The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 24, 1910, Image 6

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    Attend the Great Getting Acquainted Sale
Money refunded if not 'satisfied
with your purchase.
The defendants American Investment Com
pany and T. A.Thoniwon, tlofendnnts will
laku notice Unit on the 3rd day ot Nov. 11H0,
V. E, Keddlh und Peter lluhendall. ttui nlalu
tl(I, Med their petition In tlio District Court
o( Ilnx Jiutto County. NebrunUn, niralnst
American Investment Company. Hank of
Commcreo, American t.onn und TruM. Com
pany, and T. A. Thompson, the object and
iiraynrof wlilcl) aroana llrht cuuo or action
to hurts declared paid und hitttstiocl of record
a curtain tax lien upon llio Soutlienht Quarter
of section Thirty (30) In township Twenty
Four (!) north of Kuiitfo Kitty (M) went under
nnd by vlrturo of a treasurers tux sale cer
tificate) issuod to the ould American Invchl
ment Company of Kintuctahurir, lima. Novem
her-', lHSilfortlio tuxi'H of the year 1M0 in the
sum of f u UO; and us a nccoml cause of action
to have declared paid and Mill-lied of record
acertnlu tax llmi In favor of 1 Thoii;son.
by Tlrtuo of a tax sale vurlilh'aio dated .Ian.
7, 1HK fur tho taxes of the year lAwupon Urn
iNorthwest Quarter of tuvtlon nineteen mo In
township. Twenty Four CM) north ofltunue
Fifty (50) went In the Hum of H to, with pray
er that said tax IIoiih lw caneellcd or record
and the title to all of said IbiuIn heoulctcd in
the plaintiff.
You urn required lo finxncr said petition on
or before the IStli day of December, HMO.
Dated November 3, 1010.
1 H. ItKlUllHIt,
47-41-81 l'lnliitlirs.
The defendants. Everett. If. Miller, and At
meda DutTron Miller, Ids wire, will titke notice
that outboard day or Biteiubur, 1M0, V. M.
Knlcht the plaintiff, filed bin petition In the
district Court of Ilox Hutte County, Nebras
ka, against F.verett li. Miller. Aluicdu Daffrun
Miller. Y. W. Norton und The Alllanco llulbl
lng ti Loan Association, the object and pruv
orof which la to furoclnnon certain protuls
ory note In the sum of $,'14 '.to occured by a
tuorlituKO on l.otH lllock 1, Town of Alliance,
Ilox llutto Comity. Nebraska, said note and
tnortKauu twins executed by defendant Ever
ett It Miller and subject to a mortgage of
51.000. executed by the defendant Uverett II,
M(ilur to the defendant The Alliance HiiUdinn
& Loan Association on said property. The
Mild tiotosoduethepUlntlir Is dated the IHlb
day of September UK)", und duo and puyublo
May 18, inoMi that tbei-o l.s now duo und unpaid
upon hald mortgago the sum of $177 00. for
which Mum with Interest from Mil date the
plaintltr prays for u ilecteeot forelonro nnd
sale of Mid premises.
You are required to auswer said petition on
or beroro the 12th day of Deeomber. IVI0.
Dated November 1'.', 1110.
47-4t-ai I'.M. Kmoiit.
The defendants Oerhard lykauip and Mm.
lCykamp wife of Ourharu EyUamp, Una real
came unknown, will take notice that on the
3rd day of November, 1P10 Virgil Smltli. plain
tiff, tiled blKixtltloD In Mm District Court of
ltox llutto County, Nbtaskai uirainstdcrhurd
Kykumn and Mra Kvkainn wife of Uerhard
i:ykamp, BrM real niimo unknown, defend
ant, tue odjkh una prayer or winch is to have
canculled and sot usido a certain deed of con
veyance dated November SO, 18!0 from One
nenlaraln F, titoneraud wife to the Mild Ger
hard Kykatnu for LoU Otto (1) and Two C) and
South Half Northeast Quarter l8HNk')t
fcectlyn One) In thwoshlp Twenty Four (30
north of Itange Fifty One Oil west In ltox
Duttu county. Nebraska, und to have the title
to amid premises quieted in the plalniltr.
You are required to answer mild petition
on or before tho lSlh day of December, 1010.
Duted November 3, 1PI0. r
47-4t-W I'lalntltr.
The defendants Joel M Uumbo.Matlldallim
bo. bis wife, F.&tey t Cuinp Company, and tba
unkuown helraof Charles K. Ultnoii, deceit
ed, will take notice that on the 3rd day ir No
vember 1010. 'William A Hprluger tho nlnlutitr,
filed his petition In the District Court or Ilox
Uuttn county, Nebraska, acalnst Joel M Uaui
Ik), Matilda Kumho hh wife, Aucley lUnklntr
Company, Ksiev 13ump Conip.uv, and tin-
kouwii ueira 01 uuariei r;. uiummi. iteteuu
ants, the object und prayer of which are to
oulct tho titled lu the ulalutlR upon the
Southwest Quarter (SV! of Mctiou Thirty
KhoCWIu township Tweuty Six CJli) north of
llanKO Forty Nino (43) weat In liov Itutte
county, Htate of Nebratiku. and to uxclude
each and all or said dofeniants from tiny In
terest therein.
You ure required to unvoror Ktd etitlon on
or iHttore the l-'tb day of December, 1910,
Dated NavtMuIicr 3. 1910.
7-4t-Kl 1'lalntllt.
To II, V. Joue. "
.You am hereby JiOtlUed that I. Uio tiudfr
bbjned. did on tho btb day of AueustA T) liKVi
purchase at private tai hale of tho treasurer
of Box Hutte county. Nebraska, tlio folIowliiK
ile-vcribed lot situated lu Has )tutte county.
Nebr ,tu-wit:
lxt three iH) block Mx tfl) llemlncford. Nebr,
for tho taxes of the yenra lKW-fi3-l(X)-0l-03-.
01-05-06, und that I havealuco. and after the
Kame became delmaueut, paid as auhacuuent
tax. tho tuxes for the year JPOMH-00. tbat
kald land-lot wan taxed In the name of D. K.
Jonrfor the years ltas-99-liwo-Hoitft;-os-M-0oattiid4)7iuiulntbenaruaot
Lincoln Land
Co (or ItiOyeur iposand ifjoa. And you are
farther ootltied thai after ttie oxiilrattuu or
tbreu months from date of tho service of this
notice, twill apply toxitd. treasuter for a tax
ded of said land-lot, You; wilt soveru your
aclf aciwrdluif'y.
Dated this Uth day or Novcmlier, A. D. 1910.
Joun OKkejc Purchaser.
"We want to know you all. Therefore we are going to sell you goods so. cheap that
'''' - ' you will remember -us in the future.
WC Have SLS it IS, been selling goods a great deal cheaper than you. have
been accustonmed to. But we are going to cut the prices so deep that you can't help
but buy.
and to become well acquainted, we are going to hand out some of the4 GREATEST
'BARGAINS that have ever been offered in Alliance.
Will Promote Beauty
Women desiring' beauty get wonder
ful help from Bucklen'A Arulca Salve.
It banishes pimples, (tlcin eruptions,
sores und bolls. It niultcs the sltln
isoft und velvety. It glorifies the face.
Cures soro eyes, cold sores, cracked
lips, chapped hands. Hest for bums,
scalds, fever sores, cuts, bruises and
piles. jr.u ut F. .T. Hrennnirs.
Box Butte County Prosperous
Tlio year iqto has been a dry year
in most fanning sections, but it takes
Box Utitto county, as usual, to hold
first! rank a an agricultural section.
A. R. Wilson and son. who have a
farm directly west of Alliance, had 140
acres under cultivation this season.
Thev kad 50 acres of oats that weighed
out 39 bushels per acre; 13 aqres of
barley that weighed out 22 bushels per
acre; and 20 acres of their potatoes
produced 2,500 bushels,
If this record can bo beaten we
haven't heard of it. and tho fact that
these gentlemen cleaned up $3,000 on
this farm this year shows and proves
conclusively that intelligent farming
can nnd does pay in Western Ne
braska, r.
Shall WtDrnen Vote?
If thev did. millions would vote Dr.
Klng'K New Life Pills tho true remedy
for women. For banishing dull, fagged
feelings, backache or headache, consti
pation, dispelling colds, imparting ap
petite and toning up the. system, they
are unetptalcd. I2uty, safe, sure. 25c
at V.A. Urennan't.
Important Notice to
Meat Consumers
We have good news for the
people of Alliance who have been
compelled to pay high prices for
an inferior quality of meat. With
the opening of the Cash Meat
Market, in our new building at
517 Sweetwater avenue, we can
positively announce that we are
MEATS than the people of this
city have been buying and at
We don't send away several
hundred miles to have the culls
from the big packing houses
shipped to us at great expense.
We buy the best fat cattle and
hogs to be found in Box Butte
and neighboring counties, we do
expert butchering and serve
meats to you in the best possible
style, and at prices 2a to 40 per
cent less than you have been
will prove our claim.
Telephone orders delivered
promptly, Phone 50.
Cash Meat Market
517 Sweetwater Avenue.
W. A. WlnVleplek. first name unknown, will
take notice t baton thoioth iluy of November,
IBI8. W. H.'lMdtrall.a.liisth'eof tho Peace in und
tor Alliance, Second Ward I'recinct, Dot Butte
uounty, neurusKU, ihsuou an oroor or auacu
meat for tnu turn or tnirty uonura (
in au
aetlon uendlnE before
wherelu Mra.
Alliuce Vaughn it plaintiff and W A. Wink
leDlek. Urst name unknown, is defendant.
That the property of the tald defendant, con
sisting of one (rotd tilled watcb case, with a
twenty-three Jeweled Walthum movement,
have leun attached under said order. Said
case has been continued to the 31kt day of De
cemler. 1910. at one o'clock p m.
D.ited thl Jlst day of No ember, 191",
Come Early, Don't Delay
Happenings 0 Interest in This End of
the State.
An interesting Farmers' Institute was
licit! at Kimball last week.
Sidney lias a new blacksmith shop
and auto garage, owned by John F.
Construction has been begun on a
new stone building for the First Na
tional Bank at Uayard.
Mrs. Frank Forsling, of Kimball,
had her leg broken in a runaway last
Saturday, near Husliiiell-
An Oshkosh man has invented a pat
ent fly killer that is claimed to be ahead,
of anything of a similar nature.
The Thomas County Sunday School
Convention was held iu the Congrega
tional church at Thedford a week ago
Seventy-six per cent of the work on
the Nortli Platte Irrigation project is
completed. The Pathfiuder dike is 89
per ccut completed.
Firth Booth, resident of Cheyenne
county for a goad many years, died at
his homo. Hear Sidney. Wednesday.
November t6th, aged fifty-eight years.
A complete new telephone equipment
has been installed in the Kimball phone
exchange. The exchange is now locat
ed in the new Hunk of Kimball build
The Scottsbluff Chautauqua Associa
tion has decided that their holdings at
Scottsbluff are too valuable for their
purpose and are cutting them up into
Henry E. Gapen, of Sidney, has
been selected to fill the vacancy iu the
County Judge's office of Cheyenne coun
ty, caused by the death of Judge
J. C Mowry, of Minatare, died of
heart trouble last Sunday morning.
Mr. Mowry lias been prominently
identified with Minatare for the last
thirteen years.
J. C Bailey, of Oshkosh, was arrest
ed last Friday charged with bootlegg.
i"K- 1 wo uurreis 01 liquor ana a
bunch of gambling pharaphernalia were
lound in his possession.
The new sugar factory at Scottsbluff
started operation at 1 1 o'clock Wedues
day of last week, The mill ran at the
start at the rate of 1,300 tons. 200
men are employed at present.
The Mitchell Index is conducting a
very successful piauo voting contest.
This enterprising paper is alwayR right
up-to-date and is one of the leading
papers of the North Platte Valley.
Indications are that work will com
meoce soon on the new Burlington line
from Kearney to Bridgeport. This
line, when, bulit, mil probably extend
to Guernsey, and will be the main line
of the Burlington.
A. J. Branscom, of Ravenna, and
Miss Susau Thoruburg, of Potter, were
married at tho bride's home Wednes
day, November 16th. Mr. Branscom
is a railroad man at Ravenna, and
their home will he made at that city.
Mr. I, L. Lyman, editor and pro
prietor of the Miuatare Free Press, was
oue of the delegates to the Nebraska
btate Irrigation Association at Bridge
port and took a prominent part. The
Free Press is a good, newsy paper, and
we enjoy reading it.
The corner stone of the new State
Normal School was laid at Cbadrou,
Tuesday November 15th. The cere.
monies trjre conducted bv lli Mntnnin
Grand Lodge of Nebraska. Luther P.
Luddeu, LauAoti G Btiati, Bart L.
Shellhorti and J. J. Toolev of the State
Board of Education Mere present.
Addresses were made by officials of
Chadron nnd members of the Grand
Lodge, as well as by numbers of the
State Board of Education.
A live Commercial Club has been or
ganized af Lodgepole. This little city
icahzed the need ot si club and organ
ized with fourteen members. The
new club ants a new city park, fire
proof buildings in the business section,
water works and some other municipal
Not Sorry for Blunder
"If my friends hadn't blundered In
tliiultlnc I wits a doomed victim of con
sumption, I might not be alive now,"
writi'h D. T. Sanders of Hurrodsburjr,
Ky., "but for years they miw every at
tempt to cure a luug-rncking cough
fall. At last I tried Dr. King's New
Discovery The effect wus wonderful.
It sorn stopped the cough and Iain
now (n belter health thuti I have hud
for yeurs. This wonderful life-saver
is an unrivulcd remedy for coughs,
colds, lagrlppe, asthma, croup, hemor
rhages, whooplDgeough, or weak lungs
50e, 51.00 Trial bottle free. Guaran
teed by fc J. Hrennan.
Some Thanksgiving History.
The manner In which TUanksplvInc
day was first instituted us a national
festival ha especial Interest. Durlne
the war for Independence elffht public
and general thanksgivings were order
ed by the Continental congress, but aft
er the genr-ral thanksgiving for pence
In 17S4 the proclamations were discon
tinued until 17S0. whon the first na
tlonul thanksgiving was proclaimed by
President Washington, the time deslg
natcd being the last Thursday lu No
The special purpose, as recommended
to congress, wan to give thanks for the
adoption of the constitution, fn 1795
the suppression of the whisky Insurrec
tion was recognized by a presidential
call for a national day of thanksgiving.
The practice of officially recommend
ing the observance of a thanksgiving
festlvnl was gradually adopted by the
states until It now has place among
the great holidays of the nation.
A Collect For Thankagiving Day.
I thank thee. Father, for thy sky,
Wherein thy little sparrows ny:
For unseen hands' that build and break
The cloud pavilions tor my sake.
This fleeting beauty, hlKh and wild.
Toward which I wonder as a child
And thanks for morntnff's stlr-ond light
And for tho folding hush of night;
For those high deities that spread
The star filled chasm overhead.
For eltln chemistries that yield
Tlie green fires of the April field;
For all the foam and surge ot bloom.
For leaves gone glorious to their doom
All the wild loveliness that can
Touch the Immortal In a man.
Father of Life, I thank thee, too,
For old acquaintance, near and true;
For friends who came' Into my day
And took the loneliness away;
For faith that held on to ilia last.
For all sweet memories tot the past
Dear memories of my dead that send
Long thoughts of lite and of life's end,
That make me know the light conceals
A deeper world than It reveals.
Edwin Markham In Success.
Saves an Iowa Man's Life
The very grave bt'emed to yawn be
fore Robert MuiUert of West Burling'
ton, Iowa., when, after beven weelts in
the hospital, four of the best phy.sicluns
guvo htm up. Then was shown the
marvelous curative'power of Klectrie
Bitters. For, after eight months of
frightful suffering from Il7er trouble
unit yellow juumiice, getting no help
from other remedies or doctors, five
bottles ot this matcnless medicine com
pletely cured him. It's positively guar
anteed for stomach, liver or kmnej'
troubles and never disappoints. Only
50o at F- J. 11 rcu nan's.
We have just received a fine
line of Ladies' Waists
Which We Offer at Prices that are
Ladies' Black Satin 'Waists, pleated front
and back, tucked sleeves, finest grade
Ladies' jBlack Silk, handsomely trimmed
Ladies' Black, Allover Net, spangled
trimmed ,
Ladies' Black and White
Ladies' Beautiful Persian
blue and brown, at
WALL Paper
Lots of Odds and Ends
10c to 40c Values, all go for
5c a Roll
to clean up
33l3 dicount
on regular line to clean up
We have a fine sock of r o
Paper to go In bunch lots, 2 0 oC
from 5c to 15c values, all go at per roll
Hartford Fire Insuranco Company.
North American of Philadelphia.
Choenlx ot Illookljrn. New York.
Continental of New York Olty.
Niagara Fire Insurance Company.
uonneciicuu rire
Commercial Union Assurance Co., London
eicrummu rire iu. uu
State of Omaha
Avik IE1 7 i "k ?
lMI IW JfeCTQfl.
Goods exchanged if not
Shepherd's Plaid 4.50
Waists, in green,
uieanng bmi
Liverpool, London and Oloba Ins. Co.
German American Ins. Co., New York.
New Hampshire
(Columbia Fire Insurance Company.
Philadelphia Underwriters.
I'noentx in o.. uartford. Conn
11 remans 1'und insurance Co
iiocut - Meruermau Ins. Co.
Office rD-Stolrs.I'letcherHlock.
Transfer Line
Household goods "
moved promptly
and transfer work
' solicited. Phone 4
ffftftk Wallace, Prep'r.