p -. ',' p h. St f.iV ' & - -VM , tt"T F '$11 Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. Cash Ratks Five cents per line each insertion. No ad re ceived for less than ten cents per insertion. Cuedit Ratks Five cents per line each insertion, but no ad vertising account opened for less than twenty-Hve cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Good Things to Eat WriRUt's old- fashioned buckwheat (flour is PURE. Wright w rones no man. 43-4 Lovers of oysters should go to the Keystone. Oysters shipped direct to us from the oyster heds. We handle the New York Counts. Try them. You can get them in any quantity. 42tf F. B. DtSMEK. Pardey's cottage bread is baked by expert bakers and is good to eat Flour, feed and stock salt, . I Gregg & Son, 212 Larmie avenue. Best Soods. Prices right. City deliveries made promptly. Phone 155. 4t-tf To Rent First-class board and room for one young man. Call 713 Laramie Ave., or phone 394. . 47-4-225 FINE, large office room for rent in First National Bank building. Hot water and heat furnished. 47-tf-2Gt For Rent -Furnished rooms. Apply 315 Big Horn Ave. 45-3t'23i Furnished rooms for rent, steam heat, electric lights and bath. Some for light housekeeping. Three blocks west of Alliance National bank. 321 West Third street. Phone 582. 43tf Mrs. Nkm.ik Huatii. Furnished rooms, steam heat, bath, etc., with or without board. Mrs. J. H. Curtis, 518 Toluca avenue. Phone 416. 42-tf For Sale Relinquishment for sale or trade for Alliance citv property. Improved and five miles from good town. Call or ad dress, "A", Herald office- 47-246 FOR SALE. Fine quarter section five miles northeast of Alliance. Good buildings. 45 acres cultivated; 1G0 acres hay land; rest in pasture- Ad dress, Geo. E. Schmer, Alliance 47 it -253 MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE for sale cheap. Located in best residence sectiou of Alliance. Built for a home but owner finds it necessary to sell. Big, light rooms; plenty of closets; modern bathroom with fine fixtures; big lot; fine porch;' and house is entire ly new. Easy terms can be arranged. AddiessJ, Herald office. 47-252 160 acre farm seven miles from Minatare. 30 acres under the Tri State canal and balance under the , Government canal. 25 acres under cultivation. House.baru, cow stable, etc. Price only $40 per acre. Address Jos. Mofiitt, Minatare, Nebr. ,' : jfitf-i95 Buy your stoves of T. J. Threlkeld, 401 Box Butte Ave- 43'tf A good buggy for sale at a bargain' if taken this week. L- M. E. Anderson, 713 Larmie Ave., Alliance. 41-tf For Sale Houses, Etc. First class boarding house at a bar gain in a good location. Call at Her ald office- I seli furniture and house furnish ings cheaper than auybody. T. J. Threlkeld. 43'-tf Eight room house, partly modern, barn, two lots, for sale, goo Yellow stone avenue. Phone, Green iGG. 40-10 Help Wanted GIRL WANTED for general house work. Phone G05. 45-lf-227 WANTED To hire a bright young man for clerk' and general work about til l uiiimi "win niuui jefore and after.chool or st be strong JnTid' willing store, either b all day. Must worker. Phone 340 or call at The Herald office, 45.tf.227 BOYS! GIRLS! FREE COLUMBIA BICYCLES for a little easy spare-time work for Hampton's Maoazinu. Send postal for wonderful FREE - Bicycle Offer. Address "Bicycle Club," Room 538, 66 West 35th 'St., New York. ' 44-4 ACTIVE AGENT WANTED FOR BOX BUTTE COUNTY! Best land proposition ever offered. . We give free transportation to Palm Beach, Florida to examine lands. Jio.oo per month for twenty-five months. Good active agents make big money. For particu lars and literature, write CREW and PHAIR, General Agents, St. Paul, Nebraska. 45'3t-2i3 WANTED AT ONCE Hampton's Magazine wants a reliable man or wo man in Alliance to sell the fastest growiug magazine in America. Earn S1.50 to 5.00 a day. Write immedi ately for "Salary Plan" and Free out fit. Address "VON," Sales Mgr-, Hampton's Magazink, 85 West 35th St., New York. 44 4t New Colorado Honey in frames, twenty cents each. Alliance Grocery c- 47-tt-247 New Crop whole rice, six cents per pound. Alliance Grocery Co. 47-11-247 THESE WANT AD COLUMNS are read by 1,500 subscribers every issue. Advertise your wants. Results count. 47-tf Employment Wanted Wanted, place to work as house keeper, either in towu or on ranch, where I can have my two children with me. Wages to suit. Mrs. Christie Nelson, Alliance. 47-it-257 D R ESS M AKIN G Experienced dressmaker- 319 Yellowstone avenue. Phone 535, Mrs- Barnem. 44-tf-205 DRESSMAKING My dressmaking parlors are again open to my customers and others. Satisfaction guaranteed Mps. Hbiszeniiuttku, 127 Yellow stone, rhone 354. 44-41-197 S. Glidden has returned to Alli ance and is ready to do all kinds of odd jobs of work. Phone iGG red. 3gtf Wauted Work by day or take wash ing home- Phone 4S5 blue. tf Architect The C W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. igtf Business Opportunities For Sale One-half interest in hardware Iium iius.s. Carries line of harness and has best equipped tin shop in western Ne braska. Firm ib doing good business. Iieason for selling is poor health. For particulars address, Hardware, care of Alliance Herald. 32-tf Live Stock, Poultry, Etc. Rhode Island Red pullets and cock rells for sale; also Plymouth Rock pul lets, at 519 Big Horn Ave. 47-2t-2sS FOR SALE One span of mares, 7 and 8 years old, both with foal. Weight 2.700 poun'ds. Call on or write C. II. Gillespie, GoS W. Dakota. 43-tf Now is the time to buy your Brown Leghorns. Call or wiite me at 924 Box Butte avenue, Alliance, Nebr B. H. Perry. 4i-tf Household Articles Let me frame your pictures. T. J. Threlkeld., 43-tf Repairing, Etc. The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is run by M. D. Nichols in the rear of the Alliance Cash Shoe Store. First-class work quickly done, at reasonable prices. 40tf Miscellaneous "Nn Ranger Brand Sorghum, fifty cents per gallon, fifteen cents per quart. Al liance Grocery Co. 47-11-247 For- purity and flavor use Wright's pure old-fashioned buck w heat flour. , 454 COAL Phone 15 if you want coal. Cakkv & Vaughn. 44-tf-2o6 I have 400 tons of good hay for sale, good location to feed stock. J. D. Hagertv, 4 i-tf Bridgeport, Neb. Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3-tf. We have a ' good position open in this county for a man of good standing to take charge of branch oil and gaso line station, to sell direct to the farm ers in bariel lots- Must be able to give cash security as we carry a car load of oil to each station. Will pay good salary or commission to right party Address, Milwaukee Oil & Refining Company, Aberdeen, S. D- 46 2t-235 LEARN WIRELESS & R; R. TE LEGRAPHY! Shortage of fully to, pob Operators on account of 8-hour law and extensive "wireless" develop ments. We operate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials and positively place all students when qualified. Write for catalogue. NAT'L. TELEGRAPH INST., Cin cinnati; Philadelphia; Memphis; St. Paul, Minn.; Enid, Okla.; Columbia, S. C; Portland, Ore. Anyone having clothing of any kind which they do not care to keep, and which they desire to put to good use, will confer a favor by phoning Mrs- W. II. Zehrung, phone 287, Supt. of Mer cy and Help Depaitment Alliance Ep worth League, or Mrs. S. K. War rick, phone 102, Supt. Mercv and Help Department Alliance W. C T. U. This clothing will be used in helping the poor of Alliance this winter. tf. Revival Meetings i A series of revival meetings was commenced at the Methodist church last Sunday evening, conduueted by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Joues. It is ex pected that these meetings will be con tinued several weeks, preaching each evening of the week, except on Satur day. So tar a good interest has been manifested in the meetings. A cordial invitation is extended to all, whether church members or not, to attend. Shall Women Vote? If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true remedy for women. tor banishing dull, fagged feeling", backache or headache, consti pation, dispelling colds, imparting np petite and toning up the system, they are uneqttaled. Kusy, safe. sure. 2ro at l.l. Itrennan's. Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between George S. Baskius and Christina Mac Cra, doing business as the Alliance Steam Laundry, is this day by mutual consent dissolved, said Christina Mac Cray having purchased the interest ot said Geo. ,S- Baskins in the business. All accounts due Alliance Steam Laun dry are payable to Christina MacCray. Dated November 1, 1910. JOIJN C. SllOliMAKHK, Manager Alliance Steam Laundry. 47-2-260 To Whom It May Concern As President of the Crescent Live Stock Company, of Mumper, Nebr., you aie hereby notified that it is clos ing out its business and will not be responsible for any bills hereafter con tracted for on behalf of said Company. Any further credit will not he required. 45-4t-2i2 Thomas Mortimer. Heard Over the Phone Patron: Hello, Ceutial, give me five six. Clerk: Yes, ma'am, this is five six. Patron! What is that demonstration you are to have at your place? Clerk: That will be to demonstrate the Sunshine line of Crackers and Wafers. Patron: How will you do that? Clerk: We will serve a complete assortment of Sunshine Crackers and Wafers with coffee, free to all callers. Patron; When and where is this to be? Clerk: On Saturday, Nov. t2th, at the Alliance Grocery Company. 47 2-263 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Tliuiit'rniliiuts.loel M Iiiinitxi.MatlUlii Itam !, his wife, Ksley x Ramp C'oiiii:iny, mul tho unknown helm of l'li:irlt" IS. (jIIimiii, tlei-cus-eil, will tiike notice tint! on tlin.lnl tiny ot No vember 1UI0, William A. Springer thu plaint ttr, liletl III,-, Di-tltion In the District Court of llox ll'uttH county. NelirusUu, nKitlnst .loci M. Kiuii- ik, Amnion iinmiKi int. who. uisiey iiuiikiiii: Company, Ktiev !fc I'liuip Company, ami un known lielrs of rliiirli'K K. (illiMin. defend ants, the object and tmijer of which lire to (lilet t lit titled In the plalnttir upon the tjinithwest guartiT (SW'D of section Thirty Hw fli) In township Twenty SI v CM) north of IUiiko I'orty .Nine M) went In llnv Unite county, State of Nebraska, and to exclude each and all of said defendants from any In terest therein ,Vou are required to answer said petition on of before the lutli day or December, flu. tinted November:!. Ilip. VVil.i.l.M A. Mi'iiiMini. l7-H-,s:i I'liiititltl. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS The defendnnts Gerhard Kyl.mnp and Mrs. Kykutnp wlf of Oerhatd KvUitmp, llrt-l real name unknown, will take notice that on the 'J re I day of November, HMO Vlritll Smith, plain tltl, llkd his iietltlou In the blxtrlet Court of llox Unite County. Nebraska, nKiilr.st (ierhard Kykump and Mm I'.yUainp wife of lierhanl Cykntup, first real name unknown, defend ants, the tilijit't and tirayer of which N to huv cancelled and set tisldo it certain deed of con vuyiiiiru dated November yl, IH'JO from Otiu llenjamlu K. Sinner and wife to the suld (ier hard K.vWamp for lots Don (I) and Two ('.') and South Half Northeast Quarter tS',Nh,)-f section One (I) In township Twouty Four CM) north of ItnnK'e Fifty tine Oil west In llox llutle county. Nebraska, and to have tho title to wild promises nnleted In the plaintiff. You are required to answer said prtlllon on or liefore tie. I "111 day of December, 1510. Dated NovenilnT 3. I!H0. Viiton. Smith. 47-lt-W I'lattitlir. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION The defendants. Kverett II. Miller, and Al meda UatTroit Miller, his wife, will take notice that oil the 3rd day of Septetulter, 11H0. V. M. Kuluht the plaintiff, tiled his petition In the district Court of llox llutte entity, Mcbras ka, ucaiiist Kverett II. Miller, A lined a IMtTrou Miller, W. V. Norton and The Alliance Hulld Iiik.I Uiaii Association, the object and pruy ur of which Is to foreclose n certain promis sory nolo lu the sum ot ili.W scented by a tnort Huge 011 Uit s lllock I, 'I own of Alliance, llnv Unite County. Nebraska, said notnand mortuao lieinc executed by defendant liver e;t II, ilitler and subject to it uiortKauo of 1,IXK), expeuted hy tho defendant Kverett II. Miller to the defendant The Alliance liulldiuu' ,V Ixiau Association on said property. The Mild tiotosoduethe plaintiff is dated the 1Mb day of sJeptenilxT llHlT, and dint und payable May h, His; that there Is now due and unpaid U..011 said niortKae tho sum of IT"no. for which sum with interest from this dale the plaint 111' prays for a decree of foreclosure and sale of sld premises. Veil are required to answer said petition on or before I lie 12th day of Ueeeiiil-r, 1W0. II iteil .November J'-', I'.'IO I -4. H r. M. KnmIHT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Hie defendants American Investment Com pany und T. A. Tlioinpsou. defendants will take nutlet tliat on tbe:ird day ot .Nov. 11U0, K. K, lteddUli mill IVter Kulieudall. tliu plain tl(I. filed their petition in tlie District Court of llox Unite County, Nebraska, against Alnoriean Investment company, llanlc of Commeree, Amerieau Loan und Trust (Join pany, apd T. A. Tliompson, tliu object and prayer of ivblrli areas a llrst ouuko of aetlou to bine declared tiald and satisfied of record it certain tux lien tixn tlie Soutlicasl Quarter of section Thirty (30) In lownsliip Twenty I'our CJI) north of iCuuj-e fifty (50) wet untfer mid by vlrluro of a treasurer's tux sale cer tlllcatu Issneil to tli mild American Invest ment Company of UnuneUbiirK. Iowa. Novem ber-", IS01 for tlie taxes of tho year I WO In the hiiiii of in lie; and as ii econd cause of action to have deelareil paid nnd sallslled of record a certain tax lieu In favor of T. A. Tlioinpsou. by virtue of n tax salo ccrlitlcate dated .Ian. T. 1WJ for thu taxes of thu year ls.siiinx.rn tha Northwest Quarter of section nineteen (p.i) in .township Twenty Four (-) north of ICumte Tlfty (M) wool In thu hum of tit tu, with pray er that Mild tax lions he. caueullml of reconl and thu title to till of iald lands lie quieted In thu plaliitlrr. Vou are reiilred to answer said pvtltloii on orlxiforu the ltlidayot Uecumlx'r, lUllk Dated Novembers, l'.'ID. 1'. K. liBtiDimi, 1't-rKit Ituniu.iAi,t. 17-lt-M lMalntHTM. POLITICAL ADVERTISING PREACHES SERMON ON THE CAMPAIGN Rev. Mr. McFadny at Osceola Speaks on tilt Personality of Mayor Dahlman. The Mayor Is Presant and an Inter esting Listener to the Ovation. Grand Island, Neb., Oct. Bl.Muvor Dahlmun attended church nt Osceoto yestortlny In company with Dr. nnd 3li-. Bell. They attended tho l-'lrt Pt'esbytcrlmi church, the Hev. Mr. -Me-Knryn offlclatliiR. The presence or Mayor Dahlmnn crentcd u fluWor among those present. With reference to the present political situation, tho Hev. Mr. ..Mcl'mlyn said Sunday; "In the camiKu!sn which la now be ing wvagod In Nobrasku thoro nrc vnid otts utterances which ahould cause the Ohrlstluus of this stnte to stop and think whetlier they wo doing the liord'fl work or not. IT we ahouhl nieot wltli the approntl of the higher iw or wo should endeavor to do what 1 rlzhi. becjvuae iluht fe rleliL While we defend our rights,, wo should de fend them within keeping of light principles. Wo rshmild not even for a moment stoop beneath the dignity of noble mnnilvaotr nnd womanhood and allow our passions to got the hotter cf our reasons. Lest we, our selves. Bhsuhl b2 guilty of sewing the seodd or etnlfe In the world In defending our rlghta, let us remem ber that the mnUr.'ng of prace b:tw?en human inoiita'.s Bltould be uppermost in our minds. Per the greatest being who tnod this earth Bald, 'Bleeped ure the peace makers, for they slrall lie railed the children or God.' "In the case of Mayor Datolmun cf Omaha, let every flirr-inlnded niitn ap peal to his own consclenoo und as'.t himself whether the coinpaisn ! e lng wugetl uiion principle, or upon the past character or Dahlman, na It is presented to the people by Ms oppon ents. Kvu-y inibMc citizen knows full well that some of his opponents lntvo not given a ti'tte preBcntiitlon of Ha taise and ohamctttr. Same, fell 'mean ing citizens have accepted these ala'e ments t face value, but to those who know wil and best, he has been grossly maligned. We hnto to think that men will so Par rrasft their ros ponsljill'.'ty to God as to belle a oor fellow m-irtnl, Btiuggllug hard to llv3 an honest lire. We all hate a He, but which lis the worst kind or lie, u lie deliberately told or n He and truth cunningly mixed together, told d? Hberauely. Indaed, wo may well trem ble when we thCuk tliat men will tfcir? to use against tlieilr rollows a com bination or Ilea nnd truth. The nics: potent agency that Satan ever roryd to hold In bondaga the son of mn nnd to advance Ids klnsdom on tunth 1b tliat awrul conib'Jiutlon llts tmd truth. Tennyson bwutlfully says: 'A lie which is lKUt or the truth la ever the blackest of ljt; for a lie wlrteli is all a He may be fought in the out right, but a lie with part troth Ik the lmrder matter to fight' THieie may perhaps he no ciedlt due Hie man who will not condeaceiul to Hace n'Uc on the wheels ot truth, but wheat. it human mortal must stoop so low as to mix truth ann H logetiwr u stipiiort a cause wa can huve nothing but contempt for such n person. " "Oiuaha'u chitT -executive I? a pl-iin-. everj- day man. He has his faatlta in common wit-h uj, but like an honest man, he jckupwl edges them. He ds not askiV have the lse decldRd upon his "lmst character, but decided from tlic very tstit that lie would be h(ieit in all his convMioiw. as he hus ever been, and that whntsv ho promised to do, he would fuUull. lie InslsLs thnt tho principles lha are ut stake be expostd to th pub-: He view, and thut the public by thcte' ballots tlecldo the fight for governoc shlti That 1h justice. That is fair play. "History teaches that tlie cuiiron, wherever It ongagel in the buWUlng ot. record or Ills vote iu tne hanaie juui it wonldly klngtlom, has fulled u'terly nal. He not only voted against the nnd miserably, but wherever Its koIo. county option bill, he led tlie fiht on imitii- i Mm uiibutldinK of n siilrlt - mil kingdom, it has succewlitl. nie ministers of this state, some of them, should recognize this fact and devote their time, their Jtalents and thdr op portunities teaching tlie people what the word or God im, concerning Uiem. Their motive should bo to bring the word or God liefore the people and not the will of man, for the word ot r.ml Ik the trrcatest law. Why then, In the face of the undlsputnble fact that history records these facts, why then are ministers of Nebraska not enntmit with teflnhllltr tlie WOPd of God, and leaving each nmn decide for iiiniHMir? A mutter that Involve tlie future wolfare of our grout state, DALMAN VS. ALDRICH Koanney Democrat: As time moves forward, develop ments develop und election day Ap proaches, we nro growing srronger In the beltet that James C. Dnhltiiiiu laj lug with their saloons, und, in a gon a better twin in every respect tlinn'cral way, Jollied Up the crowd. Ho Chester H. Aldrich. Wo nover lutd knew thnf South Omnhn was a wot very much faith In Aldrich, although! town mul he was right lack In tho there have been eleventh hour con- old combination where he used to 1m versions and o tow belated rororma- until he thought he raw u chance to tloiw worked out In nn honest deslro become governor 1y advocating pno- to gut out ot tho rut, but as tv rulelhlbltlon these midden chnngus of Hie In men wiio seek politlcnl preferment are for no other puriwrae thnn to mltJlctul the people ami gain u political purpose. Such 3s what we bellet AldrlcJ has liotit doing. We do not believe his Itfo lias been any more clrcuinspeot or wrapped in purity than has the life of Dahlman, and then, Dahlnmn has this bright mark to his cuedlt-slw has nover played the game ot hypocrisy to gain uny nnui or woman's confi dence. Dahlnmn has nevar been guilty or Inbtuslns a woman to gain any ob- jecl In his life, as has been clnvrg?d against Aldrich In the Oampbell di vorce case. But rather Dahlman has stood up like a man, with u gun in his hand, If necessary, to defend a woman against the brutnlity of n brutish man. Whom would y. n tl; nk the most likely citizen, tlvo hott.ir manhood, the bettor friend to humani ty, morals and decency If it were your matiher, your wife, your Hlstor or your daughter thnt happened to bo the woman in tho cisp. Wouldn't you. admire the mum who would un- hesltadmgly spring to his feet and resent an Inmilt to your wife, daugh ter, mother or sister? Or wculd ,vju believe the man a sr.0t who would Imvdgle any one of thcun Into nn net or disgrace for the pnrpoao of gaining a Tee, or if not a feo, then just for tho fun or tho 'thing? Is that your measure of greaitneRj, of punlty, or decency, or morality? ir Dahlman was just as bad as Aldnich In all other respects, his one nit to wand wonum compared with that or AldPlch would make liltn ua much bet ter than, Aldrloh that no one should hesitate to defend and support Dahl man. A time has developed condi tions lit thl'a campaign, Issues have liractlcally been abandoned In the at temirt. to tmiuler, vllllfy and derame candldaites, especially Dahlman, nnd the ioul birds imo rapidly coming Jionie to irmst. THE GOVERNORSHIP Holt Ccainty Independent: Our riutlers will underbuild how la- Uuisuly we favoretl the noiulni.ttiuu -i Governor Sh.tlliMibtirgsr. We did i J because we lOleved him to be t'.u best governor the t'tnte Iran ever h. 1. We tlo not rat ma a s'nglo word ut' wo ald In hn detail r. It Is u gt-U'. lSa to the atnte to lone U'.e sjdtn-' dU sen lets. Uut the tincstlon nw Is whether Nubia lu ahall ele.: , Is governor .Itiincs C. nahluiau or OL.e tor H. Aldrtah? Same peoji'-a who know ncthtng of tlo f.tc'.H h.i b 1 grostely misled In this c.mi..tlgn. W prefer to s?e fiiiuiiiiigu IcugM out oil iipv.ie'.p.ip, ihm ;t ioriii;ii ki iiu i -jiublN .in iiPWi'. alters h.ur 1 - a i un scrupulotn that we il-?m U time ' tell a few truths aliotU AVlrleh. It ! time the mask was torn wway m'i his hypecrby eicstd to view. W nh 1 wiy more next weVt, His rcc .i 1 Is too rottHt to be rxposel In ou ' In forty ijsues nnd gft 11 t-f ! In this caiurn'gn tl y .: pb'7? that Dahhnan nt Urn- lw drank whisky. It Is true. Hut i la Aldil i. ; They charge that Daltlman tar ?n -caslons bc:n drank. So ha3 Altlileli.j and iiiucli inrc-a frequently than U.ihl mn'n. They eiuwgr thut in h: -ourg r lttys Dcfhlmnn Iilnyed itoker. So he did and so did Aldrloh. Dahlinun has i bad hub', that AHrteK dc n-t have J In a more aggravating form. Aldrich donlpa thnm Dahlman admits tluni . .i k! 11.- -v and does not ta-y to mlskatl :uyon . Mdrleli Is now claiming to le friend of county option, but he re-l ...., ,. -. . , luveaiued the lumor mtereB whan, hojln Front of the Palace Livery Stabis was in the legislature. Ho voted can nearjy aiways fcee a ric getting against ft county 'option 1111. If you r.re in uuunt on tnis, toon up mo doubt on this, look u iG now thinks there Is tt chance. to make some votes by supporun county option. Ilia hom," David City, is uow a dry town, but ho did not help to nulke it dry; he voted, to keep' it wet. Do ymi know why? Well In the first place, he was then standing In with the liquor" Interests, and besides tliat. he owned a saloon building which brought Jilm a princely rent. It brought him a, big ger rent than he could get fromiiny other tenant. He was nuoli a- good plugger for the liquor Interests that they naturally gave him n Mg rent on his building. It was to his inter est to keep David City a wet town mid he voted to keep It so. Tut when tho town went dry there wis no chntice for htm to fatteu off the li quor people- mid he ' thought that county option would ha popular and maybe he could get Into the gover- i nor's chair on 11 prohibition wave, In his speech nt South Omahu a few nights ago, he declared that Ira wanted to Ivave Haloons In SouUi Oma ha Just as long as thoy wanted thorn; that he had no thought of interfor- Jim Dahlman stands for tho aamo thing everywhere In the state. Aldrich talks dry with the dry crowd and wot with the wot crowd. II e blows hot and cold, Ho is nil tilings to all men. Which of these two men would yon rather trust? This is the chief requisite for making Perfect Bake Day Foods. .ready lo start out. We will send one any m..o.., .. 7 ri" "j " a. m . We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve you in any way in which a rig is required. H. P. COURSEY. Prop. !C4g yys Lii?.t t'is23l 1 i ImrSffI (I 13 This is the H ROYAL Baking Powder jM The only Baking JH) Jjt Powder made Jfij Jt J from Royal Grape Jfl JJl Cream of Tartar Sh K J made from grapes flj JK No Lime Phosp:.:2 Sg -w Tyr -S f "vTTScM