J m Hr-M-frM- M ti y'L'siy "US1 .flflslssliifliW ' tf r t (mmpm Published Hvery fhurMlay b Th HtraM Publishing; Company. LLOYD C THOMAS. UuMm's Mffr. JOHN BEACH, Ahm'I, Him. Mgr. JOHN W. THOMAS tfdltor Entered at the poMollico at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, os second-cUss mattor. Subscription, Si. 30 per year in advance, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 9l WORK AHEAD OF PARLIAMEN1 Considerable Unrest Discovered Ir Irish Nationalist circles. London, Nov. 15. On tlio eve or Hie reassembling of parliament thcro Is a kooiI deal of unrcHt In Irish National 1st circle, tho optlnilfiin ko wldolj provAlont ten days ago hiivlng given way to less rosy vlowa. Indications multiply, though tho; may bo deceptive, that when Mr. Ah qultu fttcofl tho commons tomorrow he will not Immediately fling down the glove to the Unionists on the much tlon of tho lords' veto, hut will ndopl a tomporlxlng policy. Ho will be supported by nil elementn In the cab lnet with a vlow to enrry over until tho Kobrunry bobsIoii final discussion of the various measures to reform the second chnmbor, Including tho Hose bory bill of Belt reformation. Such tactics would imply that Uul four has Riven tho prime minister as surnucca of such action or Inaction on tho part of tho Unionists ns to ren dcr It Impossible for Mr. Redmond ta turn out U10 government, ns ho repeat edly has Bald he would do If definite BuarnntooR of home rule were not forthcoming immediately on the runs sembltng of tlio commons, WHEDON FILES BRIEF Nebraskan Argues In Favor of Bank Guaranty Law. Washington; Nov lG."Vhat the depositors wunt to know Is that their I ot tll(5 tyoronoco company, Oroat Har- CONDENSED NEWS $ K-H-l" 4"H""M- Tho death of James Frothlngham Hunnefll, tho author, was announced at Boston. Labor lenders in Prunes plan n fight upon the program outlined by Chi government. Tlio Nobel prize for chemistry Imb been nwiinltfil to Professor Otto Wal Inch or tho University or Goettlngon The Panama nntlohal assembly up proved 11 losoliitlou Instructing tlio executive to recognise the republic of Portugal. Tho third now stnr to bo discovered at thu Harvard collogo observatory In tho last six weeks was announced by Professor Pickering. A now road record wns mado at the Bnvnnunli auto meet, 70.55 miles an hour, liy David liruco-Urown, the win ning American drlvor. John 13. Redmond, chairman ot the Irish parliamentary party, returning from ti tour of tho United States, ro ceived ovations at Cork and Dublin. Ootornor Carroll ot Iowa appointed lafnyctto Young, editor of tho' Dos Moines Dally Capital, United States H"iintor to succeed tho lato J. P. Dol liver. Charles B Kohl, aged fifty-six, president of tho Western Vatulovlllo Manageis' asuoclntioii, died suddenly of neuralgia of tho heart at Oconomo woe, Wis. Secretary of War Dickinson will lecommeiid In his unnuul repot I the purchase of five or ton military aero planes for use ot tho signal corps of the army. Rov. Dr. Charles Hummer Durch, archdeacon of Richmond, Staten Isl and, has been elected bishop suffragan of tho Protestant Episcopal dlocoso of Now York. Wilson Potter, son of Colonel Thorn as Potter, Jr., a millionaire, who Is dvlng nt Atlantic City, won a 5,000 mile race with death when ho arrived there from Alaska. Tho three robbers, believed to be Itnllnus, who stole 10,00u In cash and checks from It. J. Hlnos, paymaster gyfTty HHsssBRflsssssssssssssssvsLB sssssssBssLk. issa CK "ssB9klsWr V 'TLJsy9HtBHk'BBr V aSSSSSSSHSSSSSSSSB JBBBk pH f HHSBBiH T 1& M V&V"tTnUm " WW '5 aiBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBV !bLLLLLLB "WBftjpw LLLLLLIHa. a mffk a t fc v&013it&. WLBBBLB 0 bIbBWIIbHbV V ANNUAL. 'Ji-WWiWM"'yrz'm BBBra-J'j - --"""" i bbt oci.vmri CbMLI''' L.mrltKU Ml VftMRS.WILUAM C.STORYJ News Snapshots Of the Week Tho annual horse show In New York city and the national live stock show In Chicago will keep the breeders of blooded animals busy until Dec 8 talking of the respective merits of their horses, cattle, sheep and bogs. King Albert of Belgium was sur rounded by mob at opening of parliament, who demanded universal suffrage. Margaret Anglln, tho famous actress, Is seriously lit In Chicago. Pletro Mnscngnl, tho famous Italian composer, Is coming to the United States to produce his opera "Ysober for tho first time next month. Mrs. William O. Story baa started her light for the presidency of the Daughters of the American Revolution. This Is an an nual fight In which mnny of the prominent society women of the country tako part. Uopobtts nre secure; tunt tnoy can got ri,,gton. Mass., are still nt largo. tneir money wnen may can ior u This legislation Is Intended to afford them that assurance." This is the burden of.to jjrlutod nrgu xnent tiled in the supreme court of the United States by Charles; 0. Whodot on behalf of Nebraska In defense ol tho constitutionality of the statute guaranteeing deposits in bankB. Qra arguments ontlu) validity of this anc Blml)aJojufitJpent8 In OUlahp'niu' u"mJ Kausas, win bfc heard before or aflei the' Christmas holidays, The statute 1b defonded against tho attack that II conlllctV with the Declaration or Inde pendenco and tho Ncbrnsku constitu tlon. Inthnt It Interferes with tin rljjht to pursue happiness, Including tho pursuit of any lawful tvoeat Ion. Mr. Wjhedon Holds thut II liad been loft to the states to determine what tends to promote, not" only tho public health and morals, hut the public wel fnro and fcnfety. 1 Two Men Burned In Hay Loft. ' Chicago, Nov. 15. Thomas Honne fcerrj and Charles Kruogei', trapped ti A hay loft, wore burned to death and & dozen families, scantily attired, llei Into the cold when lire destroyed h tarn In tho rear of GGtt West Forty seventh street. The merihad boot nkeping In the hny loft, and neigh bors nnd flromen wero unnwnro 01 their presonco until tholr charred bod iospvere found In the ruins. NEW RECORD IN COMMERCE DOCTORS Searl&s & Searles ( years In Lincoln 8PUCIAL.ISTS IN Cbroolc and Nervous Diseases o( Men and Women SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES Gall Sloncs & Piles removed without an nnni-Rtlon. All ills eases ot tho Nose, Throat. Lungs, atom, nch. Dowels, Liver, Hlicumatlsm. Stria- turo. Varlocole, xcidney and Uladder. AH Diseases and Disorders ol Men Alt Examination and Consultation FREE, Charge Low, Quick Cure. Call or writo for booklet. I. O. Box 211 Otneo hours 9 to 11:30; 1 to 4; nl6hts7 to $ Drs. Searles & Searles, Lincoln Nat- jOiSVVMMV B ELAN OPERA O U S E Exports of Foreign Merchandise Largest In History. Washington, Nov. IS. T$xports ol foreign merchandise from the United States in the fiscal year 1010 wero the largest on record, their value having been $35,000,000, against V-M0O.OUU U -1009. Even with thu large increase shown, foreign merchandise contributes a Binall proportion of thu total exports from the United States. Thus, of the $1,745,000,000 worth of exports during 1910, forelgu merchandise contributed 135,000,000, or but 2 per cent ot tho total. This condition Is in marked coitrast with thut obtaining iu the commerce of the Unltfd Kingdom Of the exports of that country tu the year which ended with June, 10.10, ag gregntlng $2,4G2.000,000, $187,000,000, orv'ao pr cent of the total, represented tho value of foreign and colonial mer chandise exported. PfiEPARTTO FIGHT PACKERS Lawyers Work on Evidence In Change of Venue Case. Chicago, Nov, 14. No papers were filed by the government in answer to the packers' petition for a change oi veuue from Judge Land Is. but it It expected that before tho hearing Wednesday the Issuo will be raised squarely by a formal denial of the truth of the statements on which the packers based their appeal. luch binges on the meaning and use of the words "causu or contro versy." In the packers' petition they are used as if synonymous, while the government contonds that thero may be- several causes In the same gen oral controversy, that each cause may be distinct, and that the participation ot the judge as counsel iu one will not bar him from acting In a judicial capacity In another, particularly when that other 1b different In parties, differ ent in facts, and separated by a lattae of fifteen .veqrs. f Olfford I'lncnot has appealed to the president for permission to tlio n brief in thu CutinlughniuAlnska coal land claims. He declares tho president alone should net upon theso cases. John Dutilhoo, a railway couductoi, was sentenced to Hervo one year In prison and pny u fine of $1,000 for as sisting opium smugglnrs, In tho Unit od Htutjis illstrlaJL court Iu St. Louts. Jamea Porker, a wealthy negro fnrinor,. wns murdered In his home at IlHtchlnsui;. Kan Parker Is believed to'havo boon robbed of tho proceeds of u Bale of lino llvo stock by the mur de er. With a bullet hole through tho head, the body of Hay Mason, labor official, residing at Knlamuzoo, Allen., was found In n marsh on the outskirts of Warsaw, Ind. Ho Is believed to have been muidered. Leigh llhodiiH. arrested at Kant St Louis on a chnrgo of burglary and who confessed to having shot nnd killed Dr. W. P. Miehnelis and Anton Helblg In this city, was brought tu Chicago by Chicago detectives. The Kansas agricultural college la sending out a warning to ovory fnrin or In Kansas, asking that steps be taken nt once to exterminate the chinch bug. The bugs are now: guth oring Into the winter qunrters. A vocal library is the latest Idea in Prance. It is being Installed In the Hlbllothliiuo Natlonale, Paris, and consists of n collection of grnphophone records of words spokon or sung by grnet nuthors, orators, singers and actors. Prolonged rains in eastern Prance have swollen the uftluentu of the Seine and the steady rising of the big rlvei has caused uneasiness In the lower sections, Tho suburbs of Paris In tho vicinity or tho river are already Might ly Hooded. A warrant charging Thomas McCoy, right end or the Ucthany college root ball team, with murder In connection with the death or Captain Rudolph Munk of tho West Vlrglnln university team, v as Issued by Magistrate Hobbs The action followed the inquest. Plve twin. Including one described as the "Uov. Claude Severance," were arrested by pobtolllce Inspectors at New Yoik, charged with using the malls to defraud through El Progresso Hannun company and Us fiscal agent, flio International Finance company. The New Mexico constitutional con vontlon disregarded the advice given by Theodore Roosevelt to make a constitution easily amended and adopt ed an artlclo requiring two-thirds ol each house to pioposo an amendment and n big mujorlty of the electorate to approve. In nn effort to check the wave ol criino. In which eight persons have boon shot by robbers In tho last Ave days at Chicago, the police depart inent sent fifty reserve men into the outskirts of tho city with orders ta search aud arrest all persons sus pected ot carrying weapons. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED TOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING CJY THE GCNERAL OFriCCa NEW YORK AND CHICAC BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL Cilit-S ONE MERRY NIGHT Saturday, INovember 19 'kt5ve AJDldoxjo IPeYVms" ur The Greatest Musical Comedy of the Season WARDA AS THE WIDOW, The One Decided Novelty Creations of the Season. A GREAT TEATURE The "Dance Du Vampire" A story without words based nn Tvinlitif's linnm. NTnvoi' shown hitherto outside of the eastern cities. GRUBER & KEV THE MUSICAL DUO, Playing on the Greatest num ber of instruments over seen I here. A Supporting Company of Excellent Merit. 12 Musical Numbers. Special Scenery (or every net. Admission, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c. The runniest Comedy liver Seen. Hi ABOUT THAT "CAR LOAD" ?v v 'vW f i . .- OF '1H -x; 1 Ji t 1 V x.t CM "Kurtzmann" Pianos That si eoial Car Load of "Kurtzmann" Pianos has already been unloaded In Alliance. There were SIXTEEN pianos in that car, and a goodly portion of them are NOW on exhibition on the floors of our Alliance7 In several large announcements recently, we TOLD you that these were SPECIAL pianos; purchased SPECIALLY for our Alliance store; to be'sold at SPECIAL prices to early coiners. rrTTr .. .P , , t Did you SEE theso instruments yet? NO? Well then, you SHOULD see them if you have an ear for tone, an eye for beauty, . The Kurtzmann" people of New York City BUILT these pianos, and they builded oven better than they and THAT is saying a GREAT deal USUALLY build, The "kurtzmann" makers are as anxious as WE to get a foothold in Box Butte county; they KNOW thorp will bo' hundreds instruments sold in your neighborhood in the next few Seasons, and they are AMBITIOUS enough to want THE1K piano to !be . of tho MOST prevalent. so th m h 1 . ..nK A 4-1'r inn lA'iM nf tnef Ptimntifco Inmr otin11 il.n ...!,. 1 ... 1 And tho Kurtzmann people gave us substantial nssisiuucu uu mm v.n ... ...,lu.., ,,.,., o.muuu wm ihiuuiow enougn at we can afford to "cut into the Alliance market" by "cutting into the price of pianos. e,rir . r We don't know as we will EVER bo able to quote the SAMU prices agam on piuuub ui mis oi-iiau graue; we don't know handsomer case designs will be put on the market by ain 1 maimer; wu uoh . iouiie iu ever again lurnisn you as exquisite WHEN a toned instrument at ANY price. . AV - U1 . AQT. THIS forms a REMARKABLE Christinas opportunity ior you; you winmmu wiw iiv-q ivoa for these "Kurtzmann" pianos; you CAN meet the terms we will arrange if you make up your torVmi7a r 1 11 1 There are "young folks" in your home, no doubt. They will go into ECSTACIES of delight over a piano as good as ANY of these "Kurtzmauus,. Why not buy a GOOD instrument for them? If you are Possessed of only a comfortable" amount of money you can even then LET GO of some of it if it moans PLEASURE for OU and YOURS. Your son or daughter has the NATURAL craving to be accomplished; to be able 1 to blllNE ns an entortahier in society; a Government May Sue for Oil Lands. Washington, Nov. 12. Attorney General Wlckei sham, by direction ol President Taft, has begun nn Inquiry to determine whether 6.000 awes ol valuable oil land In California were known ? coutaln oil when patented by the Southern Pacific Railway com pany. If such is the case suit to re cover will bo Instituted. w - v" -. r'TT-nm rvr a no a . ,.15,v,l .,.-,:lo TIW ,. fh rrrinrr tn (M nhnilfc It If ttieV afG UenieU it lUllOA ULiaoO I1UUU UJ HJlim UDOU. Seek out our Alliance store as EARLY ns you CAN. Ask Mrs. J. T. Wiker, our loail manager, to show you these SPECIAL "Kurtzmanns." Have your export musician friends PLAY a few selections upon them. KNOW wliut a delightful CHRISTMAS GIFT one of these instruments would MAKE, and LEARN what a modest , 1 pure ts asked 1 for them. ' But do it QUICKLY! Others liave their eyes upon this choice lot of sixteen They will not remain UNSOLD very long.,,, It's Your chance. YOUR bargain opportunity on the KIND of a piano you SHOULD have in your HOME. How about it? Will you net now? . The Bennett Co. ALLIANCE, - ' - - - - NEBRASKA V r"hV.. IT XP ri f 11 "CS