r - ?j i. v, . '! New Grocery Customers Every business day we have new customers added to our large patronage. There is a reason for this. The most satisfactory thing about it is that they continue to be our customers day after day. That certainly means that we are giving them satis faction. We study to please our customers. We give them the goods they want, and we send out nice, clean, fresh groceries; neatly wrapped and handled by experienced delivery men who deliver them when promised. Do we make mistakes ? Yes, occasionally, for with a business of the magnitude of ours some mistakes must necessarily occur but we always rectify them at once and guarantee satisfac tion. We're ready to take your order phone 32. GEO. DUNCAN dc SON New :,. , Queensware Litie ' ' I have just added a new, full and' complete line of Queensware. Hy stock includes everything in this line. See the beautiful hand-painted Chinaware, Cut Glass and Silverware. The quality it? guar anteed and the prices are right. I. L. ACHESON ALLIANCE NOVEMBER BULLETIN TO THE SOUTH: Homeseekers' excursions will continue during the winter to the South and Southwest; Winter tourist excursions are in effect every day to southern resorts; these excursion rates offer an excellent chance to escape the Northern winter in looking over the land and recreation possibilities of the new South. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS: On the first and third Tuesdays to the new lands of the West, including the Big Horn Basin which country today offers the greatest combination of in dustrial and farming resources at the cheapest rates that can be found in the country. TO CALIFORNIA: Every day excursion rates with choice of routes going and returning, to include the whole Pacific slope. Thousands of Americans, especially inva lids and elderly people, have selected Southern Cailfornia for their permanent place for a winter sojourn. Send for Burlington publications, "California Excursions," "Pacific Coast Tours-" Let me help you plan the tour of the greatest attraction at the lowest rates. Spring Wagons for Sale We now have Five New Hand for delivery. They are better give much better satisiaction wagons. We will sell these wagons at reasonable price. If you want one of them, call immediately, before they are all taken. Shop opposite Palace Livery Barn. Don oi an & Son J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha - Made Spring Wagons ready made, more durable and will tnan macnine-made spring Suieestive Questions for-November13th November, 13th, 1910. (CopyilRht. 1910. hy Hev. T. S. Linscott. I,T) ) World'a Temperance Lesson. JJtitt. xxiv 32-51. '" ? Golden Text -Watch nnd prny lost ye enter into temptation. MntL xxvl: 41. Verses 32-34 What was the event then pending which Jesus here fore tolls? What were the signs then present that the Jewish nation would he de stroyed? About how lone after this whb Jeru salem destroyed, nnd how was It brought about? Verses .15-36 Why Is the v;ord or God more stable and to be depended upon, thnn the stability of the earth Itself? Wv 11 will the heavens and tho eartt itiss away? (Bee Mark xlll:32.) Were there some things which Jc bub did not know when on the earth, and If so, to what extent was his knowledge limited? Verses 37-11 How did the people act when Noah was building the ark? In anticipating tho coming of Christ how dhould we act at the present time? Take two devout men, one who be lieves that tho second coming ot Christ may be any day and the other that it will not be In his life tlmo nnd state what, If any, different effect It will have upon the righteousness of their Uv?i7 Atjjvhut stage does gating an.d drink ing degenerate into gluttony anfl drunkenness? Compare the evils of a lack of food, and overeating, and stato their respec tive results. What are the, evils ot drinking strong drink? Is it ever wrong for a well-to-do healthy man to marry, or to abstain from marrying? Give your reasons. Verse 42 In how many ways may we look for the coming of the Lord? What do you understand the com mand, to watch, to mean? Verses 43-47 Do these instructions and warnings refer exclusively to tho final coming of Christ and, If so, how do you account for it that he speaks as though they may expect that event In the near future? What is it to bo ready? is that person ready who is engaged In wrong doing, or who has a grudge against anybody? Why? Verses 18-51 Why is not a harsh and cruel man fit for heaven? Why will drinking men and their as sociates be shut out of God's kingdom? (This question must be answered In writing by members of the club.) What will become of those who ar$ not ready when the Lord comos? Lesson for Sunday, Nov. 20th, 1910. Jesus in Gethsemane. Matt, xxvl: 3G-r.fi oippervs Execution Postponed. London, Nov. 8. It was officially announced that Dr. Hawley H. Crip pen, convicted and sentenced to death for tho murder of his wife, Belle El more, would not be executed today, as originally arranged, for the reason the law provides that two weeks must elapse between the dismissal of an appeal and the carrying out of the sentence. The execution hns been flxPd for Nov. 23, Meantime Solicitor Newton, Crippen'B counsel, is drafting a DCtltlon for a renrir-vn SKIN AFFECTIONS WHETHER ON INFANT OR GROWN PERSON CURED BY ZEMO AND ZEMO SOAP The Holsten drug store says to every per son, be it maor, woman or child, who has an irritated, tender or itching skin to come to our store and procure a bottle of ZEMO and a cake of ZEMO soap and if you are not entirely satisfied with results, come back and get your money. So confident are of the efficacy of this clean, simple treatment, that we make you this unusual offer. ZEMO is a clear liquid for external use that has cured so many cases of eczema, pimples, dandruff and other forms of skin eruption, ZEMO and ZEMO soap are most economical as well as the cleanest and most effective treatment for affections of the skin or scalp, whether on infant "or grown person. z HARRY P. C0URSEY Live Stock and General Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone 72 ALLIANCE. NEBR. Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can guarantee all work done by him. Don't truBt your work to travelling repair men. This man will be here permanently. Re. pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling. TO INSPECT CANAL President to Start This Week For Panama. ILL LOCATE THE FORT SiTES, Excavation Work Advancing So Fast That End of It Is Almost In Sight. Chief Executive Will Sail for Isth mus In United States Warship. Washington, Nov. 8.Prcsldent Taft expects to start this week for a visit of inspection to tho Panama canal Tho Inst time ho wont to tho lsth muB It was to nBk if, after all, tho whole canal project might not bo a gigantic mistake. That was just twen-ty-ono monthB ago. Now his errand is to look over fortification sites, to discuss the permanent government of tho zone, the rntes or toll, tho final disposal of tho Panama railroad, the suggested government coaling Btatlon for 8hIpB to tnko up tho problems of the finished canal, ills journey means that the end of the great work is in Bight. Fiction of American Soil. Like President Roosevelt, tho pres ent executive will preserve tho fiction that he has not left American soil by mnklng tho voyago on an American waruhlp. Ho plans to anil from Charleston on Nov. 10 on tho armored cruiser North Carolina, with Mb sister Bhip tho Montana for a convoy. Tho Journey ench way will take about four dnyB, and tho president pinna to remain four days on the lsthnntB. Steaming into tho cnnnl from tho Caribbean, there will bo little for the president to bco, though tho work of the dredges hns pushed a channel for six mileB in from deep water nearly , fss-sr . m :r V. L' K4 N&i em w. yf &; rAl PRESIDENT TflFT TO INSPECT PANAMA WORtt AGAIN J, up to the locks and dam of Gatun. Horo is the greatest change the presi dent will see. When ho left the isth mus the lock slto was n gaping hole in the rock, roaring with tho work of drills and rock trains. The cut wns three-quarters of a mile long and nearly 400 feet broad. Today tho cut Is floored with con crete for two-thirds of Its length- Tbe two huge chambers of the upper lock are done, except for a few finishing touches. Alone this lock makes one of the greatest masses of masonry in the world. Putting in the Cement. The middle lock Is filled with the disorderly properties of a great engi neering Job. Steel towers that would hold up a lighthouse are braced to hold the fresh concrete on the growing walls. Ropes, tracks, braces run every where. Men work in Bwarms tramp ling tho Bliishy concrete Into place in the high steel walled pits, loading cars, setting up shores. The lowest lock of tho three is still noisier, for the work of excavation Is not yet finished. By the time the president arrives, however, it will probably be ready for the concrete men to begin their work. On the Pacific Slope. The cement plant at MIratlores is Just getting under way, and only the floor of the upper lock has been laid. From Mlraflorea it Is only five miles to the harbor of Panama and four miles more between tho islands of the shallow bay to deep water in the Pa ciflc. Hero the president will see tho Blto of the great breakwater, which may be carried from the Bhore as far as Naos Island, nearly two miles out at sea. These islands form one of the ob jectives of his Journey, for there the men in charge of the canal plan to mount the batteries of mortars and disappearing rifles that are to guard the, work on the Pacific aide. The president, as commander in chief of the army and navy, has the final word as to the placing of the forts. Str''-er Die From Wound. Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 8. The first fatality here as tho result of tho strike of the Iron Mountain machin ists occurred when J, C. Werlick, a striker, died. Werlick was shot and wounded in a clash between strikers and strike breakers near the com pany's shops in Argenta. Three Children Burned to Death. Winnipeg, Nov. 8. Three children of A. Todd, a farmer in tho Buchanan Bask district, were smothered to death by Bmoko when their homo caught fire. The parents were absent. BSv$BHB9BEHBBHBBBHKJBm w2j9BaaaaaaaaaK??fll w mrjn-"vvmr jtsA i mBBBBBBBBB"a MURDERER BURNED AT STAKi Crowd Storms Jail at Rock Springs Tex., Following. Man's Confession. Son Antomo, Tex., Nov. 4. Antonk Rodriguez of Lns Vocns, Mexico, ngeC twenty years, was burned nt the stnk by n mob at Rock Springs, Tex., fol lowing his confession that he shot sunt killed Mrs, Lorn Henderson, wlfo of e ranchman, bocnuBO she "npoke mean1 to him. Rodriguez was arrested whet ho npplird nt ft ranch near Roclt Springs for food. Tho mob Btormed tho frail Btrurturo nt Rock Springs, overpowered tho guard nnd took Rod rjgtirs Bonio dlstnnrc from tho cltj to nn nlrendy prcpnrcd pyre. Without a show of emotion and of fering llttlo resistance, Rodriguez wns bound trt the stake and tho torch ap plied. Whon IiIb body wns complete!) Incinerated the mob dispersed. ARREST IN CHEESE CASES Government After Importers' Accused of Underweight Frauds. New York, Nov, 4. Tho first of sev eral arrests which tho government hai ordered in connection with what it nl legcB to be wholesale frauds In the undorwclghlng of cheese importation! wns made when Antonio Zuecn, one ol tho most Influential Italians of the city nnd head or the firm of Zucca & Co.. was taken Into custody by United Stntcs Marshal Hcnkcl. Ho is charged with giving false weights on cheeso imported from Italy. TAFT CANCELS NAVAL ORDER Torpedo Boats Will Not Follew Acre plane Carrying Mall From Steamer. Washington, Nov. G. President Tult cancelled the ordor promulgated bj tho navy department detailing tvu Bpeedy torpedo boat destroyers to fol low tho flight of Aviator McCurdy from the decks of the steamer Kal serin Augusto Victoria, fifty miles at sen, to land, because ho thought It would ho inconsistent with provlous refusals to permit such ubo of naval vessels. BATHTUB TRUST CASE Testimony In Chicago Completed. Further Hearings In East. Chicago, Nov. C. Tho taking ft I evidence In Chicago in connection with the government's case to enjoin the bo called "bath tub truBt" was practically completed and further hear ings will bo held in the cast. During the hearing the charge wns roado thnt 9Q per cent of the Jobbers of onam oled sanltnrv fnwnre In tho countrj signed agreements InRt June to handle only "trust" goodB. FIVE ALABAMA MINERS KILLED Gas Explosion Works Havoc In tiie Yolande Plant. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 5. A gas explosion occurred In the mines of tliq Yolande Coal nnd Coke company bhottly after midnight and five men were killed. The mines aro located In Tuscaloosa county, thirty ihIIcb south of Birmingham. The bodies of the victims have been taken out of the mine. Cyclone In Portugal, Lisbon, Nov, 8. A cyclone has done great damage at Villa Real, in the ola province of Traz Os-MonteB. The cas ualties are not yet known, hut several small craft have been sunk, and in one case the crew of ten perished. V'i,V,TV,,,I,T'ft,,,,1 THE MARKETS .-M- m J J.J.AJ.AAn,ltJ.,tlAAA.f.J.J.JJ.t L TTWIfTTTT,llVTT,rftVT,n'VT"l,Tl"l Chicago, Nov. 7. Under scattered Are of selling by the best buyers among last week's shortB, the wheat market developed weakness today, and closed at a net decline of a shade to "45c. There was no apparent sup port from the larger operators, who had previously been working for nn advance. Finnl sales of corn showed a loss of V&c compared with Saturday night, but oats were unchanged to "iC up and provisions had Increased In cost 10c to a full half dollar. Close: Wheat Dec., 89889e; May, 95 95VjC; July, 93c. Corn Dec, 4Gi; May, KVM 49c; July, 49"&c. Oats Dec, 31$031c; May, 34c Pork Jan., J17.52V.,; May. J16.M7. Lard Jan.. $10.40; May, $9.92Ur. RibB Jan., $9.324; May, $9.15. ' Chicago (SiBh Prices No. 2 hard wheat, 91V93c; No. 2 corn, 50 C0V,c; No. 2 oats, 31V5C. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Nov. 7. Cattle Receipts 34,000; shade lower; beeves, $4.50 7.60; westerns, $4.5006.75; stockcrs and feeders, $4. 1005.50; cows and heifers, $2.25C.40; calves, $7.50 10.25. HogB Jtecelpts, 30,000; 510c lower; light, $7,9008.35; mixed, $7.65 8.45; heavy, $7.408.40; rough, $7.40 7.60; pigs, $7.608.25; bulk of sales, $7.808.30. Sheep Receipts, 45,000; weak to lower; natives, $3.604.30; westerns, $2.6504.30; yearlings, $4.30 &5.40; lambs. $4.7506.60. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha. Nov. 7. Cattle Re ceipts, 5.S86; weak; beef steers, $4.50 7.25; cows and heifers, $2.7505.00; Blockers and feeders, $3.0005.75; calves, $3 5007.00. Hogs Receipts, 2,940; fchade lower; good heavies, $7.8007.85; mixed, $7.9508.10; best bacon weights, $8.35. Sheep Re ceipts, 26,000; slow; thin ewes of good quality moved' around $2,900 3.00, while fleshy feeder lambs sold around $5.25. Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 324 W. Fifth St. Phone 205 EDITH JYL SWAN TKAotma ot PIANO, HARMONY and Musical History Studio 424 Laramie Avenue Phono aao A. F. BALDRIDGE ATTORNEV-AT-LAW Lund Ofllco Practice ft Specialty Bonded Abstracter in Offices Onieo In Mpforklo block, next to U. 8. Lmi OSico, EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law LAND ATTORNEY Ofilce First National Bank DIdg. Phone 180. ALLIANCE, NEB, WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LIVtf, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA, H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, AJLX.IA.TVCIB, JMICB. rIvlTbroome LAND ATTORNEY Lonn experience s ltccolrur U.S. Land Olflco Is guarantee for prompt and olllciont service. Office in Opera Hause ileck ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA ruewTlcoIT L a wyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil courts ulnco 1603 nnd Itcxlstor U. 8. Land Ofllco from 1003 to 1807. Information by mall n specialty. OFFICE IN LAND OF11CK UUItUIKU ALLIANCE - NK11RASKA. OttlE COI'PEKNOLL lies. 1'honc 20 F,.MKTEI1SEN ICes. Phone 43 Drs.Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and g, Rumer Block Phone 43 " GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND JMJROKON Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL 'PHYSICIAN ANI-SL'RGEON (Successor to Dr. J, E. Moom) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Ofnce hour 11-12 .in. 2-1 p.ui, 7(80-9 p, m. Office! Phone 62 Res, Phone, 85 H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon Phono 300 Calls answered promptly duy and night from ofHlce Offices: Alllancu National Dank Hollaing over the Post OIHco. DR. CHAS. E. SLAGLE WITH , DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work Dr. L. W. Bowman PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Rumer Block, Rooms 12 and 13 Ofllcohours, lOtor.'u.m.; 1:30 to 4. 7 to 8 p. in. Office PhoHO 65 Res. Phone 16 Dr. H. R. Belville PHONE i57 Opera House Block Alliance, Nebr. T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer r-HONE ALLIANCE, 207 NEBRASKA THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Director and Embalmer FUNERAL SUPPLIES Office Phone 498 Res. Phone 510 J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALLIANCE, NKDHASKA Parties out of town should write, as 1 am out much of the time. Ubarices will not ex ceed $5.00 und expenses per day E. C. WHISMAN Practical Painter & Paper Hanger Full line wall paper samples PHONE 709 ALLIANCE, NEBR E. O. COOL Plumbing and Fitting All work guaranteed first-class PHONE 224 R&D BASEMENT ZBINDEN BLOO ALLIANOE, NEBRASKA " ' " ' ''-'- ii 1.1.1 - ---. 1 " W. F. ROSENKRANZ Practical llacksmitMng aul WafM Wwk. HirsisiMWaSMCHitty SIm 6B SkwmI St. kttwMi Mie Mi Ivtmk 1 ALLIANCE, HCMASXA 1