m f If 1 I HI I IIIHIIIII Hlt I RAILWAY NOTES ANB PERSONALS f 1 Tl 1 " I IP iiif i 'f 'J' 'J1 "4 III I if Sopl. and Mr. Weidentielmer are planninR a trip to Uuflalo, N. Y. to visit their daughter who U in school there. They will Mart about Dec. int. Conductor and Mrs, Dldt Kenner re turned Wednesday mornlna from an en joy able visit in Iowa and eastern Nebraska, i Conductor R. J. lturbe had his car and crew pulled off to be in Alliance for the Thanksgiving ball, Machinist A. Burchell has been of! sev eral days with a severe cold V, D. Evans of the clerical force in the trainmaster's office returned Monday morning from a three days' visit in Lincoln, Don B Wagner went to Seneca Sunday morning on the pay car Word was received In Alliance Saturday that Pearl Johnson, formerly a conductor here, was badl injured while switching. He is working out of Pueblo, Colo. lirakeman II rooks has resigned and will go south for the winter. Itrakemen Francis and Coon of the east eddihave ceen transferred to Alliance, Joe Prlco, who for several years has been one of the popular call boys here, has gone on the road as brakeman. Con. W, W. Johnson Is laying off. Rich ardson has his car and crew. Con. Curamings is laying off for Thanks giving. Brakeman Chrlstcnson has quit and will go to Bradshaw, where he has a sister. Brk'm H. Stiner has quit and will go to Iowa. Carl Soremon, one of the Crawford hill firemen, has been off several days with a sore hand, Fireman R. E. Munger has been sent to Seneca. Fireman Burns was caught on the east end and has been there about ten days. He is anxious to return to Alliance. Brakemen Gorge Walter and F, P. Mar tin have roslgned and returned to their home In Wynoose, Brakeman Couton returned Wednesday morning from a ten days' visit at Loupe City. One of our well known and popular young conductors, George Young, has de cided to go into business and has purchased the lumber yard at Marsland. He has a great many warm friends among the offi cials and his fellow workmen, who are very'sorrv to see him leave the ranks. They all join in wishing him prosperity and plenty in his new home. H. Murray, formerly a brakeman here, has been confined to the hospital, where he bas undergone an operation. We are glad to say he is rapidly recovering. Miss Susie Ayars, sister of Chief Clerk Wagner spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Guernsey, Wyo. Mrs, Ray Hoag spent Saturday and Sunday visiting friends in a ranch south of town. Conducnor L, T. Halverstadt and wife of Ravenna expect to leave in a few days for southern Texas, where they own land. If pleated with the country they may stay. Mr. Halverstadt will go into the hardware business. It is reported that Will Dletlein has disposed of his Ravenna property and will go to look at the same country Miss Dorothea t'ederson, daughter of Conductor I'edcrson of Ravenna, has been very sick, Mrs Edna Gray went down to help care for her. We hope she will soon be better. Chan. Bennett had the misfortune to have a car load of furniture that he was moving from Ravenna to Alliance badly damaged by fire and water. The car caught fire near Berwyn. Mr, D. J. Nelson was in Edacrnont Tuesday on Company business. Enslneer Hosier has resisned and will go to Iowa, where he will take charge of his fathers farm, Mr. Clyde Miller, for the past two years a conductor here, has resigned and will go to Perry, Iowa, where he will run a train C. M. & s. T. i- wyde is a young man who had done all of his railroading here and his many friends will regret very much to see him go. He wilt go in a few days. E LOCAL PARAGRAPHS J Mr. Goddard, traveler for the Oliver Typewriter Company, spent Saturday and Sunday in Alliance on business. John W. Thomas, editor of The Herald, is on a business trip to Dalton, Sidney and other nearby points. John Zurn, a nephew of Gregory Zurn, of Alliance, from Cascade, Mon tana, is visiting with his uncle in Alii once for a short time Judge Gregory Zurn, wife and son Oscar, spent Sunday in Crawford, vis iting the Judge's brother, returning Monday morning. The Herald camera has caught a great many interesting pictures. A half-dozen secured on election day are attracting not a little attention, among them being pictures of the voting places in both first and second wards, street Bcencs. etc. These are on exhibition in The Herald office. Coal business is picking up with the coal dealers since the recent change in the weather. Although wc have had no heavy snow there have been several flurries and the winds are very chilly. A printing office, because of the ink and machinery, always feels the change first, but with ample heating facilities The Herald office is kept warm and "comfy." The Alliance Bowling Alloy has been sold to J. O. Babcock, of Scottsbluff. Mr. Babcock is an experienced man and is having the alley put in first class condition. As will be seen by the 'ad vertisement in another part of this pa per, Tuesday will be ladies' day. This form of amusement is very popular in Alliance, and we believe Mr. Babcock has made a good investment. A. R. Wilson left Monday night on a business trip to eastern Nebraska. Bicknelis & Heed, successors to the grocerv business of Teater Brothers, report (bat sihe? changing their busi ness to a cash basis their trade has in creased very heavily and the crowded condition ol their utore is evidence of that fact. ' F. J. Burke, a former Alliance ma chinist, was in the city Tuesday after noon and Wednesday morning. He is now located at Edgcmont. Mrs. E. Reeves has gone to Hot Springs to take treatment and be with her daughter-in-law, who is there while being treated for cancer. The want-ad department of the Her ald is constantly increasing in size. The patrons of this department find that replies can be secured quicker through this department than by any other means. Many regular customers use it for advertising their business. J. W. Guthrie, of the insurance firm of Gray & Guthrie, spent a couple of days in Denver the first of the week, preparing for the Hallowe'en Dance to night. We understand that he secured Borne mighty fine costumes which will be seen at the bail. REIS' INITIALS for Home Embrolderlerlng. Stuckey Company, Alli ance, Nebraska. Louis H. Potter, of the Chicago branch of the Mergenthaler Linotype Company, was in Alliance the first of the week. A complete new set of loose-leaf ledgers and other office books, has been installed in The Herald office. This office has the agency for the Twinlock line of loose-leaf office supplies, and has equipped many Alliance offices with outfits. A loose-leaf outfit costs no more than a bound book outfit and is much handier Bates Copeland, of the firm of Cope land & Nation, who has been confined to his home by illness for about ten' days, is back at work. The report of the Nebraska State Ir rigation, given by The Herald in this issue, will be read with interest all over Nebraska, Irrigation will take a great step forward in this movement, and it means much to this end of the state. A complete new equipment of job type was adden to The Herald plant this week. The constantly increasing job business of The Herald crowds the plant to the utmost and in keeping with the policy of having only the best and doing only the best work, new equip ment i'b added. R. J Lawrence, of the Alliance Electric Company, has returned from hiR trip to Chicago and other eastern points. A. W, Stowe, from Omaha, is n new employee of the Holstcn store Mr. Stowe is an expert watchmaker and will make a very valuable addition to the popular drug and jewelry stole force. - As will be seen by thej, mepn; in an other part of The HeraldiKtABurlinR ton Hotel will serve 'anYclaborate Thanksgiving dinner today. This pop ular hotel makes a specialty of fine dinners and its patrons will not be dis appointed. The Herald is in receipt of the an nual report of the Nebraska Agricultur al Experiment Station. This is a bound book of 140 pages and is of in terest to everyone connected with farming- Anyone desiring to use this book can do so by calling at The Herald office. Business is brisk all over western Nebraska, and evidences a prosperous condition of this end of the state. Mr. Felix L, Galligher. a banker of Rosalie, Nebraska, waB in Alliance Tuesday morning on business. Mr. Galligher was in Alliance about a year ago- Wayne Wilson, of A. R. Wilson & Son, left Alliance Tuesday noon for a trip to bis old home in Belvidere, Nebr. He will probably be gone sixty days. W. R. Davis, of the R. I. Polk & Company, who are now getting out the Alliance city directory, is now in the city canvasing the city for names. Miss Inez Beck is home for Valley, Nebraska, where she is teaching school. She expects to return Sundav, her sister, Mrs. Hazel Conners. coinc with her as far as Grand Island, where ' she is now living. The revivnl meetings at the Metho dist church are constantly increasing in interest and attendance. Sunday evening the church was packed to the limit to listen to an inspiring sermon by the paBtor, Rev. Dr. J L. B. Jones. Ira L. Kimmcl, of Alliance, and one of The Herald's subscribers, has gone for an extended visit to Hastings, I where he has relatives. He will prob ably remain there for' the winter, and perhaps permanently. Mesdames Dan Fitzpatrick, Chas. Grothe, Peter Yontz, J. B. Kniest and Frank Connors, and Miss Agnes Row land are delegates from Alliance to the state rally of the Ladies of the Macca bees, to be held at Omaha next Mon day and Tuesday. Mrs. Yontz left yesterday morning, expecting to stop at Central City for a visit with friends en route to the metropolis, and Mrs. Kniest and Mrs. Connors left yesterday on 44 for Omaha where they will visit and take in the sights of the city until time for the rally to open. Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Grothe and Miss Rowland will leave Alliance Sunday. wwomcemewt We have purchased the Teater Brothers' Grocery. This is a fresh, up-to-date stock and all customers will be given the best of treatment. After November 17, Groceries will be Strictly Cash If you will call at our store we will be glad to show you how you cail save money by paying cash. We guarantee to save you a big difference. We are dealers in the famous Crete Flour. Prices are $1.60 per sack for first grade; $1.50 per sack for second grade. Produce will be taken at the top market prices in trade.' PHONE 19 Bicknelis & Reed P is ' THE FAMOUS THE FAMOUS ONE - PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE 20 GREAT BIG NOVEMBER BARGAINS pr Those boys Shoes are the talk of the town. 50 Hen's Heavy Wool Suits, Hart Schaffner & Harx make; broken lines, worth $20, sale price Presto Collars, a 1 1 Wool,longOvercoats, big line of fine patterns T $15 $15 Best $5 Cow Hide Suit Case in Nebraska. 39 fine $25 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits; one and two suits of a kind, dur ing this sale $1995 See our $5, $6 and $7 men's suits; fine work suits, new goods. 150 pairs of those fine 75c Boys'Knickerbock er Pants, at 39c We have some BIG BARGAINS in TRUNKS See our $7.50 bargain. See our SUITCASES from $ 1.35 to $7.50 EXTRA Boys' Corduroy Long Pants at t "1 pair while J)l They Last All-Wool Ribbed Un derwear for men, shirts and drawers worth $1.50, Sale Price, each $1.00 Boys' all - wool Shirt Waists, 75c values, now 50c 2 pairs for 25c Engineers' and Fire men's Sox, good heavy ones. 2 pairs tor 25c Boys1 Sweater Coats 75c Values now $50c See those Munsing Union Suits for 25 dozen Men's Wool Mixed Sox, 2 pairs for 25c One lot of Men's Light Colored Hats, worth $1.50. Sale Price 75c The best Bicycle Hose for boys, 2 pairs for 25c 10 dozen Lined Mit tens, worth 75c, now 50c 50 dozen Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, each 39c 60 pairs U. S. Army Blue Pants, worth $5. Sale price, small sizes, $1.48 1 lot of Boys' Long Pants, S2.50 values; Sale Price $1.39 These prices start on November 17th and will continue until November 27th. Come early and get the best pick of these fine goods. The prices quoted will move them quickly. All new, upto the minute merchandise; no old .stock or rusty prices here. Come in and see for yourselves. TheFaHttousClothinsHouse A STORE FOR MEN THE FAMOUS The Famous Daylight Store Daylight Methods ' ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Jftai a..aV.-La. j