The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 24, 1910, Image 2

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Our line of Fall Hats
is very complete. The
latest styles fitted by
experienced milliners.
And the prices are
very low.
One-third off on all
trimmed hats.
New stock of Ladies',
Misses'.and Children's
Our Fall Suits are un
surpassed in cuality
and style.
A very complete
stock of Ladies' and
Children's Furnishing
Goods, Dry Goods and
Notions is at your
service. You can save
money by buying at
this store.
Our expenses are low
and we sell on a small
In Frint if tht Palaci Livery Stable
you can nearly always see a rig getting
ready to start out. We will send one any
distance, for any purpose, at any time.
Will CroHlcy went over to Chadron
Thursday on 43 for u fuw days' visit
with Air. and Mrs. Frank Olds.
A. J. Petrit) and family left for Ray.
mour, Colorado Tuesday evening. They
were going to drive through. Their
many menus wish mem a pimin.
trip, but regret their departure ns they
had made a irreat many friends while
Mrs. Holla Johnson left Friday for
her old home In Indiana. Mr. Johnson
will remain hero for some time.
Clark Olds returned from his" trip to
Omaha Friday on 43.
Mr. Garvey, from Oklahoma City,
camo In on 43 Sunday for a visit with
his futhcr and brother.
Mr. Chas. Dalrlon and family arc
innvlntr Into town. Thev will occupy
the house they purchased frpm Roy
Rev. Benj. Kuher, wife and children,
came down from Gordon, Nebr., In an
automobile Monday for a visit with
Mrs. Kuher's brother, Dr. MeKuen,
Mr, Fred Kleeman came over from
Pino Rldgo with a load of grain for his
brother Monday.
Miss Hlttlo Patrldge and Miss Esther
Neeland loft for Lincoln, Nebr., on 44
Tuesday to attend the Teachers' Asso
Mr. Clark l'arkvn. of Edtromont, S.
Dttk., stopped off between trains Tues
day on his way home from Omaha.
The Congregational Aid met with
Mrs. K. L. Pierce on Tuesday.
Miss Mary lodence went tip to Chad
ron Friday on 43 for a few days visit
with the Ulanchard and Dartlctt fam
ilies. Mrs. Addle Donlvan and children,
who have beon visiting with her moth
er, Mrs. Brown, returned to her homo
In Edgeraont, S. uali., saturaay. wrs.
Emma Elders and llttlo son accompan
ied her for a visit.
Mr. P. D. Spracklin left with a car
load of potatoes for Sheridan, Wyom
ing, Friday. He is going to spend
Thanksgiving with his mother und
Miss Amelia Hucko Is staying with
Mrs. Spracklln during Mr. Spracklln's
Mrs. llattte E. Sherwood and Mrs,
Alexander left for California Saturday
on 44 whero they will spend the win
ter. Mrs. Sherwood spent a couple of
days with her niece, Mrs. Fred Nelland,
the lust of the week.
Mrs. W. Randall and daughter came
In from Sioux county Saturday.
Mr. Pete Swanson returned from
Omaha Saturday on 43.
Old mother Earth donned her white
robe Tuesday night, but she quickly
laid it aside Wednesday morning.
Tho Jamison brothers put down a
well for Isaac Schoffner this week.
Miss Ruth Owen started for Ack
worth. Iowa, last Tuesday, where she
will teach this winter Her father
goes with her to attend to some busi
ness, but will return In a few days.
Little Hazel Farley entertained a few
of her friends last Tuesday evening in
honor of her ninth m birthday. Ice
cream and cake were served.
Mrs, Blanche Jamison was thrown
from a wagon while riding In a chair
and fractured her arm. Sho has the
symputhy of the neighborhood.
Sunday school nnd preaching last
Sunday at Mrs. Robbins We had the
pleasure of having Mrs. Eastgato with
On his return from Cheyenne, Wyom
ing, Mr. Hogins stopped off for a visit
with James Jamison and to look at the
country. He continued his lourney
Monday to his home at AcU worth,
Moody Krell's have moved into shelr
new home.
Mrs, McDonnell, of Alliance, has
been spending a few days with Mrs.
Dr. Churchill.
Alllsou Jamison and family visited
with Cash Farlay Sunday.
Elbert Peterson was around for sign
ers to a petition requesting the railroad
to build a depot ut Reno and enlarge
tho stock yards. We hope tho railroad
will irrant the request, as these are
needed very much.
I Fearing was formerly the court sten
ographer of Mr. Strasburger in Chicago
IIUlll I9IIU I1UU IU ICillc ituui wit; vvt
on account of heart trouble. Sho was
one of tho very best Stenographers Chi
cago had and was an ideal neighbor.
They will meet Us, cheer us and greet
Those we've loved, who've gone before
Wo shall find them nt the portals
Find our beautiful immortals,
When we reach that radiant shore!
We answer all calls promptly
and will bo glad to servo you in any way
to which a rig is required.
Che Land of
Used to Be
kONT you kinder get to drcamin'
when you hear wmebody say
That in Jus' a few more hours
It will be Thankiglvin' day
Don't you kinder go a'sailin'
Back through toilful years en' see
All your (rien's an' your relations
In the Land ol Used to Be 7
Don't you kinder like to linger
In that dream an' look around?
Don't you kinder like to wander
Over that beloved ground
There's the house, a'settin' solemn
On the hill top an' the tree I
Same old tree we used to swing on
In the Land of Used to Bel
Don't you see the turkey gobbler
Makln' fer you once again 1
Same old feller used to chase you
Helter skelter down the lane I
An' there's mother dear old mother I
Callin' loud, "Come in to teal"
Ain't it peaceful-like an' nat'ral
In the Land of Used to Be
kkkkHftTKSkflK t J
The Biggest Department Store
in Box Butte County
Four big departments and every one of them filled full of bargains for
careful buyers. We invite you to inspect our immmense stock. We can show
you how that by buying in large quantities we save you money.
Furniture Department
The special xiyi per cent discount sale will be continued another week.
It is a big success. See the goods and note the prices. We need the room.
Queensware Department
This new department has just been opened with a complete line ( of new
queensware. See tne new Japanese ware. It's selling fast. Complete line of
dinner sets.
Clothing Department
, . We can fit you from head to foot. All wool suits from $io to $20.
Clothing for men, women and children.
Grocery Department
By buying in big quantities and in quick sales we have a good, fresh
stock always on "hand at the lowest prices. Best grade of flour is $1.65.
Special discount on lots of ten sacks.
Anything you want for sale at this store. Satisfaction guaranteed or
your money back.
There's that spruce young colt a-prancln'
Like the place was all his own,
An' there's Rover, settin' gnawin'
An' agrowlin' at a bone I
There's the good old pump, an' there's
"All right, mother I Here we be J"
Kinder hate to keep 'em waitin'
In the Land of Used to Bel
Don't you see 'em settin' smilin'
At the table, an' hear Sis
Sayin' ('cause it was her baking
"Ever taste sich bread as this ?"
Don't you hear the baby crowin',
Settin' on his grampa's knee I
Don't you hear the jolly laughter
In the Land of Used to Be 1
jHK iBPmsS i3Pf
Hemingford House
STEELE & RAY, Props.
Rates, $2 per day
Newly remodeled through
out. The best of table serv
ice. Clean rooms. Special
attention to transients.
Hemingford's New Store
Drugs, Sundries, Paints and Oils
Chiropractic is the science of restor.
ing health without medicine or surgery.
We remove the cause of the disease
by adjusting the spinal column. What
ever your afflictions, there is hope for
you in chiropractic adjustments. Call
lit my office for examination and coun
sel, Free.- Office in Opera Hoose
Block, rooms s and 3. 4y.tf254
We are mighty glad to report that
Mrs, Strasburger returned from Chi
cago, bringing with her a friend, Miss
Dowd. We trust that Miss Dowd will
become a resident near Strasburger.
We have pleasant neighbor here and
want more.
Every body busy either husking corn
or getting married. I believe no less
than a half-dozen couples, all good,
nice people living around Strasburgor,
have decided to travel down life's path
way together until death separates
them. May each be for his or her
partner and both be for God.
Mr, Thomas Moore went to Chadron
to assist In laying the corner stone of
the Normal School.
It is better to listen to the still small
voice within us than to listen to the
noisy bellowing of the fellow filled
with rat juice,
Mrs. Chapman, of Ellsworth, is vis
iting her sister, Miss Lamburson, and
her father, Moses Lamberson. and is
also going upon her claim.
Neighbor Starr's eyesight, we think,
is Improving. We are glad to 6eo him
looking so well.
The next door neighbor of Mrs.
Strasburger, when living In Chicago,
Miss Marlon Fearing, died suddenly on
November 11th, tho anniversary of the
tieath of Hev. Win. Strasburger. Miss
Listen I Mother's sayin' suthln'l
"Mus go out an' watch that piei
Got to Hz the turkey stufiin'
Time is drawin' mighty nighl"
What's that, grampa t Take the baby I
All right, son, come ycr to me I
Set an' watch the sparks a-ilyin'
In the Land oi Used to Be J
Don't your old heart get to wishin'
In a longin' kind of way
Jus' fer one, jus' one old fashioned
Long ago Thanksgiving day I
Don't you like to go a-dreamln'
Back through toilful years an' sec
All them dear old Wen's an' mother
In the Land of Used to Be t
Baltimore American.
Mark Twain' Turkey.
When Mark Twain was editor of a
Nevada newspaper somebody sent him
a turkey with no card attached. The
editor ate tho bird. Next day be re
ceived a letter asking: "Can you tell us
what that turkey died of? There's a
bet on about It"
Henry Hier was shopping in Alliance
last Friday, and Miss Gladys went out
to the ranch with him to stay till Sun
day. A small crowd gathered at Mr.
Mapp's. fivo miles northwest of Reno,
last Saturday and dancing was the
order of the evening. All, en joyed a
good time.
J. C. Berry received a car of oats last
Len Boyer branded his calves last
Monday and Is going to keep them up
to wean.
Mr. and Mrs. Strong visited at lesse
Nelson's last Sunday.
One of Frank McFall'-s sick mares
died la6t Tuesday night, but tne otner
is getting along nicely. Jesse Nelson
lost one also.
Mrs. Hler visited with the Leistritz's
last .Thursday.
P. J, Stergeon sold several head of
horses to F. Lester, of Alliance.
We hear that wedding bells are soon
to ring for one of the fair Kinkatders
that moved to Alliance about a year
H. P. Larson received a car of cool
Mrs. John Strong went to Alliance
en 43 Thursday.
We noticed three fine turkeys going
in the direction of Eugene Thompson's
last Thursday. We wonder what that
mice MniiotiA rtprrv went to Alliance
Wednesday on 43 to 6ee "The Squaw
Man" at me opera duubc,
n t? nrrlvprl home last Tues
day from Denver, where he has been
visiting for the past three weeks.
Every one that didn't go to see "The
Squaw Man" last Wednesday night
went out to see the man In the moon,
or the eclipse of the moon, either one.
Bliss Stergeon and wife, of Alliance,
attended the dance at Mapp's.
Lots of geeso flying south now.
Henry Hier and Elmer McFall each
hauled a load of oats from Reno Mon
day. Chas. Cloud finished dipping this
Lea Stergeon butchered two hogs and
Len Boyer one last Tuesday,
Wedding bells were ringing in Reno
Friday morning we hear.
A. M. THOMPSON, Propr.
Successors to Boyd's Drug. Store 7
Cold Weather
I handle the "KING BEE" heater. It's a fuel
saver and its capacity of holding fire is astonishing1.
The prices are reasonable. See them.
I have in stock a complete line of the latest 5
models of ranges. J
Stove boards and stove oilcloth, all kinds of
Builders9 Hardware
For Sale
Hemingford, Nebr.
Full blooded Plymouth Rocks. Cock
rels, $1.50; pullets, '75c
H. P, Larson, Anlioch, Nebr.
- 46'tf246
Central Lumber Co.
Building material, Piles, Posts
hehingford, and Coal Nebraska