, IV. i
erson, (iuthrie. Highland. Spencer.
Watson. Franklin, McCluer, Grant An
derson. Carlson, Thomas, beach and
two or three other gentlemen whose
names were not secured.
The meeting was called to order by
Mayor Harris, who stated that the pur
pose was to ascertain the opinion of
the Alliance citizens as to what should
be done regarding the electric light
proposition. He stated that Mr. Bar
ker, who is city attorney, had looked
up the matter thoroughly and asked
Mr. Barker to explain the matter fully,
which he did. Mr. Barker's remarks
were listened to very attentively, he
taking up the history of electric light
ing for Alliance from the first down to
the present time.
Mr. Marker was asked many ques
tions, to which he replied very fully,
stating why he thought the city should
not pay the sum of 7H,0O0 for the
plaut, which was the amount awarded
the Company by the arbitrators.
Short speeches were made by Messrs.
Burner, Hampton, Newberry, Holsten,
Norton. Wood, Broome and Guthrie.
One gentleman stated that he favored
putting in a new plant, wnich caused
a general laugh, he being one of the
first owners of the present plant.
The question of repudiation of the
the contract with the Electric Com
pany was taken up and at one time a
motion was made and seconded that
the city council be asked to author
ize the mayor to officially repudiate the
contract, but this was withdrawn with
out being voted ou.
The general opinion of the meeting
was that no action should be takeu by
tbe city and that the Electric Company
should be allowed to take the initia
tive. The fact that under the present
laws the city of Alliance cannot bond
itself to pay tbe sum of $7e,ooo for this
purpose was emphasized.
It was suggested that a compromise
be effected if possible and that by all
Nil a lawsuit be avoided if there is
any possible way of doing so. It was
not stated whether or not the Electric
gun, and this store is showing the
largest line of Linen Cloths, Linen Table
Runners, Stand Covers, Sofa Pillows,
Linen Doilies, Library Table Covers.
And at prices that will please. It is our
intention not to carry over any of these
goods, so we have made prices that will
move them.
We are at all times in touch with the market and are
thereby able to quote you the very lowest prices on goods
of highest grade as well the standard grades.
Let us show you the following line of goods at prices
that will save you money:
Victor Flour 11.56 ft sack
Red R Flour $1.45 a sack
dkied FRUIT
Ioose Muscatel Raisins Fancy in 10 lb Box for $1.10
Apricots Fancy in 10 1b Box 1.80
Evaporated ring Apples in 10 lb Box for 1.30
10 lb Pail Kariomel Syrup 45c
10 lb Pail Ranger Sorghum 50c
10 lb Pail Dixie Jelly 50c
Skinned Hams at 20c a lb
Bulk Lard 15c a lb
Sliced Peaches in '1 1 -2 Cans 25c
Apricots " 20c
Apples in No. 10 Cans 40c
Whole Jap Rice tc a lb
Soda Crackers in wood boxes , 7c a lb
Colorado Honey in frames 20c each
Bulk Laundry Starch 5c a lb
Celluloid Starch 10c a package
Defiance Starch 10c a package
Polo Soap, 9 Bars for 25c
Wyandotte Cleanser and Cleaner 20c a sack
Coal Oil 5 Gal. for 60c
Remember that these are not special prices, but are
in keeping with the market. We have the highest grade of
goods that the markets will supply. Prices always right.
Alliance Grocery Co.
l'omn:ine urmilit iitn.uiil t.. u . n ...
of Alliance, Neb . :0fcCtii- suid awtu J mise.
Monarch and Colorado Goal
PHONE, 666
Telephone Orders Receive
Prompt Attention
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
solicited. Phone 4
frank Wallace. Prop'r.
UJ. h AT l.l ill-s' UKOCCHY