The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 17, 1910, Image 8

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u v tmBiu
Our line of Fall Hats
is very complete. The
latest styles fitted by
experienced milliners.
And the prices are
very low.
One-third off on all
trimmed hats.
New stock of Ladies',
Misses' and Children's
Our Fall Suits are un
surpassed in quality
and style.
A very complete
stook of Ladies' and
Children's Furnishing
Goods, Dry Gf-oods and
Notions is at your
service. Youcan save
money by buying at
this store.
Our expenses are low
and we sell on a small
&. Svrcurcvoxvs.
In Front it (Ke Palace Livery StaWi
you can neatly always see a rig getting
ready to star out. We will send one any
distance, for tny purpose, at any time.
We answer all calls promptly
and will be glad to serve you in any way
In which a rig is required.
H. P. COURSEY, Prop.
. Chiropractic, is the science of restor
ing health without medicine or surgery.
We venture the cause of the disease
by adjusting the spinal column. What
ever your aulictioiiB, there is hope for
you in chiropractic adjustments. Call
at my office, for examination and coun
sel, Free. Office in Opera House
Block, rooms 2 and 3. 47-11254
K. I,. Pierce and N. Fronapfel atitoed
to Alliance Tuesday to get the election
Swan Suansou, a brotlier of P.
Sivausoti, and wife of Lexington, Nebr.,
who have been spending some time
here, returned home Wednesday.
Alex Muirhcad went up to Marsland
on 47 Wednesday and returned on 44.
Mat Beaumont teturned Ironi Alii
ance Wednesday.
Charles Lock wood returned Ironi Al
liancc on 47 Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Pinkcrton, who
have been visttlug with her brother, P.
Swansou, returned to their home near
Sargent Nebr., Wednesdsy.
Kcv. Rozak and wife left for their
new home at Amberst, Colo., Monday.
We regret their departure, as they
made a great many friends while here.
Mrs. Little came in from Cheyenno
Joe Bartoes returned borne from Al
linnet Thursday morning on 47.
Mrs. James Hollinrake went up to
Marsland Thursday on 43 for a few
days' visit with her son Will and wife.
She returned home on 44 Saturday.
Miss Delia Reed was in town Thurs
day looking after school interests.
A farewell surprise party was held
at Rev, Cox's Wednesday night ou
Mr. aud Mrs. Rolla Johnson. A good
number were present and nil, who at
tended report a good time.
Isaac Rockey aud wife antoed to Al
liance Friday.
A. M. Thompson, proprietor of the
Thompson Pharmacy, cnt to Omaha
Thursday, returning Saturday morning.
Mr. Dobson of Dawes county was in
town Friday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Putman
on Friday Nov, n a daughter. All
concerned doing nicely-
Miss Beulah Smith of Alliance came
iu Saturday on-43 from a visit in Craw
lord for an over-Sunday visit with
Misses Rulh aud Blanche vViltsey.
She returned home to Alliance Monday
on 44.
Mr. Grave Fosket returned to Siou
county Tuesday, taking out a load of
lumber with him-
Mrs, Flavo Duff wns'in town Mon
day, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potmeail ar"
lived ou 43 Tuesday from the eastern
part of the state.
John Mabin returned from his east
ern trip Wednesday.
The Congo Rio met with with Mr9.
Chas. Witlsey Tuesday.
C. S. West aiid Clark Olds went to
Omaha Sunday on 44.
Frank Minnie of Lincoln came in on
43 Sunday to look after renting a farm
near town.
Chas. Wiltsey left for York, Nebr.,
and other eastern points the latter part
of the week.
Mtss Ruby Wildy returned to Scotts
bluff Tuesday on 44.
Mrs. Addie Donovan aud children
came up from Alliance Monday for- a
visit with her mother Mrs. Belle Brown.
Jim Strong went to Alliance Tuesday.
From there he will go to Urand Island to
attend business college.
J. C. Herry made sale of all of his young
mules last week. We understand he got a
good price for same.
Mrs, Fanny Switzer returned to Alliance
last Sunday, to attend to her school work
She was accompanied by her sister M anche
Berry and the two Castle brothers.
Miss Gladys Uier returned to Al iance
Sunda" to attend school.
Miss Lulu Nelson visited at Geo. Mor
gan's the first of the week.
'ohn and Fred Leistritt ar.e baleiog hay
this week.
Frank Peterson and Frank McFall both
have some sick horses which Dr. Curtis is
doctoring for them.
Lea Sturgeon butchered a beef last
Tuesday after election.
Henry Uier went to Ueno Tuesday to
ote and brought a load of magnesia back
with him.
Todd Berry moved his house up closer
to Ueno and put a cement foundation un
der it.
Mrs. Len Bojer visited with Mrs Lea
Sturgeou last Tuesday while the men
went to Reno to vote,
Chas. Leistritz took dinner with the
Hiers' last Sunday.
P. J. Sturgeon lost a fat hog last Mon
day and has several others that are sick.
Miss Gladys Hier went to hear Ye Olde
Towne Quartette at Alliance last Tuesday
Chas. Clough dipped some of his cattle
last week.
P, j. Stereeon spent Sunday in Alliance
with his family.
A skunk visited Hiers' hen houp4 last
week and killed over a dozen young chick
ens., A couple of days before one of their
young pigs came up missing.
The Reno people are taking up a sub
scription tp get soma new lamps for the
school house.
The Government surveyors are working
south of Lakeside now.
The school children and Reno people
are preparing for a big time on Thanks
giving night. They will bae a program
and a supper for the benefit of the minis
ter. All are invited
Mrs. V B Hubble in on the side list
this week.
.loe Neured went to Alliance Monday
on a business trip.
Hoy Denton is home from potato
picking on river.
Mlnatare has u few visitors from
homesteaders for lumber this week, It.
Denton, C. Keptner, A. Lore.
Mrs. Beck preuebed Sunday at Fair
mont, a large attendance.
,16c Denton bold his cattle to Ueo.
Seversou Wednesday.
Joe Neured Sr. took his brother to
Alliance Saturday, enroute to the east
ern part of the stute.
Rollin Ross and Edd Burger stopped
over night at Arthur Lore's Monday.
Wm. Duulap visited nt Arthur
Lynch'. Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs, J A. Lore uml children visited
over Sunday with Geo. Dartou and
Arthur Lore's.
Albert Wright was a Sunday culler
at U. Cogar's.
Mrs. Andy Ross returned to her homo
nt Wind Springs after a week's stay
with her (laughter, Mrs, Bertha Lore.
We are huvlug tine autumn weather.
Joseph Farley is having his home
Our new school bouse is ready for
the carpenter work, us the sod Is all
lud ready for the roof. Edwin Owen
and Istiue Shofrner will go to Alliance
Wednesday to get 11 load of lumber to
finish It. M
On last Thursday we took a drive of
eight or ten mile south across the
cou u Cry. The morning was rather
cool aud cloudy, but grew warmer to
ward noon. The first place we passed
was Hint of C. II, Farley's, who had
just completed u cattle shed und was
pulling up a wtnu milt. A mile farther
on we found Re. Haworth buildiug a
eattle shed and lieu house. We went
over some rough, sandy roiul before
reaching .1. Bjornduhl, where the land
wus good again.- He bus a very good
claim with good, substantial buildings,
und bus put up 11 new Eclipse wind
mill to water the 75 bead of horses bo
h pasturing on his section at 35o a
hvud per month. A mile or moie fiom
here, to the left of us, we see the build
ings on the claim belonging to Miss
Ho Ida Peterson. She is having a new
barn built. A short distance from this
we came to the Peterson ru'nett Mr
Peterson has lived in this country for
more tliuu twenty years. We stopped
here on our return home and fouiid
Mrs. Peterson a very sociable and en
tertaining lady. They huve u nice,
comfortable home with very neat and
pleasant surroundings. Mr. Peterson's
son-ln-luw is building him a new house
a little south of the home place. We
saw Ed Peterson's home in the distance
to the right of us We arrived at Guy
Mart's about eleven o'clock and took
diuner with them We enjoyed the
good things Mrs. Mart prepared for
dinner, especially the light, snowy bis
cuits und the peaches and cream. On
our return home we passed by the new
house of Marshul Houser. They huve
just moved 'into their new home and
have a tine locution As we 11 eared
the home of Augustus LcBeok we saw
a chicken thief stealthily creeping
through the garden until he reached
the Hock of chickens that were busv
eating their evening meal, he grabbed
one and started for the hills. We will
venture to say that Gus will give a. dol
lar or two for his arrest; bis sealo is
worth H,f.O und his coat he wore "four
or live dollars more. If unyone wants
the job come around. Of all the itu
provments we suw us we passed
through the country none can excel
this young man's for neatness and ur
rungment and being well built. As we
were "passing Pike's'' the sun sinking
in the distant horUon lingered to touch
the low hung clouds with that beauti
ful gold and red, encircling the peak as
to make it a thing of beauty. It
seemed u burst of glorv. If eurth
lends such enchujitiug vfews to our
vision here, whut will heaven be in all
iUs glory? Worth seeking ufter,
Saves an Iowa Man's Life
The very grave seemed to vuwn be
fore Robert Mudsen of West Burling
ton, Iowa., when, ufter seven weeks iu
the hospital, four of t lie best physicians
gave him up Then was shown the
marvelous curative power of Electric
Bitters. Fbr, ufter eight months of
frightful suffering from Ii7er trouble
and yellow jaundice, getting no help
from other remedies or doctors, tlve
bottles of this matchless medicine com
pletely cured him, lfs positively guar
anteed for stoinuch, liver or kidney
troubles and never disappoints. Only
50o at F. J. Brennun's.
Hemingford House
STEELE & RAY, Props.
Rates, $2 per day
Newly remodeled through
out. The best of table serv
ice. Clean rooms. Special
attention to transients.
The Biggest Department Store
in Box Butte County
t -A
Four big departments and every one of them filled full of bargains for
careful buyers. We invite you to inspect our immmense stock. We can show
you how that by buying- in large quantities we save you money.
Furniture Department
' The special 12 i per cent discount sale will be continued another week.
It is a big success. See the goods and note the prices. We need the room. "
Queensware Department
This new department has just been opened with a complete line of new
queensware. See tne new Japanese ware. It's selling fast. Complete line of
dinner sets.
.' ' '
Ciothing Department
v We Can fit you from head to foot.
Clothing' for men, women and children.
By buying in big quantities and in quick sales
stock always on hand at the lowest prices. Best
Special discount on lots of ten sacks. -
Anything you want
vour monev back.
There will be a big show at the Hope
school bouse Saturday evening. Novem
ber 12 Admission L'.'e. children 10
cents. Those over (Hi years and all un
der will be admitted free. Every
body Invited to attend.
Mr. Prank Nerud, of Mulluda, was
down at Hope Tuesday.
Mr. Ed Mowry, of Minature, was up
to the Hope school house voting for
election Tuesday.
Mrs. A. '.. Niuhola was in Minutare
Tuesday N
Mr. and Mrs Juck Rltter spent Fri
day night at G. W, Horn's.
Mr. George Horn bus a large con
tract on the High Lund ditch.
The Literary at the Cogar school
bouse wus well attended Saturday
evening, the 5th. Literary there every
Saturduy evening.
Mr. George Brown spent Tuesduy uf
ternoon with Mr. Bert Horn.
Mr. A. L, Lore wus at Minatre
Mr. Fred Brennun is the guest of
Jack Ayword for u few days this
week. 1
Mr. Vv P. Parties worth was seen in
Nine Mile Canyon Tuesday
It is getting winter like.
J, J. Grimes has so far recovered that
he lias been taken to his home ut East
wood. C. C. Mulloy unloaded a car of corn
which he shipped in from the east.
The election is past and was quite a
surprise, especially the Dahlmau men.
The Brown Creek Cunul bus a force
of men and teams at work widening
their canal.
The Poster Lumber Co. ure filling
their coal bins iu anticipation of cold
und whiter.
C A. Wugoner is buildiug u large
cellur in which to store his large crop
of "spuds".
M. L. Webn has sold his stock of
general merchandise to A. M. Wade
from Colorada.
Gilbert Fruier U building a Inrge
house und burn on section B-l, 10 4S,
There aro large number's of wild
geese along the river, and the sports
men ure giving them little rest.
Wo leurn that E. A. Cooper has sold
his furm to M. 11. Hagerty. Mr. Coop
er has u "Klnkuld" which he will move
Messrs. Daily, Pierce aud Shay, of
Lisco, were sojourning In Broadwater
a few days lust week,
George lleerjiue bus established u
record for large Iiogs. They are of the
red variety.
Will Promote Beauty
Women desiring beauty get wonder
ful help from Buckleu's Arnica Salve.
It banishes pimples, bkin eruptions,
sores and boils. It mukes the skin
soft und velvety. It glorifies, the face,.
Cures sore eyes, cold sores, cracked
lips, chapped hands. Best for burns.
j scalds, fover sores, cuts, bruises und
piles. S5c at F .7, Brennun's.
All wool
Grocery Department
- '
for sale at this store. Satisfaction guaranteed or
c ,
WtT Hemingford's New Store
Drugs, Sundries,
S Successors to Boyd's Drug Store
Cold Weather
I handle the "KING BEE" heater. It's a fuel
saver and its capacity of holding fire is astonishing.
The prices are reasonable. See them.
I have in stock a complete line of the latest
models of ranges.
Stove boards and stove oilcloth, all kinds. ;of
Builders9 Hardware
Hemingford, Nebr.
Central Lumber Co.
Building- Haterial, Piles, Posts
hehinqford, and Coal Nebraska
suits from $10 to $20.
we have a good, fresh
grade .of flour is $1.65.
T' n
. .- , ..-- 5
Paints and Oils
sn&svw , r-- VAJm?psW'i-