The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 24, 1910, Image 1
1 .4.. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Butte County antl City of Alliance ia-liM VOLUME XVII. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1910 NUMBER 50 State Httloricftl BoclftV T Alliance The Herald 4PyTl9BT "IMS v-17t It.IsAGoIod Thing To Give Thanks Points That Interest You We ; Have Honey To Loan When Others Are' " Broke" WE provide an absolutely safe place to deposit your money. WE are not an experiment but a grown, really existing reality. WE return your money (all of it) on demand. WE are prosperous as well as progressive and M E R I T WINS. WE give you the best of service as the result of long experi ence. WE do not mimic, or meet, but create, originate and raise. WE have the largest capita, sur plus and profit account of any bank in this region. J ,, , , .The. -p j f g-f. m t i on tiBwwk' of Alliance The Glaze Marble Works CHAS. GLAZE, Prop. ; liemingford, Nebraska We receive our marble in car load lots, thus sav ing freight and agents' commissions, which customers must pay when buying from agents of non resident dealers. A full line of Monuments and Headstones in our yard at Hemingford. You can see the marble before ordering and can examine the work before accepting it. Satisfaction guaranteed. f3rLAsZrTH TURK-AAMEBFOg RIfto MMthpNifflr ' ;S 4 .Iggf N DOBBflgftJi Xf( GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. Hot Drinks Have you ever had the pleasure of trying one of our hot drinks on a cold, chilly, raw, blus tery day? There is nothing more invigorating or more acceptable. We particularly rec ommend Mot Beef Hot Chocolate Hot Malted Milk. Every one will satisfy the most fastidous taste and the most particular stomach. Drink one fountain. at our t VTgi t I 71 k h'mh M W MI TANKS STORM SASHES COUNTERS AND SHELVING &A SPECIALTY A. P. LEE, Hgr. taift MjM2M2M2MJ7SM$a J : KENNEDY BROTHERS DENTISTS. Office in Alliance National Bank Blk t Over Postoffice. 'Phono 391, t"l-K'";H-'M-M"M"H"l'' A PliasMt SHrpisi Ln&t Thursday cTculng about forty members of the Presbyterian church surprised Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Pardroo by calling on them in a body to help celebrate their 40th wedding anniver sary. The event will bo remembered long and well with happy thoughts by Mr. and Mrs. Pardee, and tho valuable set of sllverwaro presented to thorn will serve as a useful memento of tho occa sion, Mr, Poter Rubendall made tho presentation speech, which was thor oughly enjoyed by all, his remarks be ing very appropriate, Tho 'bridegroom" was arrayed In the custom of "yo olden time" and tho evening was spent in laughter, with handshakes and happy returns of tho day. A grand, old fashioned timo was had and the overjoyed couplo forgot for the timo being the weight of defin ing years, and seemed a happy young bride and groom again, Li Ice tho Psalmist of old they felt that their lines had fallen in pleasant places. That the days of these good Alliance ftcople may be prolonged in tho earth s the wish of this paper, and may they live to see many more wedding anni versaries pass as pleasantly as this one. DM Mrs, Elizabeth Pye, wife of I. ItPye, of Morrill, Nebraska, died in Alliance Tuesday evening at about eight o'clock. Sho had been taking treat ment for cancer of the breast at the Dr. Nichols Sanitarium in Hot Springs, 8. D., but was supposed to be nearly well, and was discharged as cured. Her husband met her here on Mon day but she had taken a relapse and grew steadily Worse until her death Tuesday night. The doctors who at tended her were of the opinion that death wS clHM""1 'r medlulno used to.remojfe-thejsaneer, Mr. I'ye left8 Wednesday tor their home near Morrill, where they have, a family of flvo children. A DR. A. GAISER, DENTIST. Office, Room io, Kumer Block, Phone 525, Alliance, Ncbr. 4a-t WEDDINGS JONES-NOFTOH What more appropriate time could there be for the union of hearts than this Thanksgiving day, when the hearts of the whole world are going out to their fellowinen? Love is the forma tion of ail that is good and pure- The marriage of Mary Virginia Jones, daughter of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. L.B. Jones, to Ward B, Nortou, is to be solemnized at high noon today at the residence of the bride's father, the cer emony to be performed by Rev. A. R, Julian, D, D. Immediately after the ceremony a wedding breakfast is to be partaken of at the Norton home, where the couple will live until departing for their future home in Los Angeles. Miss Jones is a Virginia girl, and al though she has only been in Alliance a short time, her winning ways have made her a very popular young lady. Ward Norton was born in Alliance and is known to all as one of our most pop ular young men. Most of bis educa tion has been received here, two years having been spent in the Y. M. C. A. business college at Los Angeles. As a bright, honest young business man be has a bright future before him, and with the beautiful bride as his compan ion for life, we can only wish them joy and happiness. The bride will be attired in a pale blue messaline gown and will carry white bridal roses. Miss Alice Ache son, who will be bridesmaid, will be at tired in a tan wool-taffeta gown and will carry pink bridesmaid roses. The groom and groomsman, who will be Claude McDonald, will be attired in the conventional black. The wedding is to be performed un der an arch decorated with white bells, smilax and roses, A magnificent wedding present from the father and mother of the groom is a 5,000 bungalow at 2221 West 31st Street, Los Angeles, completely furnished- This is where the home of the couple will be and is in one of the most aristocratic residence sections of the city by the sea. The employees of the Norton store presented a beautiful sil ver set. The Norton t family came to Box Butte County before the city of Alli ance was founded and purchased the second lot sold here, it being where tbe Gadsby building now stands. They have stayed with our little city through thick and thin and have done a great deal towards its improvement and up building. The wedding announcements state that the young couple will be at borne in Los Angeles after January 15, iqii. "Though fools spurn Hymen'B gentle powers, We, who, improve bis golden hours, By sweet experience know, That marriage, right understood, Gives to the tender and the good A paradise below." PARTRIDGE-KH1GIIT Announcements have been received of the wedding of Miss Florence Part ridge McKean, of Denver, and Mr. Reuben Edward Knight, of Alliance Miss McKean is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas McKean, of Denver, and is a very popular young lady of that city. Mr, Knight is connected with the Al liance National Bank in an important position, and is a nephew of Dr. F- M. Knight, president of that institution. He has many friends in Alliance and is looked upon as an exemplary young man. The happy couple will be at borne to their friends after December first, at their home on Box Butte Avenue. This paper joinB in congratulations. SWAN-ZCDIKER As we go to press this morning we learn that Miss Edith M. Swan and Wayne D. Zediker were married at nine o'clock last evening at the Episco pal church by Rev. Harris- A recep tion was given at tbe Swan borne after the wedding. Tbe couple left last night for a honeymoon trip to Denver and other Colorado points. They ex pect to return about December zth- Enjiiij fw Sale. Mr. C. M. Carey, of Lakeside, Ne braska, who is a new subscriber to The Herald, was in Alliance Tuesday and stated that be had a brand new, six horsepower, Lamb Boat & Motor Com pany gasoline engine for sale at a bar gain price. Mr. Carey stated that this engine could be seen at the Crescent ranch, or anyone interested could ad dress him at Lakeside- Mr, Carey is in the well digging bus iness and states that he is kept busy all the time and that he has more work than he can do. We know by his rep utation that he is an expert in his line of work. Big Reductions ENTIRE LINE Ladies Suits Coats $25.00 Suit or Coat reduced to . . $20.00 Suit or Coat reduced to . . $15.00 Suit or Coat reduced to., $15. $11.25 One lot Ladies' Coats that sold up to SPECIAL $12.50 we offer at a spec- s 00 ial price of... s7 MENS SUIT SALE We offer as an extra special, one lot of Men's Suits, finely tailored, stylish patterns, that are worm up to $20.00, at the exceptionally low price d J 4 jg of OVERCOAT SPECIAL Large line Men's Overcoats, strong values, best tailoring, good patterns, worth up to (JJ'l cq $17.50, reduced to 9 I .U BLANKETS $6.50 Wool Blanket, 1 size, extra value, j qa reduced to )t.uO $3.00 Wooline Blankets ij4 size, reduced nr $1.65 Cotton Blankets ij size, reduced r-f 00 NORTON'S COMFORTS $3.50 Maish's Laminated Cotton Down Comforts, reduced to vpZ.uD $3.00 Cotton Down Com forts, reduced to P& 0 Good values in cheaper line of 1 Comforts. C;"