4 i it kU - V t ivi t4 IP Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" nre classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. Cash Rates Five cents per line eacli insertion. No ad re ceived for less than ten cents per insertion. Credit Rates Five cent" per line each insertion, but no ad vertising account opened for less than tventytive cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Good Things to Cat Lovers of oysters should go to the Keystone. Oysters shipped direct to us from the oyster beds. We handle the New York Counts. Try them. You can get them in any quantity. 42tf F. B. Dismer. Pardey's cottage bread is baked expert bakers and is good to eat. by ROOMS AND BOARD JS5 per week. Board alone, $4.25, Beds for rent. 321 West Montana. Mrs. E. Boone. 50-tf To Rent FOR RENT Newly furnished mod ern rooms. 315 Big Horn Ave. Phone 353. 50-zt-327 For nicely furnished light house keeping appartments ou the ground floor, see Mrs. Bayer, of 219 Yellow stone or phone 529. 50-328 RANCH TO LEASE. Between five and six thousand acres, dearly alt fresh range. Hay and straw on place. Plenty of shedding. Splendid for sheep, cattle or horses. G. M Park er, Alliance. 50-2t3io WANTED TO RENT Two furn ished or unfurnished rooms in modern private residence. By couple who can give good references. No light house keeping. Phone 340. 4q-tf-2g2. ' FOR RENT House aud barn on Toluca Ave. House No. 504. Inquire at 321 West 3rd street. Phone No 582. Mrs. Nellie Heath. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, oue set for light house keeping. Two and one-half blocks west of Alliance Na tional Bank. Phone 582. 49-3o6-tf Mrs. Neli.e Heath. First-class board and room for one young man. Call 713 Laramie Ave., or phone 394. 47-4-225 Furnished rooms, steam heat, bath, etc., with or without board. Mrs. J. H. Curtis, 518 Toluca avenue. Phone 416. . 42 tf For Sato FOR SALE Rooming house. For particulars phone 152. 5o-tf-3t8 Only twenty-six more shopping days until Xmas. The Bee Hive Santa Slaus' Headquarters, will remain open every evening, 5o-it-3i7 Six horsepower, brand new gasoline engine for sale very cheap; Address C. M. Carey, Lakeside, Nebraska, or see it at the Crescent rauch. 50-4t-3i9. Threlkeld sells china, glassware and lamps cheap. Relinquishment for sale or trade for Alliance citv property. Improved and five miles from good town. Call or ad dress, "A", Herald office. 47.tf.246 Farmers, ranchmen, and everybody else find E. I. Gregg & Son's the best place to buy flour, feed, poultry food, and stock salt. 49-tf-294 MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE for sale cheap. Located in best residence section of Alliance. Built for a home but owner finds it necessary to sell. Big, light rooms; plenty of closets; modern bathroom with fine fixtures; big lot; fine porch; and house is entire ly new. Easy terms can be arranged. Address J, Herald office. 47-tf-252 160 acre farm seven miles frpm Minatare. 30 acres under the Tri State canal and balance under the Government canal. 25 acres under cultivation. House, barn, cow stable, etc Price only $40 per acre. Address Jos. MoFFiTT, Minatare, Nebr. 44tf-'95 Buy your stoves of T. J. Threlkeld, 401 Box Butte Ave. 43-tf For Sale Houses, Etc. v I sell furniture and house furnish ings cheaper tnan anybody. 1. j. Threlkeld. 43-tf Help Wanted r LADY ROOM MATE WANTED By young lady. Nicely furnished room in good location. References furnished. Phone 340. 49ti35 "Wanted; a girl to work at lunch hour in Cafe, Care Herald. tf GIRL WANTED for general house work. Phono 605. 45-227 Household Articles ", Let me frame your pictures threlkeld. T. J-43-tf THESE WANT AD COLUMNS are read by 1,500 subscribers every issue. Advertise your wantB. Results count. Employment Wanted DRESS M AKIN G Experienced dressmaker- 319 Yellowstone avenue. Phone 535, Mrs. Barnem. 44-tf-205 S. Gliddcn has returned to Alli ance and is readv to do all kinds of odd jobs of work. Phone 166 red. 39tf Wanted Work by day or take wash ing home. Phone 485 blue. tf Architect The C- W, Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. igtf Business Opportunities For Sale One-half interest In hardware busi ness. Carries line of harness and has best equipped tin shop in western Ne braska. Hrm is doing gooi) business. Reason for sellinif is noor health. For particulars address. Hardware, en re of Alliance Hera lit. 3'J-tf Live Stock, Poultry, Etc. FOR SALE One span of mares, 7 and 8 years old, both with foal. weignt 2,700 pounds, uall on or write C. H. Gillespie, 6o? W. Dakota. 43-tf Now is the time to buy your Brown Leghorns. Call or write me at 924 Box Butte avenue, Alliauce, Nebr. B. H. Perrv. 4i-tf Fat hogs and cattle wanted. We want to buy some good stuff to butcher. Drake & Bard, Phono 50. 49tf-3o8 Repairing, Etc. The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is run by M. D. Nichols in the rear of the Alliance Cash Shoe Store. First-class work quickly done, at reasonable prices. 4otf Miscellaneous Have your pictures framed at Threlkeld's. I have 400 tons of good hay for sale, good location to feed stock. J. D. Hagerty, 4i-tf Bridgeport, Neb. Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish.- 3-tf. FOR SALE--Good out straw at $5.00 per ton. A. k. Wit son & Son, Box 105 49-tf-284 WAMEDTO BUY double barrel shot gun, 12 gauge preferred. Price must be right. Geo. A. Hillis. 49.tt.299. Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poultry food. Best goods. Prices right. City deliveries made promptly. E. I. Gregg & Son. Phone 155. 40.294 Notice, farmers and ranchmen: If vou have eood. fat hock nr cnttln in sell we will pay you the highest market price tor it. We want nothing but good stuff, but will pay you good prices if you have what suits us. Drake &Barb, Phone 50. 49tf-3o8. Furniture and housefurnishings at the right price at Threlkeld's. NOTICE TO SETTLE Having disposed of both our grocery and meat business, all accounts are now due and payable. The accounts of S. H. Desch & Company, and the personal accounts of S. H. Desch are also pay able to us. All persons knowing them selves indebted should call and settle t once. Teatkr Brothers. 50-tf-3i2 LEARN WIRELESS & R. R. TE LEGRAPHY! Shortage of fully 10, 000 Operators on account of 8-hoiu law and extensive "wireless" develop ments. We operate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials aud positively place all students when qualified. Write for catalogue. NAT'L. TELEGRAPH INST., Gin cinnati; Philadelphia; Memphis; St. Paul, Minn.; Enid, Okla,; Columbia, S. C; Portland, Ore. Nlt'KB Mv iv1f. Mlnttt (lrfcrrr hau loft my bed and board of her own free will .wl t til : ....... u IL.1- . uuu x im hi ui viay ue respuuBluio lur tiny bills or obligations made by her, A. LkRov Giieoo. SO-St-aai Buy your china aud glassware, of Threlkeld. J AvctiM rure urea roianu uuua , Hoars on Saturday, December 3rd, at the Palace Livery Ham v A. R. Wu.so.v A; Son, 50-lt.-333 ' - ' ' " f I Qrape Cream 1 ROYAL Baking Powder Abmotufefy Pure Highest in Leavening Efficiency Makes Hot Breads international Press BiWe Question Club I have read the Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson pub lished in THE ALLIANCE HERALD also - the lesson itself for Sunday, November 27th, 1910, and intend to read the series of 52- Name . Address '. , The Wise House-Wife Says That VXCTOR Hour at $1.5") a sack looks like some reduction in the cost of living and that 60c for a 10 lb sack of PUKE NEW YORK BUCK-WHEAT is no in crease, And that New Crop whole Rice at 6c a pound helps some with Colorado Alfalfa Honey at 20c a frame Is the same as it has been for years, Also Skinned haras at '20c a pound shows a change for tho better as well as Ranger Sorg ham at 50c a gallon, Sodft Crackers in 10 lb Boxes at 70c each is also a saving and the same can be said of laundry starch at 5c a pound. Five gallon of coal oil for 60c is another help, also Cranberries at 10c a quart. She also says' that the highest grade of goods for the most reasonable prices can be had at, ALLIANCE GROCERY CO. Imitations have been issued for a fancy dress ball to be given at the Phelan opera house this evening. No detail of the arrangements have been neglected to make this an elite and en joyable affair. SSI hhiW"" I1 ' i SM IP 36111 bbHBi CDIjmbsbbbbbbbbb! wmWhm Meeting of Nebraska State Irrigation Association (Continued troiu page 4) to road thnt one vice president be appointed front each water dis trict rn the itute, seconded and earricd. Motion by .1. W. Smith that the executive committee be composed of. seven, members instead of five aud that tho sixth member bo ap pointed from tho junction of the Platte rivers as far cast oil the l'iatte river proper as Kearney, seconded and carried. A Question by Mr. Warrick, "What are the boundries of the districts?" Answered by the Seerotaryi Niobrara and White Kiver Dis tricts. Republican River district. ' Lodgepole Crook district. South Platte River district. North Platte River district. Prom the junction of tho Platte Rivera cast along tho Platto River proper to Kearney. Motion Mr. Casper thai the President be made the member at large of the executive eonunittoe, seconded and carried. The following were nominated for the executive committee: M. 13. Smith for tho North Platto district. J. W. Smith for the Republican River district. A. Wiekstrom for tho South Platte distriol. Fred Lehmkuhl for tho Lodge pole district. P. T. Francis for the Niobrara district. W. C. Scoutt for the East Platto district. The President as the member at htrirc. Motion by Mr. Dunham that the nominations cease and the above be declared as tho execu tive committee for the ensuing year, seconded and carried. The following were appointed as the legislative committee by the President. T. J. Kalligan, of North Platte. J. 0. Heeler, of North Platte. Fay E. Williams, of Bridgeport. Q. J. Hunt, of Bridge-port. 0. W. Gardner, of Goring. Fred A. Wright, of Seottsbluff. W. P. Byron, of Gothomburg. It was rccpiested that all mem bers interested in legislation write to Mr. Halligan, as chair man, in regard to matters for this committee. The question of location of the next meeting was taken up. Mir. Hunt, of Bridgeport,spokc at length, and in the name of tho Bridgeport Commercial Club, in vited the Association to select Bridgeport as the next meeting point, stating that it was the most accessible point, and that all the expenses of the meeting would be paid, up to two hun dred dollars. Motion by Mr. Hunt, duly sec onded, thnt Bridgeport be select ed as -the place for the next meeting. Mr. Shumway spoke for Scotts bhiff, stating that expenses up to tliree or four hundrer dollars would be guaranteed, that the immense sugar factory would be of interest, and invited .the dele gates to select that point as the next meeting place. Motion by Mr. Shumway, duly seconded, that Seottsbluff be se lected as the next meeting pluee. The motion by Mr. Hunt that Bridgeport be selected carried by a standing vote. Motion by Mr. Warrick that the time of the next meeting be left with the executive commit tee, seconded and carried, Mr. Shumway suggested that the number of delegates to be appointed by the Governor he in creased to ten. Motion by Mr. "Wiekstrmn that the Governor be allowed the ap pointing of ten delegates and the State Engineer the appointing of ten delegates, seconded and car ried. Motion to adjourn by Judge Steuteville, of Bridgeport. Meet ing adjourned at 12:40 p. m., to meet at the call of the executive committee. Thanksgiving. I offer tnanks! No fiamlns kword my Eden's sate has barred. No blot or blame has my escutcheon marred Tho pood stnrs of my horoscope have reigned. No hope deterred my beart'a content baa pained My riivmde ring remains a perfect round. Wherefore from my slad lips let thla re sound, 'I offer thankal" I offer thankal Twelvemonth of plenty and of peace Tve known. No wind of fate contrariwise has blown. Through tranquil zones of calma my barks have steered. No tea drowned wrecks have In my ports appeared. No falsa mirages have perplexed my ken. No vexing phantoms cry teg "Might hare heenl" I offer thanks! Susie M. Seat. KSKP55 In t1w of Ua mass of erldenca antasonlitic to sJam. It Is recommended that Its he prohibited by lt.Uktd Dr.PRICFS ORKAM Baking powder Mmdrn from Grmpmm Approved by physicians and food officials, both State and National. Awarded highest honors by the great World's proved of superior strength and purity vv. ozucisu A.D. Reliable Grocer A full line of Groceries, Provisions, Flour and other goods usually found in a first-class Grocery Telephone orders filled promptly Phone 54 Alliance, Nebraska S. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Second St. HOTEL ALLIANCE EUROPEAN FULLY MODERN Equipment and service first-class in rvery department Cafe in Connection Open Day and Night On the left and across the street from the Burlington station V ! I r VS. U i" " 7'. 1 1 A1LTj3 1 NOTICE! MARKET DAY SALE Commencing Saturday, December 3d, we will hold a Market Day Sale at the Spry Sale Yards and continue every Saturday. We will sell anything you want to sell and will treat you right. List your stuff early in the vweek with Coursey or Spry. SIMON SPRY, Sale Mjjr. H. P. COURSEY, Auc. The Geo. Darling furniture store presents a very improved appearance since the new window was placed in position. The door is now at one side instead of in the center, leaving one lar'se show window instead of two. The Thiele Drug store is having the same kind of a front placed, the work being practically completed on this. overwhelm!!! uto In bakln trowdart Staha Senate CommHtt Report Expositions, and by the iesi5o Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dicks Lumber fiCoal Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. J. B. Hurlbut, better known as "Four Spot Hurlbut", a prominent stockman from near Canton, was in Alliance on businessWednesday. P. 1. Beach, a brother of John K. Beach, assistant business manager of The Herald, is home for Thanksgiving. He is a student at the State University at Lincoln, and will probably return Suuday. vsmv RODGERS X