tmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmm0mmmmm0mmwmmtmfmmmmmm9mmmmm'mMmmmammmmmmmmmtmmmmmttammmmmmammammmmmmmm Uaafmrr rf tlhr4iaVi Ctifa Irrinrofinn icrnpiatinn mccuiis ui new nana jiig iiiigauuii naouumuuii Reported by Dloyd C. Thomas of the Alliance Herald. Wc are very pleased to b able to give to our readers thin week a complete report of the first meeting of the Nebraska State Ir rigation Association, which marks nn epoch in the history of the ad vancement of Western Nebraska. A careful perusal of the (fol lowing report will be of much in terest to all who arc interested in any way in irrigation in Nebras ka. Kxlrn copies of thifr papor can be secured by application to thte office. As will be noticed, the pceeh c by different anembotvi of the Association have been omitted. Bocmiso of the great length of this report we found it necessary to leave out the speeches in this issue. REPORT OP THE MEETING. Bridgeport, Nebraska, November 15, 1010. Meeting called to order nt 10:45 a. in., by temporary President, T. 0. Egleston, in the chair; D. D. Price, temporary Secretary. Opening speech by Chairman. Appointment of committees tak en up. 31otiam by 0. h. Shumway, du ly seconded, that the chair be given full authority Xo appoint the iiciefwiiry committees. Miotiou withdrawn. Motion by It. P. Williains,tha.t the temporary organization be nrade permanent. Unanimously carried. Opening speech of wclcomp for Bridgeport by CI. J. Hunt. Answer by the President. Committee on credentials ap pointed by the President, consist ing of M. B. Smith, J. T. White head, and A. Wickstrom. Suggested by J. T. Whitehead that the oomunitteo on perma nent organization be dispensed, with. Mr. Shumway stated that in his opinion this was inadvisable as this commit tee could save a great deal of work by ftvumulat ing the plan of oiiginatiwi, ote. Committee on orginazatipn ap pointed by the President, consist ing of 0. L. Shumway, J. W. Smith, and V. JO. Guthrie. Delegates were all requested to enroll with awl present their cre dentials to the secretary. Adjourned at 11:30. to mect,at 2:a0 p. in. " ' Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 101010. Meeting called to order by the President at 2 :U0 p. m. Piano solo by Mim Hazel Seog gin. Encored. The president stated that the appointment of the committee on resolutions and the committee on legislation-, in his opinion, should be referred to the delegates. The following were nominated for the committee an resolutions: W. L. Minor, Daniel D. Davis, S, P. Delatour, F. F. Everett, 0. W. Gardner, G. J. Hunt. Mr. F. F. Everett asked that his name be withdrawal Emm the nominations. Motion by d. W. Smith that the nominations he closed and that those nominated be declared elected. Motion carried. Report of committee on orgi nization was submitted by G. L. Shumway, chairman. The report was as follows : REPORT OF COMMITTEE ORGANIZATION ON We, your committee on organ ization, beg leave to submit the following report: We recommend for the perma nent officers of this association, a President, a Secretary, a Treas urer, and one Vice President to be selected from each irrigation organization, association, corpo ration, and irrigation district in the state; an executive commit tee composed of five members, one to be selected from tho Nio brara and White River drainage areas, one from the Republican drainage area, and one each from the Lodgepole, South Platte, and North Platte areas. Also a legis lative committee composed of sev en members to bo seleoted by the President. Wo also recommend for a ba sis of representation at future meetings of this association: Twenty-five delegates to be ap pointed by the Governor. Twenty-five to be appointed by the State Engiueor. Three to be appointed by the mayor of each town or city. Three to be appointed by the county commissioners of .each county. Three to be appointed by each Commercial Association. Five to be selected by each ir rigation or power ditch, whether operated by corporation, associa tion, or district. All state and federal officers. All officers of counties where in irrigation is practiced. Five for the State Conservation Association.. Respectfully eubmitted, 0. h. Shumway, Chair'nin. J. W. Smith. , , W. 13. Guthrie. The following auiendinent was offered by W .L. Minor: That, in stead of the paragraph stating basis for representation, as given in the report, it be made to read1 lis follows: "Wc also rocommend for a ba sis of representation t at fmture meetings of this association-: The Personnel. The Governor. State Engineer and Assistant State Engineeiw. Members of the State Senate and House of Representatives. All state, t county and city of ficials, within irrigated torntory. Officers of the State Conserva tion Com mission. DELAGATES APPOINTED UN DER PROPER PROVISIONS, As follows: Five " delegates appointed by the Governor. Two delegates appointed by the Conservation and State De velopment Association. Five delegates appointed by each board of county commission ers in irrigated territory. One delegate appointed by the mayor of each city or village in irrigated territory. Two delegates appointed by each irrigation, agriculture, and engineering society, colleges, nor mals, and university. One delegate appointed by each commercial body in irrigation ter ritory. One delegate at large and one additional for each one thousand acres or major fraction thereof irrigated by each irrigation ditch canal and power company, not exceeding ten delegates. Motion that the amendment be accepted, seconded and carried. Motion by G. L. Shumway, dai ly seconded, that the report of the committee on organization, as amended,' be necepted. Carried. Mr. T. H. Barnes ,of Holdridgc', made an extended and inspiring speech, in whioh he suggested that a special committee be ap pointed to take up the question of building the necessary dams for irrigating some of the table lauds in Western Nebraska. The report of the committee on credentials was given by the chairman, .1. T. Whitehead, and was as follows: REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS: Wc, the committee on creden tials, beg to report that the fol lowing names of delegates have been examined auu are hereby entitled to seats in this conven tion:. OMAHA. W. E. Guthrie, W. B. Howard, C. A. Sweet, Irving Allison. Bridgeport! c. s. Fairman. It. P. Scott, J. MMieBlano, Geo, DcCraw, L. R. North, Q. J. Hunt, J. D. Hagerty, A. W. At kins, C. D. Casper, Judge J. II. Steiiteville, F. E. Williams, It. II. Willis, Mark Spauogle, Fred Limdblirg, W. II. Willis, II. T. Dean, Frank, galloway. SCOTTSufdJFF. Qtfco. 'lergcns, C. NWjight, F. F. Everett, G. L. Shumway, T. D. Deutsch, A. M. Petite, W. M, Barbour. OSUKOSU. Walter Clark, R. F. Williams, II. G. Cumacr. L1SCO. Ruben Lisco. GER1NG. 0. W. Gardner, W. R. Woolfcndcn. LEWELLEN. S. P. DeLatour, J. C. McCoy, J. B. Orr. BROADWATER. Chas. ToHe, Pat Rowlan, Ed. Smith. HENRY. W. EBager, E. K. Weiland. MORRILL. 0. E. Moline, 0. B. Brown, J. T. Logan, Ilartson A. Mark, W. L. Minor, W. II. Lane, J. G. Woodman, J. W. Plummcr, R. G. Walsh, C. W. Scoviile. BAYARD. H. E. Randall, C. 0. Morrison, James Burns J. H. Daggy, L. H. Franklin, Burl OJSveland, 0. W. Sixbury. Ay.V Afliderson, W. T. McKelvey, F. DUrnell. GRAND ISLAND. O. v Swan. SIDNEY. J.W.Harper. MINATAltE. Dan D. Davis, I.L. Lyman, Frank Johnson, II. A. Clark, T. E. Chambers, Math Schumacher. MITCHELL. Wm. Dunham, H. G. A lilt, J. T. Whitehead. H0LDR1DGE. Theo. F. Barries. STKATTON. J. W. Smith. IIERSIIEY;. A. Wickstrom, G. F. Palmer. KEARNEY. W. C. Scoutt. ALLIANCE. S. IC Warrick, II. E. Smith, Lloyd C. Thomas. CRAWFORD. Page T. Francis. ItEDINGTON. G. W. Twislcy. FltEEPORT. T. G. Englcston. LINCOLN. D. D. Price. Respectfully submitted, Jus. T. Whitehead, Ch'rm'n. W. B. Smith. A. Wickstrom. 0. W. Gardner, of Gering,madc an extended speech, giving the history of some of the develop ment of the North Platte Valley. J. T. Whitehead, President of the Water User's Association of the North Platte Valley, gave a speech, telling of the difficulties experienced in tlic North Platte Valley, and a statement of con ditions at the present time. Meeting adjonnncd to convene at 9:00 a. m., Wednesday morn ing. Wednesday morniner, Nov. 16, '10 M ccting called to order by Pres ident Egleston at 0:50 a. m. The report of the committee on Resolutions was read b' the chairman, W. L. Minor, and was ns follows: REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS. Wc, the committee on resolu tions, beg to submit the follow ing report to the Nebraska Irri gation association. Section 1. As it is a matter of common knowledge among all people en gaged in .'figation enterprises and in the nc'ual application if water to lauds for irrigation, pur-" poses that the Jaws of this state arc not sufficiently comprehen sive and arc inadequate to se cure proper results in accordance with our present needs. And WHEREAS, There arc inany amendments as 'well as new laws needed m all sections of the irri gated territory in Nebraska, to enable us to adjust our affairs to meet the ever growing and de veloping conditions of the state. And WIIHREAS, This association has caused to be appointed a leg islative committee consisting of seven members whose duty it shall be to draft such laws and amend ments as may be determined to be for the best interests of all sections concerned, and present the same to- the next session of the State Legislature. Now THEREFORE be it resolved, that it is the sense of this asso ciation that the members of the senate and house of representat ives in legislature assembled giv to the report and suggestions of said committee favorable consid eration. Section 2. Be it further resolved that we favor the disposition of the ca pacity of the Pathfinder reservoir in excess of the requirements of the land owners under the gov ernment project, to other canals and appropriators along the North PJatte River at a figure that is just and equitable, based upon the cost of the reservoir and on terms "similar to those on which water is disposed of to the land owners under the Government, project, so much of the proceeds derived therefrom to be credited to the Government project ars will reduce the charge for water as based upon the cost Of ithe res ervoir, to the price at which the same may be furnished to other canals. Section 3. Be it further resolved that we favor a graduated plan of water payments under the Pathfinder canal extending over a longer period of time than ten years, as recommended by the North Platte Valley Water User's Association Section 4. Be it further resolved that it is the sense of this Convention that no corporation, company or individual shoidd be granted the exclusive right to irrigate the lands of any land owner without having first obtained the consent of the owner of such land; that the right of any land owner to purchase or proeuro water for ir rigation purposes from any source he desires should never be denied That this Convention recommends that the coming? legislature enact a law permitting and enabling any land owner to so purcluisc rater for the irirgation of his lands from any source he desires, and to convey the same over or under any existing ditch to his lands. Provided such land own er has not expressly consented to any appropriation that may have been made and is claimed for such lands. Section 5. Whereas, tlu-ough tho effort of the Bridgeport Commercial Club and the kindness of the citizens of Bridgeport, the delegates to this Convention have "been splen didly entertained and their com forts looked ufter carefully, and desiring to express our apprecia tion be it Resolved, that wc extend our thanks to the Bridgeport Com mercial Club and to the citizens of Bridgeport for their efforts in our behalf. Section 6. Be it further resolved, That as a manifestation of our appre ciatiun of the arduous work and effective service of our worthy President and Secretary, That we hereby extend to them, our hearty thanks for their efficient work. Section 7. And be it further resolved, That copies of those resolutions be for warded through the proper com mittees and to such members of the legislature and congress as in their judgment would give the matter the most serious attention. Respectfully submitted, W. L. Minor, Chairman. G. J. Hunt. 0. W. Gardner. Dan D. Davis. Motion by W. L. Minor, duly seconded, that the report be ac cepted. Discussion by Messrs. Shuin--wav. Davis. Gardner. Judtre Wil liams. Wright. F. E. Williams, and the Chairman. Motion by S. lv. Warrick that each section of the resolution be "Callaway, IS'eb., JNov. 14, i:uu. read-separately and voted on scp- Secretary Nebraska Irrigation irately; seconded and corried. Congress, Bridgeport. Dear Sir: Section- one read by Secretary. On my return from inspecting th Motion by Mr. J. T. Whitehead Burwell Irr'galion Company Ca that .section one be adopted, sec-' nal T. find a notice of the meeting onded and carried. I at Bridgeport, Nov; 15 and 10, Section two read by Secretary, and my appo.nlment as a dele Discussion by Mr. Hunt, Ever- gate. Now it is a physical irn ett, Judge Williams and White-' possibility for n-- to be there but lond. ,& " j t am with you in spirit and puv- MotioiVby Mr. Whitehead that pose and you nay count iik in section two be adopted, seconded and .carried. Section three read by Secy. Motion by S. K. Wonrick that section three be adopted, second ed and carried. Section four read .by Secy. The following substitute was offered by Mr. Shumway in the place of section four: "Resolved, that no appropriation for water to irrigate shall b granted until WAKE UP TO YOUR OPPORTUNITY BUY LAND IN DESOTO CO., FLORIDA. WHILE THE TIME AND PRICES ARE RIGHT LAND IS SOARING IN VALUE HERE IS THE SECRET ' THE Completion of the Panama Canal Don't wait till tho last minute. Wake up now. Ten acres is enough. Forty acres a fortune. $1.00 down per acre and $1.00 per acre per month. We have an oxcellent tract of Fruit and Vegetable land lying along Pineapple and Peace rivers and adjacent to the City of Punta Gorda in DeSoto County, Florida, which we have subdivided in 10, 20 and 40 acre tracts at very attractive prices and on easy terms. Why not be independent? FARMS AND GROVES IN BEARING PAY FROM $500 TO $2,000 PER YEAR PER ACRE. Covey's Florida Land Co., PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA. Nov. 2, 1010. My Dear Mr. WuiUup: I write to lot you know that I have arrived safely. Have seen two-thirds of your ground and 11 nd it level as far as tho eye can see. On almost any 10-acre tract there is enough clear ground for anyone to start truck gardening at once. The orange and grapefruit trees are still loaded with fruit. About one-third was lost by the storm. There must have been quite a bit of waterfall here, I have chosen tract No. 2, us I want a quick return, so I can get my fumily out here. The plow goes in the ground next Tuesday. I will have to drain ray place a little, for there is some water oh it. This is u Uno climate and country It has Cali fornia beat a mile. Anyone that wants to buy a place need not go any further than this to Unci the ideal spot. The town is slow, the people are a dreamy sort of lot. The grapefruit, pinoapples, and all other fruit and vege tables are raised by people from other states. I understand Putnam has sent a box of fruit your way. Every thing you say in your ads is the truth about this place. I think that parties who are willing to work have a gold mine here. Write to Acline. Yours truly, A. VAN DAM, Acllne, Florida. WE HAVE A COPY OF RON A FIDE LETTER ON FILE IN OUR OFFICE. I Covey's Florida Plantation Co., Chicago, IH, Gittltmu PImm stri mi literatim and ctoafeti Marnatiii canctnicf rr waafcrutl Ctrwctci Firns to U Stto Ceatty, FltrMa. I an ai'ticiilMlylattriit u raisiag KM Minis the applicant shall first satisfy the state board of irrigation that a majority of the water users to be served are favorable thereto." Motion by Mr. Shumway that the substitute be accepted. Mo tion lost. Suggested by Mr. Warrick that if care was not used outside cap ital might be discouraged from investing in Nebraska irrigation enterprises. Applauded. Motion by Judge Williams that section number four be rejected. Motion lost. Section number four read ngai) by the Secretary. Motion- was made and second ed that section number four be laid on the tabic, carried. Sections five, six and seven read by the Secretary. Motion that sections five, six and seven be adopted by a rising vote, seconded and carried. Speech by W. E. Guthrie, of Omaha, on "Irrigation Develop ment in our state, and How Wc Jean Help Promote It." Mr. Minor suggested1 that some means of getting out advertising matter for the irrigated sections of Nebraska be taken- up and tha money be raised for this purpose. Mr. Shumway suggested tliat there should be s plan of raising money for carrying on the busi ness of the association. Mr. Hunt stated that the ex penses of this meeting were being paid by the Bridgeport Commer cial Club. He stated that he sup posed the by-laws which were to be drawn would include plans for raising of funds. Mr. Minor suggested that any one who had suggestions or plans for by-laws should send them to;nateti to SUCCced himself as pres- nim as cuairman oi inu rusuiu-, ident. tions committee. Motion by Mr. Hunt,, didy sec- Speech made by Mr. Wm. Dun- ontiod, that the nominations cease ham of Mitchell, on "The Devel- nmi jjr. Egleston be declared re opment of Seepage Water." elected bv a standing vote. Mo- Tlie toiiowing letters irom n. II. Andrews, of Calloway, D. Clem! Denver of Omaha, and J. u. Heel- er oi North Platte, were read: as a charter member. 1 know the members of the North Platte Valley Water Users Association who are interested in lands under the Pathfinder Dam and Canals are well fitted to deal with the practical questions that will come up, and I hope to meet you all in Chicago next year, where I will try to be on time. Success to your deliberations. Yours truly, II. II. Andrews." IN 1915 WRITE FOR BOOKLET. COVEY'S FLORIDA PLANTATION CO. 512 Chicago Opera House Building CHICAGO, ILL. "Omaha, Ncbr., Nov, 12 ,1910. Mr. D. D. Price, Secretary Ne braska State Irrigation Associa-" tion, Bridgeport, Nebraska. Dear Sir:-1 thank you for my appoint ment as a delegate to the Nebras ka State Irrigation Association, to be held at Bridgeport, Nebras ka, November IGUi ami 16th, aud I regret very much indeed that I will not bo able to be present. I have a boy very sick with ty phoid fevor at this time and therefore cannot be with you. I am much interested in this work and hope the meeting will be a Very successful one. Yours tru ly, D. Clem. Denver, General Ag ent, Chicago, Burlington & Quin cy Railroad." "North Platte, Nebr., No vein-. ber 11, 1910. Mr. D. D. Price, Secretary Nebraska State Irriga tion Association, Bridgeport, Ne braska. Dear Sir:- Yours of tho 9th instant came duly to hand. I was much surprised to learn that the Association meeting had been set for the 15th and l(th of November, the notice therefore being so short. I regret exceed ingly the fact that it is set for that time as our distinct count convenes on the 14th, and I am very much afraid that I will not be able to attend the convention. I will, however, try and get my cases arranged so as to be at Bridgeport on the 15th and 16th, but have little hope that I can succeed. If not present, please express to the convention my best regards for its success. Respect fully yours, J. G. Beeler." The election of officers was taken up. Mr. T. G. Egleston was nonu- tion carried. Speech made by the President in which he thanked the Conven tion for tin the honor and assured them that he would give his best efforts to the work. Mr. W. L. Minor nominated for Secretary. Motion by D. D. Price that the nominations be closed and Mr. Minor be declared elected unani mously by acclamation, seconded and carried. , Mr. S. K. Warrick of Alliance was nominated for Treasurer. Motion by Mr. Shumway-that the nominations be closed and -Mr Warrick be declared elected, sec onded and carried. Motion by Mr. Whitehcad'that the Executive Committee be auth orized to appoint the Vice Presi dents. Withdrawn. Motion by Mr. Everett that the report of the committee on per manent organization be amended- (Continued on pace 5) M