The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 01, 1910, Image 2

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Our line of Fall Hats
is very complete. The
latest styles fitted by
experienced milliners.
And the prices are
very low.
One-third off on all
trimmed hats.
New stock of Ladies1,
Misses' and Children's
Our Fall Suits are un
surpassed in quality
and style.
A very complete
stock of Ladies' and
Children's Furnishing
Goods, Dry Goods and
Notions is at your
service. You can save
money by buying at
this store.
Our expenses are low
and we sell on a small
Will Cronley who has been upeneli t(r
a few day with Mr. and Mr. Frank
Olds at hiidnm. returned homo Tues
nay on 44.
Mr. and Mrs. li-k Ken Mr came up
from Alliance on 4.'1 Wednesday la
spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Ken
m i -'s parent. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Mean
I!cv. ltenUmin Kuhler, wife and chil
dren, who spent a few days the first of the
week with Mrs. Kuhler brother, Dr. Mc
Euen, returned to their home in (Jordan
Wednesday on 43.
Dr. McHuen and wife and Kev. Kuhler
and wife took supper at the home of John
Armstrong Tuesday.
Mr. Chandler came in from Curlv Tues
day, going out Wednesday, Mrs. Waliace
going out to spend Thanksgiving with her
daughter, Mrs. Walter Weddle.
Mr. jaraes Hauler antoed up from Alli
ance Tuesda", going to the ranch.
Mrs. Hesaie Hart let t came over from
Chadron, going out to Fenner's ranch for
a short visit.
Everett Clayton, who has been attend
ing school at Alliance, came up on 43 last
Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with
his sister, Mrs, Wm. Cony, returning on
44 Sunday.
Kev. Cox was a passenger to Keno
Thursday on 44.
James Evans came up from Alliance on
43 and returned on 44 Thursday,
Col. Fosket went to Chadron for a few
days Wednesday.
Miss Mary Iodence returned from her
visit to Chadron Wednesday.
Mrs. Frank Kwing and children and
Willie Carter spent Thanksgiving with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Car
ter. Tina Iverson came in on 13 Wednesday
from Denver, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. George I.oer left for Kan
sas City the first of the week. They will
visit in Illinois and Indiana before return
ing. Harold Olds, who has been in town at
his fathers for a few days, re
turned to his home Thursday. Mr. Olds
is gaining as fast as could be expected.
Miss Sadie Hacker came up from Berea
Thursday on 43 for a few days' visit with
her sister, Miss Jessie Hacker, who is
teaching in the Jensen District.
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Fenner took
Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. Fenner's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Fenner, near
Miss Alice Fotmesil visited with her sis
ter. Mrs i: S Wildy, the latter part of
the week
M. F. I). Spranklin returned home from
Sheridan, Wyo. , Saturday on 44.
W. A. Kandall came in from Sioux
county Saturday, bringing in some dressed
Bertha Koland went to Alliance Thurs
day on 44 for a few days' visit with her sis
ter, Mrs. James Evans, returning home
Mrs. George Andre was a passenger to
Alliance Saturday on 44.
was packet to its utmost capacity .
T here was hardly standing- room The
program was appropriate to the occa
sion and the .tipper disappeared almost
ns fast as it was placed on the tallies
Wc did not learn how much was taken
in at the door, but think it was satis
Miss Vira Horn and Miss Marie McHwee
spent Monday night at Miss Vira s home.
Mr George Severson was down in the
Canyon one day this week.
Mr Amos Mowry is working on the
ditch for G. W. Horn.
Mrs. Arthur Hubbell and Mr. dohn
Duerr were Minatare visitors Monday.
Mr. Hoy Denton passed through Mope
on his way to Minatare Tuesday .
A merry surprise party was given last
Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Horn in honor of their son
Burt's sixteenth birthday. A number of
our young folks were present and spent
the evening with music, games and danc
ing At midnight supper was served. At
three o'clock a. m. they all departed for
their homes wishing Bert many happy re
turns of the day. 1 hose present were:
Misses Elsie Horn, Helen Beeson, Vira
Horn. Nora Cogar, Sadie Horn, Nettie
Crismond, lva Horn Edna Horn; Messrs.
Everett Horn, Joe Beeson. Willie Davis,
Hen Nicola, Earnest Thompson, Wilford
Cogar, John Crismond, Boston Neek, Bert
Horn and Amos Mowry.
We have been asleep for the last two
weeks and have just woke up and found
it cold enough to freeze mud turtles.
Miss Lula and Opha Lemons, who are
attending school at Alliance, came home to
spend Thanksgiving.
Fred Ellsworth, one of our promising
young men, won the prize by taking four
young ladies to the Thanksgiving dinner.
Abbott Brothers have just received an
other car load of lumber.
Mrs. Hamaker has gone to Hot Springs
to visit her children.
Miss Cecil Hack was thrown out of a
wagon last Thursday night and dislocated
her arm, but is improving nicely.
James Fhelps returned home on 44 from
Valentine, where he has been visiting for
the last ten days.
Mrs. Hiery went to Crawford Saturday
on 4), returning home Sunday.
Miss I'earl Fvans and brcther George
were in town Saturday.
Fred Ellsworth took a load of hogs to
Crawford Saturday for James Phelps.
The dance at Phillips was a grand suc
cess. One hundred people attended.
Mrs. Diehl and Andrew are going to the
Sunny South for the latter s health.
Mrs. Abbott and daughter visited Mrs.
Lee Gregory Saturday.
Our school is doing nicely this winter
with Miss Clark and Miss Blessing as
Christmas free af Fairview
fn Front of the Palace Livery Stable
700 can nearly always see a rig getting
read- to start out. We will send one any
distance, for any purpose, at any time.
We answer all calls promptly
and will be glad to serve yon in any way
in which a rig is required.
H. P. COURSEY. Prop.
phone va
Mr. and Mrs. Eggert, of
spent Thanksgiving with Mr.
Frank Hlack.
and Mrs
Chiropractic is the science of restor
ing health without medicine or surgery.
We remove the cause of the disease
by adjusting the spinal column. What
ever your afflictions, there is hope for
you in chiropractic adjustments- Call
at my office for examination and conn
ael, Free. Office in Opera House
Block, rooms 2 aud 3. 47 tf-254
Miss Dennis, the Keno school teach
er , went to Lakeside last Saturday on
44 to attend the taffy pull at her sister's
that night. There were 18 people pres
ent and all reported a tine time.
Mrs. Fanny Switzer. Charles Castle
and Gladys Hier all went to Alliance
Sanday on 43.
Mr. Strong', Mr. Nelson and Mr.
Leistritz have all been putting down
new wells closer to their houses.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hier gave a
Thanksgiving dinner to nine guests,
and there being three in the family just
made an even dozen. They all enjoyed
the feast immensely, after which they
all went to Reno to the oyster supper.
W. 0, Siminson was lcokintf after
his ranch interests three miles west of
Keno last week.
Wonder what makes Charles Castle
go to Alliance every Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lea Stergeon and May
Mapps were shoppiug in Alliance last
The Nelson family took dinner at
John Strong's Thanksgiving: also Mrs.
Kop Strong and Miss Delia Strong.
Miss Gladys Heir came down from
Alliance on 44 Thursday to spend
Thanksgiving at home and to take part
in the program in the school house at
Jesse Nelson helped Mr. Strong
butcher last Tuesday.
Len Boyer butchered a beef Friday,
and Henry Hier butchered one Satur
day. Miss Gladys Hier returned to Alliance
Sunday to attend School.
Little Tena Nelson was on the sick
list last week but is better now.
Johu and Fred Leistritz are baling
hay for Mr Fryer south of Lakeside.
C. E. McFall had quite a family
gathering at his place Thanksgiving.
We hear that the scholars at the Nel
son school are soon to lose their teach
er. Charles Clough finished dipping all
of his cattle Tuesday. He dipped 1,001
in all.
P J. Sturgeon and family and Mr.
Mapps and family took dinner at Lea
Sturgeon's Thauksgiving.
Frank McFall butchered a beef the
day before Thanksgiving.
Lula Nelson visited over Sunday ith
Tot Morgan
The festival at Reno school house
was well attended. M the school house
There will be a Christinas tree at
Fairview church this year, and an in
teresting program will he rendered. A
committe on program was appointed at
the Sunday school last Sunday. It
has not been definitely decided what
evening the entertainment will be
given, but notice thereof will be pub
lished in The Herald in ample time.
Hemingford House
STEELE & RAY, Props.
Rates, $2 per day
Newly remodeled through
out. The best of table serv
ice. Clean rooms. Special
attention to transients.
Searles I Searles
U years In Lincoln
Vecialists IN
Cbroolc and
Nervous Diseases of
Meo aud Women
bail Stooes I Piles
rsmoved without an
Deration. All dls-
CM of the Now, Throat. Lungs. Stom
ach. Bowels. LJver, Rheumatism. Stric
ture. Vsrlocele. Kidney and Bladder.
All Diseases and Disorders ol Men
All Examinations and Consultations
FREE, Charges Low, Quick Cures.
Call or write for booklet. P. O. Box U4.
Office hours to 11:10; 1 to 4; night 7 to f
Dr s, Searles & Searles, Jn0cola SNL.
New Fresh Typewriter Rib
bons and Carbon Paper for
sale at the Herald office. Type
writers for rent
and sale.
Phone 340
The Biggest Department Store
in Box Butte County
Four big departments and every one of them filled full of bargains for
careful buyers. We invite you to inspect our immmense stock. We can show
you how that by buying in large quantities we save you money.
Furniture Department
The special per cent discount sale will be continued another week.
It is a big success. See the goods and note the prices. We need the room.
Queensw are Department
This new department has just been opened with a complete line of new
queensware. See tne new Japanese ware. It's selling fast. Complete line of
dinner sets.
Clothing Department
We can fit you from head to foot.
Clothing for men, women and children.
All wool suits from io to $20.
Grocery Department
By buying in big quantities and in quick sales we have a good, fresh
stock always on hand at the lowest prices. Best grade of flour is $1.65.
Special discount on lots of ten sacks.
Anything you want for sale at this store,
vour money back.
Satisfaction guaranteed or
XXXAJ Jk Aj, t s .
The whole of Manchuria is officially
declared to be infected with the bu
bonic plague.
A monument to General James Ed
ward Ogelthorpe, founder of Colony of
Georgia, was unveiled at Savannah.
Colonel Moses C. Wetmore of St
Louis died as the result of injuries
suffered when run down by a wagon.
The government has filed suit in
New York asking for the dissolution
of the American Sugar Reflining com
pany, the so called sugar trust.
For three days a coast storm has
been sweeping the New England shore
line with wind velocities averaging
nearly a mile a. minute.
Maude E. GlaviB, wife of Louis R.
Glavis, former chief of the field di
vision of the general land office in
Seattle, obtained a divorce.
Twelve workmen were injured, four
seriously, when a Baltimore and Ohio
freight ran into and wrecked an inter
urban electric car at South Chicago.
The Tennessee supreme court held
as constitutional the act of the Ten
nessee legislature of 1909 prohibiting
the manufacture of whisky in Tennea
The new Pennsylvania station in
New York was formally declared open
at one minute past midnight and the
first train rolled under the river one
minute later.
Ten million dollars' worth of dam
age is done annually in the United
States by ground squirrels, according
to a bulletin issued by the department
of agric ulture.
TllMttS M. Reid of Houston, Miss., a
civil engineer, was killed in Mexico
City by a policeman, who sought to
avenge the burning of Anton Rod
riguez in Texas.
Samuel T. Withers, aged fifty-five,
second vice president of the First Na
tional bank, committed suicide in a
hospital at Lynchburg, Va., by shoot
ing himself through the head.
Milwaukee's first municipal dance
was a decided success. Juneau hall,
in which it was given, proved too
small and Kilbourne hall, adjoining,
was thrown open to accommodate the
Tim Hurst, the well known umpire,
it seriously HI In New York with
blood poisoning, which developed from
a sharp blow by a foul tip which
struck him on the ankle several
weeks ago.
The victim of the mysterious mur
der at Aberdeen, S. D , Sept. 3, has
been identified as Edmund Casey, a
farmer, whose family, consisting of a
widow and six children, reside near
Strool, S. D.
" '"qaSBPMta. mm . .
nemingtord s New More
Drugs, Sundries, Paints and Oils
A. M. THOMPSON, Propr.
Successors to Boyd's Drug Store
Cold Weather
m ans
I handle the "KING BEE" heater. It's a fuel
saver and its capacity of holding fire is astonishing.
The prices are reasonable. See them.
I have in stock a complete line of the latest
models of ranges.
Stove boards and stove oilcloth, all kinds of
Builders' Hardware
Hemingford, Nebr.
for THIS
Central Lumber Co.
Building material, Piles, Posts
hehinoford, and Coal Nebraska